Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 2: "Jealousy"

The sea of ​​immortality has disappeared without a trace with the collapse of the temple of the immortal.

The sea train is exactly as everyone has described it, no matter what happens, this ruthless huge machine will never have the slightest nostalgia and sympathy. It continues to move to the next stop under the manipulation of the power hierarchy. The sound of mechanical collisions was mixed with the sound of the surging waves, and gradually disappeared amid the oily and salty smell.

Qiao Xun left the huge dream.

Standing in the cold train compartment, he looked into the distance, to the place where Agnes lived.

After he sent Morita Takata into the arms of the fourth group members, he did not stop at all and rushed there. As if there were thousands of people urging him to hurry up, hurry up.

Not a single clockworker stopped him.

Until he pushed open the door and walked into Agnes' house.

The gleam has faded. Closed windows blocked the light from outside. There is only the smell of dust left here, and there is no longer a trace of quiet and elegant gentleness.

Like waking up from a dream.

Qiao Xun stood blankly at the door.

Again, accept losing Agnes.

The only light in this gloomy house is gone.

There was no reason to drive him into the house anymore. After standing for a long time, he stepped back and closed the door.

At the same time, a mature and attractive voice sounded behind him,

"I came here for the first time. It seems that Qin has indeed left you with a lingering concern."

The owner of the voice is Ms. Anyang. The second conductor of the Sea Train.

Qiao Xun turned around and said:

"Is death really the only end for her?"

An Yang put his elbows against his waist and said:

"What, do you still want to resurrect her?"

Qiao Xun did not answer this question. He went on to say:

"Is death a liberation?"

"Yes to Jean. Maybe it's pessimistic and negative to you, and I used to think so. But it wasn't until I saw her go that I felt that maybe none of us were qualified to judge her choices. Individuals have their own preset positions, and they will subconsciously apply their own positions when looking at other people’s choices. But you are not Qin, and I am not Qin.”

Qiao Xun's shoulders sank.

Anyang said softly:

"Losing Qin is indeed a painful thing. In the years I have played with her, she has never left me any bad impression. She is a perfect person. Maybe, perfect people really shouldn't exist. in this imperfect world."

Qiao Xun lowered his eyes and did not speak.

Seeing his expression, An Yang sighed and said as if to himself:

"Comparing the immature Xianyi with such a Qin, it's really hard for her." She looked at Qiao Xun, her tone returned to normal, "Okay, boy. Don't be so depressed, you still need to deal with the funeral. There's still a lot of trouble waiting for me to deal with. All sorted out, and then you come back to me. I still have some things to tell you."

After An Yang finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared.

Qiao Xun sniffed.

Indeed, there are still many things waiting for him to solve.

He took one last look at Agnes' residence, where Agnes used to be, and then walked away.


For ordinary train passengers and ordinary staff, they just watched a big show hosted by the VIP area. The scene intoxicated them to a certain extent, and they fell into a lost dream for a while.

Apart from that there is nothing else. After the show ended, their lives remained the same, and their jobs remained the same.

It's the VIP area, which is a bit messy now.

After the resurrection ritual of the Eternals failed, the first brainless man disappeared. No one knows where he went. His special ability is indeed suitable for hiding.

The second seat was immediately controlled by law enforcement officers dispatched directly from the restraint area.

When he was taken to the control area, he was still unwilling to accept the fact of failure, and shouted angrily:

"The immortals will definitely return. You blasphemers, you will never get the gift of immortality. In the end, you will only be gnawed into bones by bacteria in the sludge and rotten wood!"

The VIP area without the first and second seats fell into a great panic. The restraint area had already blocked the entire VIP area under An Yang's instructions.

As for the fate of the rest of the VIPs, we still need to wait for the subsequent trial.

Qiao Xun first met Lu Xianyi, making her sure that nothing happened to her. After calming her down, she went to the office of the fourth group of the correction meeting.

The team members also guessed what would happen, and no one was absent.

Looking at everyone gathered here, Qiao Xun bowed and thanked him.

"A lot has happened during this time, and everyone in the team has also collided with a lot of interesting sparks. Although I was incompetent and failed to give Phoenix a goodbye, I will still pay attention to her in the future. .Shi Qi,"

Shi Qi nodded.

Joe Tour said:

"It's a pity that I haven't been able to learn more about your past stories. But I have personally experienced your charisma as a team leader, and I have reason to believe that everyone in the fourth group will grow faster under your arms. "Jiang You,"

Jiang You touched his nose and smiled.

Joe Tour said:

"You are a good person."

"It's over?" Jiang You widened his eyes.

"It's over."

"Don't, talk more, talk more, team leader, I'm so pitiful for you to say that." Jiang You said pitifully.

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"You're a nice guy in every way, someone else's kid. Thank you for always being an optimistic idiot."

"Okay. I know the team leader isn't scolding me." Jiang You was quite helpful.


"I'm here I'm here!"

"Well... keep working hard and try not to be tempted by false beauty."

"What what?" Everyone was curious.

Harry blushed and didn't say a word.

"Pergmont." Qiao Xun said.

Begmont showed off his muscles as if he had been selected.

"You have a lot of growth potential, especially when it comes to using your brain."

"I prefer to use my muscles instead of my brain!"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,


Mary stole Qiao Xun's words and said with a smile:

"Oh, dear leader, Miss Mary doesn't need blessings and praise. If you want, you can lie in my arms and I'll sing you a beautiful song."

Qiao Xun booth spread his hands and shrugged.

"Your Majesty,"

Morita Takata swallowed.

"I know that your special ability will bring you a lot of pain that cannot be mentioned. In the future, I will no longer be able to listen to your worries and anxieties. But don't worry, you will gradually understand that what is really terrible is not about to happen. It's something really unknown. Learn to embrace it and see that as every opportunity you have to grow."

"I will work hard."

Qiao Xun took a breath and said:

"Thank you for your dedication during this time, thank you for your support and cooperation, and thank you for giving me an unforgettable experience. Dear friends, maybe our time together is over, but the time we have known each other , never ends. Everyone, I look forward to meeting you again."

Everyone in the fourth group is different, and everyone has their own way of saying goodbye.


After finishing everything in the correction area, Qiao Xun went to his house to prepare for the final finishing.

He knew that, for him, the journey of the train was over the moment Agnes was freed.

Opening the door, the unique smell in the room immediately alerted him.

Unique and familiar.

He was someone he couldn't forget, and he didn't dare to forget.

According to Hong.

The woman who seemed to be soaked in blood was sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Qiao Xun stood at the door and looked at her,

"Why are you here?"

Yihong did not answer, but instead asked:

"Qin doesn't like the way I look, and don't you like the way I look?"

Agnes' name seems to be a softener, making Qiao Xun not want to say too many sharp words. As he walked, he said:

"No one likes it."

Yihong took off her hair accessories and let the long bangs hang down to block the erect eye,

"I don't like it either. But no way, I can't change it for now."

Qiao Xun didn't want to ask what happened to her eyes, and asked again and again:

"Why are you here?"

"I came to you, to talk to you."

Qiao Xun sat opposite her,

"What do you want to say?"

"Has Qin told you about the grudge between me and her?"

"I did. She said you were always pestering her."

Yihong nodded,

"Yes. Now she's finally free."

"Do enemies also sympathize with each other?"

"Enemies? What grudges, what grudges? She never took anything from me, and I never took anything from her. For me, she is a suffering deceased person that I want to be close to and help. It's just, it's a pity , I was destined to do things in a very different way from hers, and I couldn't add some fun to her long lonely life."

Qiao Xun looked at Yihong, but did not speak.

He felt that today's Yihong seemed very different, very normal... Those characteristics that belonged to her, such as madness, restlessness, perversion and morbidity, all disappeared.

Yihong said:

"When you died in Kabul, I had imagined the scene of the next meeting with you. In my expectation, it should be the enemy meeting, and the state of your life and death needs to be separated. But now, it seems to have changed. Qin, It has changed you and me to a certain extent. She is a tie, one end is tied to my past entanglements, it is old and conservative, and the other end is tied to your present relationship, which is free and new. This tie After the break, you and I have to face each other directly."

"So, are you here to challenge?"

Yihong shook her head,

"It's not there yet."

"How far has it come?"

Yihong slightly bent the corners of her mouth,

"Obviously, I'll pester you. Until you're free like Jyn."

"Liberation..." Qiao Xun looked into her eyes and asked, "What about you? Shouldn't you find your own way of liberation first?"

Yihong paused for a while, then smiled and said:

"No one cares about me. No one haunts me. No one wants me to die with a smile. Everyone wants me to be tortured in purgatory forever. Joe Xun, I'm not like Jean. Jean's great personality Let everyone who knows her wish her a happy ending and end her painful torment as soon as possible. As for me, it's better to go to hell, the eighteenth floor."

"That's because of what you did yourself."

"Yes, I will not refute. The wicked will be punished."

Joe Tour said:

"hope so."

"People like you don't keep talking about 'hope'. You should say 'definitely'!"

"A person like me?" Qiao Xun shook his head, "Yihong, you shouldn't think you know me well."

"No one knows me better than yourself. Not even you."

"Don't be arrogant."

"This is not arrogance. I am stating a fact."

Qiao Xun didn't want to argue with Yihong about such a meaningless issue. he asks:

"Is there anything else you want to say?"


"Then hurry up and finish."

"Before you are not strong enough, it is best not to expose yourself. If you give all the mythical worlds a list of the most disgusting people, you are the first." Yihong's eyes flashed with mysterious light.

Qiao Xun looked at her motionless.

Yihong then smiled and said:

"I'm the second."

After she finished speaking, she stood up, walked to the door, and said as she walked:

"Qiao Xun, the two of us might be the best villain partner."

She went farther and farther, and her voice became less and less,

"Also. Miss 'Visitor' is actually Yu Xiaoshu, but she has changed from silly and sweet to the queen! The queen, of course, has to be more reserved."

Yihong's voice stopped abruptly.

For a few seconds after she left, the surroundings were as dead as an abyss.

Then came the revival of various voices, returning to the hustle and bustle.

What she said revealed very complicated information.

About Agnes, about him, about herself, and about the "Wanderer."

But these messages seem to be taboos that can't be said too much.

If what she said was true, Qiao Xun probably understood that her situation was not optimistic.

The most hated person in all the mythical worlds...

It's quite a stressful title.

But for Qiao Xun, after he embarked on the road of evolution, he moved forward under pressure almost every moment.

There is very little time to truly relax. Getting along with Agnes counts.

Qiao Xun lay on the sofa, his consciousness gradually sinking.

The once distant semi-transcendent energy, the power of a demigod... is brewing in his body at this moment.

The raging fire of jealousy burned in every trace of his flesh and blood.

"Jealousy", the vain fire of desire, the ugliness of life...

"Jealousy" is coveting everything that does not belong to you, it can be anything.

Wealth, power, good feelings, beliefs, tenacity of will, noble character... everything can be the object of "jealousy". The fire of "jealousy" will burn people's hearts, torment people's spirits, make people crazy, show ugly faces, and desperately get the things they covet and make those things their own.

After Qiao Xun felt "jealousy" over and over again, he gradually understood its real use~www.readwn.com~ that is to transform the power of demons.

All power, the power of runes, or the power of dominance, creativity, faith, spiritual power... All desires and emotions, joy, anger, sadness, joy, worry, thinking, fear... can be burned by the "fire of jealousy" , and then become the power of the devil.

Even...totems and talents.

For arrogant demons, the purest demon power is the most powerful power. There is no need to use limited things such as totems and talents to perform.

To use the power of runes, you need to program the talent in advance, which is undoubtedly a limitation. Spiritual talents cannot exert the ability of confrontation, and talents of information cannot exert the ability of healing... Moreover, once the power of runes is limited, any talents will be useless.

And the power of the devil, there is no such restriction, it is a kind of power that can exert whatever ability it wants to exert.

Only with the help of the corresponding talents, the limitations of the corresponding abilities can be exerted. For Qiao Xun,

no longer exists.

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