Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 6: wrong answer, right person

"team leader!"

Wu Mao Sa Xuli was feeling the dark tide under the calm sea when she heard the call of Qin Gushan from a distance.

"Come here, the situation here seems a bit strange!"

The sound came from a black reef beach on the edge of the blue sandy beach. Gomo Saori looked over there, and there was something that I don't know if it was fog or miasma, gushing out from the ground and heading straight for the sky.

She quickened her pace and ran over quickly.


"Captain, I am here."

Gomo Saori turned over a huge reef and immediately saw a large crack behind the reef. Qin Gushan was standing on a steep platform below the crack, next to her were the corpses of two sharp-nosed red eels. The snout of the eel, which is about the thickness of an adult's neck, also exudes some faint red light.

Sayori Gomo jumped down and started to examine the two corpses.

She cut the muzzle of the corpse with a special dagger, divided the flesh and bones, and then found the rune cores of the two mutant eels inside.

Ordinary polluted creatures do not have rune cores, and rely on the branch's ability to use rune energy in flesh and blood.

Only the polluted creatures that have undergone multiple mutations, in the process of mutation, can gather the rune energy to form the rune core.

So, the two eels were mutating before they died.

Gomo Saori felt it carefully and said:

"They were undergoing a third mutation before they died."

"Why did you die?" Qin Gushan asked.

Gomo Sayori stood up and looked around. She walked to the outer edge of the steep platform and looked deeper into the crack. There was no head in sight, it was dark below, and there was a smell of sulphur, accompanied by a hot and humid breath. she asked:

"Gushan, there should be no cracks here before."

Qin Gushan nodded,

"Yes. The last time we came here was seven days ago, and the cracks should have formed within those seven days. Judging from the traces of changes in these reefs, if we narrowed down the range, it would have been three nights ago. This place will be swelled at night. The rising tide covered it, and the rock walls inside the cracks contained the carcasses of some tiny sea creatures."

Gomo Saori looked deeper into the crack, and felt more and more uncomfortable here. She said:

"Let's get out of here first."

"Captain, why don't you go down and have a look?"

"Don't take the risk, we are the control team, not the investigation team."

"oh oh."

The two quickly left the steep platform under the crack. The fissure continued to emit smoke that smelled of sulfur.

"Captain, haven't the two of them come back yet?"

Sayuri Gomo says:

"I'll ask again."

Afterwards, she entered the "Tawang" team channel again and directly connected with Kong Tian and Zhang Zian.

Connected soon.

"Where are you two now?"


The harsh sound of electric current made Sayori Gomo frown.

"Are you guys OK?"

"Zizzi--" The sound of electricity continued to come from the other end.

Then, Kong Tian's voice sounded, this time it was barely clearer.

"Captain...there are tainted creatures...attacking..."

Then, there was another harsh electric sound.

Gomo Saori immediately cheered up and said:

"Gushan, immediately search for the coordinates of Kong Tian and Zhang Zian. They are in danger."

Qin Gushan moved quickly, squatting on one knee on the ground, her palm slightly touching the ground, a rhythm spread into her palm, and then merged into the sea of ​​​​consciousness and began to translate.

Ten seconds later, her eyes lit up, she stood up and said:

"They are here!"

"Let's go look for them."

Wu Mao Sa Xuli hugged Qin Gushan and started to accelerate.

After a while, she swept across the blue sand at a very high speed, leaving a trail of traces behind her.

Three minutes later, they came to a cliff on the left side of the blue sand beach. There was a cave near the cliff.

Because of its special geographical location, this cave is often a place where polluting organisms gather. It is also the place where every control team that comes here must clear it.

"Gushan, open your eyes."

"it is good!"

Qin Gushan put his palm on the wet stone wall, and a layer of halo then poured out on the stone wall. At the same time, a three-dimensional perspective map is formed in the sea of ​​consciousness of the two, and every element in the map has been translated by Qin Gushan and presented clearly.

From the map, Kong Tian and Zhang Zian are located at a distance of 70 meters and a depth of 120 meters.

It is marked on the map that this location is generally where the blue blood pearl mussels are stationed.

"Be careful."

After Gomo Saori finished speaking, she headed into the cave. Qin Gushan followed closely behind her.

Breath, traces, pollution, runes...

These elements are translated and presented concretely in their eyes.

Gomo Sayori took out a specially made folding bow from her weapon pocket. This is a rune weapon customized for her by the base based on her abilities.

Because of the map translated by Qin Gushan, they knew the location of every polluting creature.

They move very fast.

No tainted creature could survive Gomo Sayori's runic arrow for a second.

Accurately catch weak points, and then kill with one hit, is what the team members know about this young captain.

After sinking to about 60 meters, Qin Gushan said:

"Captain, there is strong rune interference."

Sayuri Gomo nodded, she also noticed,

"It's no wonder that there was an electrical noise when connecting with them before."

"Will there be high-level polluting organisms?"

"It's hard to say, it may be an abnormal substance with a high concentration of pollution. In short, as soon as possible, find the two of them first."

"Okay Captain, I'll try calling them first."

Qin Gushan's "call" is not a verbal call, but a telepathy based on runes.

Gomo Saori continued to sink with her.

All the polluting creatures along the way were killed. The rune arrows she fires are powerful arrows that strangle along with the tainted runes. So Qin Gushan often joked that if he was shot by the captain's arrow, he would become the cleanest thing in the world.

After sinking to 100 meters, the movement of the battle can be clearly detected.

"Captain, the two of them are surrounded by a swarm of tainted creatures."

"Let's hurry!"

Gomo Saori immediately entered a state of concentration, and everything around her became extremely slow in her senses.

Correspondingly, her speed is very fast, so fast that even Qin Gushan can't translate her traces.

The turbulent rune aura knocked out a lot of cracks in the stone walls in the cave.

When they saw Kong Tian and Zhang Zian, they were tightly surrounded by blue-blooded pearl mussels.

Seeing this, Sayuri Gomo crouched behind a reef, raised the rune folding bow, and gathered a huge amount of rune energy in her right hand.

Thousands of arrows fired.

Each runic arrow precisely hits the weak point of each target it locks on.

The arrow pierced through the body, exploded, strangling life and runes.

After a series of runes exploded, the surrounding blue blood pearl mussels were shattered, and the remaining blue blood pearls radiated blue dim light in the darkness.

Qin Gushan's eyes are full of stars,

"No matter how many times I watch it, I still think the captain is too beautiful to fight!"


Wumaosha Ruins pinned the folding bow to his arm, jumped down, and stood in a pile of glowing blue blood pearls. Every part of her body reflected a blue light.

"Are you two okay?"

"Huh—" Zhang Zian breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, Captain, you're here, otherwise we'd have to become the excrement of these stinky clam shells."

Kong Tian removed the blue blood from his body and said:

"Captain, I've troubled you again."

"It's okay, we are a team, there is no trouble or trouble. So, what happened to you?"

Kong Tian said:

"We checked this place according to the usual procedures. During the period, we encountered some polluting creatures. After checking the large platform with a depth of 160 meters, we returned to the original way, but after returning to this place, for some unknown reason, a sudden appearance appeared. A large group of blue-blooded pearl mussels suddenly appeared without warning. The two of us were not ready and were accidentally trapped."

Wu Mao Sa Xuli looked around and said to Qin Gushan:

"Gushan, translate the surrounding information."

"it is good."

Qin Gushan began to examine every detail. Soon she frowned,

"Captain, there is a similar atmosphere to the previous crack."

"Do you know what exactly it is?"

"I don't know. But I can vaguely perceive it. It is a kind of life breath, very... chaotic, with no specific sequence and efficacy."

Gomo Saori has heard that unknown life is sleeping in many parts of the earth, and I don't know when it will wake up. She did not want to take the risk, saying:

"Get out of here first."

The four of them quickly dressed up and returned according to the original route, not even having time to pick up the blue blood pearl.

After ascending to 100 meters, Qin Gushan suddenly said:

"Captain, the environmental information has changed drastically, and the geological elements have rioted!"

Gomo Sao Riming's nerves were immediately beating, and a sense of restlessness poured out in her heart. she exclaimed:


The four evacuated upwards with all their strength.

The whole cave is like a tower with a spiral staircase. They ascend these "spiral stairs".

After rising to 80 meters, the cave began to tremble slightly.

Fissures appeared on the wall.

"An earthquake?" Zhang Zian asked.

Since the Antarctic event, earthquakes have been very common, occurring almost every day.

"No, it's not geological activity!" Qin Gushan shook his head and said in a deep voice, "It's the tremor caused by life activities."

"What a life that must be!"

No one realized it was unusual.

The tremor of the cave increased in magnitude at a constant rate.

After they crossed the 60-meter limit, the intensity suddenly broke through the critical value, and the cave began to collapse.

The rocks that fell from above fell overwhelmingly.

A huge fissure emerged, and the sulphur-flavored smoke was exhaled from the fissure immediately, and at the same time, a strange sound came from it.

Gomo Sayori bit her lip and said loudly:

"Hold on to me!"

The other three grabbed her arm.

Then, a huge rune energy surged out of her body, forming a silver-blue acceleration ring behind her.

With a slam, it turned into a silver-blue lightning, rubbing the gap of the falling stone scorpion, and swept to the surface.


A deafening roar came from the crack. A huge palm broke through the barrier and reached out to them.

This palm also seems to have some kind of peculiar ability, which reduces the efficiency of Gomo Saori in activating the rune energy.

Their speed dropped suddenly.

"what happened?"

Qin Gushan said loudly:

"Captain, an energy field with special effects exists!"

"Did it come from that palm?"

"should be!"

The scene of the huge palm sticking out of the crack shocked the four of them. They couldn't imagine what kind of existence could have such a big palm that they could almost grab a large transport plane.

There is only one thought in Gomo Sayori's head now, hurry up and escape.

Seeing that the exit was in front of her, her speed became more and more slow.

No, it can't go on like this.

Her mind is running fast.

In this way alone, it is almost impossible to escape.

There must be other solutions.

After thinking about it, she took off the rune folding bow on her arm, gathered the rune energy, and shot an arrow. In a short period of time, three beams of rune light were separated from the arrow and intertwined on the three players. Then, they were forcibly dragged out by arrows.

"team leader!"

Wu Mao Saori moved very fast, and the three team members did not react at all, and were taken out of the cave by the rune arrow.

Only Qin Gushan's exclamation was left.

Gomo Saori in the cave immediately began to pull her body to avoid being caught by this huge palm. In her field of vision, everything around her changed very slowly. Dodging falling stones, dodging the grasp of huge palms, was not difficult for her.

But the problem is that the existence of the high energy field prevents her from leaving the cave quickly.

And staying in the cave for a long time is a very dangerous thing.

As the cave collapses, the space for movement will become smaller and smaller. It is difficult to guarantee that a single mistake will fall into the abyss.

How to do?

Sayori, use your brain and think about it, what should I do? !

Gomo Sayori tried her best to calm herself down and think about countermeasures.


feel good...

There must be a way!

The huge palm is like catching small shrimp in a bottle of tiny stones. In front of it, Wu Mao Saori was indeed just a tiny shrimp.

But I can't get it for a long time,

It started to get cranky.

The strange power locked Goma Sayori, further reducing her utilization of rune energy.

What followed was a reduction in speed, and the perception of change became slightly sluggish.

Gradually, the physical and mental exhaustion made Gomo Saori began to struggle.

The collapse of the cave became more and more serious under the action of the huge palm.

Gomo Saori shuttled between the gaps, and the space for movement became smaller.


The huge palm was like an inescapable five-finger mountain, grabbing at her.

There is no way out.

All the cracks around were locked, and the rune energy was also severely blocked.

A huge palm covered her.

Burning, foul smell.

The strong breath and strange power made Gomo Sayori fall into lava.

Maybe the hand was soaked in lava.

Between the closed folds of the palms, Gomo Saori stepped forward.

But the hot breath made it hard for her to breathe and quickly took the moisture from her body.

She could foresee that if she couldn't escape from here, she would soon die of dehydration.

Think about it!

Sayori, think about what to do!

At this time, she was terribly calm.

A pair of eyes that were still gentle in the eyes of the team members became extremely sharp.

The rune energy in the body completely stagnated at a certain moment, like a pool of stagnant water.

Her sea of ​​consciousness also seemed to have become a dead sea, and there was no trace of her being alive.

At this moment, she seemed to be really dead.

Life activities are stopped, and runic energy activities are also completely stopped.

But it just stopped, the rune energy did not escape from her body because of the loss of the limit of life.

A figure gradually emerged in her senses.

A familiar voice rang out...

That is the voice of the past.

"Saori, count the number of leaves."

Count the leaves?

She remembered saying this when Qiao Xun taught her control skills when she was still in Tateyama City.

She knew what the answer was. It was 109 pieces, but she remembered her answer at the time was, 108 pieces.

Because she was still very weak at that time, she missed a piece.

"108 pieces." But she still chose her answer at the time.

"No." The voice that came from was not the same as it was then, "Sasuri, you are missing one piece."

Gomo Saori suddenly woke up.

She thought that it was the revolving light of her life just now, but it was actually different from her memory.

She remembered that after she said "108 pieces", Qiao Xun's answer was: "So soon?"

It's now, "No, Sayori, you're missing a piece."

Then, the voice of Qiao Xun appeared again,

"Sasori, details, details. Your ability is made of all details, don't miss any details..."

Gomo Sayori's brain is shaking,

Why do you hear his voice?

Is it the illusion that the hardship and dullness accumulated in the heart finally broke out?

No, I want to see, I want to see with my own eyes, after all, is it him!

The life activities that she had retreated seemed to be stimulated by some kind of power, and it was revived, and the rune energy slowly flowed.

The pressure in the huge hands is still there.



She closed all her senses, focused a little, and gave her all.

The huge palm was dissected inch by inch in the sea of ​​her consciousness, and every trace of flesh, strength and environmental information was completely excavated.

Concentrate a little, don't leave dead spots!

Concentrate a little bit and get to the top!

Like a fencer, she suddenly caught the opponent's weakness at a certain moment, and then,

out the sword.

Set up the rune folding bow, gather the rune energy of the whole body,

Shoot the arrow!

The arrow drained the runic energy in her body,

If you don't succeed, you will only die.

So, don't hold back, go all out.

The rune arrow penetrated the gray stone shell outside the huge palm, hitting the channel of strange power inside with precision.

The channel is broken at a touch,

It's like a human artery is cut.

That strange power quickly escaped. Then, the closed palm began to release the force.

Taking this opportunity, Gomo Sayuri escaped from the reach of her palm and ran out of the cave.


After the palm that was pierced by her fell into the abyss under the crack due to its release force, she immediately extended a second, larger palm.

The palm of the hand is like a ruthless salivating beast, just holding a bug.

The absolute crushing of strength and size made Gomo Saori feel desperate.

The danger that he tried his best to avoid is just a random move by others, and there is nothing more desperate than this.


She didn't even know who she was talking to.

to myself,

to the players,

To everyone who is looking forward to you?

At the same time, she never thought that this unintentional remark would get a response.

"It's okay, you've done your best. Next, leave it to me."

Saori couldn't even describe how she felt.

Like... dreaming?

Maybe the next moment will wake up.

A black fog emerged from nowhere,

From the dark fog, a person came out.

She only saw the back, not the front.

The man looked into the abyss beneath the crack and said:

"I could only run away when I saw you last time, but this time, it's different."

Saori tried her best to open her eyes, hoping to see who that person was.

But the response was,

"Sauli, don't look at it yet."

Then, when her eyes were dark, she couldn't see anything.

Qiao Xun didn't want this young Saori to see the power of the devil.

black fog,

The curse haze in Angele's mouth.

For the first time, it appeared in Qiao Xun's body.

Cursed haze spreads into the cracks like a relentless plague. Devour all power.

The fire of "jealousy" was raging, and the huge palm was completely burned in the blink of an eye. Among them, the special power was all converted into the power of the devil, which merged into the haze of his curse, making it even stronger.

This special power, under the interpretation of "gluttony", is called,

Titan power.

Qiao Xun's eyes glistened in the haze of curse,

"Titans... Legendary creatures of the underground."

He looked at the dark abyss, did not choose to go deeper, and left with Sasori.

Saori's senses were still blocked by him. She instinctively grabbed everything around her and asked nervously:

"is it you?"



"Have you forgotten what my name is?"

"Joe... Mr. Joe."

After returning to land, on the beach, Qiao Xun lifted her sensory shield and said with a smile:

"it's me."

When Sasori saw Qiao Xun's face, she lowered her head,

"I must be dreaming..."

"Then this dream will probably never wake up."

"Joe, Mr. Joe...I, I..."

Saori didn't know what to think or say. Everything made her unable to react.

After being sluggish for a while, I suddenly got an answer.

Mr. Joe is still alive.

She has indeed lost her majesty as a team leader at this moment, probably just a child,

In her eyes, Qiao Xun seems to have become very fragile, like a bubble, it will burst if it is not good.

"I thought, thought you..."

"Sorry~www.readwn.com~ makes you sad."

Saori shook her head vigorously, trying to keep her eyes wide open, because in the blink of an eye, the swirling tears would be squeezed out.

"It's alright, it's alright. I'm just... seeing you, very... Anyway, it's good that you're still alive."

Naturally, she had words that she couldn't say, and in the end, it turned into a sentence "just fine".

"Well." Qiao Xun didn't say much.

He knew that the child in front of him was still in a mess.

Sayori's mind is really messed up.

She did something that would bite her hair every time she thought about it,

Rush up and hug him.

Qiao Xun was stunned,

Lu Xianyi, who was hiding in the distance and peeking here, was also stunned. After a while, she nibbled at her thumb nail and snorted.

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