Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 27: Road to the sky to send home

On the edge of the crack, Qiao Xun seriously felt everything here.

Although the last time I saw the world's passage in Antarctica - the deep sea crack, I only felt it briefly on the outer edge. The various mixed high-efficiency energies spewing out of the cracks in the deep sea also prevented him from taking a step closer.

And this world channel is very stable, and there is no high-efficiency energy. So, he can feel safe and secure.

When she was about to enter another world, Magic Chang'an, Zhu Biniang felt something and suddenly stopped. She slightly raised her right hand and gently touched the film-like thing in front of her.

Like ripples on the surface of the water, there is a layer of rhythm on the "film".

Zhu Biniang's breathing was a little short.



Several people didn't quite understand why she said this word.

"Niang Bo, did you find something?" Qiao Xun asked.

Zhu Biniang seemed a little distracted and didn't hear Qiao Xun's words.

"Niang Bo?"

Then she came back to her senses, raised her head,

"Fantasy Chang'an... Maybe after the end of the mythical era, it has been isolated from everything... Maybe, it stayed in the distant past."

"What's the meaning?"


Zhu Biniang did not explain, and after a while she said,

"Everyone, even if I'm already here, I have to say... The current Huan Chang'an is not what I know at all, I can't predict everything inside... I can't guarantee that you can find yourselves in it. The ideal thing, I... can't guarantee your safety."

Xin Yu said,

"Just like an adventure."


"Qiao Xun understands what I mean." Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun.

Joe Tour said,

"Adventure itself is the purpose of adventure."

Zhu Bo Niang took a deep breath,

"Okay, everyone, please be careful."

After speaking, she stepped over the "film".

Xin Yu glanced at the other people and said,

"I have informed Ji Zhengzhi and Bureau Wang. What Bureau Wang means is that they are completely unable to monitor the data in this world, so let's proceed with caution."

Several people promised to come down.

Xin Yu didn't say anything more and stepped into Magic Chang'an.

"hurry up!"

Guan Yue was very interested. For her, this is probably another sense of "going home", and there is a homesickness in it.

She also went in impatiently.

Lu Xianyi and Qiao Xun were left outside.

Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun, her eyes were still as soft as before, but there was always a little bit of "a girl's agility and playfulness". she says,

"I don't know what the future will be like... But, I'm looking forward to the next time I'm with you. Next time, will it be Lu Xianyi? I don't know...hope...forget it," she smiled , "You just need to remember that I will never admit defeat."

After she finished speaking, she took a step back and entered Magic Chang'an.

Qiao Xun looked at the rippling "film" and thought to himself, isn't this new world a test for him?

The crux of the accumulation of heart, after all, must be resolved and faced.

As Bo Niang said, any one's evolution, the path of cultivation, and the cultivation of the mind are very important.

In the past two or three years, he has grown so fast that he has hardly stopped.

The trip to Chang'an might be a journey of "cultivating the mind". For him, it was a critical period.

go in.

Face the troubles and sorrows well, and then forget them all.

He stepped into it.


In the summer of the ninth year of the Ming Dynasty, Chang'an City.

The summer flowers are gorgeous and the lights are shining brightly. Going to the high-rise buildings of Chang'an City, you will see the boundless prosperity and countless romantic affairs. Hearing the singing of the red dust in the city, the fragrance of fat powder overflowing, an invisible smiling face appeared in the night wind, making people linger on it.

But I don't know where the tearing sound of a broken gong sounded,

"Idlers avoid it!"

Immediately there was beating of gongs and drums.

A group of shamans dressed in white and black stepped on a puppet-like pace, carrying all kinds of guys, and they passed by like water on the Hongchen Avenue, which was full of the fragrance of powder and song and dance.

The man who opened the way ahead was still shouting a gloomy tone.

The people of Minger immediately felt that it was "Duling Song" sung by the villagers outside Chang'an at funerals. It was a proper sadness and music!

A group of eight people in the back was also carrying a black and red coffin, and a huge white flower hung on one end of the coffin, shaking it non-stop.

have to,

It really is the funeral procession that buried Gu Tai.

Not to mention that there is no funeral in the big night, but the road chosen is on a red dusty road full of dust, what is it that the people who organize the funeral are not heartless? It would be light to say that he is lacking in heart. If you really want to care about it, you can rush to the nearby Silou and write a pleading to sue him for bankruptcy.

In Chang'an City, the most taboo thing is "disturbing dreams and bad happy events".

But there are no whores, oh no, "saucy people" and the like, who come to this Red Dust Avenue to exchange poems and songs with the glamorous girls, and see the people dressed in black and white, wearing sackcloth and filial piety, singing sad music and carrying the coffin.

Mai Tai, bad luck!

The little brother didn't dare to show his head, for fear that he would leak the yang when he touched the femininity.

Some people are afraid of making trouble, so they only dare to scold them in their hearts, but some people are hot-tempered and lacking in strength. Listening to the unpleasant tone of woo woo wah, they open the doors and windows and stand upstairs and swear at them.

"Grandma Gan Ni, it's going to kill you at night! Send Nima a dead head! Do you know where this place is, what's going on, do you have to come to this Red Dust Avenue to take a breath of fat when your master dies! "

Someone, someone caters to.

All of a sudden, in the red-orange-yellow-green-blue-blue-violet buildings on both ends of Hongchen Avenue, people squeezed their heads out and cursed the funeral procession below.

In Chang'an City, everyone pays attention to gentleness and elegance. Therefore, I usually hold back my displeasure.

There are not many opportunities for such "legitimate and reasonable" swearing.

But scolding and swearing, there was a gust of wind, and someone immediately found out that something was wrong,

A well-mannered scholar pats a fan,

"Wait everyone, look at that flag!"

Everyone looked at the flag behind the coffin.

Because of the wind, the flag was raised, and the pattern embroidered on it fell into everyone's eyes.

That is a... red gold flower!

"It's the red gold flower!"

"My God! Chijin!"

"Mom, brothers and sisters, I didn't say a word just now, you all saw it."

The word "red gold" was passed around, and a group of people suddenly turned pale. They could not wait to lick back all the dirty words that had been spit out from their mouths like a dog eating shit.

Clap clap clap!

An ambiguous voice sounded on Hongchen Avenue, of course, not that... but the sound of closing doors and windows.

In a few breaths, the previously brightly lit avenue immediately became deserted.

The "saucy people" hid in the arms of Mei Yanniang, muttering in their hearts, he, Xu Guogong, wouldn't have interrogated everyone on the Red Dust Avenue one by one to see who had scolded his family's funeral procession. ...

After thinking about it for a while, hiss...it's really possible. Xu Guogong, who is the most ruthless and hardest corner of Chang'an City, except for the imperial palace.

have words,

"The red gold flower blooms in Chang'an day, and the red gold flower defeats Chang'an night."

That red golden flower was the flag of Xu Guogong.

There are only two flags in the entire Chang'an City, one is the imperial flag of Chang'an City, and the other is the red gold flag. It is conceivable that he is Xu Guogong's status.

The people on the entire Hongchen Avenue are afraid to come out now, for fear of being heard by the funeral team of Xu Guogong's family outside, and they hope that the team will leave here soon.

"Big... Dao... Tong... Tian... send it back!"

Outside, the funeral procession, the **** was singing and shouting.

The street is getting more and more gloomy, and the wind is getting stronger and stronger, blowing the red-gold Citi flag.

The whimpering wind made people's ears hurt, and the coffin swayed from side to side. The strong man carrying the coffin couldn't help shaking.

The eight men tried their best not to shake the coffin too exaggeratedly, for fear that the coffin would touch the ground.

In the secular world, people are buried wherever the coffin falls.

According to Xu Guogong's character, if the coffin really touches the ground on this Red Dust Avenue, he has to dig the street clean and excavate a grave in the city, and then the entire funeral procession can't escape, and all beheaded. .

It is not the coffin that is shaken by this strong wind, but the heads of this procession,

The coffin fell to the ground, and the head fell to the ground.

Everyone in front and back is looking forward to the eight big brothers carrying the coffin, be sure to hold on!

The eight big brothers also want to be stable,

But, can't stand it!

The wind was blowing and the coffin fell to the ground, only to hear a "bang", the black and red coffin smashed to the ground, not only smashed, but also smashed the big nails of the coffin. Eight.

Expose all the people lying inside.

In an instant, the whole group turned pale,


The yin maid who sang "Duling Song" at the front had already tore his throat and shouted, but when he saw the scene behind him, he didn't mention it in one breath, and passed out on the spot.

"Drop the coffin! Drop the coffin!"

someone shouted.

When the family behind him heard it, his blood surged and he almost turned his back.

A fat young man like a pig ran forward, rolling and crawling,

"What happened!"

He ran to the collapsed coffin, looked at the person exposed in the coffin, his eyes darkened, and he smashed back.

Thanks to someone standing behind him, he didn't let him kiss the earth all over.

"Shan Gong hold steady, Shan Gong hold steady!"

The young man called Shan Gong woke up again, and then climbed to the torn coffin and cried.

"Second Prince, Second Prince, you suffered during your lifetime, how can you go in such an uneasy way!"

In a hurry, he stood up and kicked each of the eight coffin-carrying people.

"You bastards, you're done, you're done!"

How could the eight people dare to say a word, they knelt on the ground and shivered.

The young man lay on the coffin and cried,

"Second Prince, how can you tell me to see you like this! You're gone, I don't want to live anymore, take me away, take me away, let me serve you on Huangquan Road!"

This is the appearance of a fat pig, and this crying looks like he has just been arched in the pig trough.

"Second son... hurry up, report to the mansion! Hurry up!" The young man kicked the person next to him.

The man rolled and ran away.

The movement outside aroused the curiosity of people hiding in various red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple buildings.

What the **** is going on outside, I'm crying...

They all stretched out their eyes to take a peek, and when they saw the coffin fell to the ground, they retreated with a big change.

Bad luck, bad luck!

However, I figured out who this team sent,

Luo Dengxian, the famous second son of Xu Guofu!

Knowing who is sending it, and also knowing why it is sent from this Red Dust Avenue.

Because Luo Dengxian, the suave second son, was in the arms of a certain lady in a certain building on this Hongchen Avenue.

What building is it, which mother, Xu Guofu did not say anything out of face.

When they came down like this, some daring people who were hiding in the building to watch the play began to joke,

I am afraid that even if the second son of Luo Dengxian is a ghost, he will not be able to forget the ladies of Hongchen Avenue. If he is dead, he has to stop and take a look.

The people in the building are watching a play,

People outside the building were crying.

The young man who looked like a fat pig cried out his blue veins. It was rare for him to show blue veins with his fat body.

"Second Prince, take me away too..."

He repeated the words over and over again,

But suddenly he heard a coughing sound, and he hurriedly looked forward.

Luo Dengxian, the blue-grey dead man lying in the coffin, opened his eyes, and his face gradually turned bloody.

"Luo Dengxian" looked at the young man and said,

"Okay, I will fulfill you, let's go with me."

The young man was stunned for a moment, and then shouted in the most miserable voice in his life:


Then, fainted.

"Luo Dengxian" sat up from the coffin, pressed his forehead temple, hissed and looked around,

Everyone froze in fright.

He muttered to himself,

"This illusion, Chang'an, is different from what I thought... Luo Dengxian... What's going on with this depleted body?"

After slowing down, when his consciousness stabilized, he stood up and kicked the fat man beside him who was pretending to be dead.

"Don't pretend to be dead, get up quickly!"

Fatty Xu Lieshan pretended to get up and looked at the second son who was Luo Dengxian on the surface but was actually Qiao Xun. Seeing the second son's face was red, where was a dead man, he immediately realized that the second son was fake death, and immediately cried and shouted:

"Second son, you are still alive, still alive!"

Qiao Xun picked up his mouth and smiled,

"How do you know that I'm alive? I just heard that you wanted to come with me and came back to take you."

Xu Lieshan was immediately so frightened that the fat trembled,

"Ah! Second son, how can I go to reincarnation with you in this life, Miao Xinyue, New Moon Lady! You take New Moon Lady away!"

"You bastard!" Qiao Xun kicked Xu Lieshan in the face.

He turned and strode away with his hands behind his back,

"Listen, I'm alive and well~ www.readwn.com~ If you bark any more, then the whole city will be able to watch the sky lanterns tonight, and I'm afraid you will burn for ten days with all the fat. half a month."

Xu Lieshan was overjoyed,

It's not that he likes to be lit by sky lanterns, but he knows that the prince is really back! There is nothing wrong with the taste of this talk!

"Master Shi, wait for me!"

He hurriedly ran forward with all the fat all over his body.

After the rest of the funeral team looked at each other, they took a long breath.

Grandpa Shi is not dead,

You don't have to drop your head, you might even get a reward!

Xu Guofu is really ruthless, and the atmosphere is really atmospheric.

The discerning yin had already begun to choose words and sentences in his heart, thinking about how to describe the situation just now.

Grandpa is alive,

This news is destined to be the breaking point of the night.

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