Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 25: Mystery first appeared

The sunrise in winter is a bit late. Although Xijing City is not a good place to watch the sunrise, today is the best day in recent times.

Zhu Biniang stood on a cliff in the back mountain.

If she was seen by climbers like this, she would have rushed over to persuade her not to commit suicide.

But since the pollution crisis, few ordinary people are willing to go to natural areas. No one can say whether a polluted version of the rabbit will suddenly jump out of nowhere.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Guan Yue, who ran away immediately, happened to meet Zhu Biniang here.

They didn't talk alone, and when they were with other people, they talked about popular topics. Guan Yue has always had a strong interest in Zhu Biniang. Can this former immortal be able to solve the mystery of her transmigration?

Hearing the sound of her feet stepping on the gravel, Zhu Biniang turned her head slightly,

"Good morning."

Guan Yue also wore ancient costumes, and Zhu Biniang also wore ancient costumes.

It's just that the two of them stand together, and it does give people a feeling that time has come hundreds of years ago. This feeling is not something that costumes or role-playing can reproduce.

"Good morning."

"Didn't you go back with Qiao Xun?"

"We went back together, but I think he and Miss Lu have something to say. I can't see this atmosphere."


"It's so boring that I can't breathe. Although I know that my purpose is very simple, and you are not very hostile to me, I still point out the direct cause of this strange atmosphere."

"You see it very clearly. Then why do you still want to join us?" Zhu Biniang said, emphasizing, "I'm not rejecting you."

Guan Yue Shi Shi Ran nodded. It can be felt that she may have come from Zhumen before she crossed.

"I can see it clearly, but I also think, if it's the direct cause of the breakdown of their relationship just because of me joining. It would be better to break down sooner."

"You're really welcome."

"I don't intend to be your guest, if possible, we should be companions."

"You know, Qiao Xun doesn't really accept you."

Guan Yue shook her head indifferently,

"The coach is measured and mature. I have no bad intentions, he will understand in the end."

"Then you think of him too simply."

"So, you know him well?"

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"I don't know, maybe few people will."

Guan Yue did not accept Zhu Biniang's view of herself,

"I always believe that as long as I am friendly, I will never get along with me too badly with the character of the coach."


"You can't doubt my attitude."

"I don't doubt it. But you make me feel strange."

"What's weird?"

"You are like a dead person, standing alive, but your eyes are full of death."

Guan Yue didn't quite understand it, so he touched his eyes lightly,

"No, I think my eyes are very good, and there is no fatigue or bloodshot."

"I know the taste of death."

"My curiosity was right. You might actually know who I am."

Zhu Biniang looked away,

"If I had known that you would join the team, I might have chosen to act alone at first."

"Don't hate me so much. I didn't do anything bad."

"I don't hate you."

"But when you talk to me, you always want to tear my face off. If it's someone with a weaker personality, it will really hurt."

"Sorry. I'm just used to saying what I think."

"It hurts even more."

"I'm not going to argue anything."

"But why?" Guan Yue frowned sadly. "Both you and the coach seem to think that I am not a good person. But why, I have no way of understanding myself. I clearly have no malice."

"You have no ill intentions, I can feel it. It's my own problem and Qiao Xun to be worried about you, and it's not your fault."

"Can I help?"

"do not know."

Guan Yue stopped talking, she gradually felt a little pain,

Am I really a bad person?


The atmosphere in the villa did not become depressed and dull because of the breakup of Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi.

Lu Xianyi was not the kind of person who would make interpersonal relationships stiff, and Qiao Xun seldom made a point of it.

Now they are more like an adventure team.

Maybe even more relaxed than before.

This is rather rare.

In the following time, Xin Yu acted as an intelligence officer who communicated with the outside world. Even if he lived in a remote place, he could immediately know what was going on outside.

Lu Xianyi finally let go of her heart completely, and for the first time since she reunited with Qiao Xun, she devoted herself to her own evolution. She wanted to understand one thing, Qiao Xun is like a big mountain, it is really reliable, and it is indeed a solid barrier in the team, but this tall mountain standing in front of her will make it difficult for her to see what is in front of the mountain.

She also wants to be a big mountain side by side.

Qiao Xun is a good coach, and Guan Yue is also a good student.

Different from the ambiguity that Guan Yue showed when she joined the team, she really came to concentrate on asking for advice.

Zhu Bo Niang's behavior is very free, basically will not reveal what she is doing.

This kind of life continued until the opposite party finished the funeral.

On the day of the funeral, Qiao Xun was entrusted by Jiang Yuan and followed the funeral procession to the cemetery in Houshan.

"How does it feel to watch yourself buried?"

Qiao Xun and Jiang Yuan are also familiar with each other.

Jiang Yuan's ghost was an invisible wind in the eyes of outsiders.

Jiang Yuan said,

"Actually, there is no special feeling. It is difficult for me to say whether I am dead or not."

"The physical body is dead, but the consciousness is not yet there."

"This statement, in fact, everyone is essentially immortal."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"The gradual collapse of consciousness is inevitable. The difference is that some people collapse slowly, while others collapse quickly. You are only temporarily protected by some special forces."

"It's puzzling."


Jiang Yuan and Qiao Xun watched the entire burial ceremony.

People in the republic like to talk about traditions. Even if cremated and burned to ashes, they have to buy a coffin and get a tomb. If they die, they have to live in a family. The richer family has to bring a lot of funerary items to add some physics to the deceased. Companionship in the sense, to add some light to the face of the living, and buy a consolation in the heart.

Although Jiang Yuan's family had villas, they were not wealthy, and the burial ceremony seemed deserted.

Mainly there are fewer people.

As soon as the burial ceremony was over, it started to rain a little.

Qiao Xun laughed,

"Heaven is crying for you."

"Maybe it's spit." Jiang Yuan's attitude towards life is quite good, and he often ridicules himself.

"Do you want to put incense sticks for yourself?"

"Forget it, eighty or ninety people."

"Then go back."

One person and one soul returned to the residence of Shuiyueju.

The helpers were demolishing the funeral grounds. Jiang Yuan's grandson stood at the door of the villa dumbly, and the robots generally said goodbye to the helpers one by one. When someone left with a tool, he immediately raised his chest and waved goodbye.

After nine o'clock in the morning, everyone was gone.

Jiang Youle was the only one left in the huge villa.

Qiao Xun and Jiang Yuan have been observing, wanting to see if he can live alone.

Jiang Yuan's initial hope was that as long as his grandson knew how to sleep and cook, the money left in the villa would be enough for him to live here for a while.

But what he never expected was,

Jiang Youle, who lived alone, turned into a normal person completely.

Even his trademark dullness and stunnedness have completely disappeared.

He is just a normal living alone teenager. Food, clothing, housing, travel, entertainment, study and relaxation are completely no different from ordinary people.

There was no sign of "brain problems" from him, and he was two people at the funeral a few days ago.

Qiao Xun and Jiang Yuan observed continuously for several days and came to the conclusion that,

Jiang Youle is a normal person.

"Mr. Jiang, your grandson is really unusual." Qiao Xun sighed.

Jiang Yuan was very confused.

"Why? It's all right all of a sudden?"

Joe looked up at the sky,

"Maybe not stupid in the first place."

"But why?" Jiang Yuan couldn't accept it, and his emotions fluctuated greatly.

He was happy at first. But after calming down and thinking, the mood is very complicated.

"Could it be that as soon as I die, he will return to normal?"

Joe Tour said,

"When I first came here, I couldn't feel anything unusual from him."

"I don't understand."

"Could he have been acting?"

"Can I act when I was young? Besides, I'm an ordinary old man, do I need to act? What's the need for him?"

"Elder Jiang, from the perspective of ordinary people's thinking, it is indeed illogical. But if it is not ordinary people's thinking..."

Jiang Yuan was even more incomprehensible.

He is just an ordinary person.

Qiao Xun smiled,

"This is just as you wish. After you leave, your grandson can live well."

Jiang Yuan smiled bitterly,

"That's all I can think of."

No matter how old he is, he doesn't have the mind or energy to think too much. Indeed, as Qiao Xun said, as long as the grandson can live well, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not.

Joe Tour said,

"However, we should probably go talk to him in person and take care of his condition."

"Brother Qiao, I don't really care if You Le can have a good life. There's no need, there's no need to be so serious." Jiang Yuan is still in awe of Qiao Xun, a powerful evolutionary person, even though they The relationship is not bad.

Qiao Xun smiled,

"But I do care."

Jiang Yuan's face stiffened.

"Old Jiang, I am very concerned about the fact that you have become a ghost. You think this may only be related to you, but in fact it is closely related to many things. Now, your grandson has suddenly returned to normal, it is hard to say whether there will be any More things are connected."

"But, he's... just a teenager."

"Elder Jiang, don't worry, I'm just going to chat and I won't hurt him."

Jiang Yuan's trembling ghost gradually stopped,


"Do you think I look like a villain?"

"It's not like that."

"That's right. I'm pretty good at talking to kids, especially teens."

With that said, Qiao Xun left the villa, walked to Jiang Yuan's house, and rang the doorbell.

Then, the smart screen on the door lights up,

"Is there a problem?"

"Hello, I'm the resident across from you. I just moved in a few days ago, but your family had a funeral a few days ago, so I didn't have the chance to get to know each other. Now I want to get to know you."

"Oh...Actually, it's not necessary."

"They're all neighbors. Get to know each other and take care of each other in the future."

"All right."

The door opened.

Qiao Xun walked in.

The young Jiang Youle looked fourteen or fifteen years old, not too small, not too different from Qiao Xun.

"Hello, little brother, are you the only one at home?" Qiao Xun looked around the house and asked with a smile.

Jiang Youle nodded,

"After my grandfather passed away, I was the only one left."

"What about other relatives and friends?"

"No other relatives or friends."

Qiao Xun showed sympathy on his face.

Jiang Youle is very sincere, and it can be said that he does not have much precaution.

Joe Tour said,

"When I first came here, the mourners greeted me and said that you don't talk much. Now, isn't it good."

What he said was rather tactful.

Jiang Youle has been expressionless,


A portrait of Jiang Yuan hangs on one wall of the living room.

"Your grandfather seems to be very old."

"Well, eighty-eight left."

"Can you handle the next thing alone?"


"I live opposite. If you need any help, you're welcome. By the way, my name is Qiao Xun."

"Mr. Joe has a heart."

"Just call me Joe."

"Well, Joe."

After a brief chat, Qiao Xun felt that Jiang Youle had a rare sense of calmness at this age.

But it doesn't seem that unusual, and there are not many children who have been in charge of the family early.

It's just that compared to the dull and sluggish he before, it is indeed the same as a different person.

"Come to my house for dinner in the afternoon." Qiao Xun continued to talk about the family, "I have people as big as you in my family, they all live here, you can get to know more."

Zhu Biniang... In terms of image, she is indeed as big as Jiang Youle.

"Brother Qiao doesn't need to take care of me like this, I can do it alone..."

"You're welcome. You can also visit my house more often. I always live alone, and I'm quite lonely."

Jiang Youle shook her head again and refused,

"no need."

His rejection was nothing like "shy," "cautious," or "kind." It's a feeling of knowing exactly what to do.

Having received the feedback of this feeling, Qiao Xun knew very well that it was almost meaningless to play tricks with this little boy.

At the same time, he also has a number in his mind,

It is not a "miracle" that this little boy has become a normal person. but the inevitable result.

Although he couldn't dig out any secrets from him, Qiao Xun never made mistakes in his sense of smell.

"Alright, it's up to you. If you have any difficulties, don't be shy, just come and ask us."

"Thank you Joe for your concern."

Qiao Xun then said goodbye and left.

After returning to the villa~www.readwn.com~ Qiao asked Jiang Yuan,

"What do you think?"

Although Jiang Yuan has a natural preference for his grandson. But getting along with Qiao Xun during this period has indeed changed his worldview, and he can also look at it rationally.

"It's really not like there was a problem with the brain in the past ten years."

"Elder Jiang, your grandson has a lot of mystery."

Jiang Yuan smiled bitterly,

"Seeing this result, I don't know whether to be happy or sad."

He wanted to numb himself, but he really wanted to know what happened to Jiang Youle. Is it really related to him that he has become the ghost in Qiao Xun's mouth?

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