Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 12: The sun and the moon shine together, the bells and axe ring together


In the dull moan, Ji Zhengzhi opened his heavy eyes.

The thick eye bags are better than before. After all, it is an evolutionary person, and the recovery speed of the body is much faster than that of ordinary people.

"you're awake."

Qiao Xun looked at him.

Ji Zhengzhi covered his head and recalled a little, then remembered what happened, and sighed,

"I'm giving you trouble."

Xin Yu shook his head,

"You'll be fine."

"It's... It's very subtle, this feeling." Ji Zhengzhi looked at his messy office, "It's like being drunk."

"Are you feeling better now?" Lu Xianyi asked.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm much better now."

"Well... can you still realize what state you were in before?" Qiao Xun asked.

Ji Zhengzhi thought about it,

"Probably got addicted to something and lost his mind."

"I feel a strange impression on you. What is it? Did you perceive it from the ancient rune?"

Ji Zhengzhi sat up straight, and his bloodshot eyes became very serious.

"No, it's not perception! It's... mortal peeping."

"So, it's something amazing?"

"It's hard for me to describe, but...that must be a miracle, a miracle!"


"a place!"


Ji Zhengzhi's shoulders trembled slightly, and he became a little excited again.

Xin Yu frowned,

"How are you?"

I was worried that he would return to the state of obsession and bewilderment before.

Ji Zhengzhi suppressed his rapid breathing and said,

"I don't know the name of that place, and I... can't describe it in my language. Anyway... it's very spectacular. That... is a very prosperous ancient city."

Lu Xianyi thought for a while,

"The ancient city that can be associated with Xijing... If it is very prosperous, could it be Chang'an?"

Ji Zhengzhi shook his head,

"No. I have more or less learned the appearance of Chang'an City in its heyday from some paintings and ancient books, and it is very different from what I feel."

Joe patrols,

"Are they all researched from ancient runes?"

"Yes, the study of ancient runes is actually similar to the study of ancient books, except that the former is in the field of evolution. Runes have the characteristics of impression memory, which can record environmental information and... what we usually call the breath of the times. I just When I came into contact with those ancient runes, I couldn't help but think, maybe I have the opportunity to lift a curtain. Behind the curtain, there may be a magnificent world." He said in a loss, "But now... it has been suspended."

Xin Yu said,

"Tell me about your specific experience."

Ji Zhengzhi rationalized his thoughts,

"A week ago, in the observation room of the research institute, I was studying the ancient runes that I just discovered. These ancient runes were found in an ancient well in an abandoned village as I told you before. These ancient runes were studied with me before. It belongs to a series, but the recorded information is more detailed and complicated. That is, in these ancient runes, I found the relevant investigation content of the revival incident. There are some key information recorded on it. I have not deciphered all of them, but the recorded The content is roughly related to the North Pole Xuantian God. But that night, three people suddenly broke into the research institute. They were very strong, and with the defensive power equipped by the research institute at that time, they could not stop it at all. Even if I was a fourth-order evolutionary, but In front of them, there is not even a chance to shoot."

He sighed,

"You can only let them take away the ancient runes."

"Isn't the emergency response center here investigating?" Qiao Xun asked.

Ji Zhengzhi was a little worried,

"Investigated, but found nothing. They are like disappearing from the world. Originally, Xijing was very unstable during this time, and the emergency treatment center was also incapable of doing anything. They only stole that key ancient rune, the one in the research institute. Nothing else was damaged or hurt, so...it's not a serious incident. For the emergency response center, this incident is probably equivalent to the loss of an inconspicuous cultural relic from the museum."

Xin Yu understood this matter. She has dealt with relevant departments a lot and knows their procedures.

Low-impact things are generally not solved first.

The current general direction is maintaining stability, not chasing losses.

Lu Xianyi asked curiously,

"So, why is Xijing not stable during this period of time?"

Ji Zhengzhi said:

"It is said that some very dangerous non-editors have come over."

Xin Yu knew a little more and added:

"Actually, they are some inheritors."

Qiao Xun was puzzled,


"Remember when you got off the train for the first time, did I tell you that I performed a mission in Mount Emei?"

"Well, some awakened monkeys. Didn't we finally find out who was behind the scenes?"

Xin Yu had a head injury at that time. Qiao Xun saw some pictures when he was treating her.

It was an abandoned village. The withered and dilapidated buildings were all covered with yellow talisman paper. The talisman papers were connected by thin cotton threads, and bells were tied at intervals. As soon as the wind blew, the bells jingled immediately. Each rune wound is engraved with runes, which can play a similar but not equivalent to the ability to derive runes.

Xin Yu was injured by a talisman at that time.

Xin Yu nodded and said,

"It's found out. It's an old man. There's not much information on this old man, but I do know that this old man is the inheritor. The inheritor's argument is far-reaching. Although pollution and evolution are related This century has only gradually become widely known, but evolution itself is not a product of this century. In fact, since the records of human civilization, the secrets of evolution have not stopped. However, in different times and places, there are different call.

"In the previous republic, evolution was generally referred to as cultivating special techniques. Some alien practitioners could record the special techniques they practiced through a specific rune, and then pass them on to future generations. Called heirs."

Throughout history, there have always been evolutionaries. This must have been realized by Qiao Xun very early.

From Kabul's mountain tomb, to Anan Nineteen, who is still in the blood ring on his hand... Everyone can recognize this.

Xin Yu continued,

"Because most of the inheritors exist in tribes and families and are deeply influenced by tribal culture, they generally live relatively closed lives and are taboo from contact with modern civilization. Therefore, it is difficult for us to find their footprints. But since the era of great selection, among them There are also many people who have gradually entered the field of vision of modern people. The inheritors are considered a marginal group for the country, and it is difficult to manage. They also do not accept the current society. "

Joe patrols,

"How about the inheritor over there on Mount Emei?"

Xin Yu shook his head,

"I don't know that."

"Characters of talent Sequence 9 appear in person, indicating that the other party should also be very strong."

"The strength of the inheritors is difficult to define. Their evolutionary paths and the use of talents are not the same as ours."

"This time the influx of inheritors in Xijing should not be a simple purpose."

Xin Yu nodded,

"A lot of things are happening here at the same time, and that's largely interconnected. Maybe the three stone sculptures came here for the same purpose."

"The most important thing now is to find the three of them. Lao Ji, do you have any clues?" Qiao Xun asked.

Ji Zhengzhi smiled bitterly,

"If I had a clue, I wouldn't wait for you to come."

Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun,

"Is there anything you can do?"

Lu Xianyi also looked at him expectantly.

Ji Zhengzhi looked at this posture and couldn't help but think, why is Qiao Xun like the backbone of the team?

Qiao Xun looked at Ji Zhengzhi and said:

"Lao Ji, I want to check your memory that night and find clues, do you mind?"

"I don't mind, but it seems difficult to check the memory... Moreover, the surveillance that night was there, and it was very comprehensive... The perspective of the surveillance should be clearer than mine."

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"Monitoring is a dead thing, and can only record objective facts. Things like tracing the source of breath still require subjective feelings. Besides, you are an evolutionary, and the records of evolutionary instincts will be more detailed."

"You're right. I'll cooperate with you."

"Well, relax first."

Ji Zhengzhi's shoulders gradually sank, soothing his muscles and mind.

Qiao Xun wrapped a trace of demon power with "numerology following the sky" and dived into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Why use demon power. It is because the power of the devil is a combination of almost all strange powers, and will not miss any dead ends. Moreover, the demon power is best at feeling power.

Search for memory.

Quickly find the night of the incident.

Indeed, as Ji Zhengzhi said, he was carefully observing the ancient runes.

Qiao Xun first explored this ancient rune.

In appearance, it looks like amber formed by a thorn falling into pine oil. It is smooth and simple... The dense rune passages are like the scaling of a huge fortress built by legion ants. These rune passages form an abstract impression. . Feel the impression.

A vague scene immediately flashed through Qiao Xun's mind.

The stars are sinking, the night clouds are surging, the mountains and seas are upside down... Some people are flying through the clouds, some people are drunk, some people are holding a pipa, some people are chanting... Oh, thunder...

The screen stopped abruptly.

At the last moment when the scene disappeared, Qiao Xun saw a great figure occupying the whole sky.

At the same time, his "numerology follows the sky" took his own life for the first time, whimpering like a baby thirsting for breast milk.

Is that... the Great Emperor Zhenwu?

Back in time to that night...

At about two in the morning, all the lights in the observation room went out, and the surroundings instantly became pitch black.

A minute later, the lights came on, and the institute's sirens blared loudly.

However, the ancient runes placed in the observation box have disappeared.

In Ji Zhengzhi's perspective, the lights went out and it didn't affect his sight. He clearly saw that three people opened the observation box and took the ancient rune. But he couldn't do anything, as if he was fixed by the immobilization technique, he couldn't move at all, he could only watch them take away the ancient rune.

Qiao Xun focused his attention on these three people...

Almost immediately, he was sure that they were the three stone sculptures, or the three generals in the front, who had reincarnated and escaped from the air-raid shelter in Bianyashan.

The three of them did not look like stone carvings, no doubt like ordinary people. Obviously, it is occupying other people's bodies.

But the aura on them was almost unforgettable by Qiao Xun. Because he had personally experienced it in a stone sculpture.

In this short period of time, Qiao Xun used the ability of the devil to wrap the three reincarnated generals in Ji Zhengzhi's memory with "fire of jealousy".

The flame of "jealousy" burns,

What Qiao Xun wanted but didn't have, was gradually felt by him in the burning of "jealousy".

at the same time……

In a Taoist temple called "Xiayun Temple" in the north of Xijing City, three statues of gods standing side by side were suddenly wrapped in golden flames.

The raging flames took off in this shrine in an instant, like a fire dragon breathing flames.

This sudden scene shocked the pilgrims who worshipped.

But soon, they noticed that the golden flame seemed to have no temperature, just burning on the three statues, and did not light the wooden incense case and other objects next to it.

someone shouted,

"The gods have appeared! Make a wish!"

Immediately, the pilgrims worshiped devoutly and begged the three gods to fulfill their wishes.

Pilgrims are pious and sincere,

But for the three "immortals", every second of the golden flame burning is torment.

This nameless flame that burned from nowhere, like a greedy serpent, devoured their divine power mercilessly.

Finally, they couldn't bear it any longer, and with the angry shout of the **** in the middle, they moved.

"Which idiot would dare to create a divine flame privately!"

A dull shock instantly smashed the pilgrims kneeling on the ground.

The entire shrine is crumbling.

"Run away!"

"The fairy is alive!"

The pilgrims were in a mess, and the staff in the Taoist temple anxiously held small trumpets to maintain order.

The three statues are alive,

They shook their bodies, and in the golden flame, they gradually transformed into the appearance of ordinary people.

The first person scolded his eyes and shouted angrily:

"What kind of idiot, show up quickly!"

Although no one responded, the momentum was overwhelming, and in an instant, the top of the Taoist temple was lifted, the wall of the Taoist temple was hit, and the large incense burner of the Taoist temple was destroyed.

Yet the golden flames were still burning their bodies.

The evil-looking man suddenly grew two hands out of thin air, totaling four hands.

The upper left hand was born out of thin air for a day, the upper right hand saw a month out of thin air, the lower right held the tomahawk and the lower left held the golden bell,

The sun and the moon are shining together, the bells and axe are ringing,

A giant beast suddenly appeared behind him.

Such a posture, but he is already planning to deal with it with all his strength.

But when he was going to extinguish the golden flame on this body~www.readwn.com~ the golden flame suddenly extinguished by itself.

The Taoist temple is a mess,

The three living gods do not linger for a moment,

The wicked scolded the eyed and shouted,

"Hurry up! Go to the enemy again!"

The two of them nodded, then disappeared into the panicked crowd and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

They did not realize that the golden flames on their bodies were not completely extinguished, but a small cluster of flames remained in places they could not see.

Once the flame of "jealousy" is ignited, it will not go out.

Special Institute,

In Ji Zhengzhi's office,

Qiao Xun withdrew from Ji Zhengzhi's sea of ​​consciousness, opened his eyes, and said calmly:

"Found them!"

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