Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 20: You have to go your way, not the devil's way

Less than five minutes after Qiao Xun and others left the community, the relevant personnel of the Xijing Emergency Response Center blocked the community.

Soon, Xin Yu received a call from the emergency response center,

However, after a simple communication, there is no follow-up. After all, in the final analysis, the incident community was not damaged, and there were no casualties, so the impact was not great. What's more, Xin Yu is a special officer from Yandu City, endorsed by a higher-level organization, and giving them the green light is within the acceptable range.

In order to prevent the battle of waking up Zhu Peiniang, Qiao Xun and others drove to the outskirts of no-man's land before they set out to wake up Si Taisui Yinjiao.

Zhu Biniang placed the statue of Wenqu Xingjun on the open space and looked back at Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun didn't quite understand what she meant by looking back at her, but she still said,

"Let's get started, Madam Bo."

Zhu Biniang didn't respond, and her hands began to make seals.

Immortal magic power poured into the statue, and the statue began to tremble, making a rustling sound.

Then, a thunderous majesty appeared in her eyes, and a rune ran across her cheeks,

"Marshal Yin Jiao, Di Si Tai Sui, please show up!"

The statue suddenly exploded with light.

After a while, a long and long voice sounded,

"Yuebo Tianjun..."

"It's me, Marshal Yin Jiao."

"And Raibu Lightning Mother, and three... mortals."

"A lot has happened."

A figure slowly emerged from the light, tall and majestic, not to be offended, with four hands swung up, down, left and right, each holding an object.

Yin Jiao's figure was revealed in front of everyone. He is exceptionally tall, Qiao Xun can barely reach his shoulders, and is full of majesty, especially his eyes, which are full of murderous intent. But unlike the immortal temperament of the Zhu sisters, he is more like a murderous general, giving people a sense of oppression. In terms of image and senses, he is more inclined to be a villain with a face, rather than an immortal.

But appearance itself is not the key to defining a person.

As soon as Yin Jiao appeared, he looked straight at Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun nodded slightly and said,

"Marshal Yin Jiao, my name is Qiao Xun."


Qiao Xun was about to respond, but Yin Jiao continued, "But he's not a mortal."

"I do not understand."

Yin Jiao looked at Zhu Peiniang and Zhu Peiniang who were standing on Qiao Xun's side and said:

"Tianjun Yuebo, Mother Thunder, please come here."

Zhu Peiniang didn't care, she walked over. But Zhu Biniang paused. She thought more than her elder sister and didn't rush to move around. She planned to tell something about what happened in the past two days.

"Marshal Yin Jiao, we..."

Yin Jiao interrupted her,

"Tianjun Yuebo, you shouldn't be in the company of mortals."

Zhu Biniang frowned slightly,

"But I hope you can listen to me. Marshal Yin Jiao, this is not an immortal world, but a star world called Earth."

Yin Jiao glanced at Qiao Xun, and then looked at Zhu Bo Niang.

Zhu Biniang inhaled slightly and said,

"The reason they came to us was because we sneaked away and reincarnated before, causing their friends to be replaced with stone sculptures."

Yin Jiao didn't make any excuses. With a move of his upper hand, he squeezed a rune out, gently pushed it towards Qiao Xun,

"This is the solution."

Qiao Xun looked at him and did not take the rune. He doesn't need either.

I thought to myself, it seems that this fairy is even harder to get along with than Zhu Peiniang.

Zhu Biniang sighed and said,

"Marshal Yin Jiao, they also helped me. I..."

"Tianjun Yuebo, you don't need to say more. After you have been helped, you can go and repay your love immediately."

"They yearn for Magic Chang'an."

Yin Jiao said in a cold tone,

"They can't walk with us."


"Tianjun Yuebo, you shouldn't question."

Zhu Biniang's eyes gradually became deeper,

"Di Si Tai Sui, why can't I question?"

This kind of tone... Zhu Peiniang felt a little anxious all of a sudden. She knew her sister well and rarely spoke to people like that. With such a tone, it only shows that she does not agree with Di Si Taisui's approach.

Don't start an infighting... Zhu Peiniang thought silently.

Yin Jiao looked at Zhu Biniang and said:

"We were supposed to be of one mind."

"You're right. We have a common mission, but, Marshal Yin Jiao, that doesn't mean I have to obey your orders."

"Yuebo Tianjun, you have fallen, and you are in the company of mortals."

"Di Si Tai Sui, we are also mortals now. We used to be mortals. We... protect mortals. Why do you think it is depraved to be with mortals?"

Yin Jiao said,

"Mortals can never understand the world of God, and if they deliberately integrate into it, they will only be miserable."

"I don't agree with your idea."

Yin Jiao looked at Tianjun Yuebo coldly,

"If you can see through the people around you, of course I will choose to support your ideas."

The person beside her is Qiao Xun.

Zhu Biniang paused. She really couldn't see through Qiao Xun, he was different from all mortals. He is obviously a mortal, but he does not have the characteristics that a mortal should have.

Hearing this sentence, Qiao Xun understood. In the end, Yin Jiao was worried about his own identity.

He interjected and said with a smile:

"It's really an honor to have the two immortals disagree. But I think that perhaps Marshal Yin Jiao's concerns are superfluous."

"You can't justify your position."

"I didn't make a mistake, why do I need to prove my innocence?" Qiao Xun said, "Marshal Yin Jiao, you don't know my position, and you can't give me a preset position."

"I reject unknown people."

"If you say so, then this world is a completely unknown world to you."

Yin Jiao shook his head,

"This is just a barren world without native gods."

"Marshal Yin Jiao, do you really know the world well?"

not at all. Yin Jiao felt that he didn't need it either. He had more important things to do than to understand the world.

"There's no need for that."

Qiao Xun stopped talking, looked at Zhu Biniang and said,

"Niang Bo, you can choose for yourself."

Zhu Biniang frowned, looked at Yin Jiao for a moment, then slowly shook her head, then took two steps back,

"Marshal Yin Jiao, I think, I can't walk with you now. We need more fault-tolerant actions."

"Tianjun Yuebo, you chose a stranger you met for the first time, a mortal?"

"Marshal Yin Jiao, I hope you understand that this is not a choice, but an answer. I also hope you understand that the only purpose of my existence here is the same as yours."

Yin Jiao's tall figure pressed down a little in a dull and sullen manner, and the surrounding immediately raised dust, a wave of turbulence broke out, and a strong wind immediately set off.

With a solemn expression, Zhu Bo Niang called out the magical powers to defuse the offensive.

Yin Jiao suddenly understood that she was serious.

He shook his head slowly,

"Tianjun Yuebo, you shouldn't trust a mortal so easily. Not to mention a person with fog in his eyes."

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"I really don't know what kind of person he is, and I don't know his purpose, his motives and his future. But this is not the choice he gave me, it's my own idea. Marshal Yin Jiao, maybe you need to Take a good look at what you are doing, and see if it is correct. We are facing the interference of unknown enemies, facing the unknown situation in Magic Chang'an, and facing this unknown world. We simply cannot solve the problem as easily as we used to be immortals. And you , did not think hard, did not have a learning heart."

"Tianjun Yuebo, what have you learned?"

There was brilliance in Zhu Bo Niang's eyes,

"At least, I learned to restrain my divine power and temperament, and pretending to be a mortal is safer than hiding in a **** statue."

Yin Jiao paused, then became angry,

"As the **** of heaven and earth, the majesty and dignity of God is everything to us!"

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"That's not it. Mission and responsibility are what we are all about."

"Tianjun Yuebo, do you really want to argue with me about this idea?"

"No, I'm not going to argue with you. You can think you're right, and I'm not trying to convince you. But I'm going to do what I think is right."

"I have been in charge of Tai Sui for millions of years, and I have never experienced anything. Do you really think you are seeing the right path?"

"I'm not as senior as you are, but that's not the line between 'young and mature'."

Yin Jiao closed his eyes, after a while, he opened his eyes and said:

"Tianjun Yuebo, I will ask you one last time, what is your choice."

"I also said one last time, I don't make choices. I just do what's right."

Yin Jiao let out a long sigh,


He turned around and said earnestly:

"I hope you can keep the majesty of Heavenly Monarch Yuebo and the dignity of Zhenwu."

Zhu Bo Niang did not speak. But the answer was already in the firm eyes.

Yin Jiao asked Zhu Peiniang again,

"Mother Raibu, how about you?"

Zhu Peiniang was caught in the middle, in a dilemma. Of course, she didn't want their three true warriors to have internal strife and part ways. However, it was obvious from the conversation between the younger sister and Marshal Yin Jiao that both of them firmly believed that they were doing the right thing and refused to give in.

Yuqing, of course she prefers her sister. From mortal to immortal, and then from immortal to mortal, she has always been intimate with her sister Bo Niang.

Yu Li, she felt that both parties were right.

Marshal Yin Jiao must guard the dignity of Zhenwu, which is what she is determined to protect.

But there is no problem with my sister Bo Niang's opinion, although I haven't been with Qiao Xun for a long time. But she also realized that such a major mission cannot be accomplished by the three of them, and needs more help and a good understanding of the world.

She had no choice, and looked down at Zhu Biniang with a pitiful look in her eyes.

Qiao Xun sighed in his heart. It is rare to see the arrogant and arrogant mother Raibu show such an expression.

However, the sensible Zhu Biniang quickly made a choice for her sister,

"Sister, it's best for you to go with Marshal Yin Jiao. We are all for the same mission, and no one is really completely wrong. But I can still move forward with them."

"Niang Bo...you..."

"Don't worry, I know exactly what I'm doing."

"I hope..."

Zhu Peiniang didn't fidget and walked in the direction of Yin Jiao.

She doesn't look back,

Because looking back is a pity.

Watching the two immortals leave, Qiao Xun felt a little emotional.

In this play, he, Lu Xianyi and Xin Yu were all spectators. It turns out that the gods will also have their own plans.

Qiao Xun looked at Zhu Biniang and asked,

"Bo Niang, are you okay?"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"I'm fine. Qiao Xun, I'll tell you responsibly that although I'm walking with you, it doesn't mean that I chose you and agreed with you. Also, if I fail, I won't blame you. ."

"Then why do you stay?"

"It's like going on an adventure. I don't know if the treasure or the trap is waiting for me."

Xin Yu smiled slightly,

"In the beginning, I knew Qiao Xun, and I thought and felt the same as you. I used to tell Qiao Xun that he was a risk in his own right."

"Then what about now?"

Xin Yu hugged Lu Xianyi's waist,

"Now, I, including Xianyi, still think he is a risk. Doing anything with him is a risk."

Lu Xianyi's head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Qiao Xun: "..."

Zhu Biniang was silent for a while and said,

"Marshal Yin Jiao is actually not an arrogant person. He is just, very loyal to Zhenwu. Everything about Zhenwu is regarded by him as the meaning of existence. Majesty, dignity and everything that 'zhenwu' represents... He will never let go, This is doomed, he can't be in the company of the mortals in his eyes, he can't accept himself as a real military commander, and needs the help of mortals. Unlike me, I... In fact, I am a very realistic person, how can it be easy to achieve expectations , just how come. I just feel that it is too difficult and confusing to follow everything in the past to the future. "

Qiao Xun didn't want to make the atmosphere so heavy, he said with a smile:

"Am I that scary... I'm actually quite friendly."

"Friendly?" Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun in disbelief.

Qiao Xun retorted,

"First, I don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, second, I have clear principles, third, I don't violate the law and discipline, fourth..."

"Okay, don't talk about it." Xin Yu interrupted him, "These are not important, the important thing is that we can really help Bo Niang."

"But we don't know what Bo Niang and the others are going to do."

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"Will know, but not now. Now is not the time to speak up."

"However, the **** who opened the magic Chang'an is with Marshal Yin Jiao, if he doesn't go with us..."

"It doesn't matter. As long as Magic Changan is turned on, you can enter without divine enlightenment."

"That's fine."

Zhu Peiniang looked at the direction Yin Jiao and Zhu Peiniang left, with a trace of worry in her eyes.

Joe patrols,

"What are you worried about?"

"I'm afraid that Marshal Yin Jiao and Marshal may become enemies that collide with each other."

"If your goals are the same, it shouldn't be."

"I hope so, I hope..."

After such a trip, not only did Yin Jiao not join the camp, but Zhu Peiniang also left.

While in the car, Zhu Biniang was in a trance.

Anyone could feel that she was in a state of unease and anxiety.

They want to comfort her, but they don't know where to start.

They can't guess what a former immortal is thinking at the moment, and they can't find common topics that both sides are interested in.

After all, she is not really a fourteen-year-old young girl~www.readwn.com~ and Qiao Xun...

Although he said before to ease the atmosphere that he was actually not that scary,

But this made his inner atmosphere even heavier. Angele in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Yihong's whispers that always lingered in his ears, made him soberly realize,

He was never a "friendly" person.

Maybe the future will change and take a completely different path from the past, but now,

Anxiety in your heart will not be easily erased.

He said to himself in his heart, Qiao Xun...you have to go your way, not the devil's way.

He suddenly missed Kuyecheva a little,

That glowing Russian girl.

She would laugh and say to herself,

"Qiao Xun, you are you!"

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