Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 3: Mother-in-law is a fairy?

Regarding the matter of demons, Qiao Xun now only knows a name at most.

More, he did not know at all.

Now that Yihong has explained, his identity is destined to be troublesome and will bring disaster to others. Then it is even more necessary for him to find out what the devil is and why it is hated by the major mythical worlds.

To understand this, he now has a very appropriate path.

After all, there is still a real demon living in his dream, Angele.

Qiao Xun closed his eyes, and his consciousness sank into the seed of the dream where Angele was.

Feeling the arrival of Qiao Xun, Angele, who was all over the dreamland, immediately gathered his body.

It was Qiao Xun who saw its true body completely. Without the lingering black mist, it still looks black. On the overall appearance, it is like a complex of various animal appearances, and many animal characteristics can be found in it.

But these characteristics are not stable and are in a range of change. Therefore, its appearance is uncertain.

In general outline, it is inclined to pangolins with human legs.

In short, it is definitely not a high-value creature in human aesthetics.

"Lord of Gluttony, you are here." Angele leaned over.

Joe asked:

"What about the black mist around you?"

"Wang, you really lost too much, and you no longer know the haze of the curse." Angele said sadly: "In front of you, of course I have to face it in the most real way."

"Curse the haze?"

"Every demon has a haze of curses, and the worldly people and gods call those sins, yes, sins to them, but to us, it's fresh, sweet air. King, once you, all around you The cursed haze of is enough to overshadow a world. Now you have forgotten."

"Angele, don't be sad. I'm still alive, this is the greatest confidence."

"Yes, I believe, you can restore the glory of the devil!"

"Before that, I have to understand what a demon is."

Angele said:

"Wang, I am honored to be able to help you find your past knowledge. I will do my best."

"Then first, what is a demon?"

Angele replied:

"When the mythical worlds are built, the gods always think that their pavilions are bright, clean and open. But in fact, they just raised the filthy things. These filthy things, Commonly known as original sin, which is the sin that anyone can commit. Demons, from which breed. In the beginning we, like ghosts of wandering and invisible places, were unknown to the world until one day, a famous The existence of the 'Goddess of Desire' gives us the ability to grow. We keep wandering in various mythical worlds, absorbing nutrients and achieving the fruits of evil. From the birth of the Seven Kings, to the growth of the devil, to the fear of the mythical world, to the mythology The collapse of the calendar..."

Angele spoke in a succinct manner. The background of the demon story that Qiao Xun wanted to know in an orderly manner gave a basic look.

As for how the devil was born, and how it fell to the point where it is now.

Qiao Xun had some basic understanding in his heart.

Born from the original sin of the gods, the "Mother Desire" gave the original sin the ability to grow, which is the way to create the power of the devil's curse;

Destroyed by the gods. The gods did not want to see more powerful demons born, so they chose to fight evil. And the glorious age of mythology created by the gods also collapsed along with it.

In Angele's account, it was a rather brutal mythical war.

So far, the mythical worlds have not recovered from the aftermath of the war. Now, it is the revival melody of the mythical world. In the future, more and more gods will revive in various ways.

After listening, Qiao Xun still had many doubts.

"What is the Goddess of Desire?"

Angele shook his head,

"I don't know. Maybe it's just a collection of wills, maybe it's real. No one has really seen the Mother Goddess of Desire, and never seen any call from her."

"Then how do you know that the devil originated from him?"

"It's like a brand. It's a brand that every demon has deeply engraved since he grew up."

Qiao Xun asked again:

"It's in the recovery period of the mythical world right now. Does that mean that there will be more and more demons recovering?"

"Yes. Demons won't really die. It's just that many powerful demons have been sealed. Compared with the gods, the demons will be more difficult to revive. After all, we are not in a world compared to the gods. Keep the faith. The totems and runes created by the gods are the best way to revive them, and the demons have no such way."

"So, if you want to restore the demon group, you have to find those sealed demons?"

"Yes, Gluttony King, I will do my best to help you."

Qiao Xun was silent.

This is quite a burden. Until he fully understands the meaning of the existence of demons, he does not intend to start this matter for the time being.

After all, he wasn't really a pure demon.

He also doesn't feel that he can represent the devil's position now. Unless the interests pursued by the devil are in line with the interests he pursues.

Rather than embarking on the road to recovery from the devil, he just wanted to become stronger and prepare for a possible collision with the gods in the future.

"Will Earth be a recovery point for the gods?"

"Yes, and it is the best recovery point. The earth is the place where the totems of the gods are most prevalent, and the earth is also a rare place of life, with many sources of power."

"What about our demons? Where are they roughly located now?"

"There are not many on earth, and it is estimated that there are at most two other than me. More are scattered in various mythical worlds. Because it is difficult to eradicate demons from the root, most demons are in the form of seals. Those who are imprisoned in other worlds."

"How to get to those worlds?"

"There are three ways. The first is through the deep sea fissure in Antarctica,"

"Wait, isn't there a connection to the world of fallen angels?"

"It is mainly connected to the world of fallen angels, not just. But I don't recommend this method, because it is very dangerous and easy to be discovered."

"What other way?"

"The second way is to wait for the earth to break through the limitations of the energy level, and when the gods begin to recover on a large scale on the earth, there will be a world channel."

"How to break through the limit?"

"The emergence of a large-scale evolutionary tide, or the emergence of a primitive **** of the earth."

"It feels very difficult." Qiao Xun said.

Angele nodded,

"It will come eventually, it's just a matter of waiting."

"What's the third way?"

"World projection. Go to other worlds through projection on the earth. This method is the simplest, but it is of little use, because the projection in another world cannot exert its full strength, and it is easier to be discovered by the existence of other worlds. "

"In other words, we can only wait now?"

"Yes. King, we need to wait patiently. This time we can find the demons on Earth first."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Okay, Angele, thank you for clarifying your doubts."

"You don't need to thank me, King. I was under your protection."

Angele was living in his own dream, and Qiao Xun was not in a hurry to understand everything at once.

In the future, there will be opportunities to learn about the inquiry slowly. Now, he has other things to do.

After exiting the dream, Qiao Xun got up and packed up his belongings and put them all into Mosuluo's Destroyed Aspiration Sumeru.

He then went to the restraint area to find Ms. Anyang.

Ms. Anyang was already waiting for him, on the balcony of a tall building.

After seeing Qiao Xun coming, An Yang said:

"Before, Qin and I stood here and paid attention to everything below."

Standing on the balcony and looking out, the scene of the upper compartment of the sea train is undoubtedly revealed.

"Has Ms. An dealt with everything?"

An Yang smiled slightly. Her demeanor was always confident,

"No matter how many things happen, the train is always a train, so it's not difficult. Of course, Jean's departure has indeed made me more difficult. She is a train conductor who is very good at managing internal affairs. Over the years, she handled everything very well, but she gave me enough time to be lazy. Now, I have to do it myself, which makes me miss her even more."

"After that, what are your plans?"

"I'm looking for a successor. The sea train is not worth my stay. I originally planned to let you take over, but think about it, how could you be like Qin, sitting here for decades after such a big commotion. "

Qiao Xun was angrily and did not deny it.

He likes Agnes, but that doesn't mean he likes her life. Always living in a dark room...

"Where are you going to go? Xianyi...I don't know what to say. In short, she should really want to see you."

"Unfortunately not." An Yang said, "She is not strong enough, meeting me too early will only cause more trouble."

"What's the trouble?"

"Boy, the reason why trouble is trouble is because I don't want to be asked. Because, just talking about it, it's troublesome." An Yang said, "As for me... I'm going to find the No. 1 train conductor."

"Is the conductor No. 1 not on the train?"

"Captain One was the only one who never got on the train. Even though he built the Sea Train."

"where is he?"

"His home - the world of steam and machinery - the "Ring of Truth", of course an old man can only stay in his home. Maybe he's poking his head at the moment, holding a car full of motor oil. Look through the magnifying glass to see the Boiler News just delivered by the newsboy."

Joe asked:

"What world is that?"

"A world full of industrial waste and black smoke. If you want to know more, go see it for yourself later."

"Maybe I don't have that ability."

"I don't like pretentious boys. You know whether you have the ability or not." An Yang glanced at him.

"Okay, I'll go there when I get a chance. But, Ms. Ann, I'm also curious, where are you from?"

An Yang thought about it and said:

"Maybe... Immortal Realm?"

Qiao Xun opened his mouth wide,

"Then aren't you a fairy?"

Immortal world... This word, in the mind of Qiao Xun, a native of the Republic, is a word full of fantasies.

Such as immortals, heaven and the like.

But An Yang's next words shattered his illusion,

"The world that uses immortality is simply called the immortal world. In fact, the fairy tales you have read and the immortal world in the immortal movies and TV dramas you have watched have nothing to do with the immortal world. Moreover, the immortal world today is also a waste of time. Look. In the future, you will hear more worlds with names that sound great, like heaven, creation world, undead world... But in fact, what their names represent is only their past glory, and now, basically all It's a rundown."

"Is this the recovery of the mythical world?"

"Recovery?" An Yang shook his head. "In my opinion, it's just a flashback. A group of old-fashioned old-fashioned antiques refuse to accept the change in reality."

Qiao Xun was listening with interest, and An Yang loosened his shoulders and said:

"Okay, little boy. That's it."

Qiao Xun felt a little pity in his heart. But he couldn't ask An Yang to say more, after all, she was not Agnes.

"I should get out of here."

Anyang nodded,

"You should leave too. By the way, take Xianyi with you."

"I generally respect her personal opinion."

Anyang said with satisfaction,

"It's like that. However, you don't have to accommodate her. It's best not to drag each other down. Although I'm not optimistic about your love, as an elder, I will still bless you."


"Also, I don't want to be a grandma too soon. You'd better be careful. I hate children the most."

Ms. An's speech is really unpretentious.

"Also, in the first seat, the brainless person escaped. You should pay attention to yourself, don't get stuck by him, it will be very troublesome to deal with."

"Anything else to ask?"


"Well, see you then."

After saying goodbye to An Yang, Qiao Xun left the restraint area.

Along the way, he was quite groaning in his heart.

What does it mean to be not optimistic about their love...

Forget it, just be a mother who can't bear her daughter.

In this way ~www.readwn.com~ the matter of the sea train is almost finished.

During the reorganization of the VIP area, Lu Xianyi voluntarily withdrew from the VIP seat.

Three days later, the sea train stopped in a polluted area in southern Australia. Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi got out of the car here.

Because of the Antarctic accident, Australia has been hit the hardest, and almost all coastal cities are in disarray.

In Lu Xianyi's capacity, it is possible to apply for a flight back to China by looking for the agencies affiliated with the surrounding "towers". She is still a member of the "Tower" after all. No matter how bad it is, it's okay to rely on her father's relationship.

But she seems reluctant to do so.

Then, they found their way back to China in the underground market.

A black flight from a third-party force in Australia.

With a little cost, it was a success.

On the evening of January 5, 2037, one year after one person, two years after one person, finally set foot on the way back.

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