Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 28: All the trails lead to Chang'an

The second son of Xu Guofu, Luo Dengxian, died, indeed.

Qiao Xun was well aware of this, and according to his broken body, it would not be a problem to die again.

It just so happened that Qiao Xun's consciousness entered his blue-dead body, and he survived again. However, this life is not his Luo Dengxian's, but Qiao Xun's.

There is often a joke that "your wife I will take care of", for Qiao Xun, it is "your body I will use".

However, what made him curious was whether he was currently in the illusion of Chang'an. Judging from the cognitive fragments left by Luo Dengxian, this place was indeed called Chang'an City. But in all aspects, it seems that it has nothing to do with the "world hub" that Bo Niang said.

How can a "hub station" extending in all directions and connecting with many mythical worlds be so single?

It is really like the Chang'an City in the history of the Republic. It's just that this is not the Tang Dynasty, and there is no Emperor Tang.

Now in the ninth year of the Ming Dynasty,

The first day of June...Children's Day?

Mingshi is the year number. Anyway, in the history of the Tang Dynasty, there has never been such an era name. Also, although this place is called Chang'an City... but it really cannot be tied to the Tang Dynasty.

Qiao Xun couldn't help thinking, if Chang'an is a symbiosis of some kind of totem, is everything in the city a fusion of cultural traditions under this kind of totem?

Can't figure it out for the time being.

As soon as it comes, it is safe. There are all roads, and there is always one way to go.

Qiao Xun felt his body... As expected, his strength was gone. However, the characteristics that only exist in the sea of ​​consciousness are brought in completely.

Guess it's not bad.

The characteristics of several original sins, plus a "numerology follow the sky", plus a "look directly at the gods", it is probably enough to roam in the current Chang'an city... As long as there are no strange things.

Thinking of this, Qiao Xun felt relieved.

It's completely different from reaching the new map on the way to the previous adventure.

Walking in the front, it is called a spring breeze.

The fat man Xu Lieshan who followed behind was gasping for breath, trotting and shouting,

"Master Shizi, Master Shizi, slow down, slow down..."

Qiao Xun did not look back and said coldly,

"What's the matter, I'm afraid the sky lantern can't catch up with you."

"I... really can't keep up. Lord Shizi, you are too amazing... come back to life."

"Heh, come back from the dead, that's a nice saying. If I wake up a few hours late, I'm afraid I'll be buried under the loess by you guys."

"Hey, isn't this coming back, but don't be angry, your body is so angry, I feel distressed."

"You are afraid that no one will support you in the future."

"Of course not, I love you from the bottom of my heart."

"Leave far away."

"Okay, okay, I'll get out now!"

The fleshy smile on Xu Lieshan's face turned into a wrinkled round plate, and with his short legs, he ran away numbly.

On the way back to Xu Guofu, Qiao Xun began to search for cognitive fragments to see how the original body died.

As soon as he searched, he found a regrettable thing,

The cognitive fragments about the night the original body died were destroyed.

From the traces, it is obvious that someone did it on purpose. If you think about it again, the death of this prince is probably not the so-called "death in the arms of a woman". Although his body has indeed suffered a great loss, and he can compete with the old man who is half-in-the-earth, it is conceivable that the first half of Shizi's life is just one word, "made"!

Full wine bag rice bag woman bowl.

The excitement was over, and Qiao Xun soon found that he was empty on the horse. The body of Shizi was really made of mud. After walking these few steps, his legs were twitching and his arms were sore buttocks. It hurts.

He propped his legs up, took a few breaths, and the sweat on his forehead came out like a flood of water.

This can't be done, I'm afraid that if I can't get to Xu Guofu, I have to lie down and meet the coffin again.

"The surname is Xu!"

Like a eunuch, Xu Lieshan came when he was called, with a broken gong in his voice,

"Hey! Lord Shizi, I'm here."

"Master, I can't walk anymore, call someone!"


Xu Lieshan is not unusual at all, he is already used to it. Just looking at the deep-set eyes of Shi Ziye, you can see that it is not bad to be able to walk these few steps. On weekdays, when you go out, you will usually carry a big sedan chair with your daughter to get married!

He took a wooden whistle from his sleeve and blew it with a full breath.

Not loud, but an extraordinarily sharp sound cut through the night sky and went straight into the distance.

In less than a cup of tea, four people came from a distance, carrying the sedan chair.

Qiao Xun got into the sedan chair and took a long breath, which was relieved.

Xu Lieshan followed outside and asked with a smile,

"Master Shizi, how are you now?"


"Oh, lord, you don't know how many tears I've shed for you these days. Look at me, I've lost a lot of weight!"

Qiao Xun looked at his big plate face and said with a smile,

"You're only so thin, and the surname is Xu. Your sincerity towards the young master seems to be almost meaningless."

Xu Lieshan complained,

"Yeah, Xu Guofu up and down, which one has I shed more tears. I haven't closed my eyes for three days and three nights, so I hope you can stand up again."

"That's right, if I can't stand up, I'll change tomorrow that you won't be able to stand up anymore. Xu Guofu is going up and down, and it's more than the lady in Zhaxialou who wants to cramp and peel you."

"The world can be learned, all I think about Xu Lieshan is you, Lord Shizi."

Qiao Xun glanced at him,

"Come on, if you have half the points of what you say, Xu Lieshan is honest and reliable."


The sedan chair swayed and swayed from Hongchen Avenue, across Xuanniao Avenue, across Baxian Street, and arrived at Xu Guofu's mansion.

Xu Guofu is nothing else, just big and lavish, and it is all about being extravagant inside and out!

When the eldest son returned home, the street had to be brightly lit, and a group of people had to stand outside the door to greet him.

Qiao Xun lifted the curtain and looked out, and saw two women, one old and one woman, standing outside the main entrance.

The old one is the old lady of Xu Guofu, the grandmother of Luo Dengxian,

The woman is his second mother.

Luo Dengxian's biological mother, who is also the wife of Xu Guogong's main entrance in Xu Guofu, died when he could not remember anything.

Seeing the sedan chair coming, the old lady Yang Yunxiu hurried up to meet her on a tiger's head crutch, and the second mother, Mu Cai'er, hurriedly helped her.

This grandma welcomes her grandson, and it's not polite to say anything.

But Xu Guofu was just like that. The old lady is famous for loving her grandson.

"My grandson!" Still far away, Yang Yunxiu whimpered.

Joe got out of the sedan chair,


Yang Yunxiu touched Qiao Xun's face and body, and said distressedly,

"They all said you were dead, but I didn't believe it. No, you really came back. Your father is a pedantic craftsman. I said I would go out of the city with you. Let me go, and grandma, I didn't even look at you when you opened your eyes."

"Don't be sad, I'm back here."

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back! Look at you, you haven't eaten for a few days, and you're starving." The old lady, Yang Yunxiu, stomped her crutches and scolded others, "What are you looking at, hurry up and set the dining room on fire? Cook, make my grandson's favorite food!"

A group of maids and servants took the order and did not dare to stay for a while.

The second mother, Mu Cai'er, also looked distressed.

"Dengxian, hurry into the house, it's windy outside, take a hot bath, and ask Empress Xiuyun to press her shoulders. You've been lying down for a few days and your muscles are sore and numb, don't let the root cause of your illness."

"Second Mother is right." Yang Yunxiu said, "Grandson, come in quickly."

Qiao Xun entered the gate surrounded by a group of people.

Make it look like he's the hero of some triumphant return.

Later, Xu Lieshan stuck to the old lady and his son,

"Old lady, I'm just thinking about the life of the prince, how can I die in such a place, even if I really die in the future, I will definitely rise up on the Nine Dragons Mountain! These few days, I dare not even blink my eyes. , I'm afraid I didn't see the change of the prince. The emperor deserves it, so let me wait. Otherwise, if the loess really touches the body of the prince, I can only accompany him with death."

Xu Lieshan said with tears streaming down his face, and his throat was full of grief.

The old lady was moved beyond measure,

"The old man must understand that the men in this mansion belong to you who are the most oriented towards ascending the immortals."

"Master Shizi is kind to Lieshan, and Lieshan should accompany him with his life."

"Good! Good! Good! You've lost weight. Let's take a seat with Dengxian later."

When Xu Lieshan heard this, his face was terrified, and his heart was ecstatic.

"Lieshan is humble and dare not share the table with the prince."

"The old man has the final say!"

"Leshan is grateful."

"Don't be thankful for anything. Entering this door, you are half a man in the house."

Xu Lieshan was overwhelmed with excitement, beyond words, thinking to himself, this day has finally come! In Xu Guofu, being recognized by the old lady is considered outstanding.

While waiting for the fire in the dining room to cook, Qiao Xun took a hot bath and enjoyed the beauty of massage under the palm of Ruanxiang Xiyu.

This is a sigh of relief, the days of the powerful family are simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

Inside and out are beating the extreme of human desire.

When the food was ready and seated, Qiao Xun sighed again.

Two people at the table cooked twenty-four dishes for the banquet, and it took less than half an hour to make them. It is conceivable that how many people in the pantry had to prepare three meals a day.

The old lady was happy and sat beside her,

"Grandson, it's all your favorite food. Lieshan, don't be polite."

Xu Lieshan smiled subtly and paid great attention to etiquette. He didn't dare to move until Qiao Xun moved his chopsticks.

It wasn't until he moved that Qiao Xun understood that there was a reason for his fatness.

The wind and the clouds, the strong wind and the rain can't describe the speed of Xu Lieshan's meal.

Twenty-four dishes, when Qiao Xun ate less than twenty-fourth of them, he forced them all into his stomach.

Looking at that belly bulging like a ball, Qiao Xun really wanted to kick it out.

More than an hour ago, this guy was still crying and shouting that he didn't want to eat, and he lost a lot of weight.

Co-authoring is just like that, don't you think?

"Can eat" seems to be a very happy thing for the elderly. Therefore, even though Xu Lieshan's eating looks like that of pigs, in the eyes of the old lady, it is very gratifying. On the contrary, Qiao Xun, she has to blame her, "Why don't you eat this, you are skinny."

As soon as the tableware and chopsticks were lost, the time was stuck over there, and a domestic servant ran over,

"Second Prince, the Duke asked you to meet him after dinner."

Before Qiao Xun could speak, the old lady stomped on her crutches and snorted coldly,

"See you, see you, my grandson is very tired and is going to sleep!"

The servant shivered and didn't dare to say a word, and Nuonuodi ran away to report the situation.

After a while, he ran back and said with a sad face,

"Old lady, the prince must see the second son immediately."

The old lady was furious,

"My grandson was in an accident, and he didn't care about it. He was too embarrassed to hold a funeral in the middle of the day. He stayed at home for three days and was sent out in the middle of the night. Now that he has finally returned, he is calling again and again, why? , what do you think of my grandson! Being a father is nothing like a father, I'm afraid that he is referring to the identity of Xu Guogong, and the sky will be turned upside down!"

The old lady's wrath of thunder, inside and out, did not dare to say a word up and down.

In Xu Guofu, only she dared to criticize Xu Guogong like this.

Although the second son Luo Dengxian is a bastard, but he can win the love of the old lady, and he will not really be a waste.

Qiao Xun naturally knew this. He understood that at such a time, he had to come out to smooth things out. He joked,

"Grandma, don't be angry. I'm going to cry when I'm so angry. If I want to see my son, I will see you. We can't let people gossip about our family's loss of morality."

"Who dares to gossip about this family!"

"Oh, grandma, what does grandson mean? After all, I am a son, how can I always let my grandma support me, and I can't escape when I should face Laozi."

The old lady is full of kindness,

"You should really let your father see what it means to love elders."

Qiao Xun stood up,

"Grandma, don't worry, Dad must have something important to say to me. Some things should be sorted out."

The old lady's eyes gleamed,

"Could it be..."

"Yeah, there are people who are thinking about my life. Of course, I have to make it clear, and people should take a good look at it, whether the prince of Xu Guofu can be provoked."

The old lady is full of majesty,

"Good grandson just do it, grandma will support you."

"Grandma is so nice."

After finishing speaking~www.readwn.com~ Qiao Xun walked towards Xu Guogong's collapsed residence.

The old lady Yang Yunxiu watched from behind, her eyes full of love, and said to Mu Caier next to her,

"Second Mother, do you think that my grandson, after waking up from sleep, has changed his appearance?"

Mu Caier smiled and said,

"Dengxian has transformed, he really looks like a man."

"The ordeal is familiar... But how did this ordeal come about?"

"Xu Guofu's family has a great career, and it is normal for some people to think about it. This time, it is probably a blessing to ascend to the immortal. It is just a disaster, and it is a blessing to cross the past."

The old lady was very satisfied with Erniang's comment and nodded with a smile.

Erniang is smart, she has been watching it all the time.

There are many wise people, but not many people who are wise and contented.

Erniang is one of them.

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