After the last encounter, Xin Yu saw these talismans, cotton threads and bells, and his heartbeat accelerated sharply.

She put her palms together, and a black-gold light with a little silver-blue gleamed in her eyes.

Later, the talent motivated by the energy of the rune became stronger under the reinforcement of the twisting force.

A time rain fell quickly from the sky. At the same time, she covered the four of them with a thin film to offset the time rain.

Under the wash of time rain, the surrounding things decay at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Those rune papers full of runes have achieved a span of decades in a few seconds, become very fragile, and shattered when the wind blows. A layer of copper rust also quickly climbed up on the bell, plugging the shock knot inside, so that it can no longer make a sound.

Raised gray-yellow paper ash filled the village. The dim runic light from the sky was completely invisible.

Xin Yu's movements were fast, and he almost completed this series of methods in two or three breaths.

Even Qiao Xun, a demigod, was somewhat amazed at her ability.

The twisting force seems to be more powerful than he imagined, and Xin Yu's fighting consciousness has risen a few steps.

Xin Yu's time rain is very strong, but it seems to lack a little meaning to the people behind the scenes who manipulate the talisman paper cotton threads and bells.

Immediately after the Time Rain destroyed the Talisman Paper Array, densely packed Talisman Papers poured out from unknown places. It's like there are countless pairs of invisible hands that are manipulating it all.


Xin Yu's pupils narrowed.

Joe Tour said,

"The other party is not an evolutionary person in the conventional sense. These talismans are not only due to talent, but also props. You can destroy a batch of props, and people can take out a second batch."

As soon as he finished speaking, all kinds of strange phantoms poured out from the newly-born talisman wounds.

Birds and beasts, swords, swords and halberds, bones and beasts, red silk and green satin...

All kinds of beasts, all kinds of fierce beasts, all kinds of weapons are available.

The huge power created by the runes on the talisman paper seems to have turned this dilapidated village into a mass grave.

And the four of Qiao Xun are in the center of the pit, and those phantoms are evil ghosts.

It was densely packed, like quicksand collapsing.

Ji Zhengzhi shouted,

"My god, any phantom feels better than me! The key is, there are so many, like the ocean!"

Xin Yu asked,

"Qiao Xun, can you do anything?"

Qiao Xun waved his hand and created a barrier to resist the phantom's attack, and then said,

"These phantoms are endless. If the talisman formation is not destroyed, we will never be able to deal with these phantoms in our lifetime. The person behind the scenes who controls this formation is the key."

"I'll do my best to help you."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No. I have a way. I said at the beginning that the statue in the ruined ancestral hall is the answer we are looking for." He looked at Lu Xianyi, "Xianyi, go and touch the statue. Xin Yu, protect it. she."

He looked at Ji Zhengzhi again,

"As for you... um, I'll draw a circle here, you stay inside and don't move."

Ji Zhengzhi complained,

"Co-authoring, I am Tang Seng."

"I'm not a monkey."

Ji Zhengzhi sighed and said nothing. He knew that with his own strength, it was best to stay still, otherwise he would be dragged back.

After Qiao Xun finished speaking, he stepped out, and the rune energy surged from the soles of his feet, condensing into a thick barrier.

And Lu Xianyi and Xin Yu also set off, advancing towards the statue in the ancestral hall.

As for Qiao Xun, he plunged into the sea of ​​phantoms.

These phantom monsters roared towards him, wanting to devour the flesh and blood from his body.

However, as soon as they approached him, they were immediately strangled by a force that came out of nowhere.

This power that came out of nowhere was the cursed haze naturally formed around him. A cursed haze exclusive to demons. Usually, he deliberately restrained the haze of curses.

Now, just letting go naturally is enough to keep the phantom monster from getting close.

At the same time, those phantom monsters that were strangled would also merge into the haze of curse, become nourishment, and then be burned into demon power by the fire of "jealousy".

It's like boiling water to generate electricity. Anything can be fueled, but will eventually be converted into electricity (demon power).

Qiao Xun picked up a talisman paper from a collapsed house,

After lightly rubbing the belly of the fingers, the power of the devil merged into it.

The fire of "jealousy" burned in another place in an instant.

Qiao Xun's eyes gleamed, and he stepped out, breaking through the limitations of space, and came to a fairly complete house. But the house is still full of weeds, but there are doors, windows and roofs.

In the southeast corner of the house, sat a middle-aged man with a goatee, long hair, and a simple appearance. His eyebrows were fluttering, his forehead was a little golden, his hands were growing with ghostly black scales, and the huge and sharp claws attached to the bones were holding a bell the size of his palm, and it was shaking. The other holds a half ink ruler with several ink lines sticking out from it. The ink line seems to be connected to something.

He didn't even notice that his **** was on fire, the fire of "jealousy".

He didn't even notice that Qiao Xun was standing in front of him.

Joe Xun came up to him and said softly,

"The soul wanders out of the sky, and the body cannot be protected."

Randomly, a hand grabbed his neckline and lifted him up.

Only then did the man wake up, shocked to see someone standing in front of him, and he was under control, and he was shocked,

"Who are you!"

Joe asked:

"Don't you know who you are attacking?"

Only then did the man react, and asked in horror:

"How do you know I'm here! It's covered in all directions outside!"

Qiao Xun waved his hand to open a window and pointed to the broken talisman cover outside,

"Did you mean this? Break it at will."

"how is this possible!"

Qiao Xun's eyes froze,

"I don't want to explain to you how I did it. But you, it is necessary to explain to me what you are doing."

"Let go! I am the human judge appointed by Yan Luo above, and Shuzier dares!"

"Shangfang Yama... I've only heard of Yama of the Ten Temples, but I haven't heard of Shang Yama. Also, the judgment of the world... What kind of name is this compiled."

"The upper Yama is the real Yama, the king of the underworld! The world is in charge of affairs, and strangers avoid it!" The man shouted angrily, "I will give you one last warning, and leave immediately!"

"Underworld..." Qiao Xun shook his head, "I don't have the energy to take care of the rest for the time being, but if you say doing things, you mean attacking us. I'm sorry, but you may be disappointed."

"Yin people are crossing the border. As a human judge, I naturally have to come here to supervise them. You deserve to be killed when you trespassed into the Yin people's territory! Also, you destroyed a spiritual formation earlier, and you deserve to die! "

"I don't care what your organization is called 'underworld', and the origin of the boss called 'Shangfang Yanluo', but I regret to tell you that your rules don't control us."

man angrily,

"It's been a long time since the world has fallen into politeness, and it's already humming! It's not a rule, it's not decent! We must be disciplined."

"Gods can't control us. Besides, you are not a god." Qiao Xun said, "Isn't your biggest reliance on the status of a human judge? Then I will accept your status."

"Ridiculous! Shuzi's swear words!" The man sneered.

Qiao Xun no longer attacked him verbally. He pressed him against the wall, and poked **** into the golden seal on his forehead.


The man roared miserably,

"Shuzi dare!"

After coming into contact with this golden seal, Qiao Xun discovered that it was not a simple and extraordinary thing, but seemed to be the source of the power of this human judgment.

One end of the golden seal is connected to him, and one end is connected to another... place.

Qiao Xun swept out the power of the devil, and the fire of "jealousy" quickly began to burn, and he had to follow this connection and burn to that place.

But when it was about to burn through, the connection between the two was suddenly interrupted.

is cut off.

As for who cut it off, it could only be someone from "that place".

The man also felt for the first time that his source of power had dissipated. At the same time, the rune enlightenment formation outside collapsed, and the phantom monsters in the sea disappeared.

Qiao Xun ripped off the golden seal.

"Ah—" the man cried even more miserably.

He fell weakly to the ground, looking at Qiao Xun in disbelief,

"You actually..."

Qiao Xun looked down at him,

"I can't believe I can really ruin your identity, can I?"


"But I tell you clearly that it was the person on the other side of the golden seal who voluntarily abandoned you. As for the reason, probably because he didn't want to get into trouble."

Men still have the energy to shout,

"Impossible! There is no way that Yama above will abandon me!"

"Believe it or not."

"No, no!" The man looked suddenly enlightened, "I understand, you created hallucinations for me, trying to damage my Taoism, my state of mind, and attack me mentally!"

"Dao Xin?"

Qiao Xun shook his head, "Be awake."

"There must be a way to break the illusion, there must be!"

It seems that the man's spirit is indeed stimulated, and he is a little stunned. Creeping on the ground, looking around, trying to find holes in hallucinations that don't exist.

Qiao Xun looked at his pitiful appearance and thought,

Perhaps, to a certain extent, his so-called "Dao Xin" is really broken.

Probably, the gold seal on the forehead, the connection between one end and the other end, is what he calls "the heart of the Tao".

Qiao Xun stretched out his hand and looked at the peculiarly shaped golden seal in his palm.

Can this thing give him such a powerful power?

The ability of this human to pass judgment may not be enough for him as a demigod, but it is much stronger than a fifth-order evolutionary. Rao is Lu Xianyi, who masters creativity, and Xin Yu, who masters twisting power, and it is difficult for them to find a way to deal with the enemy.

"It seems that the above Yan Luo is indeed very capable..."

Today's matter is related to the above Yama. However, Qiao Xun has no special ideas. In his opinion, what he has to do in Xijing City, whether there is today or not, will sooner or later conflict with the upper Yan Luo. It's just a matter of time and place.

"Hey, Qiao Xun!"

Ji Zhengzhi's call sounded outside.

Qiao Xun dodged, broke through the space limit again, and left here.

The village has returned to its former tranquility.

When he came to Ji Zhengzhi, Qiao Xun asked:

"What's wrong?"

Ji Zhengzhi swallowed his saliva,

"It seems... there is a ghost."


Joe looked around.

Among the weeds stirred by the yin and wind, and in the dilapidated buildings, it seems that there are indeed some invisible energy bodies.

These energy bodies will show a little appearance under a certain perspective.

looks like,


Especially in such a gloomy environment, it is more like it.

Then, out of nowhere, a gong and drum sounded,

Suddenly, I saw the energy bodies wandering around, standing in two rows, and after a minute, their shapes began to become clearer.

A peculiar law turbulent past, like the wind blowing,

Ji Zhengzhi opened his mouth and stared at the scene in front of him.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but be stunned.

"Lao Ji, don't you understand Feng Shui, what's this...?"

At this moment, this abandoned and withered village has a new look in their eyes. In the streets and alleys, there are crowds of people, the clamor of vendors, the sound of labor, the sound of iron knocking on bowls, the sound of whispering... all rang out, and the originally invisible energy body has also become a real person. , doing normal things normally.

In front of Qiao Xun and Ji Zhengzhi, where is the withered village,

It is clearly a lively ancient town market.

It's just that they didn't seem to see Qiao Xun at all, and passed through their bodies as if nothing had happened.

What the human judge said earlier flashed in Qiao Xun's mind.

"Yin people crossing the border, naturally need the supervision of the human world..."

Does this count as a ghost crossing now?

Ji Zhengzhi swallowed his saliva,

"Could it be... the legendary ghost market?"

"Ghost city?"

"The ghost city is full of trees, and the white head is unclear... I have seen this sentence in my grandfather's diary before. My grandfather briefly recorded it and said, 'In today's republic, there are very few ghost markets, and those poor people are also I don't know when it will be clean'."

"only these?"

"Grandpa only remembered this. I don't know the specifics."

But at this moment, Lu Xianyi's voice sounded in the ancestral hall in the distance,

"Uncle Joe, are you okay?"

"Go over and have a look."

Qiao Xun and the two quickly rushed to the ancestral temple.

"The judge has already solved it, but... what happened in the village is a bit miraculous. You might as well have a look."

Lu Xianyi and Xin Yu walked out of the ancestral temple and looked,

Just like Qiao Xun and Ji Zhengzhi. They were also shocked,

"How is this going?"

"Lao Ji said it was a ghost city, but he didn't understand it very well. My words... I can detect a little bit of it, but I don't know the specifics."

"What do you say?"

"It's probably a special rune that retains the consciousness of these people before, and then it became like this. But the reason and the reason are unclear."

Ji Zhengzhi looked at the statue and said,

"I understand now that this statue was placed in the ancestral hall, presumably to suppress these yin people. But judging from the contents recorded in my grandfather's diary, it seems that the ghost market itself is not a murderous thing, but a pitiful existence. "

The ghost city outside is still a lively scene.

Xin Yu said:

"I checked this statue with Xianyi, er... how can I say it, we don't seem to have anything to do."

Qiao Xun looked at the statue, and after feeling the breath said:

"Tianjun Yuebo, may wish to see you."

The idol did not answer.

Qiao Xun showed a little bit of "numerology following the sky" and said softly:

"Maybe, we can have a good conversation. For example, this..."

The statue suddenly burst into golden light.

Suddenly, a majestic girl dressed in divine brilliance stepped out of the air, stood barefoot, and looked at Qiao Xun,



The Heavenly Monarch of the Moon, Zhu Bo Niang's voice is like the sound of a fairy, empty and mysterious,

"True martial arts, true martial arts..."

The fairy girl's eyes were filled with profound and long-lasting emotions, and after repeated interweaving changes, it finally turned into a wisp,

Unspeakable tenderness.

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