Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 65: The Hunting Gods (17): Agnes' final monologue

December 14, 2036, the departure date.

The 23-day trip to Antarctica is over. With the last roar, the sea train spit out strong smoke from the source metal industry, and the colorful smoke roared into the surrounding space. The doors of the upper, middle and lower compartments closed one after another with the collision of hinges and gears, and then there was a screeching sound.


No matter what is left on the continent of Antarctica, there may be secrets that have not been explored, and there may be passengers and staff who have not been able to board the train in time, but these have nothing to do with the current train. The train runs on its own set track, according to the set arrangement activities, it will never stay for a while because of anyone.

Next is the big cleanup. All three decks are starting to be counted. Materials, personnel, event effectiveness, etc.

Part of the work needs to be done by the correction team, review proofreading, etc.

So, the fourth group, who just came back, immediately started working again. It stands to reason that the fourth group lost two team members. In this case, the work needs to be suspended for investigation, and the reason can be found before continuing to work. But Agnes obviously knew what happened in the fourth group, so he did not let the restricted area rectify the fourth group.

This is a stabilizing dose for the members of the fourth group. At least it shows that they will not be punished for losing team members.

At the same time, the council of the VIP area is also under preparation. In the past few days, Lu Xianyi, as the seventh VIP, had a lot of friction with other VIPs in Antarctica, so she couldn't stay out of it, and she was actively busy with related affairs.

For Qiao Xun, he is still most concerned about Morita Takata's affairs.

Outside of work, he did not give up on Morita Takata's search and understanding of the relevant situation. Although it has never been possible to determine where Morita Takata is and the reason why he was kidnapped by the first seat, it will not be nothing. Through the comparison of environmental information and the knowledge of various miracles he learned from Agnes, he guessed the identity of Morita Takata's predictor, which may be of additional help to the immortal.

Foreseeers are very sensitive to the connection between changes in things, and if the immortals want to make a transaction with all human beings about the progress of civilization, it will undoubtedly require a considerable degree of "foreseeer ability".

After all, it is related to all human beings around the world, and the huge network of things is not so easy to sort out. What's more, the current immortals have not completed the real recovery, and strictly speaking, they are not real gods.

On the evening of December 16th,

Qiao Xun received a letter from Agnes, with a lot of paper and a lot of content.

"Dear friend, are you still having a good time today? It's about to start, and the last moment is coming. Are you wondering, I clearly let you back to the train early, but these few days have hardly let you really What to do. Except to feel the ability of the Dream-Eating Tapir Seed. Of course, I am not fooling you, but the power hierarchy of the sea train needs a time to adapt. With the help of the Dream-Eating Tapir Seed, the Eternals are weaving A great dream. In this dream, everyone will see the glory of the Eternals at the same time, the glory of the past. This will be an apocalypse-like divine ritual, which is almost irresistible to ordinary people.

"I was thinking for a while, why stop the Eternals? Why not be like Ms. Anyang, or the likes of the Black Revolution, who don't care about such things and don't care about themselves and their related Everything other than things. Then, how easy it is to live. Aside from the so-called order and interests, the resurrection of the immortal has no effect on us. What he affects is only the earth's long history and many events. The rise of spiritual civilization and belief. The collapse of civilization and the collapse of belief is predictable.

"But, what does it have to do with us? With selfish thoughts, why should we care about the lives of others, why should we pay our own price to win the spirit that we can't feel? But when such a thing is really It's about to happen, it seems, everything will become less...inhuman again. In the past few hundred years, I have traveled in every corner of the world, and have experienced the cultures and beliefs of different races, countries, and religions. Seven Continents and four oceans, I have traveled one country after another, and have seen a lot of traditions. I can feel the unique fragrance of cultural heritage contained in traditional things.

"I have felt the loyal chivalry spirit, the indomitable warrior spirit, the romantic and free rivers and lakes, the tenacious samurai culture... I watched the world under the roar of the steam engine. , striding into modern civilization, watching each fiber optic cable bring the digital age of information, the flourishing of science and technology, the progress of civilization, the continuous evolution of politics and religion... I have witnessed and experienced with my own eyes, and I always cherish those changes. night.

"I like such a prosperous and huge civilization system. My friend, in the past few hundred years, I have been alone, often hiding in those dark and damp corners, looking at the bright lights from afar. Those lights did not One belongs to me, and I have always been like a marginal person in the world. Maybe, hundreds of years of mediocrity finally made my heart tremble and hurt. Maybe, at the end, I want to do something different than it used to be boring thing.

"I can't completely figure out what is my motive for doing this, for the train? For the prosperous civilization of the earth? I don't want to say that I am a noble person, because once I have faced many disasters, many people's pain, only Stand by. For myself, presumably. A redemption still alive.

"This is my idea.

"Huh—I can finally confide in people, no one was willing to listen to my rambling words before, and they all thought I was a pedantic person who was hard to talk.

"This time, I'm writing for you because I don't want to hide anything from you. Maybe when I said I wanted to be friends with you, it was just a transfer of my anger towards Yihong, but at this moment, I sincerely regard you as my best friend. Important friend. We didn't get along for a long time, and I regret that we didn't get to spend more time together.

"At the last moment, I am still willing to respect your ideas to the greatest extent. You can still choose to quit now, because hunting gods is not an easy thing. Of course, I will never treat you because of your withdrawal. harbor any negative emotions.

"Please, please, think carefully.

"Your dear,

"Agnes Jean Hibernian."

What kind of letter is this?

A monologue of Agnes' inner world.

After Qiao Xun read it, he was very emotional. I never thought before that a demigod who has lived for more than 500 years will have such heavy and complicated emotions in his heart.

Agnes always gave him a different understanding time after time.

She is quiet and graceful, tolerant and gentle.

As she herself said, she is a true lady.

Seeing the end of the letter and her question to herself, Qiao Xun fell into deep thought.

Agnes' idea of ​​preventing the recovery of the Eternal was not as straightforward as he thought. At first, he thought Agnes was going to stop the Eternals to protect the train's interests, and like she said at the beginning, let him be a knife to eradicate the tumors in the VIP area.

But now it seems that the recovery of the Eternals actually has little impact on the train. It seems that the train will only follow the established route and will never stop rushing over the sea of ​​the world, just like the sunrise and sunset every day, what happens will not affect it. This may have something to do with the mysterious No. 1 train conductor.

Ms. An Yang's attitude towards the Eternals also explained the same.

The recovery of the immortals will have the greatest impact on civilizations all over the earth.

Make deals with all mankind, tamper with beliefs, tamper with civilization. It is His means of building the testing ground. This is undoubtedly the destruction of human civilization on earth.

And Agnes, was it for this reason that he stopped him?

But she said it was a redemption for her.

Qiao Xun didn't understand very much. If he didn't commit any sin, why would he need redemption?

He didn't think Agnes was the kind of person who easily blamed himself.

Put away Agnes' letters and store them all together.

Now it's Joe's turn.

He had to think about the purpose of his participation in the hunt for gods.

Behavior without a firm purpose is fragile. He had to give himself a proper and firm reason.

For Agnes?

Do not. It's not what he, and it's not what she wants.

For all mankind?

Qiao Xun couldn't bind this noble idea to himself. He didn't want to be a hypocrite. As Lu Xianyi said, be true. It is what it is.

for myself.

The thought swirled in his mind.

He wanted to know what God was and how to be God. Before that, he had to cross the threshold of a demigod.

The demigod... jealous, he got a little revelation in the power of the devil, maybe, can learn more through the Eternal.

Or, more simply, see this as a challenge, an adventure, an evolutionary hurdle.

Qiao Xun is the kind of person who doesn't make decisions easily, but once he makes a decision, he will implement it very firmly.

This time, he made a decision.

The night of the sea is restless and turbulent.


In the clean and tidy, but decaying room, Agnes sat upright on the sofa, looking at the woman across from the sofa who had just come here with a slight smile on his face.

"Ms. An, long time no see."

An Yang took off his hat and hung it on the coat rack next to him. The movements are very skilled, and it seems that they come here a lot.

"Qin, long time no see."

"Have you slept enough?" Agnes asked with a smile.

Anyang said,

"I won't be like you, sleeping for decades."

"What have you been doing these past few years?"

"Think about things."

"Have you figured it out?"

"Don't ask me what I think?"

Agnes shook his head slightly,

An Yang's nose moved,

"You haven't changed at all."

"Ms. An has changed a lot. I didn't even know that you left the train to get married and have children."

"Don't take me so vulgarly. I went to the Republic to investigate Huan Chang'an." She pursed her lips, "The marriage just happened by the way."

Agnes smiled slightly,

"Don't you hate men and children the most? What kind of man is he so charming."

Anyang shook his head,

"Nothing to say. I still hate men and children. But I love my daughter dearly."

"You are not a qualified mother."

"Of course you can say that about me. But we can't help ourselves. Qin," An Yang frowned slightly, her eyes a little worried, "Your body..."

Agnes always had a smile on his face,

"Don't worry about me. It's been more than five hundred years, and I should have understood it long ago. Let's talk about the Huan Chang'an you investigated."

"It's almost there, it's time for the dust to emerge from that dusty myth."

Agnes took a sip of the red drink and said:


"Don't you have anything else to say?"

"What can I say? Ms. An, you are from the Republic and know Huan Chang'an better than me."

An Yang looked a little helpless.

"Okay, Jean. You still do."

Agnes didn't say much.

"Speaking of which," An Yang looked at Agnes, "are you really going to target the Eternals?"

"Don't you think that immortality is actually a curse?"

"That's true for you. But, you know, how many twilight old men are eager to live on."

"Similarly, there are also many addicts who crave powder and pills. Craving does not mean justice. Ordinary people's cognition level is not low, and their desires are very simple. It is difficult for them to know what the eternal life of the immortal means. I'm suffering from immortality, and I can't redeem myself, but I want to do more." Agnes lowered his eyes, "Just take it... this is self-comfort."

"You look a lot like my daughter."

Agnes smiled slightly,

"Don't take advantage of me, I'm hundreds of years older than you."

Anyang shook his head,

"Neither of you are willing to compromise. Sometimes compromise is not necessarily a weak thing."

"Has Ms. An compromised? Of course, marriage doesn't count."

An Yang couldn't answer.

"Look, how can you have a valid reason to comfort others if you don't even compromise?" Agnes said. "Ms Ann, your daughter is a lovely child. I'm not."

"I feel lost." An Yang said in a low voice.

"for me?"


"I'm very happy." Agnes smiled sincerely.

Anyang says:

"We should have gotten along better."


Agnes looked out the window into the distance and didn't say much.

An Yang looked at her for a while, then sighed,

"That kid is really good, and I can't try to find out more of his secrets. Qin, you're finally lucky enough to meet him."

"Really!" Agnes' eyes flashed brightly, "I think so too. Finally, finally..."

"I didn't plan to do anything originally~www.readwn.com~ The earth of the century is not the basic plate of the sea train, and if it is lost, it will be lost. But like you said, I have been on top for too long... Of course, it's not derogatory."

"So, what are you going to do now?"

"I'll help that kid as much as I can."

"It's rare."

An Yang then stood up, her slender body blocking the faint light. Her eyes were complicated and she said:

"Qin, I wish you good luck all the time."


An Yang turned around and quickly disappeared here.

Agnes looked at his pale fingers and murmured:

"Curse, curse. The devil's curse... is finally coming to an end."

She closed her blue eyes and quietly waited for the last moment.

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