Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 17: listen to my sister

The refurbishment time for the evolutionary was very short. After an hour, the three of Qiao Xun finished their refurbishment.

In fact, for Qiao Xun, he was just lying on the sofa in the room and thinking about some problems with his eyes closed.

Lu Xianyi walked out of the room and saw Zhu Peiniang standing in the corridor, leaning slightly against the wall.

She stood upright, very quiet, with this petite and gratifying appearance, anyone who saw her could not help but feel pity.

But this is a fairy.

Lu Xianyi wanted to talk to her, but she didn't know what to say, so she hesitated for a while.

During the period of hesitation, Zhu Biniang looked at her and said first:

"Have you rested yet?"


"When I was standing here just now, I was feeling your world."

"Then how do you feel?"

"It's very prosperous, and it's also very withered."

"Why do you say that?"

"Prosperous civilization, withered spirit. Indeed, I feel here that I have never seen before... technology, in your words, should be called science, and the exploration of the world itself, you are far beyond what I have been to before. This is probably related to the fact that there is no **** in your world, so you can move forward according to the route that is most superior to yourself.”

Immortals have high evaluations, so what does the withered spirit mean?

Lu Xianyi asked,


"You have a prosperous civilization, but you are like slaves to civilization... In your world, the desires that civilization has spawned are stronger than any world I have ever seen."

"Does this... have any effect?"

Zhu Biniang lowered her head, pursed her lips in a rare moment, and paused for a while before saying:

"Desire is the best nourishment on the road to becoming a god...and also, evil...the source of evil. The stronger the desire, the easier it is to breed powerful...evil. In every mythical world I've been to in the past , have all spawned powerful evil because of desire. And in your world, the power of desire is the strongest."

Lu Xianyi paused,

"According to your words, wouldn't our world breed the strongest evil?"

Zhu Bo Niang smiled slightly,

"But that's a long way off. Maybe it won't happen."

Lu Xianyi did not understand this deeply. She is more inclined to think that this is the emotion of Tianjun Yuebo.

After a while, Qiao Xun and Xin Yu also came out of their respective rooms one after another.

Seeing Lu Xianyi and Zhu Biniang leaning together, Qiao Xun asked:

"What are you talking about?"

Zhu Biniang glanced at Qiao Xun and shook her head,


Lu Xianyi was very puzzled. Can't you just say what you just said?

Moreover, in her observation, Zhu Biniang looked at Qiao Xun differently every time.

She didn't know what was different, but it was different from looking at other people's eyes anyway.

In the end is Zhu Bo Niang hiding the secret,

Or is Qiao Xun hiding a secret?

Xin Yu said,

"Let's go quickly, and we won't find Ji Zhengzhi first. In his state, he probably needs to rest for a while."

"Alright." Qiao Xun nodded.

The three of them left the hotel.

According to Zhu Biniang's feelings, her sister Leibu Dianmu should be located somewhere in the east of Xijing City.

When I got there, I found that it was a low mountain.

They parked at the foot of the mountain and walked on foot.

The speed was very fast, and in a few minutes, he climbed over a mountain and reached the other end of the mountain.

There is a water hole in the ravine on the other side.

After arriving at the water pool, Zhu Biniang said:

"right here."

Qiao Xun looked left and right and said:

"There are no gods here either."

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"not necessarily."

As she spoke, her hands clasped together, and a golden flame grew out of thin air and fell into the pool. This pool of water was like gasoline, and immediately set off a golden flame several meters high.

The fire is not scorching hot, giving a sense of sacredness.

Zhu Biniang said to the golden flame:

"Mother Raibu, please show up."

Joe patrols,

"Do you both call names directly?"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"When we were still mortals, we were sisters, but when we became immortals, we were the thirty-six star officials of the imperial front with their respective duties."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"But you are mortals now, so you are sisters."

Zhu Biniang was stunned for a while, then she thought about it and nodded and said:

"you're right."

She immediately changed her tune and said to the golden flame again:

"Sister, please show up quickly."

Qiao Xun, Xin Yu, and Lu Xianyi: "..."

They really didn't expect that this immortal was so... serious?

Also, "Auntie, please show up quickly", how does it sound like "the monsters show up quickly"!

The pool was emptied,

Looking straight into the ground, I saw a sunken statue covered with moss. should have been abandoned.

Lu Xianyi asked curiously,

"Niang Bo, do you have to be in a **** statue?"

Since Qiao Xun started calling him "Bo Niang", Lu Xianyi and Xin Yu also started calling him that. It's also really petite and cute, and it's hard for people to call her "Yue Bo Tianjun"...

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"No, it's not easy to be found in the statue. The existence of the statue with totem blessing will cover up our breath to a certain extent. Although I was discovered by you..."

Lu Xianyi smiled,

"Hey, I'm really looking for it."

Saying that, the broken statue that was sinking to the bottom shook for a while, and then a burst of electric light flickered.

The dazzling electric light almost lit up the valley. After a while, divine power emerged, and Zhu Peiniang, the lightning mother of the Thunder Department, stepped on a string of electric lights.

Raibu Lightning mother is more dignified than her younger sister, so she gave a big gift first,

The lightning that covered the sky was like a rushing flood, falling from the sky and falling in front of Qiao Xun and the others.

If you look at it from a distance, a huge chain of lightning suddenly appears in this low mountain, and its spectacular scene can be clearly seen from a distance of 100 kilometers.

Zhu Bo Niang frowned, holding the magic weapon to resist, withstood the overwhelming power of electric light.

Zhu Peiniang volleyed above, thunder flashing in her eyes. she asked:

"Tianjun Yuebo, why are you like this? You show your gods in front of mortals privately, and don't care about your safety, and come to beat my golden body again. Could it be that you are bewitched by demons?"

The three of Qiao Xun immediately understood that the elder sister was not a talkative immortal like the younger sister.

Zhu Biniang looked at her head and said,

"Sister, you misunderstood."

The sound of "Sister" made Zhu Peiniang stunned for a while, and then her gaze and tone softened.

"What happened? Didn't Di Si Tai Sui say that we should hide it properly?"

Zhu Bo Niang sank her eyes,

"Remember those three mortals on which we reincarnated?"


"Now, they've come to the door. Sister, it's already breaking the rules for us to sneak away and reincarnate, and it's hurting innocent mortals. This is our fault, and we should be responsible for it."

Zhu Peiniang was silent for a while, then she converged her supernatural powers and immortal arts, and fell from the air to face them.

Looking at the three of Qiao Xun, they asked:

"Is that the three of you?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No, our two friends who became your two sisters' stand-ins are still stone sculptures."

Zhu Peiniang remembered the scene at that time and said:

"At that time we acted on instinct and hurt your friends, and I apologize for that."

"Niang Bo told us about the situation at that time."

"Bo Niang?" Zhu Peiniang raised her eyebrows slightly, then looked at Zhu Bo Niang next to her.

Zhu Bo Niang's expression did not change,

"Sister, a lot has happened."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"If Raibu Lightning mother doesn't mind, we can also call you 'Pei Niang'."

The older sister has more temper than her younger sister, and snorted coldly,

"I would be offended."

"Elder Sister, please change your temperament." Zhu Biniang said seriously, "We are mortals now. Also, even if we are still immortals, we shouldn't be offended by the kindness of others."

Zhu Peiniang bowed her head,


"It doesn't matter, sister, this world is very different from our previous world, and our situation is not good, so we still have to follow the local customs."

"Well... No wonder the way you talk has changed, and you still look like..."

"You should change too. Like me."


"Also, stop thinking of yourself as gods. Now we're mortals... ordinary people."


"Besides, don't keep losing your temper."

"I do not have."

"Then what did you mean by making such a big noise just now?"


"There's no point in quibbling, it's what it should be."

"All right."

The three of Qiao Xun were stunned beside them.

This... how is it not different from ordinary sisters, just... very immortal. Also, who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister? Why did my sister teach my sister a lesson?

Qiao Xun felt that he should not imagine God too high.

After all, God is also human.

Also, Niang Bo also said that many immortals retain their secular nature before becoming gods. In other words, many immortals are actually more powerful mortals.

Qiao Xun said,

"The two of you, although you don't want to disturb your sisters' reminiscence, but... we should go to Di Si Tai Sui now."

Realizing that she had neglected the three of them, Zhu Biniang smiled apologetically, then introduced them to her sister, and then said,

"Sister, please get along with the three of you."

Zhu Peiniang then greeted politely,

"Hello, my deity... My name is Zhu Peiniang, my name is Leibu Dianmu, and I am one of the thirty-six star officials of the North Pole Xuantian God. It's a pleasure to meet you."

How should I put it, like... a self-introduction of a new classmate.

In a few short minutes, Qiao Xun and the three of them saw two completely different sides of Zhu Peiniang, the mother of lightning.

One is the Lightning Controller Raibu Lightning Mother,

One is "listen to my sister's words" Zhu's elder sister.

This contrast makes them feel unrealistic.

Looking at the two girls in front of them, they both restrained their immortal majesty, no different from ordinary sisters. One is petite and cute but extraordinarily serious, the other is slim and very obedient - just referring to her sister's words.

Thinking about it like this makes it even more dreamy.

On the way to Xijing City, Qiao Xun originally thought that when he encountered the three guys who relied on their reincarnation, it would inevitably be a struggle, even a bitter struggle.

But now, instead, there are two more... gods sitting behind the scooter.

In the car, Zhu Peiniang, like Zhu Peiniang, condensed a rune to relieve the state of the stone carving, which was recorded by Xin Yu and sent back to Yan City.

In this way, both Qi Boxue and Zhuo Jun in Yandu City were liberated.

And Qiao Xun himself has long been out of the state of stone carving, so they went to look for Di Si Tai Sui this time, but they had another purpose in mind. The divine apocalypse used to open Magic Chang'an is still with him.

On the way to find the Di Si Tai Sui,

Having met the Zhu family sisters one after another, Qiao Xun couldn't help but wonder, what kind of person would Di Si Taisui be?

he asks,

"Niang Bo, what is Di Si Taisui's personality like? Is it easy to get along with?"

Zhu Biniang thought about it and said,

"Marshal Yin Jiao is very emotional, but easily impulsive."

That is not easy to get along with.

Qiao Xun thought about how he felt about Di Si Tai Sui at first, and glared angrily, resenting his hatred.

Zhu Peiniang asked,

"I haven't known your purpose yet. What else do you have to do besides lifting the stone carving state?"

Qiao Xun is joking,

"Can't you be friends with gods?"

Zhu Peiniang frowned,

"Don't think I'm easy to bully!"


Zhu Peiniang's just-rising emotions disappeared again.

Joe Tour said,

"You misunderstood. We actually yearn for Magic Chang'an, but we don't know that place, but you do. Besides, you are in this world, and many places are not very convenient. We are locals, or It can help you more or less. So, we are actually helping each other.”

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"Sister, we can't fight alone. Qiao Xun has the ability to deal with the enemy who has been disturbing us."

Zhu Peiniang expressed doubts,

"He looks ordinary."

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"I'm just an ordinary person. I'm just a little bit stronger. Immortal Monarch of Lightning, don't judge people by their appearance."

Zhu Peiniang frowned and said,

"Your tone is too frivolous! Not a serious person!"

Lu Xianyi and Xin Yu couldn't help but chuckle.

Joe Tour said,

"How am I supposed to be serious?"

Zhu Peiniang said strictly:

"Just talk, don't laugh! There is also a sitting posture. It's not decent. Be more upright! Don't sink your shoulders and tighten your waist."

"So strict!"

Zhu Peiniang looked straight at Zhu Peiniang and said nothing.

But Zhu Peiniang understood everything and kept her mouth shut.

Zhu Biniang then smiled apologetically,

"Sorry, my sister used to like to teach others a lesson. When she was in the Immortal Realm, she often provokes other immortals. In the end, it was me who helped her deal with the aftermath."

"I don't have any."

"Do not talk!"


Qiao Xun sighed,

"The life of an immortal is also very colorful."

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"It was true in the most prosperous mythological age before. But now, it is dust."

"Do you think you can go back to the age of mythology?"

"After I was reincarnated, I thought about it a lot~www.readwn.com~ Although my vision is not high, and I am not a great immortal, I have witnessed the rise and fall of the age of myths with my own eyes. This time, the revival of myths, maybe It's the last chance to struggle."

"Do you want to rebuild the Age of Mythology?"

Zhu Bo Niang said:

"I don't know how to answer. Most of the immortals just perform their own duties and fulfill their duties as gods. And the evolution of the age of myths is not something that any immortal can have the final say."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly and said:

"I don't want to see a resurgence of the Age of Mythology. At the same time, a lot of people don't."

Zhu Biniang looked at him deeply. Zhu Peiniang smiled and said:

"Then we may be enemies in the future."

"Hopefully not."

Zhu Biniang felt that Qiao Xun was not joking. He is serious.

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