Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 62: Hunting Gods (14): Demon Power

In a room that was clean and tidy but smelled of decay,

Agnes opened his eyes sharply. As she opened, a beam of light came in through the gap from the window, and the whole room immediately turned from pitch black to dim.

She looked at her pale palm, her slender brows slightly curved,

"Didn't bring it out? Or, he refused."

She did not bring Qiao Xun's subjective consciousness out of the dream. It made her uneasy.

If the dream is broken, everything that exists in it will be annihilated.

Agnes sat up from the quaint and heavy coffin bed, took a cloak from the side and put it on, his figure flashed like a white lightning, and disappeared here.

When she stabilized her figure again, she had already arrived at Qiao Xun's house.

"Sorry, I didn't knock on the door." After she muttered in her heart, she immediately walked into Qiao Xun's bedroom.

At this moment, Qiao Xun was lying on the bed with the doors and windows closed.

Of course, when Agnes came here, he did not disturb all the triggering devices he had set up, such as the monitoring force field of "Zaiyin".

Sitting on the head of the bed, Agnes looked at Qiao Xun and gradually calmed down.

There was nothing wrong with him, the sea of ​​consciousness was not silent, it was still active.

However, the previous situation did make Agnes a little nervous. Because in her opinion, it was undoubtedly her fault that she didn't bring Qiao Xun out of the dream that was about to shatter in time.

But now it seems that it should not be that he did not bring it out, but that he himself refused.

Agnes couldn't help but think.

Why did he refuse?

How was it rejected?

Why can't you just reject yourself? It stands to reason that the consciousness intensity of a fifth-order evolutionary person cannot refuse any conscious traction of a demigod.

Although he was puzzled, Agnes didn't think too much about it, nor did he dig deeper. Because for her, Qiao Xun is not someone who must be explored.

they are friends,

She will give the utmost respect to her friends. Among them is privacy.

Although trespassing into the bedroom is considered an invasion of privacy, but...forgive me, I'm just worried about you.

Agnes just arrived here and sat down for less than a minute before Qiao Xun woke up.

He felt the breath of Agnes naturally. Subconsciously ask:

"Where am I?"

"At your house." Agnes sat on the bedside chair.

Qiao Xun sat up, looked at her, and exhaled,

"You make it look like I'm in the hospital."


Qiao Xun shrugged, then asked:

"Why did you come here?"

Agnes said:

"I didn't succeed in getting you out, I'm worried."


"Don't be so polite."

Qiao Xun got out of bed, put on his clothes, and said:

"The reason why I didn't come out with you is because I want to explore more."

Agnes frowned and asked worriedly:

"Aren't you afraid of your own subjective consciousness being annihilated? It's too risky."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Actually, that dream was built by me. It wasn't a dream I had. Because it was built by myself, there was an underlying framework. The main body of the dream was broken, but the framework was still there. So, it's nothing to worry about. "

Agnes was surprised,

"You built it yourself?"


"It's amazing, even I was deceived." Agnes said, suddenly realized, "Oh, that's why you are so sure that you will never dream of me."

Qiao Xun nodded with a smile.

Agnes snorted,

"Rude man, teasing a lady is not a gentleman's act."

"You are a lady, but I am not a gentleman."

Agnes crossed his fingers slightly, placed it on his lower abdomen, and asked:

"So, have you learned more?"

Qiao Xun was lost in thought, he hesitated.

Do you want to tell her what happened next?

Look into her blue eyes. Qiao Xun's heart became peaceful.

"Actually, there is nothing particularly useful. As you can see, the seed of the dream-eating tapir immediately chose to destroy the dream after discovering that the dream was abnormal. After the dream was broken, I was in the bottom frame with it. I wanted to ask more about it. But it was decisive and chose to understand. However, when it left, it said something like 'My king will never end'." Qiao Xun asked suspiciously, "Who is its king...?"

When Agnes heard this, his face suddenly changed.

"It said... 'King'?"

Qiao Xun paused,

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Agnes lowered his eyes, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and whispered in his mouth:

"The primordial demon... is the king..."


Agnes forced a smile,

"Feel sorry."

"Can't you tell?"

"No." Agnes shook his head, his blue eyes dimmed a little, "I just remembered something unpleasant."

Qiao Xun was silent for a while, and asked softly:

"Can I know? As a friend."

Agnes stood up and walked out gracefully. Qiao Xun took a step behind her.

"In the past five hundred years, I have thought about many things. The most thought is, why did I become like this...why did I become a vampire. Qiao Xun, in fact, I should not tell you that I am a vampire. The world There are indeed vampires, three major blood races, the totems are the world of Lamia, the witch Lilith and Cain. I... just pretend to be a vampire, because... I have a common feature with them, immortality. But in fact, I still don't know why, I became like this."

"You're not a vampire."

Agnes said, "It's probably just the undead. For the past few hundred years, I've been trying to find a way to become a normal person, collecting data, exploring legend after legend, and adventure in various places of miracles. A A clue is laid out, and gradually, I understand one thing."


"Someone cursed me."


"Yes. Curse me of immortality."

"Is this a curse?"

Agnes looked at Qiao Xun resentfully, a little angry,

"Qiao Xun, you don't understand at all, immortality is certain, it must be a curse!"

The first time I saw her angry, she frowned slightly and the tip of her nose wrinkled slightly.

"Feel sorry."

"Oh, forget it. It's my problem. You really don't understand this feeling. I shouldn't be angry with you."

"Then, do you know what the curse is?"

"The curse of the devil." Agnes said, "It's unfortunate for me. The witch who was once should be the object of the curse, but, in the end, I took it for her."

"But, if you didn't bear it for her, you would have died at that time."

"So, luck and misfortune are always intertwined. There is never complete satisfaction."

Qiao Xun thought about it and asked,

"Do you think that is the curse of the Demon King?"

"I can't think of anything else. Except for the Demon King who can issue such a curse, it seems that no other demon can curse others to be immortal."

Agnes lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

Qiao Xun comforted,

"Don't be discouraged, there will be a way to lift the curse."

Agnes did not speak.

If it is really a matter of words, it will not have to endure five hundred years.

However, Agnes is not an emotional person, and he will not transmit his unpleasant emotions to others. She smiled and said:

"Okay, I'm here just to see if you're okay. If it's okay, I'll be relieved. You have also felt the power of the Dream-Eating Tapir Seed, and I believe you will have a reasonable judgment on it. I have to gone back."

Qiao Xun looked outside, it was already morning. he asks:

"Want to have a meal together?"

Agniston stayed, looking at Joe Xun with wide eyes,

"Can we be together?"

"Of course. We've known each other for so long, and we haven't eaten together yet."

There was a healthy flush on her pale face. Of course, it's not a shy flush.

"The last time I ate with others was more than four hundred years ago."

"You've been alone for so long?"

They walked towards the dining area. Although everyone knows that there are three train conductors in the sea train, very few people know what the train conductors look like.

So, Agnes walked outside, presumably, just a lady with blonde hair and blue eyes.

she says:

"In the first hundred years, I met a friend who also liked to read all kinds of books. But she was a woman, and in those uncomfortable times, very few women could read and write as they wished. She was born in poverty her family, even more so. However, I still have the strength to support her reading and writing. We have always been close friends until she grew older and I remained the same... I always remember, A word she said to me when her life was choking. She said, I am jealous of you, you can never grow old and not die. Since then, I have always been alone. A person who has traveled all over the world, always shining in the sunset At the dining table, staring at the distant light of stillness and gentleness."

Qiao Xun did not comment on this.

He couldn't comment on Agnes and her former friend. The situations you face are different, and it is difficult to empathize with them.

Agnes was probably a little restrained because he hadn't sat at the same table with others for too long.

She treats the time with Qiao Xun gently and carefully,

It seems that such times are hard to come by and are few and far between.

After breakfast, Agnes returned to his quiet and decaying house, sitting alone in a dim room, his quiet eyes looking somewhere.

Qiao Xun also returned to his residence, of course, he is not "doing nothing" like Agnes.

A clone of the Dream-Eating Tapir Seed devoured by "Gluttony", the cognitive information obtained is still waiting for him to review—

【Demon Species】

[The Seed of the Dream-Eating Tapir: Angele Sen]

【No Totem】

[As an existence without faith, the devil has never had his own mythical world. For most mythical worlds, they are pests, and when pests pass through, they must be in a mess. The endless demon curse exists in almost all mythical worlds. Those curses eat one life after another, one story after another;

[As a seed of the dream-eating tapir. Angele Sen is always committed to extracting everything it needs from the dream, destroying one dream after another, and making the lives polluted by it go mad and mad in the panic all day long]

This is the basic information of the demon species Angele.

For the first time, Qiao Xun saw the existence of no totems. Even protists like marginal deep divers have totems.

But the demon species did not.

Demons are beings without faith.

He remembered again in Kabul, the magician Gulalan Bomeng of the Church of Yila.

When he devoured Gularan Bomeng with "gluttony", his voice was hoarse, and he shouted "Demon Seed" in fear. This was also the first time he knew of such an existence.

Of course, Xun Qiao understood that Gularan Bomeng was shouting to himself.

And just now, when it devoured Angele with "gluttony", it was very excited to say the words "My king will never end".

Who is he, and it, talking about?

Although Qiao Xun did not agree, he had to admit it. They are mostly talking about themselves.

"Do I... have anything to do with demons? Or, the characteristics of 'gluttony' and 'lust' have something to do with demons..."

Qiao Xun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, looking at his ordinary self in the mirror.

His ideas are firm,

He is just himself and nothing else.

In addition to digesting Angele's basic information, "Gluttony" has something special.

【Demon Power】

[The source of the demon's ability to display. Demon power is a very complex existence, not as simple as rune power, dominance, creativity, spiritual power, etc. It can be easily graded by efficacy and can be easily utilized. After the demon absorbs the existence of beliefs, emotions, and other powers, it will condense into its own power, which is called the power of the devil. Therefore, the demon power of each demon is different]

Qiao Xun felt the power of the devil.

This is the demon power extracted from Angele's body.

As described, it is complicated and chaotic, and it feels like taking care of a mess of yarn, giving him a feeling of incomprehension and confusion.

Although it is very troublesome, it is not completely understandable, it just takes a certain amount of time.

Qiao Xun is not in a hurry, and now he is waiting for the VIP seat to hold a new round of parliament, which is free time.

It's perfectly fine to deal with this wisp of demonic power.

Then, Qiao Xun began to "retreat and practice".


"My king never ends..."

This sound suddenly exploded in Angele's mind.

All the cognitions from one of its clones were all transmitted back to the main body with the collapse of that clone ~www.readwn.com~.

At this moment, its main consciousness is located in a certain brain of a sleeping super-giant life in the deep sea. It is very safe here, and almost no one can find it, so it can stay here with confidence and then pollute other people's dreams.

"My king never ends..."

Angele felt these realizations, and a distant emotion flourished.

It has no substance, otherwise tears would have filled its eyes. However, its excitement and excitement still slightly disturbed the super-giant creature it had deposited, causing it to turn over slightly, thus triggering a not-so-small undersea earthquake.

"Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies... Gluttony. Beelzebub is alive... still alive!"

Angele's excitement, to a certain extent, affected its avatars in dreams all over the world.

So, this night, for those who are dreaming, this is a painful experience.

"King... I will set off to meet..."

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