Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 11: Crazy "impressive stimulation"

Take good care of Minami Shizuku Hitomi...

For some reason, this made Qiao Xun feel a little tired. It's not that he is tired of this kind of thing, but Nan Shizuku Hitomi is not as simple as a normal 16- or 17-year-old girl. She has heard many of the most direct and worst words from people's hearts. It's hard to solve problems just by talking to her.

What she needs is real, long-term company.

This happened to be what Qiao Xun couldn't give her. He couldn't really accompany her through this process of reshaping her personality like a brother.

When thinking about this question, Qiao Xun gradually understood why so many people became bastards.

Responsibility is a trap that binds one's desires.

It is human nature to release desire.

It is the pursuit of most people to be a hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind.

Qiao Xun can't say that he is a peerless good man, but he also won't be a **** with peace of mind.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that he should first tell Nan Shizuku Hitomi the fact that he was still alive.

Make a call.

It is through, but the call is forwarded.

The person who answered the phone was a relevant receptionist at the Japanese branch center of "Tower",

"Hello, hello."

"Excuse me, is Nan Shizuku Hitomi there?"

"Wait a minute, I'll check for you."

After about ten seconds, the receptionist said:

"I'm very sorry, sir, the Nan Shizuku Hitomi team is currently on a mission and cannot respond to you for the time being. If necessary, you can choose to leave a message and wait for the Nan Shizuku Hitomi team to broadcast it to her during the rest time."

"No thanks."

"Glad to serve you."

Qiao Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing that Nan Shizuku Hitomi was on a mission, he felt slightly relieved. This at the very least shows that she has not returned to the dull life she used to live, and she is still working hard.

After the phone call, Qiao Xun sat alone on the balcony, sinking into the sea of ​​consciousness,

Continue to learn about demons and past mythological ages through Angele, the dream-eating tapir.

Angela is half an encyclopedia. Because of his ability, he is parasitic in the dreams of many people and can see more things.

Of course, there are also many things it doesn't know, such as how the gods will recover.

When asked about this, Qiao Xun realized that Angele's level among demons was also considered a god.

But it cannot be restored at present. If you want to restore to the level of God, you need to go to a world with a higher level.

The current earth is not enough to support the gods.

Something is missing, or a chance.

No one knows when this opportunity will come, it may be the next moment, or it may take a long time.


The next day, before dawn, the three of Qiao Xun set off.

This action is considered a personal action and will not be recorded by the relevant departments.

After a flight of more than two hours, the three arrived in Xijing.

The air in Xijing is much drier than in Zhidong City, and you can vaguely see the appearance of yellow sand. The cold snap of winter continues to wash over this historic city.

Compared with Zhidong City, which has changed a lot, Xijing is more in line with Qiao Xun's impression of the city.

There are many tall buildings, crowded traffic, and the breath of life scattered in the streets and alleys...

It seems to declare that the city has not been affected by "pollution".

After walking out of the airport, Lu Xianyi took a deep breath and said contentedly:

"Ha—that's what the city smells like."

"The smell of dust and exhaust."

Lu Xianyi was not frustrated at all, and said with a smile:

"It's better than the cold feeling of Zhidong City. Rune technology is everywhere, and there is no human touch."

"Who are you implying?" Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows.

Lu Xianyi strode forward,

"Whoever speaks is who."

Xin Yu patted Qiao Xun on the shoulder and said solemnly:

"Come on, boy."

"Don't be like an aunt."

Xin Yu had a look of pity.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but say,

"I'm a demigod, please respect me."

Lu Xianyi turned around and said in a pinch of tone:

"Damn, do you have to have a pathetic barrier between us!"

Qiao Xun spread his hands helplessly.

Xin Yu said with a smile:

"Find a hotel to stay in first, and then go to Ji Zhengzhi in the afternoon."

Joe asked:

"Aren't you going to check with the emergency response center here?"

"No need. Individual actions should not involve official agencies."

"I think, if there are some unnecessary disputes, maybe it will be more beneficial for us to check with the team here in advance."

Xin Yu thought about it,

"You're right. Then you go book a hotel first, and I'll go to the emergency treatment center in Xijing City."

Xin Yu acted resolutely, and as soon as he lost his words, two taxis stopped by the roadside and set off.

"Let's go, let's hurry up too." Qiao Xun said.

Lu Xianyi asked:

"Uncle Zhou said that Xijing is not very stable, how do you feel?"

In fact, as soon as Qiao Xun landed, he spread the information field all around. The pollution atmosphere, the concentration of rune energy and some other strange powers were all in his feelings. At first glance, it is no different from the previous Zhidong City, that is, there are evolutionists and pollution, but it is not serious.


"No sense of danger for the time being. But there's another subtle sense."


"It's hard to say. Heavy and quaint."

Lu Xianyi said,

"Could it be the strong historical atmosphere of Xijing?"

"This is also possible. After all, it is the ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties."

But can the breath of history be felt?

The heavy and simple atmosphere that Qiao Xun felt did not mean that it was displayed from the side of some ancient buildings and other objects. Rather, it is real, like a trace of pollution. It is the mapping of physical objects to reality, not abstract concepts.

This at least shows that there are very special people or things in Xijing.

After the two entered the city, they quickly found a hotel. They're not here to travel, so they're not picky, just a place to rest for a while.

Opened two rooms,

One double room, one single room.

But in terms of distribution, Qiao Xun never imagined that he was the one sleeping in the single room.

excuse me.

It didn't take long for Xin Yu to return.

She did things very well. She obtained four temporary dispatch certificates from the emergency response center here, which provided considerable convenience for subsequent operations. Basically, as long as there is no uncontrollable movement, no matter what they do, It can be seen as the control team dealing with the pollution incident.

After lunch, Ji Zhengzhi called and made an appointment with the time and place.

He asked the three of them to go directly to his institute.

In the afternoon, at the appointed time, the three of Qiao Xun showed up at the Xijing Special Research Center on time.

As you can tell from the name, this research center is similar in nature to the Huguang Research Institute, both specializing in the study of rune totem-related things.

When he saw Ji Zhengzhi, he was still wearing work clothes, and his expression was both excited and tired.

It looked like he hadn't closed his eyes for a while. He is an evolutionary himself, and he is more resistant to fatigue, but he still shows fatigue, but he has not rested for a long time.

Ji Zhengzhi greeted warmly,

"It's been a long time."

Xin Yu said with a smile,

"You look tired."

Ji Zhengzhi scratched his head, his hair was messy, hehe smiled,

"I haven't slept in three days. I haven't slept in two weeks at most."

"You really intend to die for the country."

"No, no, I'm now promoted to the fourth rank, and I can resist fatigue better than before." After speaking, Ji Zhengzhi looked at Lu Xianyi and said with a smile, "Xiao Lu, and Qiao Xun, I heard that you went there before. I've been worried about the sea train for a while. Now that you're all doing well, I can rest assured."

Lu Xianyi couldn't help but say,

"You really don't hear what's going on outside the window. It's been a long time since you went to the sea train. Qiao Xun got off the train halfway, and got on and off again."

Ji Zhengzhi said embarrassedly,

"The team is quite busy, so I don't usually have a chance to learn about the outside world."

Xin Yu is joking,

"Did you know that a biological catastrophe is imminent?"

"Anything else?"

Xin Yu exhaled,

"Forget it, you can understand it yourself in the future. Back to the topic, let's talk about the stone carving."

"Well, let's talk to my office first."

Although the special research institute in Xijing is not as good as the Huguang Research Institute in Yandu, you can also feel the busy and urgent atmosphere when you walk in it. This kind of atmosphere is almost everywhere in the world right now. It’s a race against time.

Ji Zhengzhi's office is not neat, and the arrangement of various documents makes people look big.

He made room for the three to sit down.

Then, he manipulated it and installed a shielding force field on the office.

After Qiao Xun felt it a little, to be on the safe side, he went up to another level.

Lu Xianyi couldn't help but say:

"Lao Ji, you used to be a neat and tidy person. You were always educating me. How can you be... so useless now."

Ji Zhengzhi said:

"Sometimes it takes a day or two to study those ancient runes accidentally. It's true that I neglect personal internal affairs." He said embarrassingly, "However, don't worry, I will not throw away important things."

Qiao Xun shook his head and said,

"No, we're worried about your mental state."

Ji Zhengzhi said:

"I'm fine."



Qiao Xun then patted the armrest of the seat lightly, and a trace of rune energy swept out, following Ji Zhengzhi's arm, instantly penetrating his sea of ​​consciousness.

He immediately felt an unbearable headache, pressed his forehead and took a deep breath.

Qiao Xun sighed,

"Lao Ji, you don't have the slightest spiritual defense ability now. I only used the ability of the third-order evolutionary to penetrate your spirit."

Ji Zhengzhi slowed down and smiled bitterly,

"I'm making you worry. I...I don't want to do this either. But...I couldn't help it. I couldn't help but want to study the mysteries of those ancient runes. It had already made some progress, but it was suddenly taken away." He Eyelids drooping, "It feels like a child giving birth but suddenly miscarried."

Xin Yu said worriedly,

"Why don't you take a rest first?"

Hearing this sentence, Ji Zhengzhi immediately stood up, widening his sunken eyes,

"No, don't let me rest. I'm afraid I won't be able to continue when I stop."

"How is that possible! Lao Ji," Xin Yu frowned and asked, "Are you stunned? It's not like this is the way to do research. How can you say that you can't continue your research if you stop."

Ji Zhengzhi sat down and said in pain,

"You don't understand, you really don't understand. Opportunities are fleeting, you know... We were really close to cracking a great secret... Maybe the mystery of becoming a **** is in it. ...that kind of feeling, it's amazing, it's great... just feel it a little bit, and it's... fascinated..."

Ji Zhengzhi was talking like he was talking to himself.

"What are you talking about?" Xin Yu asked.

Ji Zhengzhi suddenly came to his senses again,

"No, no! The ancient runes have been snatched away, I can't feel it anymore..."

"You calm down."

Lu Xianyi glanced at Qiao Xun quietly.

The little girlfriend's eyes indicated that Qiao Xun still understood. He quietly released some rune energy, sneaked into Ji Zhengzhi's sea of ​​consciousness, and began to search.

With his current strength, he effortlessly found the reason for Ji Zhengzhi's excited state.

In Ji Zhengzhi's sea of ​​consciousness, there is a very strong impression stimulation.

After analyzing it, Qiao Xun thought that he must have seen a scene or event that impressed him very deeply, even to the bone marrow. Then such a scene or event itself has a strong uniqueness and characteristics, which can continue to affect his spirit.

Like the effect of the Eternal Sea on Harry and Pergmont.

However, it is clear that the immortal sea has a deeper influence because it is an entity, and can directly go beyond the spiritual realm, projecting their bodies into another world.

This impression stimulated Ji Zhengzhi to instinctively pursue what he saw, or the scene.

Therefore, he abandoned the habit of personal neatness and cleanliness, and studied without sleep or food.

Until what he was studying was snatched away, crushing him completely. It made him lose the opportunity to pursue the original body of impression stimulation.

It's not hard for Qiao Xun to imagine that if Ji Zhengzhi keeps going like this, he may go crazy.

After thinking about it, he did not choose to remove those impression stimulation, but only slightly weakened it. Because such a powerful impression must be given only by very special things, which may be more critical.

After weakening the impression stimulation in the sea of ​​consciousness, Ji Zhengzhi gradually calmed down.

The excitement in his eyes gradually subsided.

With quiet breathing, he fell asleep.

Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun.

Joe Tour said,

"He needs to get some sleep."

"What the **** happened to him?"

"It should be a very special thing or scene. In layman's terms, his state is equivalent to ordinary people seeing a ghost."

"It's a special existence for a fourth-order evolutionary to have such a situation."

Joe Tour said,

"Looking at this ~www.readwn.com~ the motives of the reincarnation of the stone carvings to **** the ancient runes are even more intriguing."

Lu Xianyi said:

"I don't know what ability level those three stone sculptures will be reincarnated at."

Xin Yu thought about it,

"We have analyzed before that each of those stone carvings represents the imperial generals of Emperor Zhenwu."

Joe Tour said,

"If it's true, it can be regarded as the incarnation of God. After all, the thirty-six generals in front of Emperor Zhenwu are also gods."

"In short, the strength should not be weak. It is not ordinary strength to break into the special archaeological team and steal the ancient runes." Xin Yu said.

"Anyway, let's wait until Ji Zhengzhi wakes up. He knows better than us."

The adaptive sleep time of evolutionary people is generally not long.

Therefore, the three of them sat quietly in Ji Zhengzhi's office and waited.

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