Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 64: Hunting God (16): Idiot, it's you!

The fourth group of people acted separately. They investigated the checkpoints in different sections of the sea train, and checked the travel registration records. The information obtained was that Morita Takata had indeed boarded the train before them, and went straight to the upper compartment after boarding. correction area.

But instead of actually entering the correction zone, he disappeared on the way.

And, for some unknown reason, the location where he disappeared was not recorded, let alone where he went.

After a while, the members of the fourth group all understood that Morita Takata's disappearance was not a game of hide and seek, but was targeted.

But, on the train, who dares to openly target a train staff member?

"Team leader, what should I do, report it directly to the restricted area?" Shi Qi asked.

Qiao Xun lowered his head slightly in thought.

He figured it out, and this is what happened. Morita Takata had the ability to predict what was about to happen, and then he felt nervous and afraid, indicating that it was a very serious matter, and then he wanted to tell himself about it, and disappeared in the middle of searching for himself... Excluding simple kidnappings and jokes, it's clear.

The pests on the train have already begun to act.

Qiao Xun's eyes lit up.

He says:

"Indeed. You guys go back to rest first, and I'll go to the restraint area."


Although it is a rest, but such a thing happened, how can I relax. Everyone entered their office and began to wait for news from Qiao Xun.

After Qiao Xun left the correction area, he went to the restraint area.

This kind of thing, maybe only Agnes can help him.


"You're here again." Agnes had a smile in his eyes.

Joe Tour said:

"But I'm sorry, I have something important to do."

"It's okay. What's the matter?"

After Qiao Xun briefly recounted what happened, he asked:

"Agnes, what do you think?"

Agnes sat in the dim light, and nothing outside seemed to disturb her quiet and elegant time. However, the expression on her face was still serious.

"Takata Morita, listen to your description. He is a prophet."


Agnes said:

"The existence of all things is inextricably linked. Such links, to a certain extent, influence each other and tie each other. When an event is about to happen, the corresponding connection will also change accordingly. But Such changes are either too complex and huge, or too subtle and difficult to detect. For most people, it is difficult to analyze these changes. Changes are extremely sensitive. This is a natural ability, but because its manifestations are too unimaginable, it is often regarded as a prophet, a prophet... or even a plague. But in the end, they just feel When it comes to what is about to happen, it is impossible to observe too far into the future. The future is naturally unobservable compared to what has not happened to us.”

Agnes is knowledgeable, like a moving database. There was almost nothing she didn't know.

Joe Tour said:

"So, Morita Takata felt some subtle changes, and was blessed with the ability to speculate what these changes reflected."

"Yes. That's what it means."

"Isn't that more targeted. Maybe there are other people who know Morita Takata's ability and are worried that he will reveal what is going to happen, so he has been 'disappeared'?"

Agnes did not immediately confirm Qiao Xun's conjecture,

"It would be a little naive just to keep people from knowing. In this situation, what will happen, in fact, no one can imagine it."

"You mean, there are other purposes?"

Agnes smiled slightly,

"I'm not omnipotent. Just tell me your opinion. Don't be influenced by me, just keep a sober and independent judgment."

"You're right. What do you think might be the purpose?"

"The possibility of being naive is indeed in order not to let him reveal it; if it is more mature, it is that there may be secrets about Morita Takata that we don't know."

"Other secrets?"

Qiao Xun thought carefully. Morita Takata usually doesn't take the initiative to talk to people, and it is difficult to spy on the secrets in his heart just from his demeanor and actions.

Even Qiao Xun, who has the talent of "True Ru", can't learn more. After all, you can't always know what secrets are hidden in the heart of a person who has closed his heart.

Qiao Xun was a little worried,

"It's such a time, and this kind of thing happened suddenly. It really sets a difficult problem for people."

Agnes said:

"Don't worry my friend. Nothing can be completely hidden."

"Can you find Morita Takata?"

"He's on the train. But someone did hide his tracks, and he's a demigod."

"The first seat?"

"Maybe," Agnes said. "To a certain extent, you can rest assured. At least, for now, they won't hurt Morita Takata."

Qiao Xun said helplessly:

"That's the only way to comfort myself."

There is no evidence to prove that Morita Takata was the first to kidnap, and naturally he cannot be investigated.

After learning this result, Qiao Xun was in no mood to chat with Agnes anymore, apologized, and left.

After returning to the correction area, Qiao Xun told the others about Morita Takata's situation.

There is no need to make up white lies.

Everyone in the fourth group is also helpless about this matter. In a low atmosphere, after Shi Qi reported on the work in the temporary base in Antarctica, this is the end of today.

Morita Takata's disappearance brought them a depressed mood, not just the disappearance of their friends, but also the things he predicted would happen soon.

It must be something very serious for this to happen.

So, what is going to happen?

How would something like that affect you?

In the depressed mood of the team members, there was a hint of "I heard that the end is coming".

There is no small sun like Phoenix in the current team as a mascot to soothe the mood, so the fourth group that left and returned is a little different from before.

In order to keep everyone from being so low as soon as they came back, Qiao Xun took them to the entertainment area of ​​the middle car to relax.

In the evening, after parting ways with the team members, Qiao Xun went to the place where Morita Takata disappeared by himself to check for a while.

He repeatedly analyzed and compared the surrounding environmental information, and indeed he could find Morita Takata's breath here, as well as other more chaotic auras. However, it is impossible to interpret more content from these breaths. It seems that there is a more advanced power that covers everything that has happened.

That kind of high-level power made Qiao Xun helpless.

This feeling of powerlessness was also experienced when facing the "diplomat" of spades. It is far greater than the pressure of the fifth-order evolutionary when facing the fourth-order.


With a sigh, Qiao Xun also felt tired. It's not physical exhaustion, but mental incapacity.

He looked in the direction of the VIP area. The huge subdivision was home to forty-two VIP residences of different styles. At this moment, there was a cloud of wind and rain.

The VIP area is considered the territory of the dead, and Qiao Xun, who has no special letter, cannot directly enter the investigation.

Of course, he could just ask Agnes to get him something similar to a search warrant. But, that doesn't make much sense. Agnes also made it clear that the other party was a demigod and could not be dealt with directly.

Taking one last look, Qiao Xun turned his head and planned to return to the house.

"Wait!" Someone suddenly stopped him.

Qiao Xun turned to look.

It was Lu Xianyi. She came out of the VIP area wearing a serious black suit.

After seeing her, Qiao Xun's mental exhaustion was relieved, and he said with a smile:

"You're back."

But Lu Xianyi didn't act very kind, instead she frowned.

"Who are you?"

Joe paused. What does it mean? He tentatively said:

"Joe tour."

"Qiao Xun? Then answer quickly, what color is my favorite!"

Qiao Xun was stunned. He really didn't know. Because two people have not lived together in a real sense, there is no way to understand this slightly private thing. He answered honestly:

"do not know."

Lu Xianyi asked again:

"What do I like to eat?"

"do not know."

"What's my favorite book?"

"do not know."

"What's my favorite music?"

"No...don't know."

The more Qiao Xun said, the more he murmured in his heart. Why do you keep asking yourself things you don't know?

"Who do I like the most?" Lu Xianyi asked with a wink.

Qiao Xun paused.

The previous series of "don't know" made him a little less confident to answer this question.


"Idiot! It's Qiao Xun!" Lu Xianyi said angrily.

Qiao Xun complained,

"What are you trying to do? As soon as you come up, you ask so many questions."

"The last one!"

"I don't know!" Qiao Xun exclaimed.

Lu Xianyi wrinkled her nose and asked:

"What's my favorite game?"

Finally there is a meeting, Qiao Xun said:

"...The cat fights."

"Wrong! It's Ainzka's adventure!"

Qiao Xun's eyes were blank,


Lu Xianyi laughed and said with satisfaction:

"It's confirmed, you are the real Qiao Xun."

Qiao Xun raised his brows suspiciously,


Lu Xianyi raised her chin triumphantly, walked to his side with kicks, and then poked his face fiercely,

"I haven't told you about these things, of course you don't know! You're not the roundworm in my stomach."

"Listen to you, you met a fake Qiao Xun?"

"Go to my house and talk."

After being invited by the VIP, Qiao Xun was able to enter the VIP table with integrity.

After arriving at Lu Xianyi's residence, she quickly changed into casual clothes, gave a big hug first, and then said business after being satisfied.

She recounted her first encounter in Antarctica.

After listening, Qiao Xun frowned and said,

"The first seat... has no characteristics?"

"Well, he said so himself. There is no way to define him by the definition of a normal person. He has no existence, and lives in the consciousness of other people, and everything that thinks of him will be known to him. He can also be in any When a person's mind appears, the stronger his conscious activity, the easier he will be a sojourner. I really wanted to know who the first seat was, so if the desire was stronger, he appeared at once. Then, his image was based on the It depends on the mood of the sojourner.”

She glanced at Qiao Xun and smiled,

"I missed you most at the time, so he appeared in your image. Later, he mentioned my mother again, and I missed my mother the most, and then he changed into a mother's appearance."

"So, you have to verify it first when you see me."

"Well. He can live in people's inner world and can see through people's thoughts. So, no matter what I ask him about me, he knows. If I ask some questions you don't know, he still answers them. Now, doesn't that mean he's fake?"

Qiao Xun is suspicious,

"But how do you know he won't go along with your ideas and lie to you?"

"That's right!" Lu Xianyi was suddenly startled, her figure flashed, she immediately moved away from Qiao Xun, and asked vigilantly, "Are you real?"


When Qiao Xun was thinking about the verification method.

Lu Xianyi laughed twice,

"Just kidding. Of course I have a way to verify it. Don't we have rune concentric rings, this one is unique, it hides my secret, and others can't imitate it. When you answer questions, I can feel the concentric rings. If there is a reaction, if there is a reaction, it means you are real!"

"Co-author, this is for monitoring me?" Qiao Xun said, spreading out the palm of his left hand.

"How could it be!" Lu Xianyi retorted forcefully, "This is the care of love!"

Qiao Xun rolled his eyes,

"Forget it, I won't argue with you about this, it's pointless."


Qiao Xun calmed down and thought.

According to Lu Xianyi, most of Morita Gui was taken away by the first seat. At that time, it was no accident that Takata Morita wanted to see him Qiao Xun the most, and then, after the first incarnation in his heart, it was the image of "Qiao Xun".

Looking at it this way, Morita Takata disappeared without any resistance, which makes sense.

However, how to crack the first seat's ability?

After listening to Lu Xianyi's narration, Qiao Xun couldn't help but wonder, does he also have a first seat in his heart?

What's more, is this Lu Xianyi in front of him the incarnation of the first seat?

The more you think, the deeper you go.

Seriously terrified.

Qiao Xun hurriedly shook his head, dispelling superfluous thoughts, and could not fall into the mud of skepticism. Worldviews are vulnerable when violated by skepticism.

He looked at Lu Xianyi, still sure that she was really in front of him.

The first seat can't perfectly interpret her silly appearance.

"Huh? What kind of eyes are you looking at?" Lu Xianyi asked suspiciously, "Like looking at a fool."

"I didn't say that."

"You! Forget it, it doesn't matter, hehe."

Lu Xianyi has a very pleasing thing, that is, she never goes into the details of trivial matters.

"Oh right!" She remembered and asked immediately, "Have you seen my mother?"

Joe Tour said:

"Probably... have seen it."

He edited the memory at that time into cognitive fragments and handed it to Lu Xianyi.

After checking it out, Lu Xianyi widened her eyes and said:

"She's actually dressed like this! She used to be an ordinary housewife! How can she be so cool! She also speaks, and her tone is too arrogant! Is she really my mother?"

"Is it your mother, don't you know?"

"It's...that's really a big difference."

"People are multi-faceted. You are sometimes a careless house girl, sometimes a fool like a village girl, and sometimes an arrogant bad woman."

Lu Xianyi stared at Qiao Xun,

"No, don't you know me better?"

Qiao Xun looked at her with a frown.

"Hard to say."

Lu Xianyi was so angry that she couldn't speak, she just stared at him, and finally suffocated and said:

"Don't know how to cherish me! If I disappear one day, see who you whisper to!"

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Will not."

"Ah~" Lu Xianyi was not someone who kept mumbling, and then she said, "It seems that my mother is only an ordinary person in front of me and my father. I really didn't expect that, no wonder my father told me before that she was a very good person. Amazing mother. I couldn't figure out why I used to describe it as magical, but now it does make some sense."

"So, what do you think of me? In front of her."

"Whatever, just be real. She doesn't like acting out."

Qiao Xun pondered that he should not have deliberately performed at that time. Anyway, he was just thinking of what to say.

Lu Xianyi smiled and said:

"You don't have to think about it~www.readwn.com~ The two of us have nothing to do with them."

"Why doesn't she want to see you?"

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't. Although I don't know why."

"You have a lot of secrets."

"Everyone has a secret and an unknown side, don't you?"


"As long as we are always us, then all is well."

"Yes. I am always Qiao Xun, and you are always Lu Xianyi."

"Cat cat?"

"You can play for a while."

"Come on, come on!"

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