Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 26: Fireworks are fleeting, the lights are always on

Twenty-two years have passed since the awakening of Marshal Yin Jiao, Si Taisui.

Today is February 7th.

On the lunar calendar, it is New Year's Eve.

In the twenty-two days of Shuiyueju's life, except for a lot of "unsatisfactory" things that happened in the first two days, it was basically a peaceful and comfortable life.

Rarely in the evolutionary world are there such peaceful times when everyone can and is doing what they want to do.

For Qiao Xun, for the first time, he had enough and appropriate time to examine his past life and think about his future.

The "farewell to love" with Lu Xianyi was indeed like a key that opened something in his heart. But what exactly it is, it may not be clear yet.

Since Jiang Yuan's ghost first collapsed two weeks ago, Qiao Xun has hardly let him leave the rune on his arm. Because he has tried, with his current ability, temporarily unable to relieve the collapse of consciousness.

The consciousness of life is a very mysterious thing, even today's Qiao Xun, it is difficult to spy out the secret of the essence.

Perhaps, he thought, the consciousness of life itself came from a higher will, or a higher power.

No wonder, like in the fairyland where there are many gods, there must be an underworld to deal with ghosts.

Jiang Youle, Jiang Yuan's grandson, seldom goes out, and only goes to the city to buy daily necessities. He was never seen doing anything disqualifying. Normal is simply "abnormal", which is not a sick sentence.

But Jiang Youle's feeling is really too normal.

For example, if a person's behavior is rated as five points, it is normal, then he is always a "five points" in everything he does, and he is a perfect average person.

Qiao Xun did not believe that human beings under natural conditions could achieve this level.

However, he could not find any convincing evidence to support his conjecture.

There was the sound of an engine outside, and it was Guan Yue, Xin Yu and Lu Xianyi who had returned.

Today is New Year's Eve. For traditional republicans, if they have the conditions to eat New Year's Eve, they must eat a meal. Early in the morning, they went out to buy ingredients for the New Year.

As soon as the car door opened, the cheers of Lu Xianyi and Guan Yue immediately sounded.

What surprised Qiao Xun was that the relationship between Lu Xianyi and Guan Yue was progressing rapidly. What happened before not only did not cause a gap between them, but instead gave them an opportunity to talk to each other and have a good heart-to-heart talk.

Of course, this is also the result of the common drive of the two personalities.

Guan Yue did not retain her selfishness, and Lu Xianyi was also very able to accept differences.

After going back and forth, on the contrary, Qiao Xun was a little out of place.


From far away, I heard Guan Yue's cry,

"Guess what we bought!"

Qiao Xun sat on the balcony, glanced at her, and did not reply to her.

Guan Yue was not disappointed, she squinted her eyes and said with a smile,

"Bought a big red lantern!"

She took out two folded lanterns from the trunk. The fiery red color was particularly eye-catching in the sun, and the pattern on it was very lively.

"Is there anything to be happy about?" Joe asked.

Guan Yue said,

"It's very happy to be prosperous. Look, how beautiful it is."

She unfolded the lantern, and it was bulging, and a Chinese knot fell and swayed slightly.

It was festive indeed.

Lu Xianyi raised her head and asked,

"Are you going to come down and do it with us?"

Qiao Xun shrugged,

"Forget it, I have poor hands-on ability."

Lu Xianyi raised her eyebrows,

"What nonsense, the sixth-order evolutionary has poor hands-on ability?"

"On the rare New Year's Eve, do you still need to use evolutionary power? Without evolutionary power, my hands-on ability is really not good. I never passed the handicraft class I attended before."

Guan Yue shook her head and said,

"That's a bad statement. Isn't cultivation a part of us? Why should we throw it away, or, coach, you are a hypocritical person, and you have to do it on a tie?"

Qiao Xun rolled her eyes at her,

"Forget it, I don't want to keep chattering in my ears."

"I can also be very quiet. If you feel noisy, then I won't talk, just do things seriously."

"Do I have to come with you?"

Guan Yue frowned,

"New Year's Eve is a reunion day. Isn't it supposed to be together?"

One sentence made Qiao Xun unable to refute.

"Okay, I'll be with you."

Xin Yu said with a smile,

"It's really hard to invite you. Apart from taking Guanyue out to study, you've been sitting on the balcony all day. What are you thinking?"

Qiao Xun dodged, stepped downstairs one step, and helped with things,

"Thinking is always right."

"Thinking is right, I'm afraid of getting into the horns."

"I can drill through the horns too."

"Qiao Xun, when did you become so stubborn?"


Xin Yu reacted,

"I forgot, you've always been like this before."

Guan Yue took a peek at Lu Xianyi, who thought for a while, but didn't speak.

But Zhu Biniang is different, she will not hide her words. she said softly,

"Qiao Xun may have returned to the past. When he is with Xianyi, he will subconsciously conform to her character. People have mutual influences."

Lu Xianyi looked up,

"Probably. Is this the ebb and flow of the spiritual world?"

They did not shy away from the fact that Qiao Xun and Lu Xianyi broke up.

In fact, for them, breaking up is a thinking template worth thinking about and learning.

Guan Yue asked curiously:

"What was the coach like before?"

Joe Tour said,

"pretty good."

"Ambiguous. Sister Yu, what was he like before?" Guan Yue turned her head and asked Xin Yu.

Xin Yu said,

"During his relationship with Xianyi, Qiao Xun was indeed different. He became gentler, but I don't think this gentleness is a manifestation of his personality, but a reflection of his behavior in the conscious world. As soon as the two broke up, he immediately It changed back to what it was before. Indifferent, like to be alone, and used to hiding himself, although not withdrawn, but like the classmates in the class who never form small groups with people."

"It doesn't sound like a good character." Guan Yue said.


"Then why are you still so good?"

Xin Yu said,

"Because he is responsible and reliable in the team."

"No wonder we broke up."

Lu Xianyi thought about it seriously,

"I think I've changed a lot. I just don't know for better or worse."

Qiao Xun complained,

"Please, please don't think I don't exist. I'm embarrassed to comment on my character in front of me."

"Cut, embarrassing? If you were embarrassed, it wouldn't be like this." Xin Yu said.

"Makes me look like an enemy."

"Forget it, today is a festive day, and I don't want to discuss this with you."


Several people started to get busy.

The lanterns are decorated, the banquet is packed, and the deserted Shuiyue Curie has a beautiful scenery here.

In the traditions of the Republic, there is nothing better than a peaceful and happy New Year.

Therefore, even in this chaotic era, the country still has to spare no effort to create an atmosphere for the Chinese New Year. Although Xijing City is very unsettled, this New Year's Day is also very lively. Control squads are everywhere.

The atmosphere of the Chinese New Year should be created, but the fundamental of safety must not be left behind.

Busy until the evening, a reunion dinner is finally ready.

Xin Yu, a single, independent and high-quality woman, is a good cook. She puts the first-hand dishes on the table, and she looks like it.

Full color and flavor.

When it was time to eat, Xin Yu suddenly remembered something and asked:

"The boy opposite, do you want to call him together?"

Qiao Xun thought about it and said,

"I'll go take a look."

Then, he left the villa to the opposite side.

Ring the doorbell.

"What's wrong with Brother Qiao?" A voice came from the device on the door.

"Au Le, have you eaten yet?"

"not yet."

"Come and join us. This New Year's Eve, you are alone..."

"Thank you Brother Qiao, but I plan to live alone."

"On the reunion day, are you still alone? We are all sorry for you, we are obviously neighbors."


Jiang Youle hardly said a word.

Qiao Xun sighed,

"Okay, take care of yourself."

"Thank you Joe for your concern."

Qiao Xun turned and left.

He was really puzzled by Jiang Youle.

No one had ever given him such an awkward feeling. It was almost impossible to read any useful information from this teenager.

It's so ordinary that it can be seen everywhere... like a collection of all people.

The perfect mediocre.

Facing Jiang Youle, Qiao Xun sometimes couldn't help but want to be a bad person and hurt him. Then see how he reacts.

This feeling is very strange.

Every time this feeling occurs, Qiao Xun will be a little scared. He would hardly show unprovoked malice, but Jiang Youle had caused him to show unprovoked malice several times.

All the signs are showing that Jiang Youle is a very "special" ordinary person.

But it is helpless.

This New Year's Eve dinner was quite lively. With Guanyue and Lu Xianyi around, any gathering will not be cold.

One enthusiastic, one noisy. It adds up to a lot of fun.

Qiao Xun had reason to suspect that even if it was just the two of them, they could still have fun.

"Me!" Probably having too much fun, Guan Yue stood up with a blushing face, "I want to perform a show!"

Xin Yu said with a smile,


"That's right! Let's have a good look at Tang's dance!" Guan Yue stepped aside, and then said, "Xianyi, stage! Lights! There are also accompaniments!"

Lu Xianyi said cooperatively,

"Okay, take care of everyone."

She manipulates her creativity. She sets up the stage every once in a while, provides lighting, and keeps the instruments such as the qin, pi, zi, zheng, and drums running out.

"Just play that one, that one before!" Guan Yue's eyes cracked with laughter.

"no problem."

Lu Xianyi said, her fingers moved. The instruments played spontaneously.

The wonderful ancient music starts immediately.

Jin se rustled, bells and drums thumped, pipa clang...

Guan Yue didn't know when she had put on gorgeous neon clothes and danced to the accompaniment of Lu Xianyi.

Qiao Xun was stunned for a moment, looked at Xin Yu and asked:

"When will she play ancient instruments?"

Xin Yu said,

"You stay on the balcony all day, of course you don't know. Guan Yue taught her." She laughed and teased, "Look at how well they cooperate and how tacit understanding they are."

Qiao Xun did not speak.

Lu Xianyi and Guan Yue seemed to have rehearsed countless times, and they cooperated perfectly with each other. Every time their eyes meet, it seems that they can convey what they want in their hearts.

Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun,

"Don't you have anything to say?"

"what can I say……"

"Why have you been with Xianyi for so long, and it's not as good as the tacit understanding they have been together for more than ten days?"

"what do you want to say?"

Xin Yu spread out his hands,

"Qiao Xun, I seem to know how you feel right now. If Xianyi really leaves you one day... If, she has her own destination. Are you the kind of person who would bless her?"

"You used to say I was a selfish person."


"If I am dissatisfied with something, I will find a way to change it. If she finds her own home, and I am not dissatisfied..."

"Are you dissatisfied?"

"I can't predict the future."

"And now, do you feel a little awkward in your heart?"

"Xin Yu, there's no need to dig something out of me."

"Escape the subject."

"I know what kind of person Guan Yue is, and what kind of person Xianyi is. They have a good relationship, so I don't feel awkward. You should have thought from the beginning that Xianyi didn't fall into a slump because of breaking up with me. I am already satisfied.”

"You're right." Xin Yu breathed out, "I feel relaxed. Qiao Xun, you know, you almost never tell us what's on your mind. It's also hard for us to see through you, so that almost no one cares. Your conditions. After breaking up with Xianyi, you gradually walked away like before, and gradually became a person, but we are friends...I, "

She looked at Qiao Xun,

"You remember, Qiao Xun, I will never leave my friend alone. Niang Bo told me that you will be in a critical period for a long time in the future. I don't know what that is like. 'Critical period', however, I will try to help you."

Qiao Xun frowned,

"I...thank you."

Xin Yu is a true friend.

she said with a smile,

"Enjoy their performance. It's for you."

"for me?"

"Everyone sees how you look during this time, so just think they want to cheer you up."

Guan Yue shouted on the stage,

"Coach, look at me, look at me!"

Qiao Xun looked at her.

Her dress is elegant and her long sleeves are waving, like an immortal.

The vocal music in the ear is also like a fairy sound.

Qiao Xun sat quietly in his seat, but felt that the world was spinning.

At a certain moment, fireworks rise from the sky outside, and the colorful light illuminates the earth.

Zhu Biniang, who had not spoken much, suddenly stood up and walked outside impatiently.

She looked at the place where the fireworks were shining, took a breath, turned her head and said to everyone,

"Everyone, Magic Changan is open."

As soon as she finished speaking, the next moment, the sky directly above Xijing City suddenly tore a crack. A dazzling white light shone from the cracks, making the entire Xijing City as bright as day in an instant.

Between the thick clouds, the magnificent mirage-like buildings are reflected.

Under the mist, only vaguely can see the shape of the building.

"Is that the Magic Chang'an?"

Lu Xianyi's eyes widened.

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"No, that's just a projection of Magic Chang'an. Magic Chang'an is in another world, and because of some special connections, a projection has appeared in this world."

"How do we get in?"

"Go in through that crack."

Xin Yu asked,

"Go now?"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"I have to go right away. You...you can choose your own time."

Joe Tour said,

"Let's go together then. Pack up and get ready to go!"

"it is good!"

The execution of several people is very strong, and with various means, it takes less than a minute to complete the collection.

Zhu Biniang was in charge of the magic of divine power and flew to the cracks above Xijing City with a few people.

At this moment, Xijing City was in a panic, and the wonders that appeared that day were like the arrival of extraterrestrial civilizations.

After arriving at the crack, Zhu Biniang immediately discovered the mark left by her sister, a text with runes as the carrier,

"Niang Bo, Marshal Yin Jiao and I have already entered... Also, there may be a problem with Huan Chang'an, please be careful."

Zhu Biniang relayed this sentence to several people.

"There's something wrong..." Qiao Xun asked, "Is it serious?"

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"It's been too long, and I can't predict it."

Qiao Xun looked at the crack...

The blinding white light blocked everything, and it was impossible to see what was at the other end of the crack.

"Once, this was a gate." Zhu Biniang said, "now, there is nothing left."

she said, stepping forward.

Qiao Xun and others followed behind.

At a certain moment, he suddenly felt the hostility behind him and turned his head to look...

The young Taoist priest who had previously prevented them from obtaining the statue of Di Si Tai Sui was now looking at them with cold and stern eyes.

"I am back again."

Qiao Xun looked at him~www.readwn.com~ The young Taoist priest's eyes gradually changed from cold to excited, he swallowed, his Adam's apple agitated. He looked like he was saying, say something, say something!

Qiao Xun raised his chin slightly, without even changing his expression, he turned his head and walked into the crack.

The young Taoist immediately became like a cat whose tail was stepped on, his neck tightened, and he roared:

"Arrogant idiot! I'll skin you and cramp!"

He realized that Qiao Xun didn't take him seriously from the beginning to the end.

For the "protagonist",

is the greatest humiliation.

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