Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 66: God of the Hunt (end of this volume): Time embraces, please praise Agnes...

Under the deep sea, the huge giant resting creatures swim and sneak in the darkness according to the regulated biological instincts.

Inside it is a small amniotic city.

A large number of polluting creatures gathered in this amniotic city, worshipping the tallest mermaid statue in the middle of the city.

The mermaid statue holds an odd-looking musical instrument in the left hand, and the right hand stretches forward with the palm up and flat. Its eyes looked into the distance, as if waiting for someone's return.

And on the flat right palm, sat a woman. Next to him stood a gentle man.

The woman's long black hair shawl swayed with the circulating air in the amniotic city. These circulating streams come from the filtration of gases in seawater by giant resting organisms.

The man is wearing a black suit with a bowler hat. He looks young, but his eyes are deep and long. He is the famous K of Spades "diplomat" of the Black Revolution.

And when the "diplomat" is standing, the woman who is qualified to sit is of course the honorable "tourist" of Heige.

"Wanderer" said:

"Someone dreamed of me two days ago."

"Every day people dream of you. You are the imprint on their hearts."

"No, it wasn't a simple dream. The seed of the dream-eating tapir incarnated into me in that seed of the dream."

The K of Spades "Diplomat" paused for a while,

"Dream-eating tapirs generally only incarnate into existences that have a crucial influence on the owner of the dream. Is it someone you know?"

"He's the only one left."


The "Wanderer" doesn't know how to describe him, nor how to describe his relationship with him. Let's just say:

"It's a little stumped."

"Is it a big impact?"

"It's not a big deal. But now it seems that there are things I don't know."

After all, the seed of the dream-eating tapir has transformed into her in his dream seed, and it is hard to say that the ties are not deep.

But where is the depth? She couldn't say it herself.

That reason only exists in him, Qiao Xun. He also hides a very important secret.

"That's really rare." The King of Spades said softly.

The Patrolman lowered his eyes, his dark pupils seemed to carry some dangerous content,

"I don't want to think about that. Right now, the Eternals are our focus."

"His recovery is inevitable, and the change is probably only about how to recover and what kind of recovery it will be."

The Patrolman shook his head,

"Don't be too ideal. There is nothing inevitable. Please also remember that the Eternal is not our friend. The best he can do for us is to disrupt the existing order and make the earth a complete It's just an open platform. At that time, there will be many, many strange things coming over and turning this place into a gu farm."

"The doomsday is coming. I used to like watching Doomsday wasteland movies and TV dramas the most, but I always felt that it lacked a little taste. Now I can see it."

"The real evolution will come along with it. Numerous mythical worlds will also recover one by one from the starting point of the earth."

"Is the age of gods coming?"

The Patrolman did not answer immediately. After a while she said:

"Why do you always think about coming instead of...creating?"

The king of spades smiled slightly,

"But we are Adventists."

The Patrolman did not speak any more. There were traces of thought in her eyes.

Suddenly, a **** smell filled the air, interrupting her thinking. She frowned and said:

"'Red', before you come next time, please put away your scent."

The figure of the A of Hearts emerged in a cloud of blood that exploded. She smiled and asked:

"Don't I smell bad?"

"You understand yourself."

Ace of Hearts is wearing a very formal dress today, a long red dress, and **** her long hair that is usually loose, and gathered it with the same red rose flower hair accessories. She did not cover her upright eye, and the crimson vortex slowly swirled in it. She raised her arm, sniffed her armpit, and said:

"It smells so good, I deliberately dressed and washed well."

"We don't have you in our arrangement."

"Don't worry, I'm not going with you. I'm free time."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Meet my old friend." Hearts A smiled shyly, closing the raised eye.

"Visitor" nodded and said,

"Hope you do as you say. Don't mess up."

"Sister Xiaoshu, don't say that, what can I do as a young high school student?" Ace of Hearts said with a smile, showing her white teeth.

"Please don't call me that again. I don't like it. Also, you're not a high school student."

"I'm not really a high school student, but your name is Yu Xiaoshu."

The "Wanderer" inhaled slightly,

"It's my fault that I'm too good-tempered, and I'm used to you."

"Don't say that, I won't trouble you."

"I hope you do what you say."

The king of spades looked at the ace of hearts and said with a smile:

"It turned out to be to see an old friend, no wonder he dressed so formally."

The ace of hearts immediately changed his face, and he became cold to the king of spades.

"Repeating other people's words is really the face of a diplomat."

The Spade K held up the brim of his hat,

"'Red', you are too rude."

"I've always been like this."

"To some people, you're not like that."

"for example?"

"You know. 'Red', we have worked together for so long, and our relationship is actually far worse than that of an outsider."

"Don't take yourself too seriously. You're worthless to me."

The king of spades continues. He didn't want to feel Red's mean face. In his eyes, "Red" is a person with extreme double standards. For the same thing, she can be infinitely tolerant of those she loves, while for others, she is strict and even vicious to the extreme.

"So, who are you going to see? It's not appropriate to wear dark red clothes to see an old friend."

Ace of Hearts says:

"The first time I saw her, it was in this dress."

"First time? So, this is the last time?"

"You always have to pick words."

The king of spades said,

"You didn't deny it."

The Ace of Hearts frowned and said:

"Don't you think it's very eye-catching that you continue to stay here? The two ladies are together, obviously they have a girlfriend to say!"

The king of spades is used to it, she is always moody, he turns the hat first, then the whole person turns around,

"Hope you have a good time talking."

After speaking, his time began to go backwards, and he immediately returned to his previous position and left here.

The "Wanderer" is still sitting upright,

"So, what are you talking about? Best friends? I never invited you to my bedroom, and you, like rootless duckweed, don't have a bedroom to live in."

The Ace of Hearts sat across from her and asked:

"Will you miss Qiao Xun?"


"But you are Yu Xiaoshu. Yu Xiaoshu should miss him."

"I'm the 'Visitor'."

"But it's also Yu Xiaoshu."

"What do you mean by emphasizing my identity like this?"

"It's nothing, just talk about it."

"Then don't say it again."

The Ace of Hearts nodded and said:

"Although I am the Ace of Hearts now, I emphasize every day that my name is Yihong."


"The real self is very important."

"I can't see that you still have such an opinion."

"Don't take me for a fool, good sister."

The "Visitor" approached her, narrowed his eyes, and said very rudely:

"But you're really like a fool, always doing meaningless things. Is it interesting to live like a lunatic or a lunatic in the eyes of others? Yihong, intuition tells me that you are a normal person, even more than I imagined. It has to be normal. But why, you have to be crazy."

The Ace of Hearts fingers rubbed the hard frame of the skirt and said:

"My old friend, it's just so normal that he kept sinking in his long life, so that he was always alone. I witnessed her grief and pain with my own eyes." She braced her neck, "I don't want to live too long. It's so painful, be a little crazy, don't think too much, it's fine. Look at me, I've lived for a hundred or two hundred years, don't I still maintain a young heart?"

The Tourer did not criticize the Ace of Hearts this time, she thought about it and said:

"This time, you're right. It's rare to wake up, isn't it."

The Ace of Hearts smiled slightly,

"But I, maybe like her, have gradually fallen into normalcy."

"Why?" The Patrolman frowned.

"Because I'm not really crazy."

"Visitor" said nothing more.

They sat here quietly, looking into the distance.

The distance is quietly waiting for everyone, just looking away, never knowing what is there.

Now, they are all about to know what is waiting for them in the distance.


December 17, 2036, 8 a.m. train time.

The council of the VIP area was held.

This time it is an open parliament, no invitation is required, and everyone can watch. Under the structural re-integration, the parliament building is extended to all sides and becomes a large square. The conference room was openly exposed, and forty-two VIP seats surrounded the speaker's seat, and were openly exposed.

Before it started, a lot of people had gathered here.

The VIP area held an open parliament for the first time, which was a relatively new thing for most people on the train.

The idle people are basically around here. A lot of them even came from the middle and lower decks, of course, some of them were invited by VIPs.

In the Antarctic continent before, a total of five VIPs died, and the subsequent VIPs advanced. The new VIP has not yet taken office, so there are only thirty-seven VIPs left, of which the first VIP has not yet appeared, and the second VIP is Speaker Sigurd, standing upright at the Speaker's Seat.

In the crowd, Qiao Xun looked at Lu Xianyi in the seat.

The fourth VIP Hodge and the sixth VIP He Qianlan both died in the City of Interrogation under the Carrion Mine. At present, Lu Xianyi is the fifth seat. She sat there quietly, dressed in serious black clothes, without squinting or expression, like a statue.

What will happen?

this parliament. Everyone is wondering about this.

Since this is an unprecedented open parliament, there must be something important to announce at the meeting. The distinguished guests attending the meeting and the onlookers will all be witnesses of this meeting.

As the Sigurd Hammer of Justice fell, a crisp sound swept the audience.

The other murmurs ceased immediately.

Everything is quiet.

Sigurd still looked old, half-in-the-earth. But Lu Xianyi knew that this old man was only good at acting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends. It's a pleasure to see you here. With your participation, this meeting is destined to be an unprecedented meeting that will be recorded in the history of the train." He took a deep breath and continued: "In the past, In the past few years, ten years, and decades, the VIP seats on the train have changed batch after batch, and they always represent the interests of the train passengers, and at the same time, they are also the highest level that the train's foreign passengers can reach. Finally, perhaps, the position of the speaker is the highest level that can be seen. Is this a thing worth thinking about? Today, we will discuss this issue. Distinguished guests, please speak. "

After Sigurd finished speaking, he struck the hammer of justice and looked at the distinguished guests.

There is no order requirement, so the VIPs stood up one after another and began to express their views.

The parliament is going on vigorously.

After listening to Sigurd's remarks, Qiao Xun understood that Agnes was right. In this parliament, the VIP area requires a higher level of power.

One VIP after another, as if it had been discussed in advance. The rhetoric is almost the same set of templates, marked with fixed words, such as "the VIP area contributes a lot", "the VIP area deserves more waiting", "the VIP area has the ability to participate in the decision-making of the train"... and so on.

Of course, in discussions with a clear purpose, the choice of words and sentences are all deliberate and thoughtful.

Therefore, the content expressed by almost every VIP sounded reasonable and there were no logical loopholes.

Under their rhetoric, the train is the landowner who oppressed them. They have to resist and use their own contributions to strive for greater interests and power.

Qiao Xun stood in the crowd, carefully analyzing the speeches of the distinguished guests, and deciphering the meaning of certain words.

He understood all these words. The VIPs did not have any obscure statements, and expressed their needs very directly.

What puzzled Qiao Xun was why they convened this open parliament.

Is it to have more witnesses?

This reason, in Qiao Xun's opinion, is not very tenable. The train is not a state and social aggregate under the normal system. Passengers and staff in the middle and lower compartments cannot participate in the decision-making of the train, nor will they have any active influence on the train. It obviously doesn't make any sense for them to witness such a rise in power hierarchy.

Therefore, its real purpose is more worthy of consideration.

After a while, the distinguished guests who spoke all agreed with Sigurd's point of view, and explained why they supported Sigurd's point of view from various angles.

The council was intense, but unexpectedly harmonious.

Everyone is talking, but they are all talking about the same thing.

Finally, there was one person who did not speak.

Sigurd looked at the fifth seat,

"The fifth seat, Miss Lu Xianyi, what do you think about this issue?"

Lu Xianyi asked:

"Does my opinion matter?"

Sigurd smiled and said:

"Of course, every VIP's opinion is important."

"If this is the case, then Speaker Sigurd should first tell us what you did in Antarctica."

Sigurd said in surprise:

"VIP Lu Xianyi, I didn't go to Antarctica, I stayed on the train all the time. Maybe you are wrong, there are some strange forces that can affect cognition in Antarctica, polluting creatures like penguins, especially like glaciers. Folding mirrors, etc."

"Then I have nothing to say." Lu Xianyi didn't want to waste her words.

This parliament is obviously just a show, there is no need to argue about something, and in the end, it will only play itself as a clown.

"Then do you agree or disagree?"

"be opposed to."


Sigurd went on to say,

"We just had a heated discussion, and the distinguished guests expressed their opinions very enthusiastically. Regarding the discussion on whether the VIP area should strive for a higher power level from the sea train, the ratio of approval to disapproval is currently 34:1. Agree. With a lead of more than 70% of the votes, this proposal is passed."

Only Lu Xianyi voted against it.

Even the most ignorant know that this council is just a superficial effort.

Finally, Sigurd said:

"In the Antarctic continent, in order to gain more benefits for the train, we sacrificed five compatriots. They are forever buried in the ice and snow in Antarctica. Day after day, year after year, everyone in the VIP area worked hard and contributed to the train. Countless mineral deposits, more than 30 extremely dangerous, high-risk, and dangerous pollution areas have been reclaimed, creating a firm position for the train in the world. Therefore, what we have fought for is what we deserve. All the compatriots present, please open up In your hearts, quietly feel this power transition."

all compatriots?

Did he count all the spectators around him?

Qiao Xun was thinking about this question when everyone suddenly became quiet. A familiar atmosphere surged like a tide in the crowd.


Qiao Xun suddenly remembered why it felt familiar. This kind of breath was what he felt when he felt Lu Xianyi who was far away in the Antarctic through the concentric rings.

That is... the first seat, the breath of a brainless person.

He immediately analyzed it with "numerology following the sky". Following the breath of a brainless person, he then discovered that one end of these breaths was a brainless person, and the other end was the sea of ​​consciousness of everyone present.

The breath of mindless people penetrates into everyone's inner world.

In the VIP table, Lu Xianyi walked away from the seat and quickly came to Qiao Xun. She grabbed Qiao Xun's hand,

"How are you?"

Joe wandered around,

"I'm fine."

"I saw that you were in a trance and thought you were being eroded too."

"Erosion of mindless people?"

Lu Xianyi nodded, then pulled Qiao Xun out of the crowd quickly,

"He eroded me like this before. Fortunately, my mother appeared in time, so he didn't let him succeed. I told you before that everyone has a brainless person in their heart. A little hint and lure will be eroded by him."

"What is he going to do?"

"The reason for creating an open parliament is just to maximize the transition of the power hierarchy. Although I don't understand what the power hierarchy of the sea train means, the power hierarchy is distributed to everyone, even the lowest level of livestock. There is a certain power hierarchy. Sigurd convened this parliament to set up a stage for the first seat, and then gather the power hierarchy to break through the constraints of the restraint area."

"So, the constraints of the constraint area are actually constraints on the power hierarchy?"

"Yes. The train conductor should be the biggest binding force. It stands to reason that as long as the train conductor is still there, no matter how the power level under them changes, there will be no overall rise or fall. However, I am not Determine if there will be a change in the power level of the conductor."

Joe Tour said,

"According to what you say, I am afraid that the power hierarchy of the train conductor has been penetrated."

Lu Xianyi frowned,

"Maybe so. I caused trouble for my mother in Antarctica before, which led to her being infiltrated."

Joe Tour said:

"It shouldn't be your business."

He wasn't just out of comfort. Agnes told him a lot, so he knew that this incident happened in a continuous whole, not the key responsibility of a certain link.

After they left the parliament building, they found a place to watch.

Looking from a distance, the parliament square was silent, and everyone seemed to be waiting for something.

The train banged on the sea.

At this moment, this sea train, I don't know how many people are secretly watching. Every move here has spread to different places through their own methods.

Republic, Yan City,

Enter the meeting room of the R&D Committee,

Numerous key figures gathered here, listening to Si Ling, the Sequence 11 talent holder on the stage, tell the key to this incident.

"The recovery of the immortal is coming. According to our original plan, the Sea of ​​Consciousness fusion device will be turned on in the first two hours of its recovery. Judging from our current ability, the sea of ​​consciousness that can contain up to 900 million people is not absolute. A stable situation, people who are too far away, or whose sea of ​​consciousness is too weak, may not be able to take care of them."

someone said,

"The ability of the seventh-order evolutionary is indeed a bit of a dimensionality reduction blow for us today. When such a thing happens, there is not much we can do to resist. Saving the fire and saving the key is more important to our situation. suitable."

"If it only creates a crisis for us physically, there may be a way to deal with it, but the place where he starts is civilization... This kind of conceptual thing can't be felt concretely at ordinary times, and the seventh-order is even more transcendent. The level of ability to imagine is even more difficult for us.”

"XX is right, there is always hope to solve physical blows, but he wants to tamper, steal or even destroy our civilization, which is simply a major catastrophe for human civilization. The civilizations complement each other and progress together, which is the characteristic of the convergence of life itself. If the civilization is destroyed at the root, it may even return to the old era overnight.”

"But how long can the Sea of ​​Consciousness fusion device last? Is it really okay to hide without the memory being corrected by the Eternals? Even if we can, how long can we hide?"

This is not a pessimistic attitude, but a very important question.

Sling replied:

"According to the results calculated by the Eastern Royal Court in the consciousness hub, the ability of the immortal to launch on the earth is holistic and strong. That is to say, he cannot do whatever he wants in the true sense. Although we call the seventh order as Gods, but not omnipotent like gods in most religious cultures. Eternals need extremely large special powers, such as beliefs, runes, etc., to mobilize power over the entire earth. So, our situation is not very hopeless , it just takes a lot of work.”

"Mr. Si Ling might as well talk about your calculation results."

Si Ling thought about it and said:

"Under the extreme condition of the sea of ​​consciousness fusion device, it can support the consciousness of 900 million people for 100 hours. During these 100 hours, if the Eternals do not deliberately target, it is safe."

"Will the Eternals continue in a hundred hours?"

"In theory, he doesn't have that ability. He's just recovered."

"I heard that the sea train has special arrangements."

Si Ling shook his head,

"Sea trains are not a product of the earth. It is difficult for us to predict what they want to do. In my opinion, what happens to the earth has little effect on them. Even if the civilization on earth is completely withered, they can leave. After all. What's more, the deep sea crack has opened, and more and more mythical worlds will establish contact with the earth."


The meeting is also going on enthusiastically.

At this moment, there are many more conferences like this in the world. All countries are thinking about how to maximize the preservation of the fire of their own country's civilization, so as to avoid being caught by the immortals.

Obviously, compared to resistance, most regional civilizations don't know about this at all.


Sea Train, Parliament Square.

With a special sound,

The first seat suddenly appeared in the very center of the parliament.

In everyone's eyes, the attitude he showed was different. Face everyone with a different face.

From the perspective of everyone, suddenly, a very important or very crucial person in his life appeared at the very center of the council.

they screamed,

The most voices are:

"**, why are you here!"

In their eyes, the first seat at the moment is the most important lover, relative, friend, mentor, noble person, enemy...

There are thousands of people in the first seat, and everyone sees him differently.

However, in his eyes, everyone is the same. All people have a common characteristic, and this characteristic is... there is always something precious and unforgettable in memory. What he thought was what he saw.

In Lu Xianyi's eyes, the first seat at the moment is the appearance of her mother, An Yang.

Because Qiao Xun was by her side. Of course she misses her mother the most.

Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun and asked:

"What was the first seat you saw?"

Qiao Xun seemed to be distracted and did not answer her.

"Hey!" Lu Xianyi touched him.

Qiao Xun shook his shoulders and said:

"Just a friend."


"Well, he's dead."


Lu Xianyi didn't ask any further questions.

Qiao Xun slightly curled his palms. Eyes narrow.

He lied to Lu Xianyi.

The first seat he saw...was a faceless, asexual man, like a naked mannequin in a clothing store.

There is no discernible trace of it.

Qiao Xun heard from Lu Xianyi that the first seat in everyone's eyes is different, and it is often the person who has the deepest impression.

However, what I saw was an uncharacteristic person.

Qiao Xun thought, isn't there anyone who has a deep impression on him?

He could not judge the possibility of the problem.

In the middle, the first brainless person said enthusiastically:

"Everyone of us has contributed a lot to the train. However, the train has been oppressing and exploiting us, and we deserve more things, power! As a contributor, we deserve power! "

Brainless people eat into everyone's sea of ​​consciousness.

Every word he said became an iron fact, deeply imprinted in everyone's cognition.

At this moment, for them, there is nothing more important than fighting for the power hierarchy.

"Power! Power!" the brainless man shouted.

"Power! Power!" Everyone responded.

On a tall building in the northeast corner of Parliament Square,

Agnes stood on the balcony, quietly looking at the Parliament Square.

As a demigod, the ability of the first seat does not have much influence on her. Therefore, in her eyes, the first seat she saw was the same as Qiao Xun.

She stretched out her hand and felt the change in the palm of her hand.

Chang Anyang, the No. 2 train, came over and said:

"Don't look at it, our power hierarchy is indeed being stolen."

"Can't stop it."

Anyang nodded,

"The Eternals have been parasitized in our memory. Obviously, the blocking instructions issued by our main body consciousness will be tampered with to not block. Qin, here, we cannot avoid this ability of the Eternals."

"Yes, it's true that it doesn't involve runic power. But what if it's not runic power?"

"The main power of the Eternals is dominance. Dominance is one level higher than the power of runes. After all, the power of runes is the subordinate power of the gods. If you want to avoid it, it can only be at the same level as the power of domination, or higher. "

Agnes looked up,

"If you are of the same level, you will be noticed by him."


"Higher, what is higher?"

"Immortal magic, angelic brilliance, fallen angel's dim light, demon curse, fundamental belief, mechanical perception... These are basically the core strengths of the biggest mythical worlds."

Agnes asked,

"You don't know magic?"

"Of course not."

"I thought you would. Tsk."

"What does 'tsk' mean?" An Yang raised his eyebrows.


"Forget it, it's pointless to say this. Anyway, I'll tell you what I can tell you. What about you, what are you going to do? I'll try my best to assist you."

"You said that the power of the devil's curse is higher than the power of dominance, right?"

"Well. The power of the curse itself is a mixture of various powers. It can be said that it is the most advanced, otherwise it would not have been rejected by all the mythical worlds. No mythical world wants to see a higher than itself. groups exist.”

"Is that so?" Agnes asked quietly.

As she spoke, a black mist surged up from her fingers. There is a dim light in it.

An Yang almost stopped breathing and said in shock:

"Qin! You never told me that you were a demon!"

Agnes smiled slightly,

"I'm not a demon. These are just the curses that the demons left on me. More than five hundred years have passed, and I have lived with the curse."

"So it is..." An Yang muttered, "So it is. I thought your body was abnormal because your lifespan was coming to an end. It turned out to be a curse..."

Agnes said,

"It's not wrong to say that my lifespan is coming to an end. I am one with the curse, and the moment the curse disappears, I will be freed."

An Yang frowned, his pupils trembled slightly,

"You never say that."

"It's bad behavior to make others worry about you."

"But, you can't! It's all hidden in your heart."

"Not really, I have someone to talk to."

"That child?"

"He's a good narrator."

"But you didn't tell him the truth. The remaining demonic power in you is your life, right."


An Yang couldn't bear it,

"Agnes, do you have to do this?"

"You better call me Qin. A word that sounds more cordial."

"Qin!" An Yang said loudly.

Agnes held out his finger. The shimmering light from outside sprinkled on the fingertips,

"Ms Ann, don't be sad for me. You should be happy for me. I'm finally free."

"You keep saying that immortality is a curse. I just thought it was philosophical hypocrisy. Never thought it was a curse."

"I didn't lie to you."

"You didn't lie to anyone! But you're hiding! Does that kid know about you? Does he know that every letter you write to him is written with your life!"

"Why should he know?"

"Don't you think of him as a friend? If you are a friend, why hide it."

Agnes looked calm,

"It is precisely because they are friends that they have to hide it."

"Qin, I can't understand and can't accept it."

"Ms. An. I will come to this day eventually."


Agnes pressed his chest and said softly:

"I've felt it..."

"Don't you want to know who put the curse on you? Don't you want revenge? The only ones who can have such a curse are the seven demon kings. If you have the opportunity in the future, you will find them one by one. Which one came out. Don't you want to know!"

"I used to want to know, but now I don't."


"Maybe I'm about to have the answer. But...but," Agnes frowned, "the answer is not what I want."

"What are you talking about?" An Yang frowned and asked in a low voice.

"Don't ask, Ms. Ann."


After a long sigh, it fell silent.

After a while Agnes asked:

"You and I have worked together for so many years, can you guess what I'm going to do?"

"I knew what you were going to do from seeing the power of the curse at your fingertips."

Agnes smiled,

"Talent, really my good partner."

"I hate the feeling of guessing what you're thinking. Qin, you're just too kind to others to endure the loneliness on your own. Be cool and do whatever you want like your old red nemesis. ."

"She really does whatever she wants." After Agnes finished speaking, he didn't want An Yang to go on. "Okay, Ms. An, just wait quietly."

An Yang tilted his head to look at this man who looked about the same age as his own daughter, and some unbearable tastes filled his heart.


How does the sea train operate and how to maintain order?

This has always been a secret.

In the past many years, many scholars have studied it, and some countries have established special research groups. But so far, there is no concrete and reliable statement.

Perhaps, this issue now has some eyebrows.

In this grand power level transition ceremony hosted by the first chair, some answers can be glimpsed.

Although no one knows exactly who the No. 1 conductor is, it is well known that the train's power hierarchy derives from the No. 1 conductor.

If the power hierarchy is drawn up as a special power, it can be well understood that the operation of the train and the operation of the clockworker on the train depend on such power.

The total amount of this power remains unchanged and is distributed to everyone on the train according to a certain standard.

The force component outside the constraint area is limited to a certain extent. That is, the power level outside the restricted area is locked. To break through the power hierarchy, it is necessary to obtain more of this power.

Clearly, the first seat is currently doing just that.

He is constantly gathering this special power.

until a certain moment,


Enough for him to set the stage for the Eternal to appear.

The first seat stood at the very center of the Parliament Square, establishing a connection with everyone present. Like a marionette performer, he controls everyone with ease. At the same time, the power levels of the two train captains are also being stolen.

A beam of light breaks through the dust and shines down.

Then, the train lost its driving force and slowly stopped on the turbulent sea. After a whimpering roar, it was completely silent.

The wide steps descend from the light,

At the end of the light, only a figure can be seen, but no specific appearance can be seen.

At the same time, beautiful songs sounded, and one after another glowing sea butterflies flew in from the outside, accompanied by various floating creatures with dreamy colors. They decorate the icy train into a dreamy and cosy look all at once.

Qiao Xun's eyes trembled,

That is, the Eternal.

He immediately let go of the "True Ru" range and looked outside the train.

Sure enough, outside the train is the Sea of ​​Eternal Life.

Suddenly, the Sea of ​​Eternal Life appeared.

The rumor of immortality sounded, and the immortal stood in the light and looked at everyone.

The brainless man and Sigurd looked to the end of the light and worshipped:

"Great Eternal Lord, please sing a song for the weak. May they rest in peace."

Lu Xianyi's eyes were burning,

"The Eternals! Is that the Eternals!"

Joe Tour said,

"Strictly speaking, it's not."

Agnes told him that the real immortals have their own totems. The current immortal is more like a derivative, and does not have its own totem. Of course, they share a set of cognition. In less rigorous terms, that is, the current immortals do not have a "godhead".

Of course, a "godhead" is not something that actually exists. It is more appropriate to describe it as the qualification for God.

"I will let your brilliance spread to the whole world."

The first seat said so, and the whole person transformed into a mass of water vapor and rushed into the light.

Then, the immortal raised his hand and shot the light directly above the crack in the deep sea.

The enormous force spewing from the fissure in the deep sea is transmitting the light of the Eternals into the atmosphere in the form of runic light.

The entire atmosphere was lit up, and countless atmospheric creatures "snow worms" were revived and roared down.

Brainless people are scattered among every snow worm, with the great will of the Eternals, sneaking into the hearts of everyone.

In front of the balcony of the high-rise building, An Yang frowned and said:

"What are you waiting for? Qin, it's now!"

Agnes suddenly sounded that night.

That night when the witch was kidnapped from the **** party. She thought that it was liberation, and the result was to fall into a deeper abyss.

Now, is this a relief?

Agnes looked at his whitish fingertips, but there was no blood outside his palm. Her blue eyes were no longer lakes in the Forest of Tranquility, but raging seas.

Complex emotions stirred in her heart.

Until a certain moment, completely calm down.

She took a deep breath, and black mist poured out of her fingertips. Using her finger as a pen and light as paper, she wrote a letter,

"Dear friend, please accept my guidance."

This traceless letter, with the help of the devil's curse, perfectly avoided everything. The surveillance of the Eternals, the peeping of the first seat...

Precisely sent to Qiao Xun's heart.

Lu Xianyi stood beside him, and suddenly felt that Qiao Xun seemed to be stunned.

"Qiao Xun?" she asked cautiously.

The next moment, Qiao Xun was in front of her, suddenly turning into countless luminous dots,

In the next moment, it disappears.

Lu Xianyi was stunned.

How is this going?

"Qiao Xun!" she shouted loudly.

No one answered her.


This is a colorful world, all kinds of wriggling colors sway around,

After Qiao Xun stood still, he walked forward.

Agnes was waiting for him in front.

She looked very noble in a very beautiful dress.

"Are we going to start now?"

"Yes. I'll give you the last ride."

"The last ride?"

Agnes smiled slightly,

"Of course, after this time, regardless of success or failure, I won't do this kind of thing again."

"You...you are beautiful." Qiao Xun said.

Agnes nodded,

"This is what I wore when I got married."

"Why are you wearing this?"

"Because I only have such a formal set of clothes. I think, for such an important occasion, of course I have to dress formally."

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"Like a princess."

"I'm at most a noble lady, not a princess. The princess' clothes are much more luxurious and more expensive than me."

"My imagination is poor."

"Okay, come on. Follow me."

"Are you also a projection now? Like in the previous dream."

Agnes thought about it and said:

"No. I don't have the ability to project it into everyone's consciousness."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"We are now divided into billions of copies, and we are going to the sea of ​​consciousness of everyone parasitized by the Eternals."


Agnes nodded,

"Yes, in the sea of ​​consciousness of all people with civilized consciousness activities in the world. You can close your eyes, feel with your heart, and you can feel the other billions of you."

Joe closed his eyes,

Then, numerous light spots like the Milky Way flickered in his consciousness. Each point of light represents another of him.

All of him share a set of personalities.

"Now am I subject consciousness?"

"Yes. You want to block every transaction of the Eternals, so it needs to be divided into billions."

"How to do it, I shouldn't be able to do it with my ability!" Qiao Xun was incredulous.

Agnes said:

"Don't forget me."

"It's so powerful... But why do I always feel familiar?"

"What familiar feeling?" Agnes stared at him.

Of course, Xun Qiao would not say that he felt the power of demons. It is too similar to the demonic power swallowed by Angele, the seed of the dream-eating tapir.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm thinking too much."

Agnes' eyelashes trembled,

"It's not too late, let's go."

"How exactly?"

"If the Eternals want to trade with everyone, you have to break every transaction. This requires a lot of power. The Eternals crossed the power level and used the Dream Eater to devour the dream state, so they were reluctant. Do it. Of course it is not easy for us, but fortunately, Ms. Anyang is willing to help us."

"Ms. An. Isn't she planning to do something?"

"She's a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted person. It's the exact opposite of her daughter's sudden personality."

Qiao Xun took a breath and said nothing.

Agnes went on to say:

"The Eternals can't find you, you just need to try your best to disrupt the transaction process. This shouldn't be difficult for you. Of course, you must take your own safety as the top priority, and if something unexpected happens, quit immediately. ."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Well, I listen to you."

Agnes smiled,

"It's okay to have some ideas of your own."

"I believe you."

Agnes's heart stinged, but he still smiled.

Then, Qiao Xun set off.

As Agnes said, it is definitely not an easy thing to control billions of clones.

Even with the help of the two conductors, he still struggled.

There is no way to use the help of rune energy for this kind of thing, so his talent has nowhere to go, only a few major characteristics and a "numerology follow the sky" that can play a role.

At the same time, the power of the curse in Agnes' body was burning fast.


in a sea of ​​consciousness.

A deal is going on.

The owner of the sea of ​​consciousness is a businessman. The advent of the era of "pollution and evolution" has destroyed almost all of his industries, and he is burdened with high loans and can no longer hold on.

The Eternals are still faceless, standing in the light. The businessman is standing in front of him.

"Poor child, do you really need money?"

"Yes, I need... oh no, no! I want to evolve too, money is useless, there is no chance to make money in this world, I want to evolve, only by becoming an evolutionary will change my current situation!" shouted excitedly.

"You feel unfair?"

"It's so unfair, why, how can those lazy people evolve, and I work diligently, contributing huge taxes to the country, creating employment opportunities for employees, and donating to charities. I have paid so much for the society, Why don't I have a chance to evolve!"

"You're right. Evolution should give to those who deserve it. You, hardworking and kind, are exactly the ones who deserve it."

The businessman said excitedly,

"Great God, your eyes are really sharp! Please give me a chance to evolve!"

"Of course. So, what's the price?"


"You're a businessman and know what that means."

"What can I give you?"

Eternal said:

"Believe in me, worship me."

"what should I do?"

"Accept it."

The Eternals give the next seed.

The businessman trembled next. Then, the seed sank into his body.

"Is that enough?"

The eternal smiles,

"Of course. Poor child, by signing this contract, you are an evolutionary. You are welcome to join the ranks of immortality."

The parchment deed falls.

The merchant will have to sign his name on it.

Suddenly, a man rushed out, grabbed the contract and shredded it.

The figure of the Eternal One collapsed in an instant, and when it collapsed, he saw who was coming.

Joe Tour.

"What are you doing!" The businessman froze for a moment, then shouted angrily.

Qiao Xun glanced at him,

"Deal? If you're really a businessman, you shouldn't be so stupid."

He didn't say much, after all, the businessman's cognitive level was indeed limited.

Qiao Xun, who prevented the transaction here, immediately returned under the traction of subject consciousness.

At this moment, transactions like this, blocking like this, in units of tens of millions, are happening at the same time.



The sea of ​​consciousness fusion device has been activated. It covers most of the territory of the Republic and protects the consciousness of the people in it.

Their sea of ​​consciousness is now connected with several demigods.

These demigods are guarding against the invasion of the first brainless person.

The world outside is full of snow worms. Snow bugs all over the mountains. However, these snow worms are not as vicious as the ones that landed in the Antarctic. They carry the consciousness differentiated from the first seat. If they successfully land on people, they are successful.

The first seat thus responds in everyone's heart, with the light of the Eternal, shining into their sea of ​​consciousness.

a moment,

The Eternal said to the first brainless man:

"Someone is making trouble."


"A former guest of mine. I didn't expect it."

"I didn't expect it? Did he escape your surveillance?"

"Yes. It surprises me that he seems to have some special secret about him."

"Do you want me to expel him?"

"No, you can't do it. His main consciousness is hidden, and it is meaningless to disperse his clones in each sea of ​​consciousness. He can easily create another one."

"Then, let Angele go?"

"Angele... Indeed, demons are good at doing this kind of thing."

"Follow your orders."

Brainless people sneak into dreams.

He found Angele, the dream-eating tapir, in the brains of super-giant resting creatures in the deep sea. It took some effort.

"Hiding in such a place, is the devil so afraid of seeing the light?"

Angele's body is an irregular thing twisted in the black mist, it says:

"Afraid of light? Just tired of you stupid guys."

"The devil's words are really sharp."

"I have helped you erode the world's dreams, and the contract is over. If you are here to disturb me, please leave as soon as possible."

"No, no, Mr. Angele, the contract between us is to help us complete the recovery of the Eternal."

"I don't remember." There were signs of danger in the black fog.

Brainless said:

"You know the price of backtracking."

"No one can tell the devil the price."

"Really? What if I said there was something familiar to you outside?"

"A trick to trick children."

"Please see."

The brainless man drew a ray of demonic power from nowhere.

Angele's figure began to sway,

"Where did you get it?"

"Mr. Angele, the information is priceless."

Angele said restlessly:

"You will die of greed sooner or later!"

"No one is more greedy than the devil."

"Say, what else do you want me to do!" Angele was very angry, but there was nothing he could do.

The devil's situation is far from what it used to be, and it has to endure these.

"Someone is making trouble, you go to solve his subject consciousness."

"You better do what you say."

After speaking, Angele disappeared here.

The brainless man left immediately. He also has to find a way to penetrate the defenses of those countries.


The fifth hour of trading.

Under the pressure of high load, Qiao Xun's main consciousness continued to control numerous clones to prevent one transaction after another.

In the transactions he has witnessed, the Eternals can always accurately penetrate the weaknesses of the masters of each sea of ​​consciousness, and then follow suit. Even a person with an unusually high level of vigilance could not withstand His temptation and chose to trade.

He never forces anyone to trade. But everyone can be willing.

As if it were really a **** who came to bring blessings.

In a certain sea of ​​consciousness, Qiao Xun is about to block another transaction.

The Eternal stopped and asked:

"What are you doing all this for?"

"It's nothing, I just feel bored and want to play."

"That's not a polite thought. You're doing everything you can to stop me, just for fun?"

"What about you? You've been preparing for so long, just for the transaction?"

"They are willing. As I told you, I am a businessman, and as long as there is a need for a transaction, I will appear. Don't you know that they are eager for change and are not comfortable with the status quo? I, can bring them change, originally It's a win-win thing, but you have to stop it. This is not what villainy is."

"Don't be naive. Eternal, you know what you are for. I don't agree with your ridiculous theory of immortality, and you don't have to try to assimilate my mind."

"It's really intriguing. I want to know what's in your sea of ​​consciousness to be as impenetrable as a metal wall."

Qiao Xun didn't talk nonsense with him, and brazenly tore apart the connection between this sea of ​​consciousness and the Eternal.

Some people are deceived by the Eternals and choose to trade,

Some people are really eager for such a deal. Many of them are indeed desperate, like serious illnesses, like family hardships... If the eternal ones can really give them a little change, Qiao Xun will not stop them.

But the Eternal is a liar. He will not change their status quo at all, but will use the dream-eating tapir seed to defeat their conscious line of defense and deceive them when they are at their weakest.

Agnes told Qiao Xun that God is not necessarily great,

Qiao Xun gradually understood.

An Yang also said that the immortals are not qualified to talk about immortality.

Qiao Xun also gradually understood.

After puncturing the hypocritical lies of the immortal again and again, Qiao Xun's imagination of the so-called **** gradually faded away from the hazy meaning of "indestructible".

To most people, God is a great thing above and above.

But it turns out that God is not necessarily great.

Rather than "gods", it is more appropriate to call them seventh-order evolutionaries.


Qiao Xun's subjective consciousness followed Agnes. They are going to find the subjective consciousness of the immortal.

Along the way, they chatted non-stop.

Agnes is more relaxed than ever. She is so lively and young today. Laughs more than ever, and with small, fangs.

She prefers to talk about her past experiences over things like gods, evolutions, runes, etc.

For hundreds of years, she was on the go. From the perspective of a bystander and witness, record one interesting story after another.

She has never been the protagonist of any story, but she can tell every story vividly.

Qiao Xun thought that if she was willing to write her knowledge into a book, it should be a very classic literary work.

She has read many books and is very knowledgeable. I'm never short of words, I keep talking.

Qiao Xun acts as a listener.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Before he knew it, he felt that the distance between himself and Agnes had narrowed a lot.

When he first saw her, he instinctively felt that she was a ray of light in the polar night, relying on his love for beautiful eyes.

Now, beyond her instincts, she is still a beam of light in the extreme night in terms of her personal qualities.

Many times, when Qiao Xun followed her, she would have a feeling of becoming bleak. It turns out that Agnes, who has always been quiet and elegant, and does not compete with the world, will be so brilliant and so radiant.

So much so that he thought that she was a little too dazzling today.

There was always a feeling in his heart that she was burning with all her might.

Qiao Xun has always had a realization that the more dazzling people are, the easier they are to burn out.



He couldn't ask,

"Will you burn out?"

Qiao Xun looked at Agnes' profile and thought that it would be fine to go on like this.

But, it's not like that.

At a certain moment, Agnes suddenly stopped and said:

"Qiao Xun, I can't continue to follow you."


Agnes didn't look at him,

"My strength is limited, and it is very difficult to move forward. I still need to maintain the stability of your avatar, but I have already helped you find the position of the immortal, you just need to go forward."

"Is that so?"

"Well...Ms. An will help you. I told her."

Qiao Xun paused for a moment,


"Well, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, let's talk when I get back."

"Is it important?"


Agnes said firmly:

"Then say it now. If it's important, say it now. Now!"

She repeated it.

Qiao Xun opened his mouth slightly. Some were speechless, he didn't know what he was nervous about.

"Agnes, I...I feel... the power of demons in you."

Agnes's eyes quickly fell silent, and immediately radiated light again. She smiled slightly,

"The devil's curse. Indeed. Come on, don't waste time."

"All right."

Qiao Xun turned away like an obedient child.

After he left, Agnes covered his chest and squatted down with difficulty.

She felt a tingling, needle after needle piercing her heart.

You really, really can feel the power of demons so easily!

Your disturbing qualities... those abyss-like qualities... those qualities that make me feel intimate...

You...you are the...devil who cursed me...


Qiao Xun moved forward in the colorful colors.

Don't know the time.

Here, he has no way of feeling time.

Just follow the last instructions Agnes gave him and keep going.

At the same time, he is still struggling to control his clones to break deals.

After an unknown time, he finally saw the huge palace again.

Glowing plankton surrounds.

Light shines from the gate of the palace, and the Eternals stand in the light.

"It's unbelievable that you're still here."

Joe Tour said:

"From the moment you had this plan, you should have imagined this day."

"Indeed, you are right. I should have thought that there is such a person who can not be influenced by me and can do some stupid things without restraint; there is such a person who can stand still in the face of the shining of the gods. figure."

Not being influenced by Him is because of the great will in the depths of Qiao Xun's consciousness;

Not being disturbed by the radiance of the gods is because Qiao Xun gained the characteristic of "looking directly at the gods" from the demigod-level will of the lonely army god.

"So, do you think you won?" the Eternal said proudly. "Can a **** lose to someone who isn't even a demigod?"

"God, it's fake."

"Ignorance. It's really easy to move your lips. In the past few gods, I have been thinking about the meaning of immortality. Now the earth is full of immortal creatures created by me. They are all over the sky, ocean, earth, and even Deep in the heart of the earth. If I want, I can wake them up and cause trouble for the earth."

"That's none of my business."

"You have to take responsibility for that."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"The robber kills the hostage, why blame a passerby trying to stop the robber?"

"The hostages could have avoided dying."

"I'm not a noble person, and I don't care about the world's accusations. If you think I stop you for the sake of all mankind, then you think me too great. I just want to feel the feeling of killing a god."

"Childish! Ignorance!" said the immortal, "I am in the sleeping history, preparing a new round of immortality plan, thinking about the real end of immortality. You don't know anything, with full of blood, trying to change everything ?"

"God. I've said it many times, please treat me as a despicable and shameless villain. A villain, what justification is there?"

Qiao Xun has said that about himself, and the Eternals also understand that reasoning with him is no different than playing the piano to an ox.

"Those who cannot be naturalized should be used as fertilizer for the new world." After finishing speaking, the immortal entered the temple and closed the door.

The light disappears, and darkness takes over here.

The seed of the dream-eating tapir, Angele appears,

"Are you the troublemaker? I'm sorry to stop here."

It descended under a black mist, and its irregular body was twisted in the black mist.

Joe Tour said:


Angele's twisting figure paused for a moment and asked:

"You know me?"

"Of course I know you. Have you forgotten, last time, I devoured a clone of you."

Devour... clone...



No, gluttony! It's gluttony! It is a gluttony that never stops eating, that never satisfies the appetite!

Angele's body trembled like a mountain collapsing. It tried its best to control its emotions, and controlled its demonic figure to be as regular as possible.

It stepped forward from the black fog, walking and talking, with a trembling tone,

"You, Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies; you, the Lord of Gluttony; you, the King I respect."

The thing that made Qiao Xun the most feared still happened.

His guess was right. His characteristic, gluttony, did indeed originate from the demon king Beelzebub.

But, as soon as it comes, let it go.

Qiao Xun is good at coping with sudden events. He says:

"Angele, I have long forgotten many things in the past. Perhaps it was your demonic power that kept me a little bit of the devilish smell that escaped me."

"King, I hate myself for living in the world."

"No one will blame you. We'll have more time to get back what we lost."

Angele finally came to Qiao Xun.

"Dear king, Angele is your heartfelt knight."

Qiao Xun let out a deep breath and spread the breath of "gluttony" on it.

Immediately, it is like a person caught in a great joy, excited by the breath of "gluttony".

If it is a person, then there should be tears in his eyes at this moment.

It is the breath of the Lord of Gluttony, the breath of the king!

So familiar, so sweet, and makes the devil want to sin...

King, return at this moment.

Angele kissed the back of Qiao Xun's hand,

"King, we will get back what we lost... Are you hungry, if you are, please enjoy me, I am your food for discipline, I... will contribute demonic power to you, maybe I'm still poor."

Angele is indeed like a loyal and loyal knight.

Although Qiao Xun couldn't stand its deep love. But when you hear it say it can contribute to the power of the devil, then everything is acceptable.

Joe Tour said:

"I forgot too many things."

"I will guard you until you wake up completely."

"Now we should keep a low profile. I'm afraid you can't appear in a big way."

"Yes. King, I can live in your dreams. In this way, you can also use my demonic power at any time."

Qiao Xun nodded, and then built a simple dream to host Angele.

Angele is a devil. But it's different from the kind of wicked feeling that Qiao Xun imagined.

Perhaps, the devil is just the name of a group, not a description.

After it sneaked into the dreamland built by Qiao Xun, it quieted down.

Qiao Xun tried to use its demonic power. It doesn't resist.

"Maybe, I have to find a way to find more demons..."

Angele's appearance not only did not cause trouble for Qiao Xun, but brought him a great gift.

This is something that neither the immortal nor the mindless could have foreseen.

Therefore, the moment Qiao Xun stepped into the temple and opened the door.

The Eternals in the light were very stunned.

He thought that Qiao Xun had killed Angele.

Is it that easy?

Even though Angele has just lifted the seal, he is still a real demon!

The Eternals are confused. It was also the first time that I felt nervous, because Qiao Xun, who had the idea of ​​"killing the gods", had come to him.

The person in front of him was not as weak as he imagined.

After a moment's delay, the Eternal suddenly opened his hands and said with a smile:

"Maybe, we can make a deal."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"You don't have anything I need."

"I'm sorry, he's talking to me." A cool and pleasant voice came from behind.

Qiao Xun was shocked, and there were other people here!

He turned to look,

Wearing a tall cylinder hat with a feather on the brim, a man in a decent suit stood at the door. It's the King of Spades "diplomat". Behind him, there is another person.

that person……

Let Qiao Xun fall into a trance for a while.

Yu Xiaoshu.

former assistant.

The Tourer looked at Qiao Xun through the dim light, but didn't say a word. She stood quietly behind, as if waiting for something.

"Little..." Qiao Xun just opened his mouth and stopped immediately.

He knew it wasn't the little book he knew.

Qiao Xun didn’t say anything, but the Tourer smiled and said:

"Doctor Qiao, long time no see."

Qiao Xun didn't know what to say to a black leather "patroler", nodded,

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Other than that, nothing else to say.

Live like strangers.

"The Tourer" is not the protagonist here, the king of spades is.

The king of spades glanced through Qiao Xun and looked at the diplomat behind,

"A transaction, I like it very much. A reasonable transaction allows both parties to achieve a win-win situation and achieve a rational use of resources. Eternal, what would you exchange with me? In exchange for a quiet and undisturbed space."

The Eternals stand in the light. No one could see clearly his face and face, and he said:

"I once created a world. Even if it has been abandoned, it still has a lot of value. Do you like this price?"

The king of spades immediately smiled.

He was young and handsome, like he came out of an otome game. Such an image also seems to be in line with his identity of the king of spades.

"The Eternals do know very well what equivalent exchange is. I did this transaction, and I will help you solve a little trouble."

After speaking, he looked at Qiao Xun,

"Mr. Qiao, Doctor Qiao, Brother Qiao... There are so many different people who address you. Our Miss Red, our Lord Patrolman, and many people in our organization have many of you. There are some special relationships among them. Last time, you were right in front of me and killed the 'reporter', and even people like Heiboan were willing to help you. I am really curious about what kind of existence you are. ."

The "Visitors" in the back looked down. I can't see her eyes, I don't know what she's thinking.

Joe Tour said:

"Is it the usual way of the Black Revolution to plan the situation of others without authorization?"

The king of spades smiled politely,

"Yes, especially to the weak. We only welcome the able. And you, for the time being, lack that ability. Well, Mr. Joe, I should hurry up and solve the trouble for my business partner."

He took off his top hat, his black middle-length broken hair twitched.

Bend over and do the gentleman's salute,

"Mr. Qiao, you killed our friends 'Master', 'Cat', 'Assassin', and 'Reporter'. Now, in the name of 'diplomat', I am making solemn representations to you."

After he finished speaking, Qiao Xun immediately lost control and fell into a strange space.

In this space, there are only countless horizontal and vertical, forming countless grids. The lines are white and the grid is black.

Qiao Xun made a breakthrough with "numerology following the sky".

Later, he found that the time he was in seemed to be rapidly reversing.

Only his time is going backwards.

He doesn't know how this is done, why can his time be independent of other times?

Is this the power of the King of Spades?

Qiao Xun remembered that when he was about to kill the "reporter" in the livestock area of ​​the train, the king of spades appeared and tried to stop him, but Agnes resolved him.

At that time, the way the K of Spades left was like this, as if the video had pressed the back button.

His time is rapidly going backwards.

At this speed, in less than five minutes, he will return to the time when he was next to Lu Xianyi at the beginning.

It wouldn't be so scary if it was just a change in position, but it's not.

Qiao Xun is very fast, and his time is going backwards. Spade K can freely adjust the state of the things he created on his own initiative, and choose whether to follow it backwards.

This power is too exaggerated!

A demigod, Xun Qiao realized more clearly that the king of spades was an out-and-out demigod.

What should I do?

If the King of Spades really keeps going backwards and editing like this, then all their efforts will be in vain.

What should I do?

After getting to know Agnes, her erudition and strength made him always accustomed to consult her with questions.

But now, Agnes, what should I do?

Qiao Xun's time was rapidly reversing.

Until, at a certain moment, his time returned to the time of parting with Agnes.

Agnes reached out a hand and grabbed him.

Qiao Xun was about to explain his situation, but saw Agnes' sad eyes. He paused and asked:

"What's wrong? Agnes."

The time reversal of the king of spades is still active. Agnes is fighting with her own strength, and once she lets go, Qiao Xun will continue to retreat.

Agnes' tone was not stable,

"Qiao Xun, do you know? I suddenly discovered that the biggest curse for me is not immortality, but that the person who cursed me will meet me again in a wonderful way one day."


"I remember the day we first met. I was standing behind you and you turned around like a frightened deer. I saw your eyes reflected in mine, and you seemed to be looking only at mine. .So I understand, you like my eyes. Yes, I met you in the spirit of having some fun. But I'm never hypocritical. I write to you as if you were the one I haven't seen in a long time See you friend. I tell you my story, it's like we sit in meditation with each other. You ask me how I write to you so no one will find out, and now I can answer you, I'm using my life."


"I don't know when, my life was deeply bound to those curses. If the curses don't go away, my life will not be cut off. That's why I say it's a vicious curse. Now, I'm burning these curses to the fullest. , burning my life, how much I want to show my friends the best of me. You are my second friend, it is hard to imagine that a demigod who has lived for more than 500 years is so pitiful No one speaks the truth."


"I like the name Qin. It's one of the few legacy my family has left me."


"Yes, Qiao Xun. Originally, how good it was for me to say goodbye to you like that. I will leave you with the best memories and not let you have any resentment. But, but...is this a curse?" Agnes No matter how sad she is, she will not shed a single tear. She always keeps her beautiful eyes clean and clear, "The one who buried the curse on me is actually my best friend. This... is the biggest curse. "

Qiao Xun's shoulders trembled.

Agnes took a breath and said comfortingly:

"Don't be afraid, it's okay, it's okay. I don't blame you. You didn't really do anything wrong. I just can't help but want to tell you this, sorry, I'm not a good friend, I... I really shouldn't have made you sad about something like this."

"Qin, I..."

"Please don't... don't comfort me. Don't think of me as a weak person. It's just that no matter how strong a person is, sometimes they hide in the toilet and feel sad. I, like that kind of person." Agnes was a little at a loss. , "No, no. I should help you defuse the crisis now. Yes, defuse the crisis."

She said incoherently:

"To fight the time wheel of the king of spades, you must, must be a demigod! I know it's hard. But, it's okay, I'm ready for you. Joe, jealous? You still lack the power of jealousy. Is that right? I'm not sure, just guessing based on the knowledge I've been looking for about demons. The demon who cursed me at the beginning also has multiple characteristics like you... Yes, in order, you are a fifth-order, and you want to become a demigod , need to break through the limits of jealousy..."

She did know a lot, far beyond Qiao Xun's imagination.

"Jealousy...Jealousy is always **** after something that is not available. It's extraordinary, if you get something like that, you can break through your limitations...Jealousy is like a flame, burning people's desires...Jealousy, just like my former friend Jealous of my immortality... Qiao Xun, I have to give it a try, give it a try, see if I can..."

Agnes ten fingers began to appear black mist. Similar to Angele's black fog, but it seems to be thicker.

She stood in front of Qiao Xun,

"I am greedy for aging and death... I couldn't get it before, now... I must, I must get it! Qiao Xun, this is a farewell ceremony for you."

After she finished speaking, she opened her mouth and bit Qiao Xun's neck.

The fangs penetrated his skin and blood vessels. But not like a vampire sucking blood.

She is pouring out her strength. All power, even her power hierarchy as conductor number three.

The black mist gushing out from between her burned scorchingly, stirring up black flames.

The black flame... it was the raging jealous fire that engulfed her.

Finally, she let go of Qiao Xun and said with her most ordinary smile:

"This is the first hug~www.readwn.com~ Qin..."

"I see, your eyes reflect mine."

Blue jewel-like eyes.

The smile freezes, and jealousy completely engulfs her.

Huge power, hoarded together, instantly broke through the sixth step of the long-ranked god.

Qiao Xun looked at the place where Agnes disappeared, staring at...

He broke the power of the king of spades, and the time began to quickly turn right,

Halfway through, all the modified content will be returned.

Finally, he suddenly stood back in place, looked at the Eternal on the throne and the King of Spades under the throne, and said:

"Your game is over."

(End of this volume)

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