"Look at this, what does it mean that only I can solve it."

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows.

Guan Yue smiled slightly, the sunset reflected on her face, warm and soft,

"It's really only the coach that you can solve."

"What troubles?"

"Indescribable," Guan Yue thought for a while, "it's like there is a very special existence that keeps calling your name from a distance and saying things you don't understand."

She is an Evolver, and it's not surprising that an Evolver feels that way.

Many evolutionaries often have some illusions due to excessive use of their abilities or pollution. If they are not treated, they may lose their minds in serious cases and become tools of contaminated runes.

"But, why are you so sure that only I can solve your problems?"

Guan Yue turned around and looked at the sunset outside the window,

"I'm from far away, and everything here is foreign to me. I haven't and I don't want to tell anyone about my past."

She turned her head, her eyes bright,

"But as soon as I see you, I feel familiar, like, I've seen you somewhere. I can't help but raise a feeling that maybe, maybe... we've met in the past, or something connects you and me. ."

Hearing this, Lu Xianyi felt gloomy. But she didn't interrupt, and listened carefully to what Guan Yue said.

"As soon as I saw you, I was like... a lost child who saw the candle at home. There is something about you that attracts me..."

Qiao Xun was silent for a moment,

"I don't understand, and I don't accept it. Besides, I don't feel that way about you."

Guan Yue nodded and took light steps,

"Moths yearn for candlelight, but candlelight is never moved by moths. I'm probably a moth."

"No, emotional feeling is a deception, and objective things can answer questions."

"So, coach, you have to teach me well. I want to understand what that feeling is."

Xin Yu raised the corner of his mouth,

"love at first sight?"

Seeing that Lu Xianyi didn't speak, she said what she wanted to say instead.

Sure enough, Lu Xianyi's eyelashes trembled.

Xin Yu's heart sank slightly. Qiao Xun is mysterious. She knows very well that he has a mysterious past and a mysterious future. In many cases, it is difficult to simply summarize him with "Qiao Xun". She knew that it was difficult for Lu Xianyi to get the security of love alone from him.

There are always, all kinds of people pass by Qiao Xun. Lu Xianyi was very scared, and she was only an insignificant member of it.

Guan Yue shook her head and said,

"You misunderstood. Maybe my description and description are a little subtle, but that feeling is not what makes my heart feel. I know who I am, and I know what I'm struggling with."

"Then who are you?"

The feeling of this person to Qiao Xun is no longer "probably the child of a big man in Yandu", but more mysterious.

"Guanyue is indeed my name. But... everything here has nothing to do with Guanyue."

"You don't belong to this world?"

"Belonging, but not of this era."

Qiao Xun frowned,

"What's the meaning?"

Guan Yue smiled slightly,

"I shouldn't have said that this is my biggest secret. However, I am willing to take risks to believe you, and I am willing to bet on you. I, Guanyue, was born in the thirteenth year of Kaiyuan, Luojing, also It is the 725 AD you are familiar with. Simply put, I am a transmigrator who has transmigrated from the past to the present."

The three were amazed and dumbfounded.


Through the past...

This sounds like a kind of bizarre feeling in a novel.

After speaking, Guan Yue asked with a smile,

"My home is really far away, isn't it?"

Of course, Qiao Xun doesn't believe what she says, but he does not feel that she is lying in terms of emotions and desires.


Guan Yueyou said,

"I entered Nanshan by mistake, and the stars moved. On the day my father climbed the mountain to worship the gods, I sat in the sedan chair and walked to the depths of the forest. When I came out, when I looked around, it was like a steel forest, full of traffic. It took me a long time to reluctantly realize my situation, and then I conflicted with others and was taken in by the current R&D committee. The follow-up is a long time. It was an uninteresting interrogation session, but I didn't say anything. Later, I participated in a program called 'Gene Forge', and luckily, I passed."

She speaks lightly, but clearly recognizes that her modern experience should be more "colorful".

Xin Yu was surprised,

"So it was you who passed the furnace last time."

Guan Yue nodded,

"it's me."

Lu Xianyi asked,

"You didn't tell the Gongjin R&D Committee about these things, but told us. Aren't you afraid that we will report it?"

Guan Yue looked straight at her,

"Do you know?"

"It's impossible to say."

"I believe you."

"You have nothing to rely on to trust me."

Guan Yue Shi Shi Ran does have the demeanor of everyone's young lady,

"For me alone, trust is already cheap."

Lu Xianyi said nothing more. She couldn't cope with this "traverser".

Joe patrols,

"Is your worry about going back in time?"

"No, it's not. I just want to know why I crossed."

"How would I know?"

"I said coach, feeling, feeling... If there is no way to go, just follow the feeling..."

"Isn't this a gamble?"

"Even this kind of thing happened, what else is impossible?"

Guan Yue's experience reminded Qiao Xun of Agnes.

Agnes had said that he planted the curse on her with his own hands, but did not ask her if it meant that he existed five hundred years ago.

If this is possible, perhaps Guan Yue's familiarity with him is similar to Agnes's situation.

Qiao Xun looked at Guan Yue and said,

"It sounds like a hassle anyway. But you said before that you're not going to trouble me."

"Except for this."

"I agree that you didn't say that when you studied with me."

"If I said it, would you agree?"

Qiao Xun did not answer.

He thought about it carefully, and he would agree more firmly.

Knowing Guanyue's secrets and exploring the truth of Guanyue's time travel is not a process of understanding himself.

Since there is a certain tie between them and a certain connection, there must be a way to follow Guan Yue to get in touch with more of his own affairs.

For others, knowing the enemy on the evolutionary path is the best way to reduce risk,

But for him, it's about knowing yourself.

"Guan Yue, I don't know how true or false your words are, but please remember, never use your special feelings for me as a bargaining chip to measure the relationship between you and me."

Guan Yue said,

"I'd rather keep silent than lie, especially to you."

Qiao Xun didn't take her words to heart, after all, everyone promised it.

Xin Yu looked out the window and sighed,

"It's been an amazing three days. Think about it, what happened to us... Immortals and transmigrators."

Lu Xianyi said,

"Sounds like a game."

Xin Yu was taken aback,

"looks like?"

"Not like it?"

"Not like."

Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun.

Joe Tour said,

"Only you would think so."

Lu Xianyi looked at Guan Yue again. Guan Yue frowned earnestly and said,

"The simple games I've played include finger grasping, flower rope, kite flying, and fireworks. The more difficult ones are flying flower orders, and playing Go... It seems, nothing like what you said."

Lu Xianyi blushed,

"Blame me."

Joe Tour said,

"Okay, let's go back. It should be easier in the next few days."

Xin Yu said,

"I don't think we should stay in a hotel anymore. There are too many people in the hotel. We are in a lot of trouble. If trouble comes to the door, it will inevitably bring disaster to innocent people. It's better to live in a place with fewer people. You don't think it's a problem. If so, I will arrange it now."

"Listen to you."

Then Xin Yu made a phone call, and it was done in less than ten minutes. She said briskly:

"There is a villa area in the west of the city, which meets the requirements, quiet, few people, and remote."

"You don't have real estate in Xijing, right?"

"Haha, I think every city has my property, so I have a place to live wherever I go. Unfortunately, I don't have that ability."

In this regard, Qiao Xun disagreed.

With her Xin Yu's ability, if she really wants to do it, she will definitely be able to do it. It's just a matter of how many backdoors go.

It's just that she's the opposite of her character.

Xin Yu continued,

"I have a friend who helped a rich man here before, so he can borrow the residence under his name."

Qiao Xun shrugged and walked out, saying as he walked,

"The white dog eats the moon, the black dog eats shit; the white dog climbs the beam, the black dog leans against the wall..."

Xin Yu said helplessly,

"The words are not rough."

Departure and return.

When Qiao Xun drove through a bustling street, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhu Biniang in the crowd.

Sure enough, as she said, if she was looking for them, she could find them at once.

The car leaned on the side of the road, and after loading her, it galloped away according to the villa status given by Xin Yu.

As soon as I got in the car, Zhu Biniang immediately paused, thinking, there are more people...

After Guan Yue saw Zhu Biniang, she immediately started to be stunned. Zhu Biniang, who wanted to introduce herself, was a little overwhelmed,


"Girl..." Guan Yue said after muttering, "Why is it called this?"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"I'm used to it. Hello, my name is Zhu Biniang. Qiao Xun and I are now our companions."

"Hello, my name is Guan Yue." Guan Yue said politely, "I'm a student of Coach Qiao Xun."

Hearing the name Zhu Bo Niang, Guan Yue had no reaction. Qiao Xun thought for a while. The mythical character Zhu Boliang first appeared on the current earth in "Journey to the North" written by Yu Xiangdou, a writer of the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, only relative to the earth, this is the reason.

But the real Zhu Bo Niang is from the fairy world, and only she herself knows the true story.

Guan Yue and Zhu Biniang didn't talk much.

However, Guan Yue seemed to care a little about Zhu Bo Niang. She could feel it from the eyes she looked at Zhu Biniang from time to time.

Qiao Xun silently wrote down this detail, and then asked Guan Yue alone, she might also have a special feeling for Zhu Biniang.

The villa area in the west of the city is called "Shuiyueju". At night, except for a few scattered lights, it is dark and quiet here, and you can't even hear a dog barking.

Looking around, there is a lot of green area, surrounded by mountains and rivers. If it is daytime, the scenery here should be quite good.

But at night, there are no people coming and going, and it is very gloomy.

On the contrary, it perfectly meets the requirements of Qiao Xun and the others. It is far away from the crowd, and it is quiet and remote.

Although no one lives in it, it is a villa area after all, and of course there is still a property to take care of it.

At the gate of Shuiyueju, there are already property staff waiting here.

Said yes, the owner of the villa has already explained the specific situation to him.

After a simple acquaintance, I got the pass code and the access code of the villa.

Shuiyueju is very big, and there is still some distance from the main entrance to the villa. On the way, Qiao Xun said:

"That friend of yours is very meticulous."

Xin Yu said,

"Yes, it's a pollution monitor after all."

"This is Xin Da's network, friends all over the world, love and love."

Xin Yu giggled,

"That's not right, follow me to eat and drink spicy food!"

Just as Qiao Xun was about to continue "flattering", a gong suddenly rang out. In this quiet night, it was like a thunderstorm, which immediately cheered the few people in the car who were already slack.

The sound of gongs and drums was followed by the sounds of suonas, cowhide drums, and three-foot iron, accompanied by the sound of chanting sutras and sad music.

Hearing is meticulous, and he can faintly cry.

"Oh, it scared me to death." Lu Xianyi patted her small flat chest, "It's this big night."

Xin Yu looked out curiously,

"Which family has someone died, and are they having a funeral?"

"The sound doesn't seem too far away..."

It wasn't too far away, and when Qiao Xun drove to their destination, he found that the funeral home was right across from where they lived.

The mourning hall, the wreath, the gong and drum team, the Taoist priest, the loudspeaker, the coffin... can all be seen clearly and are placed in the courtyard outside the villa.

But there were not many mourners, only one, kneeling alone in front of the mourning hall, wearing hemp and filial piety.

The funeral scene is not small, but it is not lively, there are not many people, there are a few scattered, and it seems that they are still hired.

Qiao Xun took a cursory look, and felt that the mourning teenager was probably his own family, and the others were hired to help.

I don't know if it was out of empathy, but Qiao Xun felt that this young man was pitiful. Maybe the person lying in the coffin was his only relative.

Lu Xianyi was very sensitive to Qiao Xun's emotional changes, and asked in a low voice close to him:

"What’s wrong with you?"

Qiao Xun shook her hand slightly and said,


"Oh...if you have something on your mind, tell me...we made an agreement before."


After Qiao Xun and others got out of the car, the mourners also noticed them, and the mourning teenager just glanced at them blankly and did not move.

A middle-aged man next to him who was probably helping with the funeral walked up to Qiao Xun and the others and said,

"Are you the resident opposite?"

Qiao Xun nodded,


The middle-aged man said apologetically,

"Sorry, it might be a bit noisy these days. You've seen the situation."

"It's alright, the funeral is like this. However, it will probably take a few days before the funeral."

"The person who passed away is a long-lived old man. It takes a long time to do it, usually seven days. It has been done for two days, and there are still five days left."

Joe patrols,

"Is the mourning teenager the grandson of the old man?"

"I don't know the specifics. We are also hired to help manage it. Originally, we outsiders shouldn't be involved too much, but that little guy doesn't know much about this, and he has no other relatives. Seeing it is very pitiful, we just Help a little more."

"That's it."

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore. If it bothers you to rest, please bear with me."

"It's ok."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, ~www.readwn.com~ returned to the funeral.

Qiao Xun and several others also entered the villa. Inside and clean and tidy, although no one lives, but cleaning is not left behind.

The villa is very big, there are enough rooms, and there is room for one person per room.

The group in the villa consisted of one man and four women, so it was destined that Qiao Xun was the isolated one.

The four girls have to chat, but he can't chat with one.

Therefore, he stayed in his room very wisely, and did not disturb them in the living room to get to know each other and understand each other.


Qiao Xun turned off the lights, lay on the deck chair on the open-air balcony, and silently watched the mourning place opposite.

It was late at night, and the four girls fell asleep one after another.

The people in the mourning ground opposite also began to pack up their tools and rest. Vaguely heard them say, continue at four in the morning.

Only Qiao Xun, like a ghost, hid in the dark night.

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