Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 32: Crescent moon outside the window, exile in the mirror

Observation Building.

Tower-style building, with internal passages one after another, extending in all directions. For those who come here for the first time, they may not understand the way.

"Master Shizi, that sword... why did it suddenly fall to the ground?"

Xu Lieshan was surprised by this.

He definitely didn't take the initiative to smash his sword on the ground by Zhong Luan, so it could only have something to do with Shi Ziye.

Joe Tour said,

"Touch it and it falls off."


"Ah for what."

Xu Lieshan hurriedly shut up.

Grandpa Shi didn't want to say it, of course he didn't dare to ask more.

It's just that, listening to this, the sword that fell to the ground really has something to do with Shi Ziye?

But, when did Lord Shizi have this ability... Why didn't I know! Xu Lieshan was shocked, and in addition to being shocked, he was also a little disappointed... The prince actually had reservations about me...

In fact, when Qiao Xun saw the sword, he knew that the reason why the sword could hang in the air was the connection between the sword body and the sword master.

Sever that connection, and that's it.

To cut off the connection, for Qiao Xun, it was just a thought.

The fire of "jealousy", I like to burn those abstract, non-physical things. There will be no specific phenomenon, and it can be uprooted.

If all the swordsmen in Chang'an City were like this, then Qiao Xun felt that what he said was not controversial.

The second son of Xu Guofu arrived at the Guanshi Building, and there was a conflict at the door. Of course, the people in the Guanshi Building couldn't be unaware.

The people on the upper floors discussed it and sent someone to receive it.

A little old man with long beards and long eyebrows.

The image of the little old man is a bit like the land master in the novel, and he looks very happy.

He came down from the upstairs with a smile and shouted with a ram-like voice from a long distance away,

"Yo, the second son is here, and he didn't say hello in advance, which caused us to neglect you."

"Young master can go wherever he wants, and he has to say it in advance?" Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows.

The little old man laughed,

"Of course, of course. My name is Fu Chengwen, old man, one of the A-brands on the third floor of Guanshi Building."

At this time, Zhong Luan also came in from outside.

When Fu Chengwen saw it, he went on to say,

"His name is Zhongluan, and he's on the third floor. You've just met."

Qiao Xun nodded and smiled,

"Yes. City Destroyer, it's okay."

The dignified city destroyer, the third floor of the B brand, was dismissed by a "OK", the point is, based on the performance just now, Zhong Luan has no room to refute.

This is very frustrating.

Of course, Zhong Luan works in Guanshilou after all, and maintaining a proper attitude is a basic quality.

Fu Chengwen stroked his long goatee,

"Second Prince is really a young talent."

Joe shook his head,

"Don't talk too much, and I don't care what your name is, just say you are the old man in Guanshilou. Not all cats and dogs are qualified to welcome me."

Qiao Xun's attitude was very bad, and Xu Lieshan murmured in his heart when he said what he said, and kept gesturing with his eyes, Shizi, calm down, this is inside the Guanshi Building, not outside.

But Qiao Xun ignored it. In his opinion, with Luo Dengxian's brain, this is how it should behave.

Fu Chengwen snapped his fingers,

"Hey - oh, it's really hard to count. Guanshi Building is underground, there are a total of seven floors, my third floor is the first, and above me there are the fourth and fifth floors... Hehe, Shi Ziye is just Treat me as the seventh man in Guanshilou."

When Qiao Xun heard this, he immediately shook his head,

"No, no, you are not qualified, at least you have to be in the top three."


Fu Chengwen's eyes are hard... This second prince is not only arrogant, but also very brainless. He really doesn't know Guanshilou at all, how can there be any top three statements...

But, how did such a stupid person defeat Zhong Luan's sword move just now?

Fu Chengwen said with a smile,

"Master Shizi, it's not that I want to wrong you. In fact, I'm the only one in Guanshilou today. Those who are better than me are outside, and those on the fourth and fifth floors can't come."

"Why can't you come? There are people I can't invite?"

Fu Chengwen whispered mysteriously,

"Master Shizi, they are now in the north of the city."

North of the city...

There is only one place in Chang'an City that can be called "North of the City", and that is the Imperial Palace. Unlike most cities, the central authority is located in the middle of the geographical location. Chang'an's imperial palace, in the north of the city. Sitting in the north facing south, on the ground sign, it says, "If you want to take a look, you must look all over the city of Chang'an".

Qiao Xun grasped the proportions. In Chang'an City, there is only the imperial palace that he does not want to and dare not offend.

After all, Xu Guofu can have such a status, relying on the big figures in the palace.

"Yes, then you are."

Fu Chengwen has to say,

"I feel wronged, Lord Shizi."

In fact, with his status, there is no need for this at all.

However, different plans and different attitudes.

Qiao Xun picked up the words,

"I'm here today for Miao Xinyue. Where is she?"

"Does Shizi want to see her, or..."

"Take her away."

Fu Chengwen looked troubled,

"I'm afraid it won't work. Just meet and talk, I can arrange it."

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows,

"Why is there a saying that you can't take it away?"

"She did something wrong."

"What's up?"

"Shake the root of Chang'an, move the vein of the emperor."

Once this hat was buckled, Qiao Xun did not dare to rely on Xu Guofu's power to be more arrogant. he frowned,

"Why do you say that?"

Fu Chengwen said with a smile,

"Master Shizi, don't worry. Miao Xinyue is only suspicious. During our investigation, Guanshilou will never wrong anyone," he narrowed his eyes, "and will never let any criminals go."

Qiao Xun grabbed his collar and said in a deep voice,

"Do you think that I am also suspicious?"

Fu Chengwen was not in a hurry and said with a smile,

"of course not."

Joe patrol left him,

"Hmph, you'd better be careful when you speak."

Fu Chengwen straightened his neckline and said:

"Then Shizi, I'll take you to see Miao Xinyue. You guys, have a good reunion. Please come here."

Fu Chengwen took a step ahead and set foot on a ring road.

The complex ring road really needs someone to lead it. The maze-like construction makes the first floor of the Guanshi Building look very inhumane.

After a while, they went underground.

The first and second floors of the basement of Guanshi Building are used to detain mortals. Prisoners of different levels are detained in different areas.

Miao Xinyue, whom Qiao Xun wanted to see, was detained in the deepest part of the second underground floor.

This meant she was being treated as a felon.

Qiao Xun thought, if Guanshilou is really a very special organization, then there should be no chaos. This may indicate that Miao Xinyue is indeed very suspicious, and the matters involved are also very serious.

The detention area on the second underground floor is very tight, there are no doors and windows, and the walls are full of ancient runes.

Qiao Xun had an impression of these ancient runes, and had seen similar ones in Ji Zhengzhi's memory before.

That ancient rune is the key used to open the Magical Chang'an.

The ancient runes here... are probably similar to the ability to seal.

This also confirms that this Chang'an City is somehow related to Magic Chang'an. However, the extent and manner of the connection are not yet clear.

In fact, even if Qiao Xun was a demigod and entered Magic Chang'an, he didn't know what he went through before he put himself on the dead Luo Dengxian and started a new life.

At first, he thought it was an illusion, but after experiencing it several times, he felt that it was indeed a real world. Otherwise, the existence of the construction of the illusion has exceeded his cognition, making him completely unable to see through.

He also doesn't know what other people who enter Magic Chang'an will face.

Do you want to be like yourself, resting on a dead person and reborn in Chang'an City, or go to a completely different place?

Perhaps, Niang Bo was right,

The current Huan Chang'an is completely different, and she doesn't even know her anymore.


An earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded, interrupting Qiao Xun's thoughts, and almost made his consciousness tremble.

The Xu Lieshan next to him was even more unbearable, and was directly paralyzed on the ground in fright.

"Ah, what's going on, what's going on!"

Zhong Luan also felt a little dizzy, and quickly supported the wall to stabilize.

Fu Chengwen didn't have a big influence, but he still frowned, and then he kicked the wall full of ancient runes beside him.

"Be quiet!"

A low roar came from the other end of the wall, like the threatening sound of a tiger.

"What is that?" Joe asked.

Fu Chengwen smiled,

"If Shizi wants to know, you might as well ask your father. Presumably, Xu Guogong should also be very clear."

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows,

"You're right in front of me, can't you tell?"

"This... I really can't, little old man, I don't have the qualifications to tell you."

"What's the use of you other than leading the way?"

Fu Chengwen doesn't like Qiao Xun's arrogant attitude either.

"You can only lead the way. After all, you are the prince. Hehe."

Xu Lieshan was listening next to him, feeling a little worried.

He felt a little bit. Guanshilou's attitude towards Shizi was very... strange. He seemed to want to do something, but he was watching...

He was worried that the prince was caught by them.

Although Xu Lieshan relied on the power of the prince, he really didn't think he could handle Guanshilou with his head.

"Master Shizi... You must take it easy... Guanshilou is really different from those official families. They won't let you spill it..." Xu Lieshan could only pray in his heart that Shizi wouldn't make any trouble. come.

Qiao Xun copied all the ancient rune passages on all the walls of the second underground floor and stored them in the sea of ​​consciousness.

There is no direct contact with the things in the wall, and it may be possible to infer and guess from these ancient runes.

First, there is the "chaos of inner demons" mentioned by the Taoist men seeking dreams, and then there is the "mystery of roaring roar" downstairs in Guanshi,

Qiao Xun felt that the city of Chang'an was not exactly in line with what he thought of as "a romantic city full of glaze, veil, poetry, moon and wine".

"Sir, it's here."

Fu Chengwen stopped in front of a wall and said with a smile,

"Don't worry, Lord Shizi, Guanshilou doesn't use torture to extract confessions, so Miao Xinyue has nothing to lose except her freedom."

After he finished speaking, he pressed his palm against the wall.

Randomly, the rune channel of the ancient rune is filled with a silver-blue rune light.

With a slight tremor, the stone wall door opened.

The scene inside really caught my eye.

Red sleeves and green flowers, cinnabar and purple satin, bright mirrors and candles.

What kind of prison is this, it is clearly the boudoir of a big family lady, except that there is no servant girl, it has everything.

There is even a window with a crescent moon outside.

The girl sitting in front of the bright mirror, wearing a vermilion veil, her long blue-black hair scattered behind her back, slightly reflected the light of the candle ~www.readwn.com~ In the mirror, her face was clearly visible, but a little It makes people feel unreal, like a dream, like an immortal.

Seeing Qiao Xun coming, she said softly with a frown and a smile,

"The moon here is very fake. Why don't you show it to me?"

Miao Xinyue...

I am more attractive than Luo Dengxian's cognition.

Fu Chengwen's eyes became hot, he narrowed his eyes to cover his own,

"Master Shizi, get along well, with this...beautiful."

After he finished speaking, he left with a ram-like small laugh.

Qiao Xun glanced at his back,

"Desire..." he murmured in his heart.

He felt a burning desire in Fu Chengwen... That is,

Desire for Miao Xinyue.

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