Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 63: Hunting God (15): The Missing Seer Takata Morita

The sea train began to whistle.

The whining sound spread over the Antarctic and the surrounding sea. The water droplets aroused by the sound wave shattered into a salty mist, reflecting the splendid rune light that shone from the sky even more dreamily. It's like a sea of ​​rainbows all around.

Of course, beauty is only superficial. Under the sea, I don't know how many natural creatures and polluted creatures are dizzy due to the influence of the sound waves.

The train began to whistle, which means the departure day is approaching. This is to inform passengers who are still stranded outside, please return as soon as possible.

Usually one day.

That is, one day, the train will depart from Antarctica to another stop.

On the Antarctic continent, the passengers who heard the whistle could not help but quicken their pace, for fear of being left behind. Indeed, during this period of time, the ever-changing Antarctic left a bad impression on them. Compared to Antarctica, places like the train are considered a paradise.

Antarctica, a big rift,


Shi Qi let out a long breath and asked Jiang You next to him,

"The road ahead should be relatively stable."

Jiang You looked at the instrument in his hand, and after checking and verifying it carefully, nodded and said:

"Well, the road ahead is basically flat and solid ice. You can use the floor sweep directly."

Shi Qi nodded and said loudly:

"Everyone, sweep up the floor."

After a rustling movement, a group of six people put on their equipment and galloped across the white land following the command.

After swept away a kilometer in a row, Pergmont shouted:

"Wow! So happy!"

After being tense in Antarctica for so long, I finally left. For them, it is indeed a very happy thing.

Harry said:

"It's time for us to get a promotion when we go back. After doing so much in Antarctica, he investigated the carrion mines and cooperated with the energy collectors to mine."

Jiang You asked:

"How do you want to go up?"

Harry said:

"Of course I'm going to the restraint area. Isn't the team leader from the restraint area? After this is done, he will definitely return to the restraint area. When that time comes, let's go to the restraint area to meet him, how comfortable it is. what."

"How do you know that the team leader is from the restraint area?"

Harry spread his hands,

"Otherwise, it's powerful and mysterious, and every time the restraint area directly issues orders."

Jiang Youbai glanced at him,

"I said you should stop delusional."

"Where is this delusion, it's a reasonable guess. Jiang You, don't tell me you haven't thought about it. Che, who can't see it, since the team leader came to our team, you wear makeup every day! In normal times, you are a It only changes every three or five times."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang You glared at him, then swept the floor and slid next to Mary.

Mary smiled and said:

"It's okay, Yuu. Youth, that's all."

"Mary, you are talking nonsense too!"

"The team leader is really good. As a man, he is capable, responsible, calm, and looks very pleasant. It's normal to be attractive to the opposite sex, so don't be embarrassed."

Jiang You sniffed,

"So, such an excellent person can't really be with us all the time. Every radish has a pit, what kind of radish, what kind of pit."

Harry scoffed:

"People without culture can only describe it like this."

Jiang Youcao smashed a ball of rune energy on Harry, smashing him to the ground.


Seeing Harry nibbling on ice on the ground, Jiang You was satisfied.

She then sighed,

"Hey. We just talk about it, don't say these words in front of the team leader. The team leader is very good and attractive, but I'm not a love-minded idiot. I met a good and good-looking man. I can't walk. Science and research are my real boyfriends. I have long decided to dedicate my life to science."

Mary laughed,

"As expected of you, you didn't disappoint me. You're still so cute."

Jiang You asked curiously:

"Where's Mary? Now that Fei has found her home, you have to give yourself a home too."

Mary raised her eyebrows,

"Why can't I be my destination? You, don't think that people have to live with others. It's true that people are social animals, but there are always people who think that living alone is a very good choice. Fei is gone, I There is no idea of ​​finding someone to replace her. In short, I don't feel lonely, I don't feel lonely."

Jiang You Wangtian,

"Oh, then this sad world has another sad single dog. After all, little beauty Mary will be beautiful alone."

Mary pursed her lips and smiled.

The trip to Antarctica has a lot of influence on everyone in the fourth group.

In this frozen world, they are more awake than usual. Soberly examine your relationship with the world, and think about how to find your own way of life in this chaotic world.


Morita Takata suddenly screamed, causing everyone to stop and look.

He appears to have tripped over a bulge of ice and slid a long distance on the ground before coming to a stop.

Shi Qi hurried over to help him up,

"Are you all right, Mrs.

Guitai had some scratches on his face, he touched his face and forced a smile,

"It's okay, it's okay."

"Why did you suddenly fall down?"

"A little distracted."

"It's fine." Shi Qi didn't ask more.

Morita Takata does often fall into a state of elusiveness.

"Well, thank you..."

"it's okay no problem."

After Morita Takata stood up, he immediately swept the floor and left. A person quickly slid to the front of the line.

He looked in the direction of the train, his eyes were wide open, and a panic was brewing in it.

The reason why I fell just now was not because I was distracted, but because I was scared.

He caught every trace of what was about to happen.

But just a trace of trajectory made him feel very scary. It seemed like... the real end of the world.

A huge shadow hangs over the world, shouting loudly:


The people on the ground followed and shouted loudly:

"eternal life!"

Morita Takata's pupils trembled.

Will something like that happen?

Will it happen?

In his mind, he asked himself over and over again.

Of course, he certainly didn't want it to happen. But what can he do? How can it be changed?

Morita Takata felt that the corners of his mouth were very bitter, as if he was sipping a large ball of industrial saccharin.

The most painful thing is that you have the ability to predict the future, but you cannot change it, you can only watch the predicted things happen.

If it can't be changed, why do people know about it?

Morita Takata has never understood this problem. He hated his own abilities. Predicting the future, it sounds so strong and powerful, but, to him, it is of no use at all...

It was like this when I was reading,

Tell others what you have foreseen, and others will only think that he is insane. And when those things did happen, the client would angrily accuse him of not saying it earlier, and blame him as the culprit.

Saying it won't change anything... it's better not to say it.

So, gradually, he didn't like to talk about those things, and he didn't even like to open his mouth to communicate with people more.

At the forefront, Morita Takata's pupils trembling spread throughout his body. He was shivering all over, and he looked cold.

But it's actually scary.

He really didn't want what he had foreseen to happen, and that hundreds of millions of people would be sacrificed in that event.

Morita Takata can't stand it...

How much he wanted to find someone to tell this story well, if he kept it in his heart, he felt that he would explode sooner or later!

tell who?

Team leader... yes! Team leader!

The team leader said that if you have any troubles, you can share it with him!

A person as strong as the team leader will definitely, definitely understand his own words well.

As a result, Morita Takata couldn't wait even more, and he tried his best to speed up. As if going mad, she opened her eyes wide and let the cold wind blow in.

"Your wife doesn't seem to be quite right." Jiang You said to Shi Qi.

Shi Qi thought,

"Perhaps he foresaw something."

"But this time, isn't he a little too... too anxious."

"What's the big deal?" Shi Qi frowned, worry welling up in his heart.

Jiang You said:

"He was so anxious, as if he was going to tell someone."

"Leader. He doesn't usually talk much, but he knows everything to the team leader."

Jiang advantage head,

"The team leader is indeed the kind of... It's very comfortable to talk to him."

"Let's hurry too."

Shi Qi urged everyone to speed up.

Morita Takata rushed to the front alone and boarded the train one step ahead of everyone else.

Faster, faster!

Hurry up and tell the team leader what's going on!

hurry up!

He was racing through the train, and he couldn't help speeding up again and again, even as the clockwork crew reminded him again and again not to exercise vigorously in the car.

Finally, he arrived at the intersection of the VIP area and the correction area on the upper deck.

As long as you take one step, you can enter the correction zone.

At this time, suddenly, a voice stopped him,

"Is it Morita?"

He turned his head and shouted in surprise:


The joy in his eyes overflowed.

Qiao Xun asked with a smile:

"What's the matter, you look worried."

Morita Takata took a deep breath and said:

"Team leader, I have, I have something very important to tell you!"

Qiao Xun nodded, still smiling,

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

"It doesn't fit here."

"Then, come with me, I'll take you to a hidden place."

Qiao Xun turned around and walked towards the VIP area.

Morita Takata was stunned for a moment and asked:

"Team leader, why are you going to the VIP area?"

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Of course it's because the VIP area is more confidential."

"Ah? Is the VIP area more secret..." Morita Takata was a little confused.

"Yes, Morita, trust my judgment."

Morita Takata took a deep breath, and without thinking too much, he followed behind Qiao Xun and walked into the VIP area.

If he wasn't so anxious, with his sensitivity to information, he could easily react. The real Qiao Xun would not call him "Morita", but the more cordial "Takata".


After three days of layer-by-layer analysis and research, Qiao Xun finally fully understood the demon power extracted from the avatar of the dream-eating tapir.

Mainly composed of emotions. All the emotions, fear, anger, joy, etc. felt by the dreamer who was polluted by it while dreaming, were absorbed by it and transformed into the power of demons, and then these demonic powers further complemented its pollution, The ability to control and tamper with dreams.

A small part is the power of faith, and other powers such as spiritual power, rune power, dominance, etc.

Qiao Xun absorbed this ray of demon power. He tried to use the power of the devil to drive the talent, and the effect was very powerful, almost doubling his power level. And, for him, the most important thing is that the power of the devil can strengthen his several characteristics, "gluttony", "lust"...

Before, there had never been anything that could react to his characteristics. They only change with each promotion.

Now, the power of the devil can catalyze several characteristics to produce further effects.

For Qiao Xun, the core of his ability is several major characteristics, and the improvement of characteristic effect is the comprehensive advancement of ability.

Change is not weak!

That is, after mastering this ray of demon power, a strange feeling rose in his heart.

It seems that the Ascendant Long Rank in the depths of his consciousness is even more eager for this demonic power. Like a new seedling thirsting for water.

Especially the sixth-order, which has been silent for a long time, seems to have begun to shine a little because of the power of the devil.

Qiao Xun had a guess in his heart,

The key to promotion to Tier 6 may lie in—

Demon power.

However, this is only conjecture and has not yet been verified.

The familiar power has been transformed into a complex demon power, which can show even more powerful effects. Qiao Xun thought, this is probably the reason why the devil is very powerful.

This transformation process should be their powerful source.

It is impossible to grasp the transformation process just by analyzing the power of demons.

However, Qiao Xun is not greedy. The road has to be taken step by step. If you can absorb a ray of demon power today, you can get two wisp tomorrow... Take your time, and you will always master it.

After being bored in the house for two days, after mastering this ray of demon power, Qiao Xun was refreshed and planned to go out to find out the current situation of the train.

As soon as he went downstairs, he received a message from Jiang You. After the fourth group boarded the car, Jiang You immediately informed Qiao Xun.

The other five people in the fourth group boarded the car together. After verifying their identities, they picked up their equipment and walked towards the correction area with ease.

When his team members returned triumphantly, of course the team leader had to meet them in person.

Qiao Xun immediately left the house and went to the Correctional Society building to wait.

In the familiar noise, seeing a group of people returning safely, Qiao Xun laughed,

"Welcome everyone, come home in triumph."

Jiang You shouted loudly,

"Team leader, you have to praise us! We worked hard at that temporary base!"

Joe Tour said,

"It's been hard work! I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight!"


A group of people stepped forward one after another. Qiao Xun greeted one by one with concern.

At the end, Qiao Xun paused and asked:

"Where's your lady? Didn't you come with you?"

Everyone was stunned. Shi Qi asked back:

"Is your wife not on your side?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No. I just came from my house."

"He was very anxious just now. I thought he had foreseen something and couldn't wait to tell you."

Qiao Xun suddenly became serious~www.readwn.com~ frowned and asked:

"Is he nervous?"

Mary said:

"I'm more observant. To be precise, nervous and scared. Maybe something very important and serious was foreseen."

very important and serious...

Apart from the imminent recovery of the immortals, Qiao Xun can't think of anything else for the time being.

He said solemnly:

"I'm sorry everyone, let's put the rest and relaxation on hold for the time being, and now set off immediately to find Morita Takata."

Everyone didn't know what was going on, but looking at Qiao Xun's expression, they knew that it was important, so they didn't complain, and immediately split up and started looking for Morita Takata.

There was some unease in Qiao Xun's heart,

He had a feeling that Morita Takata's disappearance might not be easy.

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