Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 31: swordsman? But so

The next morning, it was still dark.

Qiao Xun woke up from the bed.

As usual, the prince got up and called out, and then several maids came to serve and dress and wash.

But now the grandfather is different.

After quickly dressing, Qiao Xun walked out of the room, walked about fifty meters along the corridor, arrived at Xu Lieshan's residence, kicked the door, and shouted,

"Fat man, get up quickly!"

Xu Lieshan still had a dream, this kick kicked his dream to pieces, woke up, turned over, panicked, and smashed to the ground,


His nose hit the ground, Xu Lieshan ate a lot of pain,

"Master Shizi, why are you so early?"

Joe Tour said,

"Will I be like you?"

Xu Lieshan whispered softly,

"Don't you always sleep until the sun rises three poles..."

"Why, I'm not allowed to get up early?"

"No no, hehe. I'll get dressed and wash up right away."

Xu Lieshan is fat but fat, but his movements are quite quick. He dressed in three or two times, went outside and splashed water on his face, wiped it with a towel and it was done.

"Master, where are we going?"

Joe Tour said,

"Guanshi Tower."

"Ah, you really go."

"When did I say false?"

"most of the time……"

"What did you say!"

"No, no, Lord Shizi never tells lies."

Xu Lieshan said, afraid of being beaten, and went to prepare the car in a hurry.

Qiao Xun waited at the side door.

Even at this time, the Xu Guofu was still brightly lit. No matter whether it was needed or not, the lights had to be lit and could not be extinguished. So, it doesn't look gloomy anywhere.

He sneaked into consciousness a little, and spread out the one-to-one picture scroll of Chang'an copied from the Daoist Dream Seeker.

Carefully wipe the flickering light spots on the scroll... like polluted stars.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of being watched, he immediately exited the sea of ​​consciousness, and instinctively looked in a certain direction.

There was a wall with dense ornamental bamboos. Through the gaps between the green bamboo leaves, Qiao Xun saw a pair of eyes.

It was a black cat.

The green vertical pupils are very transparent and very cold.

The black cat didn't look at Qiao Xun all the time, it was more like a cat's instinctive observation of the environment.

It started licking its paws and washing its face.

The action is elegant.

Elegance and calmness are probably the characteristics of every cat.

After a while, it stood up, tail held high, and walked away on catwalk. Looking happy.

"Master Shi, what are you looking at?"

Xu Lieshan came over after preparing the car, and saw Qiao Xun staring at the fence at a glance, looking at something very seriously.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Nothing, let's go."



Horses are banned in Chang'an City, but only for people with insufficient status.

Therefore, those who can ride horses and carriages on the streets of Chang'an City are all people with distinguished status.

The carriage with the "red gold flag" in it galloped past the spacious Xuanniao Avenue, and passersby avoided one after another.

In Chang'an City, you must know two things, one is the signs of the office staff in the major regions, and the other is the red-gold Citi Flag of Xu Guofu.

It doesn't matter whether you know the imperial flag of the imperial palace or not, because the imperial flag will not wander on the streets where civilians live.

The nightlife in Chang'an City is uninterrupted and bright all day long. There are people swaying in the street all the time. Of course, the only people who can come out at night to hang out are generally those who seek pleasure, and those who serve those who seek pleasure.

Guanshilou is in the west of the city, and it used to cross Xuanniao Avenue and Hongchen Avenue.

The red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple buildings on both sides of Hongchen Avenue did not break up because of last night's "historical corpse". Instead, this has become a talking point, and can be used to brag to friends who haven't seen such a scene with their own eyes. Yingying Yanyan, the sound of woo cha cha never ceases.

The fragrant smell of alcohol permeated the streets and alleys, making this area seem drunk.

The road is full of people who are drinking upside down. Beautiful girls in cool and attractive clothes stick their heads out from the attic, solicit at the sidebar, and smile on the floating ladder...

Seeing the carriage with the red gold flag in it passing by, all the commotion stopped. Everyone held their breath and waited for the carriage to go away before continuing to make a loud noise.

Qiao Xun sat in the carriage, his eyes slightly intoxicated.

Xu Lieshan looked at it with an ambiguous smile. He thought, Lord Shizi really still can't let go of the Red Dust Avenue.

Luo Dengxian really couldn't put it down... but Qiao Xun.

He has always been the master of desire.

He likes the avenue full of extreme desires. Of course, what I like is a steady stream of desire nutrients.

Chang'an City will be much quieter after passing Hongchen Avenue.

However, it is only relative to the quietness of Hongchen Avenue.

The west of the city is not the main residential area, so there are fewer shops and the like early. This place is mainly the land of officials, schools, and commerce.

The sound of students' morning reading came from a distance.

Qiao Xun listened carefully and read some classics.

The control here is to be stricter, but with a red gold Citi flag inserted, it is all the way through, and no one comes to intercept the review.

Until you reach the Guanshi Building.

Finally someone stopped the carriage.

Two guards in black and gold cloth armor and feathered hats stood in front of the carriage,

"Carriage traffic is prohibited from the rear, please get off and walk."

Xu Lieshan stuck his head out and asked loudly,

"Do you know which carriage this is? You dare to stop it."

The guard's expression remained unchanged,

"Please get out of the car and walk."

"You bastard, even if I kill you on the spot, it won't matter. Believe it or not."

"Please get out of the car and walk."

Xu Lieshan was so angry that he reached his waist, and with a sharp puff, a bright light flashed, a crisp sound rang out, and a soft sword landed in his hand.

He looked fiercely at the two guards,

"Say one more sentence, and the head will fall."

At this moment, Xu Lieshan is a fat man with nodding and bowing his head, his vicious aura is accompanied by a sinister murderous aura.

A guard squinted slightly, opened his mouth,



Xu Lieshan shook the soft sword, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and he went straight to the guard.

If this sword qi disturbs the guards, I am afraid that not only will the head fall, but it will be broken into corpses.

But there was no such scene.

A long sword was erected in front of the guard, blocking Xu Lieshan's sword qi.

"Shan Gong, it's a lot of trouble for the guard who is just a gatekeeper. I'm afraid it's a loss of identity."

Xu Lieshan put away the soft sword. The soft sword was wrapped around his waist. His waist is already big, so the soft sword is extraordinarily long.

"Hmph, are the people in Guanshilou just so ignorant?"

"Guanshilou is just doing things according to the rules. If you say that you won't let the carriage, then you must not let you in. What, does Duke Shan want to change the rules?"

A tall young man walked out graciously from the front.

The blue robe screeched, hair fluttered, and the momentum was monstrous.

Xu Lieshan whispered to Qiao Xun,

"Master Shizi, his name is Zhongluan, he is from Guanshilou, nicknamed the City Destroyer, but he can split the city wall with one sword."

There are people who practice martial arts in Chang'an City, and Qiao Xun knows it.

But the specific power level, with Luo Dengxian as a wine bag and rice bag, is difficult to know.

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"Then follow the rules and get out of the car."

Xu Lieshan was stunned for a moment.

"According to the rules..."

It was the first time he heard this from the mouth of the prince.

My God, is this still the eldest son?

If it was in the past, the prince would definitely have to sacrifice Xu Guogong's name.

For a while, Xu Lieshan was still somewhat restrained.

It wasn't until Qiao Xun got off the carriage that he was shocked and hurriedly climbed out.

Qiao Xun looked at the long sword that was still standing in front of the carriage, then looked at Zhong Luan opposite, and said with a smile:

"Your sword, domineering."

He stretched out his hand, intending to touch the long sword.

Zhongluan said,

"Second son, it's better not to touch it. If you hurt your delicate fingers, then you will be able to die and apologize."

The other party doesn't want to see him.

Qiao Xun looked relaxed, hehe smiled,

"I heard that your sword can break the city wall."

"It's just a joke."


Qiao Xun gently touched the long sword with his fingers.

The domineering sword intent was about to frighten him.

The corner of Zhong Luan's mouth moved slightly. He just wanted to see how this prince looked ugly.

But it didn't appear as ugly as he expected, "being scared to pee his pants".

Qiao Xun bent his index finger, and then flicked it like a broken head. There was a ripple on the body of the long sword, as if a person had released his strength, it fell to the ground with a bang, and the tip of the sword hit a deep mark on the ground made of solid stone.

Qiao Xun smiled at Zhong Luan,

"But so."

After speaking, he led Xu Lieshan and strode forward, leaving Zhong Luan Dun in place.

After Qiao Xun entered the Guanshi Tower, Zhong Luan's face shook, and he walked to his long sword and picked it up.

He looked back at Guanshilou and took a hissing breath.

Isn't this Shizi a sack of wine?

Why, he broke his move easily and broke his connection with the sword...

Looking at the lifeless long sword in his hand, Qiao Xun's words "That's all" repeated in his mind, and Zhong Luan's shoulders trembled slightly.

A swordsman, the relationship with Saber is like brothers and sisters who have the same heart.

But now, the "heart-to-heart" relationship between Zhong Luan and his saber has been ruthlessly cut off.

This sword, to him, is equivalent to a stranger.

It takes a long time to develop a relationship.

Zhong Luan was shocked and at a loss,

How did he do that?

Why did I not notice that ~www.readwn.com~ was cut off from the saber...

This, even the elders in the building can't do it!

His Luo Dengxian's information clearly states that "there is no experience in martial arts, internal skills, or immortal cultivation." Why can he do such a thing so easily?

No, it shouldn't.

Then there is only one possibility, someone was hiding in the dark to help him just now.

That's right, someone must be helping him in the dark, otherwise, with his sick body and cynical mentality, how could he have such deep inner strength.

So, who would be hiding behind him to help him?

And this, will it have something to do with that "Wizard" again?

"Luo Dengxian, ah Luo Dengxian, if you hide in Xu Guofu, we won't be able to drive you there, but since you are here..."

Zhong Luan silently put away his lifeless sword and walked towards Guanshi Tower.

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