In the second half of the night in Shuiyueju, except for the mourning room, there was not a single lamp left, and it was pitch black everywhere.

The harsh winter has not yet passed, and the winter night in Xijing City is like this.

Cold and dry.

The lanterns above the mourning hall are still flickering, the candles in the paper house are still flickering, and the gushing flames seem to turn the "house" into flying ashes at any time.

The deceased old man was probably a nostalgic person, so the grandson followed his wishes and organized this traditional funeral.

In 2037, people in the city generally do not hold funerals like this, let alone wealthy families living in villa areas.

Qiao Xun did not sleep, sitting on the open-air balcony.

He is waiting for someone, or rather, someone who is not a person.

After two in the morning, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop a lot, accompanied by some cold winds.

In the funeral hall opposite, the candles lit on the spiritual platform began to flicker. The soul-inducing lamp placed at the bottom burned violently, more vigorously than ever, and the flashing flames made a burning explosion. A fire was burning next to the mourning hall, and the watchman lay on the side of the fire, wrapped in cotton-padded clothes and slept.

At a certain moment, the guardian shivered, and the cotton-padded coat on his body loosened a little. He woke up suddenly, looked around, and saw nothing unusual, then added some oil to the lantern, lit two new candles, and added charcoal to the stove before continuing to sleep.


The front door of the villa, which was slightly closed, opened to the outside.

All this was watched by Qiao Xun. After thinking for a moment, he turned over and jumped down from the balcony. In a flash, he arrived at the gate of the villa opposite.

Looking back at the watchman behind, he slept soundly, and there was nothing unclean on his body.

Qiao Xun murmured in his heart, his hands and feet are quite clean, maybe he just came back to see his grandson.

He stood at the door for a while, and after about five minutes passed, the front door of the villa was pushed open again.

Qiao Xun leaned against the wall and tapped the bricks with his fingers. Then, an invisible rune barrier formed, covering the small space at the door.

He opened his mouth and said,

"Old man, please wait a moment."

As soon as the voice fell, the temperature in the rune barrier immediately dropped several degrees, and a flickering phantom gradually appeared.

An old man with a haggard face and dull eyes fell righteously. He looked at Qiao Xun,

"Can you see me?"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Why are you coming back?"

The old man sighed,

"When I was alive, I never thought that people would really turn into ghosts after death."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Normally not."

"But I am, why? After I died, I could clearly see my body and everything around me."

Qiao Xun was convinced that the old man was an ordinary person before his death. Therefore, there is no need to explain too much to him.

At the same time, he also did not understand why a ghost was born. Didn't Zhu Biniang say that only after the earth has a primordial **** will a ghost be born naturally?

The old man's current state is indeed a ghost. After his death, his consciousness was wrapped in special power fragments, and it did not disappear with the disappearance of life activities, which also caused the current "ghost" state. Traditionally, he was indeed a ghost now.

Did someone deliberately create ghosts? Human judgment?

Joe patrols,

"Did you meet someone special before you died?"

"No, those days I felt that I might not be able to hold on, so I stayed in the room."

"And after death?"

"After I died, it was like I fell asleep. When I woke up, I found myself in a coffin, but a ghost."

"That is to say, you haven't met anyone special before and after your life?"


This made Qiao Xun a little puzzled. Could it be a naturally born ghost? Could it be that someone has become a god?

He wasn't sure, but he didn't dare to rule out this possibility at will.

When he first came here before, he noticed abnormal fluctuations in the coffin, so he kept sitting on the balcony, wanting to see what it would become. As a result, it witnessed the birth of the ghost.

Qiao Xun looked at the villa and the sleeping watchman, and couldn't help but wonder, could it be that there are people with ulterior motives among these people who help organize the funeral?

He thought about it and asked:

"Do you know where you're going?"

The old man shook his head in confusion.

"I don't know where to go. Will there be black and white impermanence to take away my soul? Go to the underworld and reincarnate."

"There may be in the future, but not now."

"Then what should I do now?"

The old man died for the first time. He was inexperienced and worried. He didn't know where to go. Could it be possible to stay here?

Qiao Xun wanted to understand why the natural ghost appeared, so he said,

"The old man might as well follow me for a while, and I will find a way to see if I can help you solve this problem."

"Following you, won't I cause trouble?"

"If you have trouble, talk about it."

Qiao Xun inscribed a rune on his arm, took the old man's ghost into it, and left here.

He returned to the balcony outside his room and continued to observe this side.

He first felt the special power fragment that caused the old man to become a ghost.

You can first rule out the fragments of rune power. After comparing them one by one, he determined that this is a power that he has not seen before. The efficiency is particularly high, and it is very high under his current demigod level, which further proves that this may really be a super power fragment.

Has a **** really been born?

"My name is Qiao Xun, and the old man just calls me Xiao Qiao. What's the old man's name?" Qiao Xun wanted to chat with him.

"Jiang Yuan."

"Uncle Jiang, do you only have one grandson?"

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said,

"I don't have a family, and my only grandson is an abandoned baby I picked up on the roadside. I was going to send it to an orphanage, but it was pitiful, so I adopted it."

Joe Tour said,

"No one else is coming for your funeral? Friends, neighbors, etc."

If you can afford a villa, you won't have any friends.

Jiang Yuan said,

"I moved from another place two months ago, and I didn't tell anyone I knew before, let alone after I died. It is estimated that no one knew that I was dead."

"Where's your grandson? Doesn't he know your friends?"

Jiang Yuan sighed,

"Hey, my grandson's name is Jiang Youle. He has a problem with his brain, and it is almost difficult for him to communicate with others. It may be that he was abandoned and frozen when he was a child. The hospital can't find out the reason, but it is recommended that he live in a quiet place. The place. I didn't spend much in my life, I saved a little money and moved in here. I'm surprised that he knows how to organize a funeral for me."

"No wonder I don't see him talking much."

"Hey, I don't know what he will do after I die. If I die completely, I won't be able to see him, but it makes me look like this, watching him suffer, really... ah... ... It's really not good, I can only follow him, and I can do something even if I become a ghost."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Uncle Jiang, I am very sympathetic to your experience. But I don't recommend you to do this. Although you are still very conscious and sensible, this sanity will gradually lose over time and become a complete ghost. It's hard to say at that time. You will not hurt your grandson."

This is what Zhu Biniang told him. The reason why the ghost needs to be specially dealt with is because after the consciousness loses its certain bearing, the reason will gradually disintegrate and eventually evolve into an energy group that inherits the instinct of life. And a person's life instinct, it can be said that it is not good.

"But... my grandson alas..."

Joe Tour said,

"You can ask the social welfare agency to take care of the aftermath. Once you sell this villa, it can be regarded as a legacy for him, enough to support him in the social welfare agency until his death."

Although Qiao Xun's words were a bit cold, they were very realistic.

This is the best solution.

The old man didn't say anything, he was just afraid that his grandson would suffer and be bullied when he was gone.

Qiao Xun asked again,

"Uncle Jiang, is your grandson just unable to communicate with people? What about his intelligence?"

the old man said,

"Xiaoyou actually has no problem with intelligence. He can do what others can do. He can do well in studying and studying, but it is difficult to communicate with others, so he usually studies by himself. He handles his own food and clothing by himself. It’s okay to live and travel, but as long as it involves talking and communicating with people, nothing can be done well.”

"Social fear?"

The old man shook his head,

"It's not a matter of character. He... is like a robot, who can only accept simple instructions from others and make mechanical body movements. It's not enough to be a little complicated and abstract. If he lives alone in a place with no one, I would Maybe not so worried, but…”

"Have you thought about this arrangement before you died?"

"I thought about it, but I really have the heart to send him to a no-man's land. Now on earth, except in very dangerous places, there are no human footprints anywhere."

"It is."

"Xiao Qiao, did you just move here?"

"Well, stay here for a while, with friends."

"Are you someone with a special job? You can see me, but no one else can."

"Hehe, I am an evolutionary."

old man surprised,

"It turned out to be the evolutionary, the evolutionary can see my words. Then will I be treated as a pollution incident?"

Joe Tour said,

"Generally speaking, it is like this. However, not all evolutionaries can see you."

"Isn't evolution divided into leaders, guides, etc.?"

It seems that the country's knowledge of this aspect is widely spread, and ordinary people know the occupational division of the control team.

"Well, in your case, it takes a special talent to notice."

The old man suddenly had a flash of light,

"Xiao Qiao, do you think my grandson will be fine if he becomes an evolutionary?"

"It's also possible. But it's not very likely to be an evolutionary..."

Qiao Xun said, but also felt that it was not right. If the old man's becoming a ghost is really the birth of a god, it means that the era of national evolution will soon come. At that time, everyone can become an evolutionary person, and the entire human society will undergo dramatic changes.

"Well, according to the news, the probability of natural awakening is very low, less than 1 in 10,000, and if it is contaminated by polluted organisms, there is a chance of evolution of about 1 percent."

"But ninety-nine percent of people who were contaminated by contaminants died."

Jiang Yuan felt even more melancholy.

"So, how can you take a 99% risk for an uncertain possibility."

"Old man, don't be too pessimistic. The chances of a natural awakening will be higher and higher in the future."

"Oh, how can I understand these things as an ordinary person."

Qiao Xun chatted with Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan probably hasn't had a good chat with anyone for a long time, and there are many topics.

But Qiao Xun doesn't mind either. It's been a long time in the evolutionary circle, and sometimes it's a very good experience to chat with ordinary people about ordinary topics. At least, it can make people feel at ease and make people feel that the world is not that bad, and there are always some little things in life that are hard to detect, but always exist.

At about 3:30 in the morning, people in the funeral field began to work one after another.

Jiang Yuan's special grandson, according to the Taoist priest's command, was indeed crying like a robot. So much so that he couldn't even feel the sadness of losing his grandfather from him.

The sound of gongs and drums, mournful music and the chanting of Taoist priests actually added a touch of brilliance and tranquility to this deadly Shuiyueju.

This is hardly a surprise.

Compared to feeling the quiet darkness, it is more reassuring to feel the open-hearted sadness.

Jiang Yuan's ghost stays outside for a long time, which will accelerate the collapse of reason, so after a while of chatting, Qiao Xun still let him hide in the rune on his arm.

Although the trend of collapse cannot be avoided, at least it can be slowed down.

When it was almost dawn, there was a knock on his bedroom door.

Joe Touring Head said,

"Please come in."

After the door opened, it was Zhu Bo Niang.

For some reason, seeing Zhu Biniang, Qiao Xun felt a little more at ease.

If it was Guan Yue or Lu Xianyi, he felt that he might not want to face it.

Zhu Biniang looked at the bed and asked,

"Have you not rested all night?"

The quilt on the bed was not wrinkled at all.


Zhu Biniang walked to the balcony, sat on the low stool next to her, and said,

"I felt the breath of the ghost. It came from the opposite side."

Joe Tour said,

"That ray of ghost is with me now."

Zhu Bo Niang exhaled,

"It's true, I thought I made a mistake."

Qiao Xun explained the cause and effect again.

Zhu Biniang frowned slightly,

"Natural ghost? Could it be that a **** of nature has already been born?"

"I don't know. The old man didn't have any special experience, he was just an ordinary person. The funerals for him were also ordinary people. The only abnormality was his grandson."

Through the slit of the balcony, Zhu Biniang looked at Jiang Youle kneeling in the funeral hall,

"I didn't feel he was special."

"Neither do I." It's just a superficial feeling, it's really nothing special.

If you want to feel deeply, you need to use "jealousy". But now there is no need for that. "Jealousy" is better used sparingly.

"Maybe it's just some strange disease."

Qiao Xun glanced at Zhu Biniang. Sitting on the low stool, she looked even more petite and pitiful.

"You know the world alone today, do you have any special thoughts?"

"This world is both good and bad. The good thing is that it is full of vitality, full of possibilities, and the future is colorful. Unlike the mortal world in the fairy world, it seems to be forever unchanged. The bad thing is that the infinite possibilities are also full of infinite desires. Qiao Xun, have I told you?"

"If you ask that, you didn't say anything."

Zhu Bo Niang bowed her head,

"The more intense and complicated the desire, the easier it is to breed evil."


"A law that implements the mythical world, the law of demons. Wherever there is desire, there must be a demon."

Qiao Xun looked natural,

"There really is such a law?"

"Who's right."

"For us, desire is the driving force of evolution. Desire is the propellant of development and progress."

Zhu Biniang didn't speak, she glanced at Qiao Xun from time to time, each time her eyes were different.

Every time it is very similar, it is so deep and far away.

After a while she said,

"This peaceful life makes me feel uneasy."

"You're too anxious."

"Hopefully it's just my inner anxiety."

"Niang Bo, the mission is completed, where will you go?"

"If I become a fairy again, I can only return to the fairyland. I don't know what the fairyland is like now."

"What if not?"

"I have no idea."

Zhu Biniang raised her head slightly and looked into the distance. She didn't know what to do.

Seemingly not wanting to continue this topic, Zhu Biniang stood up,

"I'm bothering you, please take a rest."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Not long after she left, Lu Xianyi knocked on the door and came in.

She looked a little confused and asked:

"Can we chat?"


"Just now, Mother Bo came out of your room."

"Well, she noticed that a ghost appeared, and came to ask."


"Yes, naturally born ghosts. We don't know why."

"Oh..." Lu Xianyi's purpose was not to ask this, so she didn't ask too much.

She sat in the place where Zhu Biniang had just sat, and as soon as she sat down, she said in a tangled manner,

"Qiao Xun, is there something wrong with me?"

"What's wrong?"

"I'm a little jealous." She put her chin on her knee and said with a frown, "I don't really want to be so careful, but I just can't help it. It's very strange... I was definitely not like this before. Could it be true love Will it make people a fool? When I realize that Bo Niang is looking for you, I will think more, obviously... I know Bo Niang is a very upright person... God, but it will be very uncomfortable in my heart. "

Joe patrols,

"Do you have a crisis of confidence in me?"

"No, I believe you can do well. But..." Lu Xianyi said in annoyance, "I can't explain the feeling, I always feel... inexplicable. Obviously, facing Miss Wu Mao, who is closer to you. , I don't feel that way."

"That is to say, only after arriving in Xijing City?"

"Well. I encountered various things..."

Qiao Xun was silent.

Lu Xianyi patiently comforted,

"I'm not blaming you, don't think about it, and don't keep an unnatural distance from other women for me. I just want to tell you about my troubles, maybe I'll feel better if I say so."

Qiao Xun didn't speak. After thinking about it, he asked softly,

"Are you afraid that I will suddenly leave you?"

Lu Xianyi's shoulders shook, and she lowered her head and said nothing.

Qiao Xun thought to himself, sure enough, this is the root cause.

After arriving in Xijing City, Qiao Xun showed more sides, and Zhu Biniang repeatedly said that he was a mysterious person.

All these made Lu Xianyi more clearly aware that she had no idea what kind of person Qiao Xun was and what kind of thoughts he had.

Jealousy is nothing but a lack of security.

From a perceptual point of view, Lu Xianyi will instinctively replace the feedback of lack of security with the emotional physiological activity of "jealousy".

This is hard for anyone to avoid.

Just like your lover often doesn't contact you, and you never know what your lover is doing and thinking all day, how can you feel safe and secure?

"Then, will you leave me?"

It is difficult for Qiao Xun to answer this question.

He couldn't even make a random Until this moment, when Lu Xianyi asked the question "Will you leave me?",

Only then did Qiao Xun suddenly realize that he had reached the most critical period in his evolutionary journey.

"Xianyi, I can't answer this question now."

He chose to tell the truth.

Lu Xianyi couldn't help shaking, then stood up, sniffed, and said in a heavy nasal voice:

"It's okay, I'll wait for your answer."

She turned around and left in despair.

At the same time, the mourning ground on the opposite side also began to rest.

At night, all of a sudden quiet down.

Qiao Xun shrank his hands,

It's a little cold.

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