Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 21: Coach, please don't despise me!

The parting ways with Marshal Yinjiao had a certain impact on Zhu Biniang.

On the way back, she kept looking out the car window, thinking about something. The city scene under the setting sun was reflected on the car window, forming a faint halo on her face.

For a while, she seemed so far away from all of them. But looking at it, she did indeed sit beside him.

When he was about to arrive at the hotel, Ji Zhengzhi called and said that Yandu had come and that someone had called to see them.

Qiao Xun estimated the time. In the morning, Ji Zhengzhi told his grandfather about it, and his grandfather reported it to the top management. Before evening, Yandu would come.

This is certainly no ordinary person on a regular flight.

The top pays more attention to this matter.

Also called to meet them...

Qiao Xun thought about it and asked:

"Niang Bo, do you want to come with us?"

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"Although I have close contact with you, in the final analysis, I should not have too much contact with ordinary people."


Zhu Biniang's special identity should not be known to too many people, as that will only cause more trouble.

"Then I'll take you back to the hotel first."

Zhu Biniang refused:

"No, I'll get off here. Maybe, I can take this time to learn more about the world."

"Then how do you contact us?"

"I want to find you, then naturally I can find you."

After she finished speaking, she opened the door and went out.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the crowd of people after get off work in the evening.

Looking at the place where she disappeared, Lu Xianyi said,

"Bei Niang is a very independent and assertive person."

"That's why her sister listened to her so." Xin Yu thought about it and said.

Joe Tour said,

"It always feels like she's close and far away."

Lu Xianyi thought about it and said:

"This is probably a fairy. I can't understand or guess, but I can clearly feel her existence."

"Even among gods, there are many disputes over ideas. This is very similar to the human world." Xin Yu said, "The more you know about gods, the less you will be afraid. They will always imagine them too unknown to look directly at..."

Joe Tour said,

"Deconstructing the word 'god' thoroughly, then human beings will have nothing to fear. What they are most afraid of is not the power, but the unknown. For the human world, the coming, or in other words, the age of gods that will return to light is a great challenge. It is also a great opportunity.”

Xin Yu asked seriously,

"Qiao Xun, what kind of world do you want the future to be like?"


"No, I'm asking about God."

Qiao Xun thought about it seriously and said,

"I don't want the difference between gods and people to become the difference between emperors and commoners in the past. Bo Niang also said that once more and more native gods appear on the earth, the ghosts will be inevitable, and institutions similar to the underworld will become It will definitely appear. But who manages an institution like the underworld? Who will appoint the yin division in it? In Bo Niang's world, there are many high-ranking gods such as the Jade Emperor. What about our world? Should those who become gods decide first? I don’t think it’s right. Even if people become gods, their individual wills will not change. But public institutions like the underworld should not be dominated by individual wills. But who can Can it be said with certainty that those who have become gods will really obey the collective will?”

Lu Xianyi was surprised,

"You actually thought so far?"

"It's not far, very close...very close...for me personally, I'm not a saboteur, of course I hope the earth will get better and better."

"Hey, you're still a pacifist."

Joe Tour said,

"No one likes war except the militants."

Xin Yu said,

"The future is still confusing."

Ji Zhengzhi was waiting for them at the institute.

When Qiao Xun and the three arrived at the research institute, Ji Zhengzhi was sitting in the lounge with the three of them.

These three people just cover the young, middle-aged and old.

Among them, Qiao Xun, a middle-aged man, knew Wang Wencheng, the former special commissioner from Yandu City, and the holder of the talent sequence 10 "Dream Creation".

As soon as he saw Qiao Xun, Wang Wenli stood up and said with a smile:

"Qiao Xun, so soon, we meet again."

The appearance of Wang Wencheng is reasonable. After all, there have been many human interrogations in Xijing City, and Wang Wencheng had been in contact with a human interrogation in Mount Emei before.

"Mr. Wang, it's nice to see you again."

"Haha." Wang Wencheng looked at Xin Yu and said, "Xin Yu, we probably haven't seen each other for a while."

Xin Yu thought about it,

"It's more than two years, it's not too long. Bureau Wang is busy with work, so it's normal not to see him."

"I heard that you provided very critical data in the previous study by the Huguang Research Institute. I wanted to chat with you, but unfortunately you turned around and went to Japan."

Xin Yu smiled and said:

"Then Bureau Wang can't think of it," she glanced at Qiao Xun first, and only said after seeing the latter's expression unchanged, "Qiao Xun gave me those data contents."

Wang Wencheng's eyebrows twitched, his eyes glowed with brilliance, and he was amazed.

"I didn't expect it, Qiao Xun, you are really amazing. You should be only Tier 4 at that time. It's amazing to be able to discover such key data content!"

In his heart, Qiao Xun's evaluation was raised again.

Joe Tour said,

"Mr. Wang has won the prize."

Wang Wencheng then looked at Lu Xianyi again and said with a smile,

"Xiao Lu, I didn't see you in Zhidong City last time, so this will count as meeting."

Lu Xianyi smiled but did not smile,

"Uncle Wang really wants to see me, how can he not."

"You are wrong, you don't want to see me."

"Of course I don't want to disturb you."

"Xiao Lu, it's pointless to argue with me, save some energy to argue with your father, hehe."

Lu Xianyi snorted softly and turned her face away.

It can be seen that Wang Wencheng and Lu Xianyi's father have a good relationship.

Qiao Xun looked at the other two,

"Who are these two?"

The old man is gentle, and looks like a writer, or a literary worker. Excited and full of energy, he said with a smile,

"My name is Ji Kaihe, old fellow, a little folklore researcher."

Ji Kaihe... This name, in all likelihood, is Ji Zhengzhi's grandfather.

Xin Yu jokingly said,

"Mr. Ji said that he is a small folklore researcher, even if folklore researchers all over the world are just getting started."

"Haha, that's not the case."

Ji Kaihe looked at Qiao Xun and said,

"Qiao Xun, this name is much louder than that of the old guy."

"Mr. Ji is wrong."

Ji Kaihe shook his head, then glanced at Ji Zhengzhi next to him and said,

"My unworthy grandson, I have caused you trouble."

Ji Zhengzhi shook his shoulders and smiled awkwardly.

Xin Yu said,

"It didn't cause any trouble, it helped us a lot."

"Hmph, as soon as I came here, I saw his disrespectful appearance. He was lethargic, the details of his life were messed up, and his physical condition was so confused. If I hadn't seen him as an only seedling, I would have drowned him in the toilet."

I could feel that Mr. Ji was very angry and very dissatisfied with Ji Zhengzhi's current situation.

"You're serious, he actually—" Xin Yu seemed to justify his partner.

Ji Kaihe interrupted and said,

"Xiao Xin doesn't need to speak for him, he can speak for himself."

Xin Yu smiled embarrassedly, and said nothing more, looked at Ji Zhengzhi sympathetically, thinking to ask for more happiness.

Then, the last visitor raised his hand and indicated that he wanted to speak, like... a student in a class.

She is indeed like a student, but wearing a simple ancient costume.

Qiao Xun, Xin Yu and Lu Xianyi did not know her.

is a raw face.

"My name is Guan Yue, I'm a girl, I like to write, um..." She frowned slightly, thinking seriously, "I also like watching the sunset, um..."

She looked like someone who introduced herself and didn't know what to say.

After holding back for a long time, no one interrupted her, and finally she said:

"My handwriting is very good." After speaking, he was a little uncertain, and said to himself: "It should be fine..."

Guan Yue seems to have a cold magic power. After she finished speaking, everyone didn't know what to say.

After being stiff for a while, Wang Wencheng said with a smile,

"Alright, alright, let's all sit down and talk."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and took their seats.

Guan Yue sat quietly in the corner, sitting up straight, like an obedient elementary school student... Of course, she looked to be the age of a college student, about the same as Lu Xianyi.

Joe Tour said,

"Mr. Wang, you have come to Xijing again this time. You must have something important to do."

"It's really important. You should have guessed it, it's about human judgment, and something that's still unclear. Mr. Ji is an expert in this area, so he came with me."

Qiao Xun thought he was going to talk about why he took Guanyue, but Wang Wencheng didn't say it. He continued:

"I have already understood your experience in Xijing City in the past two days, but I have learned it differently from different people, so I still want to ask you yourself."

Qiao Xunyan briefly and comprehensively recounted the events of the past two days.

He also did not hide the three immortals. This can't be hidden, what's more, Wang Wencheng himself is one of the main participants in the "resurrection" incident.

Wang Wencheng nodded,

"No wonder, it turns out that it was you who took over the 'Resurrection' investigation mission last time."

It seems that the "Tower"'s ability to keep secrets is really good. Even Wang Wencheng's identity is only now known who is involved in the investigation.

Wang Wencheng thought about it and said,

"There are still three immortals... It seems that this city of Xijing is more complicated than we originally expected."

"Accurately speaking, he is not an immortal, but he should be a relatively strong demigod." Qiao Xun said.

"Have you had in-depth contact with them?"

"Not too deep. They have their own purpose."

"Will it affect us?" Wang Wencheng is most concerned about this.

Joe Tour said,

"It's unlikely. Although there's not much contact, it's still known that their positioning should be biased towards 'blessing', which is completely opposite to the previous immortals. Moreover, the place where they mainly accomplish their goals is not on Earth."

"what is the place?"

"Huan Chang'an, I don't know if you've heard of it."

Wang Wencheng frowned,

"Fantasy Chang'an... I've heard the name vaguely, but I'm not impressed. But we did monitor some special wave rhythms in Xijing City, and we initially speculated that it might be similar to the existence of the crack in the center of the Antarctic."

"Magic Chang'an should be considered another world, but I don't know why it is related to Xijing City."

"Because of cultural origins?"

"That's not certain."

Wang Wencheng looked at Ji Kaihe,

"Elder Ji, what do you think?"

Ji Kaihe thought about it and said,

"The cultural origin of Chang'an is actually quite related to the common totems of the current evolutionary people in our country. If Magic Chang'an is not just a coincidence in the name, it should be that the main internal cultural construction is similar to Chang'an in our history. , No, it should be said that the Chang'an in our history is similar to the Magic Chang'an. According to the age, the Magic Chang'an has existed for a longer time. The totem runes have always been a very mysterious existence, even if we use them to evolve and acquire talents, but their essence It has never been dug up. However, it is also known that the relationship between culture and totem is relatively deep. This is also one of the reasons why the awakened talents of people influenced by different cultures are significantly different.”

Wang Wencheng pondered for a while and said,

"As for Magic Chang'an, we have to do further research in the future. For now, we should first deal with the matters related to the judgment of the human world."

"What the **** is a human judgment?" Qiao Xun asked.

Wang Wencheng said,

"Last time I had contact with a human judge. They are almost completely deviated from modern society. They are extremely opposed to nature and science in concept, and pay special attention to humanities and spirituality."

"Is it an organization similar to the Adventist forces?"

"Not really. The main thing is that we don't know what kind of existence their leader is."

"Shangfang Yama... I heard Tianjun Yuebo say before that there are no totems and runes of King Yama in our world. Maybe the possibility that Yama above is the reincarnation of King Yama can be ruled out."

"The most important thing should be whether he was impersonated by a native of the earth, or another god's resurrection body. On this point, I have to study it together with Ji Lao."

Joe Tour said,

"I think this human-to-human judgment organization may target a few of us. When I was looking for the Di Si Tai Sui before, there was a serious friction."

"Then what's your plan? Do you want to avoid the limelight?"

"Before Huan Changan appeared, I should have kept a low profile. However, if there is anything I can help, I will try my best."

Wang Wencheng said,

"You should go at your own pace."


In fact, Wang Wencheng didn't really care much about Yuebo Tianjun, Leibu Dianmu and Di Si Taisui.

But it wasn't that he didn't care.

Qiao Xun felt that he might still have a cautious attitude towards them, and he would not ask more or not ask them completely before contacting them. Of course, this also has to explain to him that their threat is not big.

Wang Wencheng is not an individual evolutionary, and he is more concerned with the interests of the country.

at last,

Wang Wencheng said,

"Qiao Xun, Ji Lao and I are going to stay in Xijing City for a while. If you have anything, please contact me directly."

This time, they exchanged contact information.

"Oh yes, Guanyue, you can get to know each other well."

Guanyue Landing stood up and said politely,

"Please advise."

Qiao Xun is puzzled,

"This is?"

Wang Wencheng said with a smile,

"The above is to let her come out to exercise. I have learned a little about you. Didn't you bring out two outstanding students? It happens that you are here, I think you should be able to exercise her. Of course, also see what you think."

Guan Yuedan raised a hand and said very seriously,

"I promise not to cause trouble with Teacher Qiao!"

"I am not a teacher……"

"Coach Joe! I will be very obedient, please don't dislike me."

"No, I just feel a little inexplicable."

Guan Yue was visibly lost to the naked eye, like an eggplant beaten by frost, and lost her spirit.

Qiao Xun glanced at Lu Xianyi.

Lu Xianyi puffed up her face,

"You are very good at taking students. It doesn't matter if you take others, it's great to send talents for the country..."

"Do you really think so?"


Qiao Xun looked at Wang Wencheng, who smiled.

Looking at Guan Guanyue again, although she is gone, her little eyes are still full of anticipation.

God knows if he really refuses, this little flower will wither on the spot.

"Okay then." Qiao Xun said helplessly.

Guan Yue was full of vitality again visible to the naked eye, and bowed solemnly to salute,

"I must not let the coach down!"

Wang Wencheng was directly happy, he felt that in the current Republic, Qiao Xun may be the most suitable coach to manage the month. Of course, the face is still ordinary,

"Then let's do it first, Qiao Xun, if you have any questions, please contact us in time. Ji Lao, let's go to the emergency treatment center first."

Ji Kaihe left with Wang Wencheng, and when he reached the door, he looked back at Ji Zhengzhi,

"What are you doing, stinky boy!"

Ji Zhengzhi was stunned,

"Do I want to be together?"

"You look like this, and you still have a face with others?"

Ji Zhengzhi's face immediately turned into a bitter gourd, and he followed up honestly.

He knew that he had to be scolded well.

In the lounge, Guan Yue looked at Qiao Xun expectantly, as if Qiao Xun would give her something.

Qiao Xun paused ~www.readwn.com~ and asked:

"What did you plan to do?"

"Wherever the coach goes, I will go. I will do whatever the coach asks me to do! I will be a teacher for one day and a father for life!"

Qiao Xun opened his mouth slightly,


There's something wrong with this kid.

"Listen, Miss Guan, I'm just your coach for this period of time, and I will do my best to guide you in matters related to evolution. After this period of time, you and I will have nothing to do with each other."

Qiao Xun said this to two people.

One Guanyue and one Lu Xianyi.

Let the former wake up and let the latter dismiss the alarm in his head.

But Guan Yue's next words made the alarm in the latter's head even louder.

"Don't, I finally found you. Only you, the coach, can solve my troubles."

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