Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 16: Zhenwu reincarnated?

The best way to deal with this cage is of course to directly burn it with the fire of "jealousy".

Even the divine brilliance of the immortals can be burned, so of course these invisible cages can.

After all, with demons, devouring and melting everything is a trait in itself.

But Qiao Xun did not choose this way.

The reason is that the Moon Bo Tian Jun Zhu Bo Niang was burned by the fire of "jealousy" before. Performing such a method in front of her again, if detected, would obviously make Qiao Xun's identity fall into doubtful passivity.

What's more, Zhu Biniang is more cautious about his identity now.

Qiao Xun is reluctant to gamble, whether this immortal who has existed for an unknown time has the ability to see through the bottom-level means of the fire of "jealousy".

Therefore, he still chose the rune energy, but it was guided by the power of the devil inside.

The cage of this ghost city slowly dissipated as he cracked it layer by layer.

At the moment of dissipation, the "ghost" inside suddenly came to life, and no longer moved in a template-like manner.

They begin to stir up their emotions and their own thoughts.

However, it is not very strong, and there is no specific content that can be checked.

Joe turned his head,

"Niang Bo, it's your turn."

Zhu Biniang gave Qiao Xun a deep look, and then said,


Didn't say anything. She walked towards the ghost city, and the golden radiance on her body gradually became rich and dazzling as she walked.

Walking to the ghost city, she stepped on the ripple-like ripples on the water surface and slowly rose to the air. After closing her eyes for a while, when she opened her eyes again, she was full of majesty.

she says:


All the "ghosts" stopped, as if time had been frozen.

"Heart too,"

A river appeared in the ghost city. A river with no water, only a strange divine light.

Lonely ghosts soaked in this river, gradually sinking,

No struggle.

Zhu Biniang finally sighed and said in a low voice:

"Rest in peace..."

The dilapidated village has returned to dilapidation, and it seems to have become a little brighter than before.

The howling night wind also stopped.

Here becomes ordinary and normal.

"Chaodu...or Chaodu?" Ji Zhengzhi couldn't help muttering.

Qiao Xun understood what he meant and said:

"There is a river, it's probably a super crossing."

"Cross the Ming River, go to the Yin Si, enter the reincarnation, and ask for the next life..."

Qiao Xun asked with a smile:

"Why do you suddenly sigh?"

Ji Zhengzhi said,

"It just feels... The world is more exciting than I imagined. Those things that only existed in fairy tales can actually be seen with my own eyes... Just... I can't help but want to see more."

"Totems run through the entire history of human civilization. Perhaps, the stories of mountains and seas and myths and stories that humans once described were influenced by those totems that were inherited in civilization. Of course, there should be no shortage of completely fantasy."

"So, even if the **** disappears, its totem is still affecting the life on earth."


After Zhu Biniang overtaken all the lonely and wild ghosts in the ghost city, she returned to the place of four. She looked at Qiao Xun deeply again, and after a while she said:

"Thank you."

"Will the gods be so polite?"

Zhu Bo Niang said:

"Gods are also human. I have never abandoned human relations."

"Listen to you, it is true that there are gods who have abandoned human relations."


Ji Zhengzhi couldn't help but ask,

"Sister Fairy, what the **** is going on in this ghost city?"

Zhu Biniang looked at Ji Zhengzhi in surprise,

"You still don't call me that. Just call me by my name, or just by name."

Ji Zhengzhi smiled awkwardly.

Thinking about it, on the surface, Zhu Biniang is a fourteen-year-old girl. With this haggard appearance, although he was only in his twenties, he looked in his thirties.

It's really not right.

"Yuebo Tianjun..."

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"Generally speaking, it is difficult for a ghost market to form spontaneously, and it often only appears on large-scale mass graves, and there needs to be some scattered runes buried in the ground itself. Most ghost markets are artificially created. Now I don't know what to call it. In the past, it was called stealing Yin Virtue, relying on the soul of the dead, that is, the conscious body, to collect scattered runes to increase one's own cultivation. There is even more extreme, it is to directly extract The little rune energy in the soul accumulates."

"Sounds vicious."

"Yes, such people are generally not tolerated by all parties. In any mythical world, they are very spurned. The purpose of the ghost market here is to collect runes."

Joe patrols,

"Could it be to collect... open the rune of Magic Chang'an?"

"Looking at it now, this is the only possibility."

Ji Zhengzhi sighed,

"It seems that the statue in the ancestral hall was specially invited by the villagers."

Lu Xianyi said,

"It is estimated that the village was often haunted before."

Zhu Biniang looked at the statue,

"That statue should be Zhong Kui Xingjun... But Zhong Kui Xingjun doesn't seem to be in this world. I don't feel the exact totem atmosphere either."

Joe asked:

"So, it's really useless?"

Zhu Bo Niang nodded.

Qiao Xun looked at Ji Zhengzhi and said,

"It seems that Feng Shui is still very particular. What gods can be invited, and what gods can't be invited."

"I'll have to ask some grandpas for advice later."

Xin Yu clapped his hands,

"Everyone, don't stay too long. We have other things to do. Tianjun Yuebo, can you please come with us?"

"Are you going to find the Lightning Mother and Di Si Tai Sui?"


Zhu Biniang thought for a while and said:

"Okay, I'll be with you."

Xin Yu smiled,

"Then please... change your clothes."


"It's not... it's just that your outfit may... no, it will definitely attract attention."

After all, it is a real fairy costume.

The clothes on his body are full of divine brilliance, his eyebrows are dyed now, his eyes are full of majesty, and his whole body is full of meaning not to be offended.

Walking on the street, it is difficult not to attract attention.

Zhu Bo Niang nodded,

"You're right. But I don't have any other clothes, so I can only pretend."

Lu Xianyi asked curiously:

"Isn't the immortals able to change whatever they want?"

Zhu Bo Niang groaned,

"Perhaps, you have some misunderstandings about immortals. Immortals perform their duties and have their own abilities. Even God, Zhenwu, Ziwei and Dongyue are not omnipotent. Not to mention other immortals."

Hearing these names, the eyes of the four of Qiao Xun lit up. The eyes that looked at Zhu Biniang were extremely hot.

This fairy girl is simply a humanoid self-propelled "Encyclopedia of the Age of Mythology".

Zhu Biniang felt their gaze and said vigilantly:

"I won't do bad things for you."

Qiao Xun laughed,

"Misunderstanding and misunderstanding, we are all diligent and studious people, just very interested in your immortal life."


The four of them nodded and assured that they would never ask her to do bad things.

Only then did Zhu Bo Niang relax her vigilance.

Afterwards, she disguised her appearance and restrained all the characteristics of an immortal.

Then, she really turned into a fourteen-year-old girl in ancient costume.

Just... no majesty at all, except for his eyes and temperament, he is still very clean.

The sky is approaching dawn, and the four of them plan to go back to make some repairs.

The three of Qiao Xun and the fairy girl were fine, but Ji Zhengzhi couldn't bear it anymore. He didn't have a good rest himself, and today he suffered a great mental shock.

On the way back, he fell asleep as soon as he got in the car, snoring from exhaustion.

In the rhythmic purr, Zhu Biniang looked out the window and said:

"This world is really different. Iron lumps that can run on their own, buildings built to a height of several hundred meters, smooth and long roads, all kinds of lights, all kinds of street scenes... It's really different."

"Have you not understood the present world since you were reincarnated?"

"There is no chance. If you look closely now, there is always a feeling of being out of place." Zhu Biniang's eyes were deep, "Probably, this world should not be controlled by other gods, there should be... a **** of your own."

Joe Tour said,

"Unfortunately, there are only demigods in this world at present."

Zhu Bo Niang held her palm slightly,

"Then you have to work harder... The time after that will be... more difficult."

"You say the same. Everyone is saying that more and more gods will revive in this world."

Zhu Biniang looked at Qiao Xun in the rearview mirror and said:

"Yes. More and more... Me, Raibu Lightning Mother, and Di Si Taisui are all sneaking away."

"It's very stressful to hear you say that. Facing so many gods."

Zhu Biniang gave a rare smile,

"But don't be afraid. Not all gods will destroy your world, there are many gods, and their lifelong mission is to protect. Protecting living beings, protecting civilization, protecting homes..."

Lu Xianyi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at the smiling fairy in the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but think, it's a good-looking smile, and her personality is also very honest...

Are all gods so amazing?

Will I be a fairy in the future?

What Zhu Biniang said, Xin Yu felt most at ease. From the very beginning, she harbored a hostile attitude towards the nature of evolution, believing it to be nothing more than a means for the gods to revive.

The position she had insisted on before was that all gods who were to be resurrected were hostile.

But the existence of Zhu Biniang, the short time she spent with her... made Xin Yu feel that she might reconsider those immortals who were about to recover.

Maybe, as Zhu Biniang said,

There are also many immortals whose lifelong mission is to protect them.

Joe patrols,

"Niang Bo, how about you?"

Zhu Biniang was both vigilant and curious about Qiao Xun. Because in her feelings, the mortal Qiao Xun seemed to be different from other people, and did not regard her as an immortal, but as an equal.

Even in the name, he is much more direct and generous.

Vigilance lies in his true martial aura and some motives, and curiosity lies in his character and personality.

"Am I protecting one side or destroying it?"

"Hmm. Or, neutral?"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"I can't say what a great mission I have on my shoulders. However, I keep the name of the Moon Bo Tianjun, and I will do what the Moon Bo Tianjun should do. I can't pray for blessings or bring good luck, but I It will protect mortals from being harmed by demons and ghosts."

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"That's protection."


"Will the gods be unconfident too?"

"Just because everything is different."

"Niang Bo, you... should be thirty-six generals."

Zhu Bo Niang nodded,

"It used to be, but it is not now. In fact, many immortals in the fairy world have completely disappeared. Just like, Bingchen Taisui... can no longer be reincarnated. I don't know how many of the thirty-six of us can be reincarnated now."

"Before..." Qiao Xun recounted the "resurrection" investigation that he initially conducted with Xin Yu and the others.

Then ask:

"Do you know what happened to this?"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"Resurrection... It is very similar to the reincarnation of Zhenwu's flesh, but it lacks the ability of Zhenwu to control life. It should be with the help of Zhenwu's totem to build a reincarnation altar, which is essentially no different from a private shrine. However, it did not succeed in inheriting Zhenwu. Inheritance, under the wrong circumstances, gave us three opportunities to sneak and reincarnate."

Joe Tour said,

"Our previous guess was that Zhenwu wanted to be reincarnated, and then he did this."

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"Zhenwu won't do this. Zhenwu's reincarnation is the most special, a flesh reincarnation. He will be born as a baby and then grow. In other words, Zhenwu has never been a specific person, just a...will? With the existence of this will, whether it is human or other creatures, it is true martial arts."


Listening to Zhu Biniang mentioning the word "will", Qiao Xun remembered that there is also a great will in the depths of his consciousness,

And think of "numerology follows the sky"...

Can't help but think, would that be true martial will?

Of course, this is just a reasonable guess. To be honest, Qiao Xun still feels that the great will has more to do with the Seven Sins.

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"I was still thinking at the time, did the three of you reincarnate in order to no longer be bound by Zhenwu."

"We've always been free. But it's also about being free."

"What restraint?"

"The constraints of the gods. Our gods are basically enshrined by other gods, and some of the gods who entrusted us may have completely disappeared, and some may not be able to reincarnate. If we want to be reincarnated, we can only get rid of gods. That's why I said before, I'm not the real Moonbok Heavenly Monarch."

"There are so many reasons. If you don't have a **** position, then you are also equivalent to a demigod?"

Zhu Bo Niang nodded,

"According to your classification, it is the level of a demigod. But our cultivation method itself is different from yours, so in terms of real ability, it cannot be equated. Moreover, my power is fairy magic, you... It's called rune energy."

"That is to say, it is stronger than the demigods with the help of rune energy."

However, after evolving to a demigod, basically the main power is not rune energy. However, Xianju... I heard Angele say before that, if the power of the devil is excluded, it is the power of the highest level.

Zhu Bo Niang said ~www.readwn.com~ strength is useless. There is no point in fighting, strength should be used where it is appropriate. "

Qiao Xun: "..."

What an upright fairy.


Qiao Xun sent Ji Zhengzhi home first, and then turned to the hotel to rest.

Zhu Biniang didn't seem to like to relax too much, so she did not rest, but acted as a door god, "protecting" the rest time of Qiao Xun and the three of them.

From dawn to morning, for a few short hours,

The "fourteen-year-old" fairy girl stood quietly in the corridor of the hotel, upright, like a beautiful and vivid statue.

No matter how stunning the passers-by cast, she was unmoved and played the role of "guardian" well, and in the end she just passed her by.

Passed by with the fairy.

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