Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 5: Reflex arc 1 km long

In the time that followed, Lu Xianyi didn't say a word, leaned against the window, looking at the scenery outside the window, wondering what she was thinking.

The warm air in the cabin made me sleepy. Qiao Xun also fell asleep, sitting next to her, his breathing gradually stabilized.

Listening to the slow breathing next to her, Lu Xianyi let out a long sigh.

She didn't want to ask too much. There are many, many things that happen to him every day, and it would be too much for both of them to pursue every single thing.

Lu Xianyi has been thinking about this question.

There is a lover, in the end is to control him around,

Or, let him fly high?

A suitable point should be found between the two. You can't just nervously imagine it every time you hear a girl's name has something to do with him. However, if he doesn't pay attention, what if he is really taken away by someone else one day?

Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun's profile, and suddenly felt that it was too much for him to be able to sleep so soundly at this time.

I really want to wake him up...

This idea kept spinning in her head until the plane landed, but she couldn't implement it. In the end, she could only set foot on the ground in the chagrin of self-pity.


Zhidong City has completely changed,

After walking out of this military airport, he looked around and suddenly, Qiao Xun thought he was on the front line of some war.

There are fortress-like things everywhere, silver-blue rune light flashes on the outer passage, and strands of rune information jump between these fortresses. The streets and alleys are sparsely populated, and the once prosperous city now has almost only the aura of melting runes and the smell of metal friction when standard equipment is activated. Large and small, oddly-shaped aircraft hovered in the sky, seemingly forming a huge net. No information can escape the capture of this net. On the ground, rune armored vehicles consigned various derivative rune equipment and headed towards the sea.

And looking beyond the horizon...

A long dragon-like city wall sits on the ground, forming a solid arm of this stretch of coastline.

Under his strong vision, Qiao Xun could see that there were many sentries standing on those city walls. "Sentinel" in the evolutionary sense. They were presumably in charge of monitoring the ocean beyond the city walls.

It's hard to believe that this is the change in Zhidong City in more than a year.

"Is this still Zhidong Market?" Qiao Xun couldn't help asking.

Zhou Sibai smiled and said:

"What do you think I've been busy with this year? Zhidong City is now a demonstration center of new-type cities, and new-type urban designers from all over the world have come to visit here. It is no exaggeration to say that in the world, now Zhidong City is also one of the best.”

"What about the residents of Zhidong City?"

"Most of them have moved away. The ones who remain are basically researchers and engineers in the related industries of urban construction. There are also a large number of evolutionaries gathered here. According to previous statistics, the number of evolutionaries in Zhidong City alone has reached One hundred thousand."

"This is the city of evolutionaries."

"Of course. There is no city with the largest number of Evolvers. There are not as many in Yandu City. Of course, Yandu City is mainly concentrated on high-level Evolvers."

"This is equivalent to a novice village?"

"That's not the case. Xinsheng Village is some inland cities, it should be said that it is the front line. The previous Antarctic incident caused the outbreak of the marine crisis. Compared with the pollution incident on land, pollution incidents from the ocean are more and more serious. Complex. There are tens of thousands of control teams along our nation's coastline dealing with pollution crises every day."

Qiao Xun sighed,

"This kind of speed is really terrifying."

"The power of the whole country is unequivocal. Now most of the core industries of the coastal cities have moved to the inland areas, and many cities have undergone a certain degree of integration. Under this situation, it is inevitable. The state cannot let the The resources are so scattered.”

"That's true."

After following Zhou Sibai into Zhidong City, Qiao Xun has a deeper understanding of this new city.

Almost everywhere is shrouded in runes, with a large concentration of automatic rune engineering. This made Qiao Xun involuntarily ask:

"Has our country's research on runes crossed a level? These rune technologies were very rare before."

"Yes. This is thanks to the Huguang Research Institute in Yandu City, which has broken through many major technologies one after another. Like the refining project of the source metal base, the rune engraving technology, the rune channel structure and so on."

Qiao Xun is very familiar with the Huguang Research Institute. In Yandu City before, Xin Yu took him there.

It is indeed the top rune-related research institute in the country. There he also learned a lot of new technologies that he had never heard of before.

It now appears that these technologies have been put into practical use.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but sigh,

"The change of the times is really coming."

"Well, every day is changing with each passing day. With the stimulation of external power, a technological revolution is taking place all over the world. As far as I know, Huguang Research Institute has a special technology that is researching breakthroughs. If that technology is real If it can be realized, it is estimated that it will really be a brand new era.”

"What technology?"

"Free State Source Metal Diffusion Technology."

Hearing this term, Qiao Xun was stunned for a moment.

Then, he immediately remembered that this technology... seems to have come into contact with him. In Yan City, when he lived in Xin Yu's house, he knew a lot about this.

This technique is mainly aimed at people who have not awakened naturally. If the source metal successfully achieves the free state and can accurately diffuse, the risk-free artificial awakening technology will be broken through. That is the real era of national evolution.

Qiao Xun also provided some... ideas for the study.

"National evolution?" Qiao Xun asked.

Zhou Sibai was shocked,

"You know quite well."


Of course Zhou Sibai didn't believe it, but he didn't ask any more questions, nodded and said:

"It's almost in this direction. But the specifics will have to wait."

After he finished speaking, he changed the subject,

"By the way, Qiao Xun, no one knows about the two of you returning to China. But what are your thoughts? Do you want me to keep it a secret for you, or do you have other plans?"

Joe asked:

"Is my current identity suitable for disclosure?"

Zhou Sibai thought about it,

"In the official documents, you are a dead person. But I also understand that before the Eternal Life, many high-level people suspected that you were not dead. Moreover, it may have been known to a certain extent by some intelligence agencies in other countries. So, There will definitely be relevant personnel to investigate your situation. From my personal point of view, I do not recommend that you conceal it, because doing so will not only require you to trouble yourself, but also easily create some misunderstandings.”

Joe Tour said,

"Team Zhou, you should also know my concerns."

"I know that you don't want too many people to disturb you. But you should actually understand that with your contribution to the country and... your current strength, the country is very tolerant of you. Now During this period of time, no country is willing to cause trouble everywhere, nor does it want to have unsettled factors within itself. Take 10,000 steps back and say, you are still alive, not really dead."

Zhou Sibai's last sentence was concise.

Qiao Xun gradually understood that he did not really want to leave human society. Since he was active in human society, the fact that he was alive was completely complete.

Some things have to be faced after all, and it is impossible to avoid using the label "dead" all the time.

"Team Zhou, you're right. You know more about these things than I do."

Although Zhou Sibai is now working in Zhidong City, he has stayed in Yan City for a long time before, and is in a high position. For the considerations of the upper management, he needs to be clearer and more comprehensible. The same is true of the current situation.

"Then you mean..."

"Well, I'll ask you to help me deal with the 'I'm not dead' thing."

"It's not too much trouble. But, should you tell Sasori first? She's not far from Zhidong Market, so she'll be back in half a day."

"I'll contact her myself."

Zhou Sibai smiled,

"this is correct."

He then looked at Lu Xianyi,

"Where's Xianyi?"

"Uncle Zhou don't have to think about it, I have my own arrangements."


After Zhou Sibai took them to the base to rest, he started to deal with these matters.

In the base, Qiao Xun's original dormitory was reserved for him. There was hardly any movement inside.

Sitting on the sofa in the dormitory, Qiao Xun felt very relaxed.

After wandering outside for a long time, this feeling of returning home is really unstoppable.

He tilted his body and fell on the sofa, squinting his eyes slightly, the shadow of the living room chandelier flickered in his eyes.

Lu Xianyi curiously looked inside and outside the dormitory.

"Uncle Qiao, your dormitory is really clean. Don't you have any secrets?"

"Who will show you the secret outside?" Qiao Xun replied lazily.

"I thought you would keep a diary."

"Write it, work diary, do you want to read it?"

"Look! Look!"

For everything Qiao Xun's past, Lu Xianyi was still full of enthusiasm.

"The second drawer of the bedside table on the right side of the bedroom."

Lu Xianyi got into the bedroom, opened the work diary, carefully sat on the bed and began to open it.

After watching for a while, she asked aloud:

"Is your previous job so boring?"

"Do you think there will be something new every day?"

"Oh...most of your patients are women."

"First of all, women are more likely to develop mental illness, and second, I have been the most popular counselor in my clinic for three years."


"This is a fact!"

Lu Xianyi said loudly across a wall,

"Aren't you going to contact that Miss Wu Mao?"

"I'm sorting my mind."

"Hey, are you still nervous?"

"It's not that you're nervous, it's that you can't be perfunctory."


Lu Xianyi felt that it was even more tasteless to read this work diary. She leaned her back against the bedroom wall and asked:

"Before this, is there anything you want to say to me?"

"love you."

Lu Xianyi was a little dazed, and forgot to reply, she sat on the floor along the wall, hugged her knees, her eyes widened, and then stared at the pillow on the bed in a daze.

After a while, she stood up with an exclamation.

"Ah, what are you talking about! I didn't ask you that!"

Qiao Xun complained:

"Your reflex arc is a kilometer long?"

Lu Xianyi stuck her head out of the bedroom, looked at Qiao Xun on the sofa, and said:

"Aren't you going to ask me what I plan to do in the future?"

"You haven't thought about it yet."

"You...how do you know."

"It's all written on the face."

Lu Xianyi covered her face,


Joe asked:

"Want to go home and see your dad?"

"Well..." Lu Xianyi murmured softly, "I think...you come with me."

Joe Tour said:

"That probably won't work for now."

"I can wait, when you have time."

Qiao Xun looked at her face and said:

"I don't know when I'll have time."

Lu Xianyi retracted her head and said:

"It's okay. There's always a chance."

After a while, she came out of the bedroom and sat on the sofa.

Her expression was very flat, and there was nothing unusual about her.

But some trance eyes revealed that she was thinking about something more complicated.

Qiao Xun didn't bother her.

After a while, he sat up straight, took out his phone and dialed Saori.


"Captain! The eyes of this splendid spiky crab seem to have undergone a second mutation. Do you want to take a look?"

On a blue beach, Qin Gushan rubbed his forehead with his arm, then raised his head to look at Wu Mao Sa Xuli on the other side and asked.

Sayori Gomo is researching strange traces on the beach. This trace is very similar to that left by a large pollution creature weighing about 50 tons, but in her impression, there has never been a large pollution creature weighing more than 10 tons on this beach.

Hearing Qin Gushan's voice, she said:

"Wait a minute, I'll be right here."

She quickly recorded this trace, and then came to Qin Gushan.

Qin Gushan said:

"It's this eye. Look, it looks like a rainbow in it. It should be a second mutation."

Gomo Sayori snapped her eyes off. Under the manipulation of the power of the rune, the eyeball floated in front of her, fading away the dust and grime.

The inside of the eyeball is much clearer.

she frowned,

"This is more than a second mutation. This is a third mutation."

"Ah?!" Qin Gushan was surprised~www.readwn.com~ The Spangled Crab is a very common polluting creature. Such ordinary polluting organisms have mutated three times, which shows that there are extremely powerful sources of pollution in this sea area.

Sayuri Gomo says:

"You look around and see if there are other similar situations."

"Good captain!"

"Remember to record the situation and report it to the top. There may be an accident on this beach."

Qin Gushan, this energetic girl, immediately threw herself into the task, and the wind blew away.

Gomo Saori looked at the direction of the sea worriedly. This sea area is very calm, but the calmness does not make her heart calm, instead it sends some disturbing signals.

After thinking for a while, she entered the "Tawang" team channel and called back the other two players, Zhang Zian and Kong Tian.

Gotta get ready to leave.

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