Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 15: Fairy girl is easy to talk

Tianjun Yuebo stood on the incense table dedicated to the statue and looked at the four people below. To be precise, he was looking at Qiao Xun.

There seemed to be thunder flashes in her eyes from time to time,

She just watched, didn't say anything, or she was still thinking and thinking.

At a certain moment, she was sluggish for a while, then came back to her senses, shook her head and said:

"You're not really martial."

Joe Tour said,

"But it's not like we can't communicate."

"Yu... I haven't interacted with mortals for a long time, and I'm about to lose the habits of the human world." Tianjun Yuebo continued, "However, this human world is not the human world I used to be in. Ordinary people are not the mortal people I know. "

She looked at the lights in the distance,

"Falling here is a disaster."

Joe patrols,

"Are you Tianjun Yuebo?"

"I am this name. However, Tianjun Yuebo is not me."

Lu Xianyi was a little confused.

"But isn't Heavenly Monarch Yuebo the mother of Zhu Bo?"

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"Tianjun Yuebo is a god, but I am not. Only by becoming a **** can you be Tianjun Yuebo. Now, I can only be regarded as... having this name."

After Zhu Biniang finished speaking, she looked at Qiao Xun and asked:

"Why, do you have the aura of true martial arts?"

Qiao Xun stood with his hands behind his back and said with a smile,

"I don't need to explain to you. I don't even know if you are an enemy or a friend."

Zhu Bo Niang's expression remained unchanged,

"But, you came to find me, didn't you have a purpose?"

"Of course. Tianjun Yuebo, Niang Zhu. Do you still remember the air-raid shelter under Duanhai Mountain? The twelve stone sculptures, the altar under the reincarnation ceremony."

"I remember."

"You, reincarnated on the back of a friend of mine. Can this be the reason for us to find you?"

Zhu Bo Niang swayed and stepped on the incense table dedicated to the **** statue,

"So, are you here to be held accountable, or are you here to find a way to restore your friend's true identity?"

Joe asked:

"Why not both?"

Zhu Biniang was silent for a while. She looked at Qiao Xun, her eyes carrying the depth of time. Even with her fourteen-year-old appearance, she could not be regarded as a girl who was not familiar with the world. On the contrary, her invisible divine might gave a deep sense of oppression,

"I accept your accountability. I will also give you a way to restore your friend's true identity."

The four were stunned.

They did not expect this fairy to talk so well.

It made them wonder what to do. Accountability, in the end according to what kind of accountability law?

But soon, Zhu Biniang gave a statement,

"According to Zhenwu's precepts, all things of the gods that hurt or endanger innocent mortals will be deprived of the divine position and banned for thousands of years. But I don't have a divine position now. If you can accept it, I will be at your disposal in the future. Banned for a thousand years."


Everyone looked at the immortal, not knowing what to say for a while.

It's hard, really arrest her and imprison her for a thousand years.

That's not necessary.

Joe asked:

"Why 'after'?"

Zhu Bo Niang said:

"Because I have something important to do."

"What is it?"

She looked at the four and shook her head,

"I can't tell you. Then, I'll give you a way to get back to your true self."

Saying that, she folded her hands together, and then quickly formed some complicated handprints. Vaguely visible, some golden runes are circulating in it.

Finally, a special rune is suspended in the air,

"You write down the structure of this rune. Immediately engrave this rune on the stone body."

Xin Yu quickly used a special method to record the structure of this rune in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then sent it back to Yan City. She went on to ask:

"Your sister was also reincarnated by a friend of ours. Can you use the same rune to restore it?"

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,


"Then we have to find your sister."

Qiao Xun looked at Zhu Biniang, thought about it and asked:

"Why are you hiding?"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"There are enemies."


She didn't seem to mind answering the question. Or that the problem is not a secret.

"After I was reincarnated in the same place as Si Taisui and Raibu Lightning Mother, I was discovered by the enemy. We still don't know how they discovered it or what their power came from, but at present, with the power of the three of us, Can't handle it well."

Joe patrols,

"The one outside just now... Is the human judgment an enemy?"

Zhu Bo Niang nodded.

Joe Tour said:

"That person mentioned an existence called 'Shangfang Yama', and... Underworld. Is it the real Yama and Underworld?"

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"King Yama is not in this world. The underworld...and there is only one underworld."

"Then what's going on here?"

"Throughout the ages, there have always been privately built shrines and privately claiming to be gods. This is not an uncommon thing. I have met many such people in the past, and have personally solved many of them. But without exception, those people are just The ignorant demons and ghosts are just at work. But this time..." Zhu Biniang frowned, "The other party really has a god. It's hard for me to imagine that if there is a god, will it pretend to be other gods?"

Xin Yu asked,

"So, did you escape from Xiayunguan before because you were attacked?"

Zhu Bo Niang nodded,

"We should have been hiding well. But unfortunately, for some reason, it was discovered. But maybe..."

"Maybe what?"

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"It's probably just me thinking too much."

Her eyes narrowed. She actually wanted to say that the flames that had been burned in Xiayun Temple before were... both unfamiliar and familiar. Familiar power, unfamiliar feeling.

Ji Zhengzhi was most concerned about those ancient runes, and asked:

"So, why did you **** those ancient runes?"

"Ancient rune?"

"It's those things that were stolen from me..."

"That's not a rune, it's just a divine message to open Magic Chang'an."

"Fantasy Chang'an? God's Announcement?"

Suddenly two unfamiliar words popped up, and several people were a little confused.

Zhu Biniang landed from a suspended state.

Then, several people intuitively felt that her stature... was very small.

About one meter five high, maybe less.

Body is also lean.

Lv Xianyi, the shortest of the four of Qiao Xun, was also 1.68 meters tall, almost a head taller than Zhu Peiniang.

Everyone looked down at her a little, and then they had the feeling of looking at a child.

Zhu Biniang obviously didn't know what the four were thinking, and even if she did, she wouldn't care. Just like how Qiao Xun felt at the beginning, she used to be a serious fairy with a heart like a mirror. Although she has no **** status now, her heart is still that of a fairy.

Immortals don't care what mortals think. Only care what mortals do.

As long as they don't really offend her, she doesn't care.

Zhu Biniang walked outside and looked at the ghost city, her eyes became a little pale,

"The soul that can't be crossed...poor mortal..."

She was a little sad then,

"But I...there is nothing I can do. I can't solve this hatred and resentment."

Joe asked:

"What can't you do?"

"Thousands of dead souls are restrained in this dense ghost city. I should have... sent them back one by one. But I can't do it now. I can only watch them suffer."

Several people's views on this immortal gradually changed.

The saying that gods bless mortals has long been knocked to pieces since the age of evolution.

Even if Zhu Biniang was in a bad situation, she still thought about the suffering mortals. She may be a real fairy.

Joe asked:

"Send them back, what should I do?"

"When a person dies and returns to heaven and earth, the grudges and harassment of a lifetime will be spit out with the last breath, and a clean soul will fall, and the consciousness will be dissolved, and then it will collapse. But if the consciousness cannot be dissolved, it will turn into a lonely soul wandering in the world. Wild ghosts. Some people gather lonely and wild ghosts together, and it becomes a ghost city. It should have solved their consciousness, but some people raised ghosts in the city and built a cage here. I can't break that cage. Maybe It's okay if I'm still a fairy, but I'm not."

Zhu Bo Niang's tone was a little lonely.

I don't know if I am saddened by the current situation or reminiscing about the past.

"What if I could break that cage?" Joe asked.

Zhu Biniang looked at Qiao Xun. She was still a little wary of this mortal who had a hint of true martial arts.

Because in her knowledge, the aura of true martial arts should not have appeared so early. It should be at a more opportune time.

And, will there really be true martial arts?

As for what Qiao Xun said, Zhu Biniang replied,

"You should have asked for it, otherwise you wouldn't ask that."


"But it doesn't matter."

"I'm very concerned about the 'Magic Chang'an' you mentioned. Before, by chance, I met an immortal, Bingchen Taisui."

Zhu Bo Niang was surprised,

"Xin Yaxingjun has also been reincarnated?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No, Xingya Xingjun should be completely gone. I just saw a little afterimage of him left in the totem. At first, like you, he mistook me for Zhenwu."

"You really look like..."

"Xin Yaxingjun showed me a very prosperous place before he completely disappeared. I will never forget it. I think it may be Chang'an City."

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"But Magic Chang'an is not the real Chang'an City. Chang'an City has long since disappeared. Along with that splendid era, it disappeared into history together."

"What kind of place is Magic Chang'an?"

"The projection of the real Chang'an in this world. It used to be a huge world hub, connecting many worlds. As a world hub, in a distant era, it was once prosperous. Many worlds were created by the illusion of Chang'an. Connected to each other, and because of it, they are destroyed together.”

"Destroyed because of a city?"

Zhu Biniang was about to speak, but then she remembered something, and then shook her head,

"It's a mystery for now. I can't tell you."

"Can't you reveal the secret of what's going on?"

Zhu Biniang looked at Qiao Xun and said:

"You're such a curious person. Why would you want to know about this?"

She wasn't questioning.

Qiao Xun paused for a moment and continued:

"It's like seeing a really good story and naturally wanting to know more."

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"No, you can't lie to me. Your purpose is not just this. No strong person knows a thing, just to know what happened."

Joe slowed down,

"I may not be a strong man."

Zhu Biniang did not comment on this. she says:

"I won't tell you this. As a reincarnated immortal, I naturally shoulder some missions. Before the mission is completed, I should avoid any factors that may affect it. You should still state your specific requirements."

Joe Tour said,

"We want to enter Magic Chang'an."

"Of course. Also, anyone can. Magic Changan is open to anyone, provided it is open."

"That said, it's closed right now."

"It's been so long, and no one knows what's in there now. We're looking for the God's Word to open it up again."

"What kind of place is that?"

"Everyone can find what they want and what they hate."

Zhu Biniang said this, and several people became more curious and longing for there.

Qiao Xun calmed down and asked with a smile:

"If I unlock this ghost city, can we be friends?"

"Friend..." Zhu Biniang was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, "There is no cost to being a friend. And your purpose is not pure."

Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun vigilantly.

"Don't say that."

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"Whether you want to get more secrets out of me, I will tell you clearly. Don't use deception as a price. It's a thing for mortals to become friends with immortals, or even become dependents. , Although I am not very close to the world, it does not mean that I am an immortal who does not know the fireworks of the world."

Joe Tour said,

"I actually want to say that we can get along like friends. In fact, we mortals really want to know about your gods."

Zhu Biniang thought for a while,

"It's not impossible. It's true that since we were reincarnated, we have always lacked the opportunity to know the world."

Qiao Xun thought, Immortals are also good at talking, not so high above.

Speaking of which, Moon Bo Tian Jun Zhu Bo Niang was not born an immortal, but was once a mortal.

He felt that maybe he should throw away the inherent impression of immortals that he had seen in movies and TV dramas before.

At the very least, in the fairy fantasy dramas he watched since he was a child, the gods seemed to be... more like villains to mortals?

"Then I'll release this cage first~www.readwn.com~ After Qiao Xun finished speaking, he walked towards the ghost city.

The field of information opens up,

Everything in the ghost city becomes information and data that can be analyzed.

One by one analysis, one by one research.

Slowly find the key points.

Indeed, as Zhu Biniang said, this ghost city was imprisoned in a cage. An invisible cage.

Moreover, the taste, breath, and traces on this cage are exactly the same as the other end of the golden seal he felt when he passed that human judgment before.

In other words, this cage was actually made by the so-called underworld.

This made Qiao Xun even more curious, what kind of organization is that underworld, and what kind of identity does it operate in the world?

Is it an Adventist organization like Black?

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