Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 13: The wind rises, the judge arrives

"found it?"

Ji Zhengzhi was a little confused, "How did you find it?"

He was somewhat incomprehensible about finding the reincarnation of the three stone sculptures just by exploring his memory once.

Joe Tour said:

"There is a connection between everything, just the degree of connection. You, the ancient rune, the three reincarnated people, because of your contact with each other, the connection has deepened. All I did is to translate this connection. come out."

Of course, what he said is so simple and light, but it is difficult to do without the help of demon power.

The most extreme tolerance and "jealousy" characteristics of the power of the devil almost allow him to interpret the connection between the three to the greatest extent.

And the fire of "jealousy" burning on the three statues is the result of this interpretation being embodied. The power of the devil is the tool of figuration.

This search also allowed Qiao Xun to come closer to realizing the performance of the interaction between the power of the devil and the characteristics of the Seven Sins.

The use of demon power has risen to a new level.

Xin Yu said,

"It's not too late, let's go investigate."

The four set off immediately.

Although it was already night, there was no time to do this kind of thing.

The four of them drove Ji Zhengzhi's car and set off according to the route designated by Qiao Xun.

In the car, Qiao Xun said:

"Indeed, the three of them are very strong."

"Probably what level?"

Qiao Xun analyzed it carefully,

"First of all, those three people should really be the reincarnations of Emperor Zhenwu's imperial generals, because their characteristics are very prominent." He drew the characteristics of the three people and projected them on the monitor in front of the car with rune energy.

The three stood in a row.

The head is a man, with a blue face and a green body, a golden crown on his head, red hair on his head, a crimson robe, a sash of soap around his waist, four valiant arms, the upper left hand supports the sun, the upper right hand supports the moon, and the lower right holds a tomahawk. , holding the golden bell in the lower left hand.

When Ji Zhengzhi saw it, his eyes were burning and he said loudly:

"This image is the commander of Tai Sui, Marshal Yin, also known as Marshal Yin of Tai Sui, and Marshal Yin, the fierce officer of the district. The surname is Yin and Mingjiao. ."

Di Si Tai Sui Yin Jiao glared angrily, a look of divine might indeed gave people a feeling of suppressing all evils.

There are women on the left and right sides of the Di Si Tai Sui. If you look closely, you will find that the two women are extraordinarily young and somewhat similar in appearance.

The woman on the left is slightly longer, about sixteen years old, wearing a purple gold robe, her face is gold powder, shining brightly, her eyes are piercing, as if lightning is flashing in it, she holds two lightning mirrors, and the electric dragon leaps in between.

The woman on the right is slightly younger, about fourteen years old, with a tender face but no divine power at all. She wears a blue-gold robe and wears moonlight shoes. She holds a golden skull in her right hand and a golden fan in her left.

When Ji Zhengzhi saw them, he said in a succinct manner,

"These two goddesses, the older one is Zhu Peiniang, and the name is Leibu Dianmu, which is what we usually call Lei Gong and Dian Mu. Although we often say this together, Lei Gong and Dian Mu are not husband and wife. Lei Gong is based on rank. Said to be a colleague of the electric mother. The younger one next to him, named Yue Bo Tianjun, is named Zhu Bo Niang, and is the sister of the electric mother Zhu Peiniang."

He did a lot of research on this kind of content, and when he introduced it, his face was full of joy.

"There is such a legend. It is said that there used to be a hundred thousand sacred mountains, and there was a Shilei Mountain at the foot of the mountain, where the General Lei Gong of Wufang and the envoys of Yunlei from Bafang lived. There lived a family at the foot of the mountain. There were two daughters in the family. Sisters Zhu Peiniang and Zhu Peiniang. One was sixteen and the other was fourteen. One day, when they were cooking at home, they cut up the wax gourd and threw the pulp away. When Lei Gong saw them, he mistakenly thought that the two of them were wasting food, and thunder struck them to death. Later, seeing that it was a misunderstanding, I made up for the mistake and asked the envoy of Yunlei from Bafang. The messenger made a mistake and made a mistake, and appointed the two sisters as gods, under the imperial decree of the Jade Emperor, and lived under the command of the Emperor Zhenwu."

Lu Xianyi opened her eyes,

"Wasting food will be struck by thunder."

With so much content, she had to grasp this point, making Qiao Xun speechless.

"It's just a fairy tale."

Ji Zhengzhi said with a smile,

"Indeed, it's just people's imagination of Mr. Thunder and Mrs. Thunder. It doesn't mean that this is the reality."

Lu Xianyi nodded and smiled,

"It's also Karma. How can you confer a **** with a single word." She looked at the images of the two Zhu family sisters on the screen and said, "But these two sisters are really good-looking. Is this the appearance of a god..."

Xin Yu said,

"It looks like he's only sixteen or fourteen, but in fact, I'm afraid it's thousands of years old."

Qiao Xun thought about it and said,

"I'm afraid it won't stop."

After all, these immortals are all characters from the previous God's calendar. Through Angele, the last myth could not even be felt in the past.

It is estimated that it cannot be described in units of ten thousand years.

Moreover, as far as Qiao Xun's feelings for these three immortals were through the fire of "jealousy" before...

They seem...really different from people, and their behavior and temperament are significantly different, which is more in line with his previous imagination of immortals.

Xin Yu asked a key question, she looked at Qiao Xun,

"Do you know which one was reincarnated through you?"

Joe Tour said,

"Di Si Tai Sui Yin Jiao."

"Then Qi Boxue and Zhuo Jun are the sisters of the Zhu family. But I didn't see that they were two goddesses from the two stone carvings."

"It's all weathered like that, it's weird to see it."

Xin Yu asked again,

"Then what are your plans?"

Qiao Xun originally planned to solve this immortal who was reincarnated through himself. However, after contacting him once before, his thoughts have changed a bit.

Maybe more secrets can be found from them.

"Let's go and see."

After an hour's drive, the four arrived at Xiayun Temple in the north.

Still in the distance, looking at the hill, there is already a mess, and in the big night, you can still clearly see the rune light's transition.

Meanwhile, people from the emergency response center have blocked the way up and down the mountain.

Some pilgrims were controlled and protected, making a lot of noise. Words such as "immortals appearing" and "golden fire burning" could be vaguely heard from their mouths.

Qiao Xun knew that the immortals were referring to the three imperial generals, and Jinhuo was referring to the fire of "jealousy".

The fire of "jealousy" has no color and comes from what is burned.

The three immortals are all shining, and the color they burn is golden. If it is burning rune energy, it is silver blue, and if it is burning power, it is white gold.

"There are still so many pilgrims at night?" Xin Yu was a little curious.

She first went to some control teams to explore, showed the temporary special dispatch certificate, and the members of the control team explained the reason.

It is said that about a month ago, there were three statues of gods in this Xiayun Temple suddenly shining with golden light. In addition, in this era, everyone is uneasy, so more and more people come to pray and make wishes. Basically, there are incense burners burning incense 24 hours a day.

After Xin Yu brought the reason, Qiao Xun joked,

"This worship is indeed a true immortal, but it is one thing if the wish is not working."

"Let's go up." Xin Yu said.

The four showed proof, and the control team let them pass.

The altitude of Xiayunguan is not high. For the four evolutionaries, it is only a few minutes away.

After arriving at Xiayunguan, some control teams were dealing with the scene.

The person in charge here told the four of them what happened.

Standing in front of the collapsed temple, Qiao Xun said:

"They've already left."

Lu Xianyi turned on her talent, carefully observed every detail, and said:

"When the immortals cross the border, they will naturally leave miracles."

After observing for a while, she was amazed,

"It's amazing. Their power is amazing, not runic energy."

"Is it very efficient?" Xin Yu asked.

Lu Xianyi thought for a while,

"Very high. Sister Yu, what power are you mainly using now?"

"Usually, rune energy is still used, but the main force is changing to twisting force."

"Can I feel it?"


Xin Yu showed his talent a little bit.

Immediately, Qiao Xun felt a special power. Twisting force...not the physical twisting force, but a very powerful force with high efficiency. Contrary to Lu Xianyi's creativity, it mainly reflects the distortion and destruction of regular things.

After feeling the twisting force, Lu Xianyi said:

"Then their strength is higher than the twisting force."

Then, she looked at Qiao Xun,

"What about you? I haven't felt your power yet."

Of course, it was impossible for Qiao Xun to feel the power of the devil for her. After a little hesitation, Agnes injected him with the "power level of the sea train", which is what Anyang told him from another world: the senior of the world of the ring of truth. The power "mechanical perception" was shown to her.

After Lu Xianyi felt it, her eyes lit up,

"That's it!"

When chatting with Ms. An Yang before, Qiao Xun had learned about some advanced powers.

Immortal arts, the power of fundamental belief, angel brilliance (sacred brilliance), fallen angel's dim light, mechanical perception, fundamental dominance... are all high-level powers that originate from several core mythological worlds.

Immortal world, old heaven, new heaven, fallen angel world (hell), truth ring world, ruler world...

Since it was felt in Lu Xianyi, ten machines were of one level, it was almost certain that the three immortals were using immortal techniques.

After all, only the immortal arts from the fairy world are more suitable.

With Lu Xianyi as a guide, Qiao Xun didn't have to take action.

She felt the traces of the gods, and they began to search along those traces.

On the way, Ji Zhengzhi asked:

"Speaking of which, I still don't know what level you are now. I feel like everyone has become so powerful..."

Xin Yu said,

"I'm a fifth-order."

Lu Xianyi nodded,

"Me too."

Joe Tour said,

"I'm a sixth-order."

Ji Zhengzhi was dumbfounded. Xin Yu and Lu Xianyi were promoted to the fifth rank. He could understand. After all, they were very powerful before, but why... Qiao Xun, who has just stepped into the evolution world for less than three years, is actually... a demigod!

He couldn't help saying,

"Did you hang up?"

Qiao Xun laughed,


Xin Yu said with a smile,

"Lao Ji, if you've seen Qiao Xun's experiences, you won't be so surprised."

"Ashamed, I haven't thought much about evolution in the past two years. I'm a little slack."

"Well, it's probably all the members of the special archaeological team like you. Contributing to the country, you don't have time to think about yourself. Otherwise, with your understanding, it should be fifth-order now."

Ji Zhengzhi smiled,

"However, every time I think of deciphering the information recorded in the ancient runes, I don't regret it. One day, if I can see such a world, I will die without regrets."

"Is that exaggerated..." Lu Xianyi complained.

"It's not an exaggeration, it's true... The world I feel is really... perfect. In every way, it's... perfect."

Ji Zhengzhi said that, Lu Xianyi and Xin Yu couldn't help but look forward to the world he felt.

However, for Qiao Xun,

The magic of that world may go beyond the spectacle.

In the past, he always imagined the city of Chang'an that Bingchen Taisui had depicted to him.

He thought it was a glimpse of a dream, but now, he is getting closer.

Perhaps, the influx of so many inheritors in Xijing also came for this matter.

Can we really have a chance to glimpse Chang'an in our dreams?

The four left the Xiayun Mountain where the Xiayun Temple was located along the path of the back mountain.

Xijing is where the bright lights have faded away.

The rapid urbanization and centralization of towns and towns in the past decade have left many villages in the north of Xijing City abandoned.

There is no light, just the faint light from the rune, which makes the suburbs north of Xijing look a little gloomy. It has a visual sense of the underworld special effects of **** in the old fairy fantasy dramas of the last century.

The winter wind blew through the weeds on the dead road, making a mournful whimper.

"The trail stopped here..." Lu Xianyi said, looking at the abandoned village in front of her.

She went on to add,

"If I'm not wrong, there is only one immortal here."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"They went separately."

"Go in and have a look." Lu Xianyi said.

But they just took a few steps when Xin Yu suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Xin Yu frowned, his breathing gradually became faster,

"It feels familiar...not so good."

Qiao Xun immediately expanded his information field and felt the search.

Xin Yu asked,

"Qiao Xun, have you ever felt the abandoned village of Mount Emei in my mind before?"

"Yes. Talisman paper, cotton thread and bells are everywhere."

"Well...I feel the same way here."

Ji Zhengzhi thought about it and said,

"The talisman paper, cotton thread and bell... a bit like the means of the legendary judge."

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Let's go take a look first."

Xin Yu was a little worried. The previous experience in Mount Emei left a very bad impression on her.

Joe Tour said,

"Or else you stay outside first, and I'll go take a look first."

"Forget it, let's go together." Xin Yu said.

Then, they went deep into the abandoned village.

The village has been deserted for a long time, and there are weeds everywhere.

But strangely, apart from weeds, there were no signs of life, not even bugs.

In the middle of the village, there is a dilapidated ancestral hall.

From a distance, there is a statue of a **** in the ancestral hall. The statue was also in ruins, and it was impossible to see what it looked like.

Ji Zhengzhi said,

"From the point of view of Feng Shui, deities are generally not enshrined in ancestral halls. Because of taboos, the dead belong to yin, and the gods belong to yang, even if the gods of yin belong to yang, it is easy for gods to suppress the dead and make the dead not The peaceful situation will affect the younger generation. When this happens, either people who don’t understand Feng Shui are messing around, or they are deliberately setting up idols to suppress Yin people.”

Lu Xianyi was surprised,

"Do you still know Feng Shui?"

"My grandfather is a Feng Shui master... I learned from him when I was a child. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Xin Yu said,

"I know Lao Ji's grandfather. In fact, he is not only a Feng Shui master, but also a rune expert."

Having said that, the credibility of what Ji Zhengzhi said suddenly increased.

Qiao Xun didn't speak, looked at the dilapidated statue, thought about it, and said:

"I think we've found it."

He had just finished speaking, and the others had not yet expressed their opinions, when suddenly a strong wind blew.

The bells are ringing everywhere,

Several people immediately looked around, and found that all the surrounding buildings were densely packed, all covered with talisman paper, each talisman paper was connected with cotton threads, and bells were hung on the cotton threads.

However, they all clearly remember,

When I came, there was none of these things.

Suddenly, it appeared.

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