Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 33: But I am beautiful!

Xu Lieshan said wisely,

"Then Shizi, I'll wait for you outside first."

Qiao Xun nodded.

Xu Lieshan got the promise, stayed for a while, and ran away in a hurry.

It's really hard to stay in this ghost place for a while. The dull and oppressive atmosphere, and the unknown oppression hidden behind those walls, made him raise his flag to protest.

On the first floor of Guanshi Building,

Zhong Luan couldn't help but say,

"Elder Fu, is it really up to him to show off his prestige? Our Guanshilou is not like this."

Fu Chengwen faced Qiao Xun and Zhong Luan as two completely different people.

He put away his hippie smile and stroked his beard between his two fingers,

"Guanshilou doesn't do things that you are not sure about."

"But you can't grow the prestige of others. Do you really think Guanshilou is a place like a cat and a dog?"

"There is only Luo Dengxian, why should he feel resentment for him, it's just a clown jumping on the beam. The higher he jumps now, the worse he will fall."

Zhong Luan frowned slightly.

"But... he can break my sword. Elder Fu, do you really think he has no ability?"

"Guanshilou, Guanshiguanxin. What kind of person Luo Dengxian is, this tall building can see clearly. He can break your sword. If you think about it better, it is probably just a little trick by the immortal son of Xu Guofu. Well, if you think about it worse, he is really implicated in Wu Xiang. Zhongluan, maybe you should think about it, why you are so easily broken."

Zhongluan said,

"I...but I really didn't notice it. I had absolutely no idea what he did. It was just that."

"Okay, Zhongluan. You are a swordsman, don't always get entangled in small things."

Zhong Luan bowed his head, and Qiao Xun's words "but that's it" still lingered in his mind.

It's like an annoying hoot, making it difficult for him to calm down.

Fu Chengwen said,

"Luo Dengxian's resurrection is not a simple matter. This method is very similar to the spirit gu technique in the poisonous miasma land in the southwest. You take someone to patrol the city and pay attention to whether there is any similar situation. If you find it, immediately Take control."

"Okay Elder Fu."

After Zhong Luan took the order, he left quickly.

At this time, Xu Lieshan returned to the ground floor.

Fu Chengwen saw it and asked with a smile,

"Is the second prince still satisfied?"

Xu Lieshan said quietly,

"If the New Moon Lady is released, the prince will be satisfied."

"You know, it's impossible." Fu Chengwen narrowed his eyes, "The second son can use this place as another place for Miao Xinyue to pick up guests, you can come at any time, and you can be intimate with her at any time. ."

Xu Lieshan snorted coldly,

"I advise you not to say these words in front of Shi Ziye. Shiziye cares about New Moon Lady very much."

Fu Chengwen sneered,

"It's just prostitutes. Is there still a few prostitutes that the second son has played with? But it's good. He only plays in the brothel and doesn't bully those women from good families."

"Guanshilou also has moths." Xu Lieshan said with a smile.

Fu Chengwen didn't catch a cold.

"When the second son is replaced by someone else, Miao Xinyue still has the same attitude. This is a prostitute. I'm telling the truth, Shan Gong is also a person who is in the wind and moon field, so you don't have to be so concerned. Besides, the happy thing is Second son, it's not you either."

He said, with a scorching light in his eyes,

"Shan Gong, think about it... Miao Xinyue will wave on the second son's bed, she will wave on your bed, and she will wave on... my bed... She can wave on anyone's bed. This is a prostitute. ."

Xu Lieshan looked at Fu Chengwen coldly,

"Provocation? Infuriating? Elder Fu, you and I know what Guanshilou wants to do to Shizi. If you say this to Shizi, he will really get angry, but I... you think too much. Besides, Elder Fu, do you really dare to say these words in front of the prince?"

Xu Lieshan approached Fu Chengwen, his eyes glowed with dim light, and he asked word by word:

"You dare?"

Suddenly, Fu Chengwen felt that his momentum was suppressed.

He took a few steps back one after another, gasping for breath, and his heart was in an uproar. What happened to the valet beside Luo Dengxian? Why is the momentum so strong!

Xu Lieshan sneered,

"I might as well tell you that Lord Shizi really likes New Moon Girl. He cares a lot, very much. If New Moon Girl gets a little wronged, he will get angry. Elder Fu, I said so, why don't you try it. As long as you pull a hair from the New Moon Lady, the eldest son will demolish this Guanshi Building. Then you will punish him in the name of colliding with Junwei. "

Fu Chengwen's heart beat fast.

He didn't expect that the inconspicuous Xu Lieshan beside Luo Dengxian was so unfathomable.

In this case, Xu Lieshan couldn't believe a word he said.

Seeing Fu Chengwen's appearance, Xu Lieshan shook his head in disgust and walked out of the gate of Guanshi Tower. Before going out, he turned his back to Fu Chengwen and said loudly,

"Elder Fu, Guanshilou is great, but it doesn't mean you are great. You have to be clear. I can't do anything to you in Guanshilou, but will you stay in Guanshilou all the time?"

Fu Chengwen looked at Xu Lieshan's back and gasped.

"Xu Lieshan..." he shouted, "come here!"

A figure appeared in front of him.

"Take a good look at this Xu Lieshan."

The figure disappeared immediately after receiving the order.

second lower floor.

Miao Xinyue stood up, and the vermilion veil she was wearing slipped down. The clothes inside were an orange-yellow radish skirt.

"I thought you would never come again."

Joe Tour said,

"I didn't expect that I would survive."

Miao Xinyue did not answer. She walked to the window and looked at the false night scene outside the window,

"I've had a long dream these days."


"I dreamed that I went to a very different world. It was prosperous and everything was new to me."

"I don't want to know what you dreamed about."

Miao Xinyue looked at Qiao Xun with some doubts,

"You've become cold."

Joe Tour said,

"You know what I want to ask."

"Did that night..."

"What the **** happened that night?"

Miao Xinyue whispered,

"I can't tell. It looks nice here, but it's a prison after all."

"Why did I die? Did you kill me, or someone else."

"I won't kill you, just like you wouldn't kill me."

Qiao Xun's expression remained unchanged, he walked to Miao Xinyue step by step, grabbed her slender neck, and slowly exerted force,

"I will kill you."

There was no fear in Miao Xinyue's eyes, only doubts.

It seems that he is wondering why the second son's temperament has changed so much.

Miao Xinyue's throat was suppressed, and she asked hoarsely:

"Are you still Luo Dengxian?"

"if not."

Qiao Xun's expression didn't change, and he was a little murmured in his heart.

Does this Miao Xinyue know Luo Dengxian well? Just a simple touch, she began to doubt.

"Luo Dengxian won't kill me." Miao Xinyue said.

Her tone was certain.

Is this definitely out of trust in Luo Dengxian? Qiao Xun felt Luo Dengxian's cognitive fragments about Miao Xinyue, and felt that this should not be the case.

Then there is a possibility that Miao Xinyue used some "special means" to Luo Dengxian before.

Thinking from this perspective... Luo Dengxian's death was indeed related to Miao Xinyue.

"You didn't expect that I'm not dead, right?" Qiao Xun said.

Miao Xinyue's expression seemed to suddenly react to something.

Her clear eyes drooped slightly and swayed back and forth at a certain range. After a while, she asked tentatively,

"After being resurrected from the dead, are you still the same person?"

Qiao Xun just looked at her. He felt that Miao Xinyue seemed to be telling him something.

After thinking about it, he sneaked into her consciousness with the characteristic "numerology follows the sky".

When "numerology follows the sky" touched Miao Xinyue's consciousness, her eyes suddenly widened,


Qiao Xun asked in her consciousness,

"Who are you?"

However, Miao Xinyue showed a mysterious smile. She put aside Qiao Xun's hand, sat on the bed, and said with a smile,

"Today is a rare goodbye, why bother to complain, just sit down and talk."

This Miao Xinyue was different from Luo Dengxian's cognitive fragment again.

But it collided with Qiao Xun's memory.

Miao Xinyue, whom Luo Dengxian knew, was demure and gentle, with poetry and books in her belly, her voice like a gentle drizzle, her eyes like a blue sky, her frown and her smile were all like a light rain falling on her heart.

But this Miao Xinyue in front of me...how can I have a sense of sight?

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows,

"Miao Xinyue?"

Miao Xinyue looked sympathetic,

"The funniest thing is that I know who you are, but you don't know who I am."

Qiao Xun is a smart man.

As soon as Miao Xinyue said this, he immediately knew that she was not the real Miao Xinyue.

As soon as you scrutinize it, you will have a number in your heart.

Since he exists in this Chang'an City by supporting the dead Luo Dengxian, there are other people who exist in Chang'an City by supporting other dead people, and of course they exist.

Qiao Xun laughed.

"Don't try to kidnap me with this. If you really know me, then you should understand that I don't like this."

Miao Xinyue lay flat and said with a disgusted expression,

"It's boring! Can't you just play with me!"

With this tone, Qiao Xun knew who she was, and his eyes immediately became disgusted. Turning his head and taking a step, he intends to leave directly.

"Miao Xinyue" hurriedly shouted from behind,

"Don't go, talk to me, and help me out!"

Qiao Xun only turned around when he walked to the door.

"I think it might be better for you to stay here honestly."

"what does it mean!"

"Chang'an City is not enough for you to make trouble."

"Nonsense, it's not like I haven't been to Chang'an City! This is clearly not the Chang'an I've seen before, it's just a place called 'Chang'an City'!"

Miao Xinyue is not Miao Xinyue. When she said these words, she had already confirmed her identity.

There is also a "moon", outside is Miao Xinyue, and inside is Guanyue.

And she recognized Qiao Xun through "numerology following the sky". Because Qiao Xun trained her before, he used "numerology to follow the sky" to interpret her training results.

Joe patrols,

"Aren't you afraid of being monitored here?"

Guan Yue said,

"But we didn't say anything useful." She looked at the four walls of the cell, showing the "middle finger" gesture learned from Earth, and shouted: "Don't peek at people, see no evil. !"

Qiao Xun's mouth twitched.

She did this kind of thing against Miao Xinyue's body, which gave Qiao Xun's image collapsed experience.

No matter what her identity is, Miao Xinyue is a peerless beauty with a luxurious temperament.

Then, Guan Yue said pitifully,

"Good brother, think of a way to get me out. It's so boring here, and there's always a little old man who is lustful to see and **** me! I don't think he'll be cruel to others one day?"

Fu Chengwen, the sullen little old man, no doubt.

Qiao Xun laughed,

"I want to go out."


"Make up your own mind."

Guan Yue said with a sad face:

"Don't, do you have the heart to see others being ruined? My body and mind are yours!"

"Stop, don't. I understand, you are a troublemaker. You said it well at the beginning, don't cause me trouble, tell me how much trouble you have caused me in the past month."

Guan Yue sobbed softly,

"But I'm beautiful."

Qiao Xun rolled her eyes at her,

He couldn't help but sighed that Guan Yue went from a well-known lady who knew the book and the ceremony to a troublesome troublemaker, but it took just a week.

The key is that she also justified herself:

In the words of your earth, it is a high school student who has been depressed for a long time. Once he arrives at university, he will let himself go. I have guarded the female morality and ethics for more than ten years in ancient times, but in modern times, why not enjoy it!

Although, she is not bad at heart.

Guan Yue said pitifully,

"I'm still dancing for you, you can't leave me alone! Besides, I'm Miao Xinyue..."

Qiao Xun ignored the first half of the sentence, and the second half...

Indeed, Guan Yue had the memory of Miao Xinyue, and should know why someone wanted to attack Luo Dengxian.

In this cell, these things can't be said, you have to find a way to get her out.

Qiao Xun frowned slightly,

"No one dares to touch you."

This sentence is not only for Guan Yue to calm her down, but also for the person monitoring the cell.

The moon's eyes are shining with stars,

"Brother is so handsome."

Qiao Xun's mouth twitched,

"You're normal."

"What's wrong with me!"

Qiao Xun was too lazy to refute her, tsk tsk,

"You'd better be the Miao Xinyue I know. How nice, gentle, and knowledgeable."

Guan Yue crossed her hips and said,

"Then I'll have a good time blowing in someone's ear."


Qiao Xun glared at her and turned to leave.

Guan Yue said with a smile behind her,

"Brother come early."


Everything in Miao Xinyue's cell on the second basement floor was indeed being monitored.

At this moment, in a room on the second floor above the ground, a group of people looked at a large mirror.

This mirror reflected everything reflected in the vanity mirror in Miao Xinyue's cell.

After watching the interaction between "Luo Dengxian" and "Miao Xinyue" ~www.readwn.com~ this group of people is a little confused.

The two of them seemed to have said a lot, but they didn't seem to have said anything.

So much so that, for a while, I don't know how to record the monitored situation.

After a while, the person in charge groaned and said,

"How did Luo Dengxian and Miao Xinyue get along in the past?"

one person answered,

"Elder Xie, we don't have any records of how they got along. Every time Luo Dengxian meets Miao Xinyue, he completely avoids the existence of other people. Luo Dengxian has not told anyone about Miao Xinyue. Xu Lieshan, who was beside him, said it, but Xu Lieshan did not accept our investigation."

"So, the way they got along just now may be normal."

Others aren't sure either.

Elder Xie thought about it and said,

"Just record... flirting."

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