Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 30: View the world

After leaving Zuominghu, Qiao Xunzhe returned to the East Courtyard of Xu Guofu.

The East Courtyard is where the family members of Xu Guofu live.

As soon as I arrived at the East Courtyard, I saw the old lady Yang Yunxiu waiting outside the courtyard. After seeing Qiao Xun, the old lady rushed over,

"Good grandson, did your father do anything to you?"

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"Grandma, father is not a beast, how could he do anything to me."

"I saw a Taoist come in the morning, but it's about your future?"

"I can't say that."

The old lady didn't ask too much, she clapped Qiao Xun's hands and said:

"Good grandson, the city of Chang'an is not stable during this time, so you can follow your grandma to eat fast and recite the Buddha. When you are stable, you can go out."

Eating fast food and chanting Buddha...

Although Qiao Xun didn't have much fun, he couldn't stand those days.

"Grandma, don't worry, I'm measured."

The second son's proportions... No matter how much the old lady spoils, he will not be so confused that he really thinks that Luo Dengxian is a measured person. There was some worry in her wrinkled face,

"You're lucky this time, and you didn't really walk away. But it's hard to guarantee everything... Xu Guofu is a great family, but he can't hold back some things hidden in the shadows. Good grandson, you should take care of yourself. …”

Even the old lady said such words, which shows the attitude of Xu Guofu towards the second son.

It's really too outrageous what the second son did.

The second mother, Mu Cai'er, comforted her,

"Mother-in-law, in my opinion, Dengxian is a smart person. In the first 20 years, he likes to play, and it is also the nature of young people. I think that after this incident, my heart will naturally grow." She looked at Qiao The tour, smiled, "Dengxian, what do you think?"

In Luo Dengxian's cognitive fragment, the second mother, Mu Cai'er, has always been a very peaceful person, and her reputation in Xu Guofu is good.

However, Luo Dengxian didn't communicate much with her, and there was no telling what kind of person he was.

Just from Qiao Xun's own point of view, Mu Cai'er would not be a moderate or stupid person.

"Someone wants to toss me, I feel uncomfortable. Although I, Luo Dengxian, have been confused for 20 years, but I have ears, eyes, and my mouth can speak." Qiao Xun said with a smile, "Luo Xinzhi Your son will always be enlightened."

When the old lady heard it, she knew that the good grandson was indeed different, so let him go, and said with emotion,

"Dengxian... Your mother left early. Before she left, she always said something, 'I'm not a fool when I was born, and I shouldn't be a fool when I die'... This is probably what she expected from you."

"Grandma, my grandson is on my mind."

"Either way..."

After the old lady sighed, she said no more, turned around, and slowly left with Erniang's support.

After they were gone, the fat man Xu Lieshan came running over.

"Master Shizi, Master Shizi!"

Looking at Xu Lieshan's three-layered face, Qiao Xun said in disgust,

"Why, I still don't feel full."

Xu Lieshan laughed,

"I really want to eat it again."

"I'm curious, how does your stomach hold so much food?"

"Unusually talented? Hehe, I've been able to eat since I was a child, but I'm always unsatisfied."

"Tsk tsk."

Xu Lieshan asked,

"Is Lord Shizi going to rest, or what?"

Qiao Xun patted Xu Lieshan on the shoulder,

"The day I died, you were there."

"In the."

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Xu Lieshan was taken aback,

"Master Shizi doesn't remember? You didn't drink that night."

"Let's just say it."

"Okay!" Xu Lieshan moistened his throat and said, "That day, the eldest son went to Shenyun Tower to look for the new moon girl. The two of you chatted in the room for a long time. I was waiting outside. When it came to the middle of the night, you He suddenly fell down the stairs on the second floor and was said to have died on the spot."

"So, I didn't actually die in a woman's arms?"

Xu Lieshan laughed,

"An autopsy means that your kidney qi is insufficient, your essence qi leaks out, you lose your body, and your legs fall down when you go down the stairs."

He thought he would be beaten after he finished speaking, and immediately shrank his neck.

But Qiao Xun did not move. What is he thinking about.

Xu Lieshan couldn't help but think, could it be that the death of Shizi has really changed?

Just as he thought about it, Qiao Xun slapped him on the neck with a slap. After the pain, he bared his teeth.

"You bastard, dare to say that my kidneys are weak? Which idiot dug out his kidneys, I'll see if it's true!"

Oh, that's right, this is the Lord of the World.

Xu Lieshan said bitterly,

"Master Shizi, it is said that it is a fake, but in fact, people are people from Guanshilou. It is not easy to dig the kidneys of people from Guanshilou."

Guanshilou, in Luo Dengxian's perception of the barren wine bag and rice bag, is just a low-key and mysterious organization, and there is no other impression.

He just raised his eyebrows and asked,

"Guanshilou? Is their biggest official as big as my father?"

"Master Shizi, don't talk like that. It is said that the Guanshilou was built in response to His Majesty's order, and it holds a high level of power. You must not provoke it casually. Moreover, when you suddenly died, the Guanshilou was also helping. Cha, you shouldn't provoke it anyway."

"So, Guanshilou is just for investigation?"

"You hear the name, 'Guanshi, Guanshi'."

"I only know Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva."

"That's right, what does Guanshiyin Bodhisattva do? Look at the world, help all beings, and prepare for peace... Listening to this name, you will know what kind of place Guanshilou is."

It sounds like the eyes of today's emperor in the world.

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Speaking of which, what did I do to find Miao Xinyue on the day I died?"

In Luo Dengxian's memory, Miao Xinyue was a person from other places, who only arrived in Chang'an more than a month ago. As soon as it came, it became the signboard of Shenyun Tower.

Luo Dengxian is very good to her senses, and seems to be thinking of her as a confidante, so that she has not touched her against her will when she is dying.

Being able to treat someone like Luo Dengxian well, Qiao Xun would like to see with his own eyes how beautiful and charming he is.

Xu Lieshan said,

"Master Shizi, have you forgotten, you never told me about the relationship between you and New Moon Lady."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"I'm just asking. I don't know if I don't know. I'll ask her in person tomorrow."

When Xu Lieshan heard this, his face suddenly wrinkled,

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, Lord Shizi. As soon as you die, Xinyueniang will be imprisoned in Guanshilou. Xu Guofu didn't let her go, and Guanshilou naturally won't let her go. It is estimated that we have to wait for you to find out about this."

Qiao Xun snorted coldly,

"I've been standing here for a long time, how can I be imprisoned. Besides, can't I go to the Guanshi Tower?"

"It can be, but I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"What?" Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows.

"According to my gossip, there are dirty things in Chang'an City recently, and the Guanshi Tower is very strict. The sudden death of Shizi is definitely not an ordinary thing. It is a sensitive period when New Moon Lady only came to Chang'an City more than a month ago."

"sensitive period?"

"Well, it is said that the dirty things entered Chang'an City during that time." Xu Lieshan said, and hurriedly explained, "Master Shizi, I didn't say it has something to do with New Moon Lady. It's just a coincidence of timing."

Xu Lieshan is still clear that New Moon Lady is the heart of Shizi, but she can't say a bad word.

Qiao Xun glanced at him,

"You have a lot of gossip about you."

"Hey, I don't have much ability, so I have to inquire about this and that."

Qiao Xun waved his sleeves and left, saying as he walked,

"Morning early, go to Guanshilou."

"Okay, sir."

After sending off Qiao Xun~www.readwn.com~ Xu Lieshan wiped the fine sweat on his forehead, thinking in his heart that the prince seems to have changed, but it doesn't seem to have changed.

Has it changed?

He realized that probably when he had this doubt, it already meant that the prince had indeed changed.


He was about to continue to speculate deeply, when the protest of his stomach stopped him.

He patted his stomach hard and said angrily,

"You poor fellow, are you hungry again? Are you hungry again? Are you hungry again?"

Although Xu Lieshan also recognized that "it is a blessing to be able to eat", but he has never been satisfied with eating, which makes him very distressed.

From childhood to adulthood, I have been in a state of not being full almost all the time, no matter how much I eat.

Therefore, he is very envious of those who have a small appetite and can easily eat to satisfy.

Bumping his stomach, Xu Lieshan walked towards the dining room, looking to see if there were any leftovers to eat.

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