Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 18: Close the door and beat the dog

After Qiao Xun and the others found Zhu Peiniang and returned, Ji Zhengzhi also rested and contacted them immediately.

After these two trips, there were two more people in the team, and now there are six people.

Of course, an ordinary scooter cannot sit, and it is not necessarily good for many people. After Ji Zhengzhi understood the situation here, he did not have to follow the road. He went to the research institute to wait for their news.

On the way, Ji Zhengzhi called Xin Yu.

After Xin Yu answered the phone, he released it,

"What's the matter, Lao Ji?"

Ji Zhengzhi said,

"I asked my grandfather about the ghost city just now."

"What did your grandpa say?"

"At first, grandpa thought that I just wanted to know the situation of the ghost market, so he patiently told me how the ghost market came into being, and specifically explained that the ghost markets that ordinary people can see are all artificially created, or some stray people. The disciples use it for cultivation, or they have a specific purpose, such as offering sacrifices, offering gifts, etc.”

This is the same as what Zhu Biniang said.

Ji Zhengzhi continued,

"But after I finished talking about what happened to us in Xijing City, my grandfather's tone changed. Especially when I mentioned the word 'human judgment', he immediately told me very seriously, let's not touch this kind of stuff at will. People. Listening to what he means, he estimates that he will report to the Gongjin R&D Committee, or a higher department. There should be a commissioner to contact you soon. "

Qiao Xun asked,

"Did you ask what's going on?"

"Grandpa didn't say too much, just said that the group of 'human sentencing' is very dangerous, and the purpose is unknown. It has only become active in the past ten years. The intelligence agencies above don't know much about them, only that they are also A type of inheritor, but the specific totem or evolutionary will is not clear. I asked about Xin Yu's experience in Mount Emei last time. Grandpa gave me a little bit of information about the follow-up there, saying, The judge at Mount Emei did not communicate well with our upper management."

Joe Tour said,

"How does 'Human Judgment' even exist?"

"That's not clear."

"Then do you have anything else to say?"

"In short, you must be cautious. Xijing City is during the Spring Festival travel period, and there is a lot of traffic. It's best not to make any big noises."

"Well, I understand that."

"If you have anything else to contact me, I have to go to the emergency treatment center first."

After speaking, Ji Zhengzhi hung up the phone.

Qiao Xun looked at Xin Yu,

"What do you think?"

"Follow what Lao Ji said, don't make a big noise."

Zhu Bo Niang looked thoughtful.

Qiao Xun asked after seeing it,

"Do you have any ideas for Mrs. Bo?"

"I haven't heard the name 'Human Judgment' before, but there is a similar group of people, we generally call it 'walking impermanence', that is, people in the underworld who use the souls of living people to do things in the underworld. It's not a ghost, but it plays the role of a ghost, and it can also display the power of the ghost."

"Then where did their abilities come from?"

"The true judge of the underworld may also be as high as King Yama. It may be different from what you think. Although the immortal world is called the immortal world, it is also human. The human world on our side is similar to the ancient times on your side. It often erupts. In the war between countries, there will be a large number of dead people's ghosts. It is difficult to deal with the ghosts of the underworld alone. Therefore, the king of Yama at that time came up with a method of 'going impermanent', giving the power of the ghosts to some people with special physiques and letting them Help with the ghosts."

Lu Xianyi asked curiously,

"Our earth has had large-scale wars before... Will there be such things as underworld to store ghosts?"

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"Naturally, ghosts will not appear when people die in your world. Only under certain conditions, or if someone deliberately does it, ghosts will appear."

"Eh, why is that?"

"Because there is no **** in your world. The will of the totem is not strong, and the runes are extremely scarce, so it is difficult to support the existence of the ghosts. As I said before, the ghosts are born from the essence of human consciousness in the runes."

Joe patrols,

"According to the meaning of the mother, if there is a **** on the earth, slowly there will be an existence like the underworld?"

"Yes, if the earth is born with native gods, the will of the totem will increase a lot, the power of the runes will be abundant, and gradually more and more ghosts will appear. It needs to be similar to the underworld on our side... ...exist to deal with these ghosts."

"That is to say, there is no underworld in the original fairyland?"

"Well, the underworld that only appeared after the gods were conferred. The same is true for other mythical worlds, like hell, hell, etc. However, different worlds deal with different ways. Some worlds simply don't deal with ghosts, and the result is that they are everywhere breeds evil."

"Increased knowledge." Like a curious baby, Lu Xianyi nodded straight.

Qiao Xun looked into the future,

In the future, there will be more and more primitive gods on the earth, and the probability of people becoming ghosts after death will increase, so they have to create their own underworld... If this slowly evolves, maybe there will really be a three-world division of 'heaven, earth and human'.

Would such an earth be good?

It is difficult to evaluate Qiao Xun at this stage.

"It's a bit too far." Qiao Xun returned to the previous topic, "If you look at it this way, we should really keep a low profile. For people like 'Human Judgment', we'd better not participate, or don't participate too much, let Let the country deal with it."

Xin Yu nodded,

"This is the best way. After all, our identities are relatively taboo, and unnecessary misunderstandings are not worth the loss."

Qiao Xun looked at Zhu Peiniang, who was looking in the rearview mirror, and said,

"Pei Niang, did you hear it?"

Zhu Peiniang was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily:

"Do you think I'm a troublemaker?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then why are you emphasizing me so much!"

"I see that you are a little distracted."

"Nonsense, I just didn't speak! Qiao Xun, don't think that an immortal who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years is easy to bully."

"Hundreds of thousands of years, so long..."

"I'm still young. There are many old gods who have lived for hundreds of years in the fairy world."

"It's amazing, it's amazing that we can live to be a hundred years old."

"It's a mortal after all, hum."

"It's just that you are hundreds of thousands of years old, why... not like it?"

Comparing Agnes who has lived for 500 years with Zhu Peiniang who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, the difference is obvious...

Agnes always gave Qiao Xun an incomprehensible feeling, like an old monster, but Zhu Peiniang... She didn't emphasize it, she thought she was really only sixteen years old.

Zhu Peiniang understood what Qiao Xun meant and said with a sneer,

"It really is the narrow vision of mortals. Don't try to compare the life of a mortal with the life of an immortal. The level of life is different, but there are still many children and immortals who have lived for tens of thousands of years in the immortal world. Children are about the same age. So don't think it's reasonable for me to act like an old woman."

Qiao Xun was annoyed,

It is true that my vision is not enough. But he still defended himself,

"But Niang Bo is... different."

Zhu Biniang paused and said softly,

"I'm not an old woman either."

Joe Tour said,

"Then we really treat you as fourteen years old, and sixteen years old is fine."

Zhu Peiniang raised her chin and said,

"That's still a difference."


Lu Xianyi gave Qiao Xun a blank look,

"Why do you care so much about your age?"

"It's not a calculation."

In fact, Qiao Xun was trying to understand the difference between God and ordinary people.

There are two former gods sitting in the back, and there is no better condition than now to feel the difference.

From Peiniang's point of view, the biggest difference between gods and humans is that they have different levels of life.

In other words, it may not be the same species anymore.

A person's life is only a hundred years. At the age of twelve or thirteen, they begin to develop secondary sexual characteristics. In their twenties, their minds mature. In their mid-thirties and forties, they are at their peak of life. state until death.

But the gods are different. As Peiniang said, there are many gods who are millions of years old. To them, a few hundred thousand years may be only a few years for humans.

In the following journey, Qiao Xun no longer deliberately tried to repeat Zhu Peiniang's words, and was basically silent.

He has been thinking about the difference between God and man.

until reaching the destination.

Under the guidance of their sister Zhu Biniang, they came to a residential area.

Zhu Biniang looked at several unit buildings in the community, pointed to one of them and said,

"It's here."

"Niang Bo are you sure?" Xin Yu frowned slightly, "This is an ordinary residential building."

Zhu Biniang nodded earnestly,

"I'm sure it's here."

Zhu Peiniang also said,

"I'm sure too."

The two sisters were sure that it could only be here.

Qiao Xun thought about it and said:

"Maybe some human family has a **** statue, and Di Si Taisui is in it."

"This will be troublesome. Mother Bo, can you call outside?"

Zhu Bo Niang nodded,

"Yes, yes, but the battle will be very big. We are not real gods now, so we can't communicate directly with immortal techniques, and the immortals are behind the dead objects, which largely isolates themselves from the outside world. Yu... retreat. If I call outside, I have to change back to my real body and use immortal magic to ring Di Si Tai Sui's golden body. You can recall the scene when I woke up my sister."

"That's fine."

The battle was really big. It's in the city now, and it's still daytime.

And it may be that after Si Taisui is awakened, like Zhu Peiniang, he will first come down and perform some magical powers.

If innocent people are hurt, they will be in trouble.

Joe Tour said,

"Let's find the **** statue first. If it is indeed a **** in the household of an ordinary householder, we will communicate separately. Now that the relationship between 'evolution and pollution' has been deeply rooted in people's minds, if we communicate well, there should not be too much trouble."

"It can only be done first."

Afterwards, several people and the guard showed relevant certificates and entered the community.

In the past two years of publicity, the emergency response center is basically as popular as the police station. Therefore, the certificate certificate of the emergency treatment center is generally known to everyone.

Under the guidance of Zhu Biniang, they went to the twelfth floor of a unit in the community.

1204, is the locked target.

Xin Yu walked in front and rang the doorbell.

After a while, there were light footsteps inside, and then someone asked:

"who is it?"

Xin Yuguan said in an official tone,

"Hello sir, we are the staff of the emergency response center. There is a pollution incident and we need your cooperation in the investigation."

She showed her ID to the camera.

"What pollution incident?"

Xin Yu said,

"An unusual object appeared nearby yesterday, and we routinely went door-to-door to find it."

"Oh, wait a minute."

Then, be quiet.

Qiao Xun slightly expanded the information field and extended into the room. Everything looks normal.

On one side of the porch, there is a statue of a **** enshrined, incense burnt, and tributes placed. From the appearance of the statue, it is Wenqu Xingjun.

The family may have children who are studying.

After about half a minute, the door opened.

The host greeted warmly,

"Sir, please come in, please come in."

Xin Yu said,

"You're welcome, sir."

The hostess has already started to prepare tea.

Lu Xianyi and Zhu Peiniang did not go in and waited outside the door.

When the master saw it, he asked,

"These two officers, please come in too."

Lu Xianyi shook her head and said,

"no need."

"Hey, I'm so sorry to let you stand outside."

"You're welcome, this is our duty."

"That really hurts you."

The host's persuasion failed, so he randomly returned to the living room to entertain the three of Qiao Xun.

in the living room,

Xin Yu is the protagonist, she often does this kind of thing, so she communicates.

Qiao Xun assisted by the side.

The host asked:

"Sir, how exactly are you going to check?"

Xin Yu said with a smile,

"Don't be nervous, sir, we just ask a few questions, and then check if there are hidden dangers in your home."

"Excuse me, sir."

"Well, first, please show your ID card and real estate certificate to prove that you are the owner of the household..."

Xin Yu came in accordance with the formal procedures, first to check his identity.

Zhu Biniang and Qiao Xun have been observing the situation in the house.

At a certain moment, Zhu Biniang approached Qiao Xun and whispered,

"Qiao Xun, there is a situation."

Qiao Xun nodded slightly,

"I feel it too."

This house looks normal, it is an ordinary family, but this ordinary feeling is very "deliberate".

Although they sensed a little situation, they still followed the rules and did not rush into action.

After Xin Yu verified his identity, he continued,

"Okay, sir, I'm going to ask you some questions next. My team members are going to start checking your rooms. If there are private items, please pack them up in advance, or you can choose to follow them."

Man of the house,

"Just let my lover follow along, and I'll answer the sir's question."


Xin Yu glanced at Qiao Xun and Zhu Biniang.

The two immediately began to act.

They did not go directly to the statue of Wenqu Xingjun at the entrance, but inspected each room like an ordinary inspection team.

The hostess followed behind to introduce.

Every room is normal, nothing special.

After checking to the entrance, Qiao Xun smiled and asked:

"Ma'am, do you have any children who study at home?"

the mistress said,

"Yeah, the eldest is in college, and the second is still in high school."

"Is your child doing well?"

"The eldest is alright. If you go to NTU, the eldest is almost gone. It would be good to be able to take the exam."

"Is this Wenqu Xingjun?" Qiao Xun asked, pointing to the deity worshipped.

"Well, huh, our family doesn't actually believe this, so we just want to make it look good, and there is comfort in my heart."

"That's true. Can I move?"

"Yes sir."

Qiao Xun took down the statue of Wenqu Xingjun,

The breath of "numerology follows the sky" poured into it, just like when I first felt Zhu Biniang.

However, this time, he didn't feel Di Si Tai Sui in it.

This is an ordinary statue.

Zhu Biniang, who was next to her, also noticed it, and she was very surprised and gave Qiao Xun a puzzled look.

Got it wrong?

Di Si Tai Sui is not here?

Zhu Biniang was very puzzled, she clearly felt that she was here, and my sister felt the same way.

But why did it suddenly disappear?

Qiao Xun kept calm and put the statue back to its original position.

Then he went to the living room and asked as he went,

"Ma'am, what time does your family usually have dinner?"

The hostess said subconsciously,

"The second child at home is out of school at 5:30, so I always start cooking after 5:00~www.readwn.com~ and then I can just eat when he comes back."

Qiao Xun looked at the wall clock in the living room and said with a smile:

"But it's six o'clock now, don't you cook at home today?"

The hostess suddenly froze. It's not that his demeanor froze for a while, but his posture and movement, but then it returned to normal. she says,

"I'm going out to eat at home today."

"oh, I see."

Qiao Xun probably has a sense of proportion in his heart.

Then, he stroked the rune concentric ring in the palm of his left hand, and said to Lu Xianyi outside with a heartfelt voice,

"Xianyi, create a dungeon and block the entire floor up, down, left, and right without dead ends. Be gentle."

"What's wrong?"

"Prepare to close the door and beat the dog."

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