Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 10: You are nothing!

The journey from Yandu to Zhidong City is not considered a field, and Xin Yu arrived at noon the next day.

When Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi picked her up from the airport, she was wearing casual clothes, and her high red ponytail was still fluttering behind her, like a cluster of flames about to expand.

In Qiao Xun's feelings, her breath was more restrained and solid than her appearance.

This shows that compared to the last time I saw her, her strength has improved a lot, and the rune energy control effect in her body has reached a very good level.

In the past year, she has been working **** evolution.

In January, Zhidong City is still relatively cold. After all, it is a coastal city. Even if new infrastructure is built in the city now, the heat production of the entire city is quite high, but it cannot withstand the current strange climate. I don't know how many giant meteorological species are stirring the wind and rain in the sea. The abnormal climate in the world is no longer abnormal even today.

Xin Yu wears a women's wool coat and walks on the road, giving people the feeling of a street shooting model.

From a distance, she saw Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi who were waiting outside the airport, kicking their leather boots, and rushing to the front of them.

"Really, like a dream!"

Lu Xianyi happily hugged her, burying her head on the collar of Xin Yu's woolen coat,

"Sister Yu! I miss you!"

Xin Yu smiled and said:

"Me too."

She looked at Qiao Xun with flames in her eyes,

"I didn't expect to see you again."

Qiao Xun shook his shoulders,

"It's good now, don't think about it, I've seen it."

"You really haven't changed at all."

"You've changed a lot."



Xin Yu laughed,

"Sweet mouth."

Lu Xianyi turned her head and wrinkled her nose at Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun turned around and said as he walked,

"Okay, let's reminisce about the old days and wait until we go back, and then slowly reminisce about the old times. It's very noisy outside."

Xin Yu said:

"Now Zhidong City is much more empty than before."

"Coastal cities are like this. Zhidong City is already quite good."

"I didn't expect you two to come back together."

Lu Xianyi said:

"I didn't even think about it at first. I thought I was going to be on the train for a few more years."

Joe walks ahead, hands in his pockets,

"Don't keep saying the word 'unexpectedly', it sounds weird. Makes me look like such an unreliable person."

Lu Xianyi raised her eyebrows,

"Do you think you are trustworthy?"

"Very reliable!"

The corners of Xin Yu's mouth curved,

"Yo, is this the beginning of flirting?"

Lu Xianyi was very angry,

"Sister Yu, if you judge him, is he reliable?"

"Ask me what? Ask yourself."

Only then did Lu Xianyi react, and her face turned red all of a sudden. ask quietly,

"Have you seen this all?"

"If you turn over in bed, I know what dreams you are dreaming." Xin Yu teased.

"Is it so exaggerated!"

"How long have you been with me?"

"Oh, don't mention the old things."

Xin Yu looked up slightly, raised his chin, and said with some emotion:


"Didn't Sister Yu like anyone?"

When the two girls were chatting, Qiao Xun usually didn't interrupt and drove in front of him honestly.

Xin Yu said,

"Like myself."


"Huh - I'm probably past that age of fantasy love."

"You're only... twenty-seven-eight."

"No one is still in love at 27 or 8. If I was just an ordinary girl from an ordinary family, I wouldn't think that I would have to pursue a vigorous love. The age of marriage, if not Talking about the needs and necessity of marriage, isn't that just being single all the time?"

"You're exaggerating... it's more emotional."

"Does my senses make me kill two more polluted species?"


Xin Yu pinched Lu Xianyi's face and said with a smile:

"You're still young, and you can still pursue beautiful love. So, you can be more open-minded."

Lu Xianyi held her face,

"What... am I being heartless?"

Xin Yu smiled and said nothing.

Qiao Xun laughed out loud.

Lu Xianyi said angrily:

"Where am I missing my heart!"

Xin Yu suddenly remembered something, she first glanced at Lu Xianyi, and then said to Qiao Xun:

"Qiao Xun. Before in Yandu, I met a little girl from Japan."

"South Shizuku Hitomi? I heard Zhou Sibai say it."

Lu Xianyi pricked up her ears.

Xin Yu continued:

"Well, it's called this name. If you want me to say, have you bullied others in Japan? It's so sad to cry at your grave, and I used up a pack of paper."

"No, she still wants to bully me."

"Then you can't explain it, make it clear in front of Xianyi."

Qiao Xun complained,

"Are you here to support her?"

Xin Yu put his arm around Lu Xianyi's shoulder and said,

"Xianyi is my good sister. If I don't support her, who will? Her unreliable mother?"

Joe Tour said,

"Her mother doesn't spoil her as much as you do."

Lu Xianyi said dissatisfiedly,

"I never asked you what you said to my mother."

Joe Tour said,

"She said you had to grow up quickly. She told me not to get used to you."

Xin Yu interrupted the conversation,

"Don't go too far, Qiao Xun, first clarify the matter of Nan Shizuku Hitomi."

"A delinquent girl with a withdrawn heart has found hope for a good life. It's as simple as that."

"say clearly!"

Qiao Xun sighed helplessly,

"Trust me, you really won't like this kind of **** plot."

"Escape is shameful." Xin Yu said.

"All right……"

Qiao Xun didn't bother, and told his experience in Morioka City one by one. After speaking, he added:

"That's it, it's very simple."

But the reactions of the two ladies were completely different.

Xin Yu shook his head and said,

"Qiao Xun, you are really not a thing."

Lu Xianyi had some sense of crisis brewing in her heart.

Qiao Xun retorted,

"What's wrong with me? I've always kept a proper distance from her, and I've also helped her resolve her grievances. It's already very polite."

Xin Yu said:

"A person who is helpless in spirit is still a girl who is not fully mature in mind. Because you are out of the prison, and then you leave people behind? Isn't that sending her to another prison of the mind? ?"

Joe Tour said,

"Of course I understand what you mean. But first of all, I am not abandoning it. Before I went to Kabul, she contacted me many times, and I patiently replied and answered my doubts. Second, the news of my death was not under my control. Yes. In the end, I just returned to China and didn't have the chance to visit her."

Xin Yu said,

"You are quite reasonable and well-founded. But you don't understand at all. Compared to you, Nan Shizuku Hitomi is a purely weak party. The more rational and well-founded you are, the more domineering you are to her."

"I can't give her unnecessary expectations."

"You said that again. When I was in Yan City, I told you that you are a very selfish person. In general terms, you are impersonal. I always feel that you can handle it with objective and clear reason. Humanity."

"Are you criticizing me?"

Xin Yu shook his head and said,

"As a friend, I can't preach to you from the perspective of an elder. But you make me worry. I'm not sure what happened to Nan Shizuku Hitomi and whether Xianyi will experience it in the future."

Lu Xianyi didn't say a word, she lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

Joe Tour said:

"But we can't decide everything by ourselves."

"Maybe, you have a better way. It's just that you don't have a choice."

Qiao Xun fell silent.

He reexamined himself. Facing Nan Shizuku Hitomi, have you ever had a better choice?

He couldn't deny that, indeed, before, he used Nan Shizuku Hitomi's weakness to help her find the whereabouts of "Book".

But is there really a better option?

He couldn't go back to the past, and he couldn't understand.

Xin Yu is indeed his good friend. Of all the people Qiao Xun knew, she was the only one who pointed out his mistakes sharply.

"I need to think about it."

Xin Yu said,

"Sorry, this should be a happier reunion."

Qiao Xun shook his head and said,

"You did nothing wrong."

Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun and said nothing.

The current Qiao Xun made her feel even more uneasy. This is not a harbinger of danger, but a sense of powerlessness that sees him further and further away.

Yes, Qiao Xun has become stronger and more mysterious.

So mysterious, it always gave her a feeling that he would leave again.

Thinking of this, Xin Yu unconsciously clenched Lu Xianyi's hand.

Lu Xianyi tasted a different emotion from this gradually increasing sense of grip.

What is Miss Fisher worried about?


After returning to the base, the busy Zhou Sibai took a moment to spare, and the four of them had a cup of afternoon tea together and chatted about some old things.

"Xin Yu, are you planning to do something when you come to Zhidong Market this time?" Zhou Sibai asked.

Xin Yu said with a smile,

"Of course I came to see my good friends and good sisters."

"Not necessarily." Zhou Sibai said with a smile, "From what I know about you, you have a definite purpose wherever you go."

Xin Yu smiled slightly,

"Of course, take care of things by the way. To be honest, I plan to go to Xijing."

Zhou Sibai nodded. Without further questioning, he said:

"Xijing is not very peaceful recently. Be careful."

"Thank you Team Zhou for your concern."

Zhou Sibai looked at Qiao Xun and said,

"Qiao Xun, as you guessed, after Si Ling investigated the cracks in the blue sand beach, he also believed that a threat from underground was brewing."

"Any arrangements?"

"This discovery can connect many anomalous events that have occurred in the world before. In the subterranean asthenosphere, there is an ancient creature, and it is impossible to infer how they were deposited there and whether they were native life on the earth. However, from some indications, they have their own unique civilization, and they will not be low-level civilization. To a certain extent, the frequent geological activities are caused by them, and at the same time, the geological activities under the chain reaction also make their living space destroyed. Squeeze. Break through the crust, presumably their way out."

Joe Tour said,

"It seems that humans have to deal with those giants before dealing with the gods."

"Doom always follows."

Zhou Sibai looked at the time, stood up,

"Okay, I still have a seminar, so I won't accompany you."

After saying goodbye, Zhou Sibai left quickly.

Xin Yu sighed,

"Professor Zhou is so busy when he comes to Zhiwinter Market."

Lu Xianyi said,

"I think Professor Zhou is the kind of person who always pays. With his qualifications, I really want better treatment and working environment. There is no problem at all. I don't need to be so busy."

"Maybe the failure to be promoted to demigod in the past left him with some bad memories."

It was the first time Qiao Xun heard about this.

"What kind of statement is that?"

Xin Yu shook his head,

"I can't explain it to you clearly. To put it simply, it is probably the victim of the country's eagerness to succeed. Xianyi's mother also left at that time."


This topic stops there.

Xin Yu rationalized his thoughts and got serious,

"Let's get back to business. I should have told you before that Ji Zhengzhi is a member of the National Archaeological Team, and his team is responsible for the old runes, ancient times, ruins, etc. After the revival investigation mission, he will go to Xijingna with the team. It has been a piece for nearly two years, and many ancient traces related to totems and runes have been discovered before and after. Two days ago, he suddenly called me and said that he found it in an ancient well in an abandoned village in the northern suburbs of Xijing After translating some ancient runes, it seems that they can be linked to the resurrection event. As a result, the next day, three people suddenly crashed into the base of the archaeological team and snatched those ancient runes."

"Just the ones who are still alive?"

"Well, and he's pretty sure."

Lu Xianyi thought about it and said,

"I remember that the main basis for the resurrection ceremony was the ability of the Great Emperor Zhenwu in the mythical story. All mortal bodies are incarnations of Zhenwu... or something."

Qiao Xun added:

"The mortal world is the mortal body of Emperor Zhenwu. Anyone can become his reincarnation on earth. His clay idol spirit is everywhere."

Xin Yu said,

"Maybe those three guys know how to restore Qi Boxue and Zhuo Jun to their true bodies." She looked at Qiao Xun and asked, "How did you avoid turning into a stone sculpture?"

Joe Tour said:

"Characteristics. Now, I may be able to restore Qi Boxue and Zhuo Jun."

It was only then that Xin Yu remembered that Qiao Xun was already a demigod. She then shook her head,

"This is not the key now, restore their true bodies, and then there is time. I am more concerned about why those three guys stole the ancient runes they found Ji Zhengzhi. The investigation of the revival incident is fundamentally Say, it’s not over yet. As the few of us who are closest to the truth, I’m afraid we need to continue to explore.”

Joe Tour said,

"My purpose is actually simpler. I have to deal with the guy who was reincarnated by me."

There is one more thing he didn't say ~www.readwn.com~ Numerology follows the sky" This talent exists in his consciousness, and he has to figure it out. When he was mistaken by Bingchen Taisui as Emperor Zhenwu, this idea was already there. He buried it in his mind. Now that he has become a demigod, he wants to know the truth even more urgently. Otherwise, this matter will always be like a thorn in the flesh.

Xin Yu nodded,

"You are a demigod now, and you should really handle this kind of thing more carefully. The ability of a demigod has been abstracted and conceptualized, and the connection with various things is deeper. Although I don't know the specifics, but in my understanding There are two demigods in the Republic who have had problems with seemingly unrelated little things."

Lu Xianyi asked:

"When are we leaving?"

"The sooner the better. Tomorrow."

"it is good!"

After the time was settled, Xin Yu and Lu Xianyi went shopping. There are endless things to talk about between women.

Before leaving, Xin Yu did not forget to remind Qiao Xun to think clearly about how to solve Nan Shizuku Hitomi's matter.

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