Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 29: I'm looking for a dream

For Qiao Xun, this trip to Chang'an City is obviously different from previous adventures.

Rather than embarking on the path of evolution and experiencing various pollution events, this adventure is more of a life experience.

What he lacks is no longer "strength", "talent", "rune", etc.

Just want to know more about this world, about other worlds, and about myself.

In the face of all kinds of big and small things coming in like a tide, he thought that he might need to deal with it in a new way.

The most important thing in front of him is "the death of the second son".

Xu Guofu is very large, and there is a long way from the place to eat to Xu Guogong's collapsed residence.

No matter if you need it or not, Xu Guofu's mansion pays attention to a light that will never go out. No matter where you go, as long as there is a light, it will burn. There, the burning tung oil and sesame oil crackle.

What is the relationship between the second son and the old man?

Judging from the cognitive fragments that Qiao Xun checked, it must be the father and the son.

As an old man, of course he looked down on his son's wine bag and rice bag. This is not the extent of hating iron and steel, but wishing to go back to 20 years ago and drown him in a urinal.

As a son, I look down on Lao Tzu for showing off his power all day long. The officials around him are all flattering people. The horse's **** slaps loudly. Anyone with eyes and ears can see that it is flattery, but Lao Tzu Just eat that one.

This makes the second son very disgusting.

Xu Guogong lived in a lake, and the second son used to curse him to go out and drown in the lake.

As soon as Qiao Xun came over, a soldier in armor came over immediately and said:

"Second Prince, the Duke has been waiting for a long time."

Qiao Xun shook his hands and said,

"Wait? Oh, if I don't come, is it possible that he is not here?"

The general didn't say a word, and gestured for him to enter.

Qiao Xun strode up the bridge, and after approaching the collapsed residence, he suddenly noticed a familiar aura... That was, similar to that of the three gods Bo Niang.

Sorcery? Divine power?

Could it be that this cheap old man has any other secrets...

Qiao Xun walked in, and before he opened the door, he heard chatter. The voice is like crisp yarn is his cheap dad, and there is another voice like a crane... ethereal and lazy.

Pushing the door and entering, he immediately saw Xu Guogong.

Xu Guogong's famous name Luo Xinzhi, the reason why he can become one of the best existences in Chang'an City is that he was the first general of the current emperor Ming Shihuang, the current emperor. of. There are countless rumors about him in the market, such as "borrowing 30,000 soldiers from heaven", "seventy-two gods of summoning demons", "holding secrets, carrying magical soldiers", "strengthening the black bird avenue", etc., how exaggerated and exaggerated.

But unlike the image shown in his deeds, the real Luo Xinzhi was a very thin literati, with a face, except for a pair of eyes as bright as gems, there was nothing worth saying. His gray hair had already made him look old.

It was the Taoist priest sitting across from him, with a full and smooth face, radiant with vigour, hair on his temples like a crown feather, cinnabar on his eyebrows, and the appearance of a living fairy.

Seeing Qiao Xun come in, Xu Guogong's originally friendly and kind smile faded, he slowly put down the wine glass in his hand, and said coldly:

"It's such a pity that he didn't die."

Qiao Xun laughed,

"When people who don't know hear it, they think that my father killed me with his own hands."

"Kill? If I really want you to die, it's called killing the people and ruling. You should be glad that you were born in Xu Guofu, otherwise your sins should be cut into pieces."

"Why should Daddy drown me in this inscription lake?"

Luo Xinzhi gave him a cold look,

"I'm afraid of dirty hands and dirty heart."

The immortal Taoist looked like he didn't hear the father and son arguing at all.

Joe Tour said,

"There are guests, I don't want to embarrass you."

He said and took his seat.

What kind of virtue Luo Dengxian is, Qiao Xun dismantled it clearly. He also understands when to be Luo Dengxian.

Qiao Xun looked at the Taoist and asked with a smile:

"What is the name of this fairy family?"

The Taoist blurred his eyes, and if he was intoxicated, he swayed and said,

"A certain way is here to find a clean, so I can be lazy..."

"Dream-seeker." Qiao Xun said with a smile.

When the Taoist heard this, his eyes widened immediately, he patted his legs and laughed, his face full of surprise,

"This is good, this is good. A certain idiot has never been named in his entire life. Today, every time he comes to Xu Guofu, he picks up such a good name. This time, it's the right time."

Qiao Xun questioned,

"Why didn't the Xian family name themselves?"

"Fate comes as a name, so it's just a verbal address without fate? It's you, little friend, how did you come up with the word 'seeking dreams'?"

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"In terms of Xu Guofu, how can it not be a dream? Come to Xu Guofu to seek purity, so why is it not a dream?"

Dream-seeker's eyes became brighter. He looked at Luo Xinzhi and said,

"Everyone Luo, do you remember the 'Huigen' I told you before?"

Luo Xinzhi nodded.

Dream-seeking Daoist laughed and acted arbitrarily,

"This is the root of wisdom. After listening to the search for a pure, ordinary people want to find a dream, but this dream is exactly as I want. With the root of wisdom, there is also a predestined relationship. This laziness can't be stolen."

Luo Xinzhi smiled slightly,

"Is the immortal family satisfied with me, an indecent prodigal?"

The dream-seeker closed his eyes. He didn't look at the two of them, and when they looked at him, a feeling that he "seems to be in front of us but far away" arises.

This feeling is very dreamy. Qiao Xun tutted in his heart. The so-called Tao has a solution. If I don't look at the world, the world will look bad at me.

"Xianqiu can't come. Everyone, Luo, you should understand." Dream-seeking Taoist said.

"There is still a chance, so I have to seek it. I am afraid that this prodigal son has a bad personality and disturbs the purity."

"Mortals are confused, and if they don't fall in the right place, even gold can only be used as a wall brick. Even if the night pearl falls into the mud, it will only give off a stench. The Luo family gave him the name 'Dengxian', and they also I just hope that the night pearl in the mud will shine, but if the night pearl does not shine during the day, how can it be bright at night?"

"What the Xianjia said is very true."

The dreamer opened his eyes. His presence suddenly became real, as if returning from the sky

"Xian, you can't ask for it. If this Great Way of Heaven is really opened for him, it will be the fate of the fairy, not what I have done."

When Luo Xinzhi heard this, he knew it was done, and he was overjoyed and looked at Qiao Xun,

"Niezi, thank you Xianjia soon!"

Qiao Xun didn't wake up.


He does not need it. Not to mention in this unreal world. Although Daoist Dream-Seekers had some tricks that seemed interesting to him, they were just a little bit interesting.

This Taoist can't even see if he is Luo Dengxian, how can he be so talented?

Qiao Xun is a free person. There are always things that he can't help on the earth. When he enters this world, which is both true and false, he cannot be free.

Then, he pretended to ask,

"Xianjia, seek immortals and seek the Tao, but are you going to live a poor life?"

The dream-seeker smiled and said,

"Clear, but not poor. The world is so complicated and messy, so it is natural to be clear."

Joe patrols,

"Can you often come to the city to drink and eat meat?"

The dream-seeker laughed without saying a word.

Luo Xinzhi frowned,

"Niezi, are you still thinking about having fun! You have to die in a mud pit to be happy?"

Joe Tour said,

"Seeking immortals is freedom, and seeking the Tao is arbitrary. If one deviates from the sincerity, can it still be regarded as seeking immortals and seeking the Tao?"

Luo Xinzhi shouted angrily,

"You bastard! You are just a sack of wine and rice, thinking about finding flowers and asking willows, and thinking about your friends and friends! You can't bear the slightest bit of hardship, and you can't bear the slightest bit of pain! If it goes on like this, it will definitely be doomed! Immortal fate has fallen on you, and you don't even know it! "

Qiao Xun said indifferently,

"Dad, let's stop making those hypocritical rhetoric. You've just come to the end of the mortal world and are looking forward to getting out of the mortal world. You have no immortal fate, so you can only count on me."

Luo Xinzhi was trembling with anger, and his beard was almost blowing out. He immediately drew his long sword from the side.

The sword sounded loudly, and the sword light burned his eyes.

The blade fell on Qiao Xun's neck.

"Niezi, are you going!"

Qiao Xun widened his eyes,

"Don't go!"

Luo Xinzhi's brow furrowed fiercely, and he was about to swipe the blade across Qiao Xun's neck.

But as soon as he made a move, a burst of invisible force swept away the blade. Falling empty.

Dream-seekers still look at ease,

"Everyone Luo, getting out of the ordinary has always been the first step in finding a fairy family. You can't force it. I'm afraid that the immortal fate that you force will only become a demon. Look, there are still few demons in this city of Chang'an?"

With a wave of his sleeves, he created a picture scroll out of thin air, and on the picture scroll was a city of Chang'an.

The dots emitting dim light flickered in the city of Chang'an above the picture scroll.

Qiao Xun's heart moved.

He couldn't help but wonder, what kind of means is this?

Look at the relaxed and freehand look of the dream-seekers. He thought, it seems that this Taoist priest has some skills.

"What are those points?" Joe asked.

Dream-seekers answer,

"Each point represents a vulgar master who has gone astray and breeds demons."

"Heart demon?"

The dream-seeker smiled and said,

"Everything in the world, human relations and human desires, all have love and hate in their hearts, and it is a demon of the heart that loves and hates become demons."

After he finished speaking, he waved his sleeves, put away the scroll, and then lay on the glazed gauze,

"Little guy, it's hard to get out of the world..."

While talking, he fell asleep.

A slight snoring sounded in the middle of the cave.

Luo Xinzhi got up and left, turned around and said,

"Niezi, come with me."

Qiao Xun followed immediately.

After getting outside, Luo Xinzhi walked forward with his hands behind his back.

"I don't care what you think, I've lived for twenty-two years, as if I don't have a brain. Do you really think you really died in a woman's arms?"

"Someone wants to hurt me?"

"Chang'an City is about to come. You should find a place to shelter from the rain."

Joe Tour said,

"Who dares to target Xu Guofu! It's really turned upside down."

Luo Xinzhi's chest trembled with anger,

"Idiot! You really don't understand human speech?"

Of course Qiao Xun understood, but Luo Dengxian didn't understand.

"Dad, I think you are also getting old, and you are no longer powerful."

"You bastard, get out! If you dare to cause trouble outside again, I won't be your son."

After speaking, Luo Xinzhi left in a huff.

Qiao Xun shouted at the back~www.readwn.com~ Someone wants to kill your son, don't you care if you are an old man! "

"You deserve it!"

After seeing Luo Xinzhi go away, the corner of Qiao Xun's mouth twitched slightly,

The feeling of being a jerk... is not bad.

Do whatever you want, enjoy the joy of human relationships.

He looked at the brightly lit high-rise building in the distance, thinking about the dim light spot on the picture scroll of Daoist Dream-seeker he had just seen, and muttered in his heart,

"Heart Demon..."

Of course, the Taoist dreamer would never have imagined that Qiao Xun could completely write down everything on the scroll with just one look.

It can even be completely copied one by one.

At this moment, an identical picture slowly unfolded in his mind.

The dim light above it flickered like a man-eating gaze.

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