Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 34: Backer in the Imperial Palace

Guan Yue's body on Miao Xinyue means two things:

First, the real Miao Xinyue is also dead;

Second, people from the outside world will probably be like them, supporting themselves on the dead.

With the second clue, there is a relatively clear direction to find Xin Yu, Lu Xianyi and others. Counting all the people who died in Chang'an during this period of time, it is the most direct way to test them one by one.

However, those who can enter the Magic Chang'an should also be a fifth-order evolutionary at the beginning.

And the fifth-order evolutionary, no one is a fool. It would be too easy to take for granted that the result could be obtained after a single trial.

Even if Qiao Xun and Guan Yue have such a close relationship, it is difficult to recognize each other at the first time, or the taste of "numerology follows the sky" is smelled by Guan Yue, and then there is a judgment.

Moreover, Guan Yue himself has some special abilities, and his perception of the so-called "taste" is beyond ordinary people.

This is also the reason why when she saw Qiao Xun, she thought that she had found the person who "is not yours".

If it was Xin Yu, he might not be able to recognize it.

That is to say, the first thing that people who enter Magic Chang'an do is to protect their own safety, and everything here will be preconceived as an "unknown threat".

In this case, it is estimated that no one will take the initiative to come out and say that he is from a foreign land.

Of course, this is also a more likely guess.

Exactly how, depends on the specific situation.

After clearing this line, Qiao Xun has a specific plan in his heart.

Find some of your friends first.

Guan Yue was found, but her situation... was not very good.

After returning to the ground floor, Fu Chengwen came over again with that giggling, slightly wrinkled expression,

"Second Prince, are you having fun?"

Qiao Xun looked at him,

"Maybe you should think about whether your lower body will cause trouble for yourself. Guanshilou is very tall, but you," Qiao Xun looked down at him, "very short."

Fu Chengwen is still smiling,

"Second Prince's admonition, I remember it in my heart."

"I can't remember it in my heart, then I'll engrave it on your bones next time."

After Qiao Xun finished speaking, he strode away.

Fu Chengwen narrowed his eyes,

"Luo Dengxian...Xu Lieshan..."

He turned his head to look at the ring road leading to the underground, his breath heavy.

Miao Xinyue...like fire, burning his soul.

Qiao Xun and Xu Lieshan's bossy, humiliating and trampling on him is like adding fuel to the fire...

Fu Chengwen was unable to give a happy response to Qiao Xun and Xu Lieshan, and the aggrieved and depressed mental atmosphere stirred his rationality.

"Do not……"

After some struggle, he took a long breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Now is not the time... to fight back at the most appropriate time."

Fu Chengwen's expression was calm, and he left Guanshilou impatiently.

He felt like his stomach was about to burn. The twisted nerves, present on his body, are a morbid desire... Maybe revenge, maybe arousal.


On the way home, in the carriage.

Xu Lieshan asked with a smile,

"Master Shizi, is the new moon girl okay?"

"You care about her so much?"

Xu Lieshan did not shy away,

"Master Shizi cares about her very much, and I care about Master Shizi very much."

Joe Tour said,

"She's fine."

"Did the Shizi ask her about that night?"

"The dungeon is full of surveillance, you can't ask, you can't tell. However, my previous death was indeed related to her."

"Ah! I didn't expect that the new moon girl was really plotting something wrong..." Xu Lieshan was a little melancholy, "I thought—"

He stopped abruptly.


Xu Lieshan was embarrassed,

"It's nothing, I think too much."

The look in Qiao Xun's eyes is intriguing,

"Yo, I've also grown up, and I'm promising."

Xu Lieshan was sweating on his forehead.

"Don't dare to hide it from Lord Shizi. It's just that Fatty, I'm too embarrassed to say it."


"Gudong——" Xu Lieshan swallowed and panted, "I always feel that the relationship between Shi Ziye and the New Moon Lady is very unusual, unlike other women... You are very good to the New Moon Lady, I thought, I thought you Enough to play, I plan to close my heart and leave a home for love."

"Listening to you, do you want me to take care of me?"

Xu Lieshan smiled bitterly,

"Sir, Chang'an City is getting more and more chaotic. Xu Guofu looks very strong now, but it is inevitable that the prosperity will decline. Many people are envious of Xu Guofu's position... If Shizi can, help the prince to share his worries. Solving the problem will be much better.”

He decided to say so, and he was ready to be beaten and scolded, and bowed his head honestly.

However, the fist and slap did not cover the face.

Qiao Xun laughed,

"I can't see that you fat man has a rose heart inside."

Xu Lieshan was stunned. Grandpa Shizi didn't clean himself up! Has the sun hit the west?

Joe sighed,

"But you are disappointed. Miao Xinyue is not my destination."

Xu Lieshan suddenly felt relieved, and said with a smile,

"It's good that Shizi is safe, and that's good. Women, there is no shortage of such a person."

Qiao Xun smiled and said nothing.

Xu Lieshan's nose was sour, and he wanted to cry.

After being with Lord Shizi for so long, for the first time, for the first time, I didn't get mad at myself. Is Master Shizi finally taking his mind?

Qiao Xun sighed in his heart.

Xu Lieshan is sincere to Luo Dengxian, but in fact, in Luo Dengxian's cognition of Xu Lieshan, he has always regarded him as an obedient dog.

Now, "Luo Dengxian" finally treats him better... But it's not the Luo Dengxian he really knows.

This relationship gap, Qiao Xun felt the most clearly.

"Then Master, what are your plans?"

Joe Tour said,

"Miao Xinyue, I must find a way to get it out. She hides a lot of secrets... If Guanshilou asks it out first, I'm afraid it will be detrimental to me. To put it in a big way, it may be a problem for Xu Guofu. Influence. Xu Lieshan, what do you think some people want to kill me for? Is it to avenge my evil-doing enemy?"

Xu Lieshan shook his head,

"Master Shizi, I don't think it's the enemy's revenge. In my impression, those who have hatred with you basically have no ability to harm you in the presence of me."


Xu Lieshan was annoyed,

"Don't look at me fat, internal strength is still okay."

"I do not know how?"

"You never asked me."


Luo Dengxian is really a purebred waste.

"Then what do you think?" Qiao Xun felt that when it came to this, he still had to rely on this unsightly Xu Lieshan.

Xu Lieshan said,

"We might as well deduce from the results. If you are really dead, what will Chang'an City experience? No matter what the mastermind behind the scenes wants, Xu Guofu will definitely be involved. And Xu Guofu is Chang'an City, except for the Imperial Palace. The hardest stubble, once it is involved in something, it will be a big movement in the entire Chang'an City."

"That is to say, the basic goal of the mastermind behind the scenes is to cause chaos in Chang'an City?"

"It's more likely. As for the purpose behind it, it can't be inferred from the existing information."

"So, we still have to get Miao Xinyue out."

Xu Lieshan was a little worried,

"My main concern is that the mastermind behind the scenes may harm the Crescent Mother for the sake of confidentiality."

Xu Lieshan's concerns are correct.

Miao Xinyue had actually died once, otherwise Guan Yue would not have been able to support her.

I just don't know whether Miao Xinyue was killed or committed suicide.

This point, we have to wait until Guan Yue comes out to ask.

Joe patrols,

"Do you have any good way to get Miao Xinyue out?"

"The roots of Guanshilou are in the imperial palace. The pressure of Xu Guofu alone is not enough."

"Imperial Palace..."

"Master Shizi, have you forgotten? We are in the imperial palace, and there are people."

After being reminded, Qiao Xun reacted at once.

He is indeed someone in the imperial palace.

The current queen, Luo Xixian, the empress of Jing'an, is his eldest sister.

Xu Guogong Luo Xinzhi had two sons and one daughter, the eldest daughter Luo Xixian, the eldest son Luo Xuanming, and the second son Luo Dengxian.

In the process of forging the way to the throne for the current emperor Ming Shi Huang, the eldest son Luo Xuanming died in the sword formation to save the Ming Shi Huang.

After the emperor of the Ming Dynasty ascended the throne, in order to thank the Luo family for their achievements, he married Luo Xixian, the daughter of the Luo family, and was named the Queen of Jing'an.

Xu Guofu's current status in Chang'an City, and the support of a queen in the palace is also a reason that cannot be ignored.

The appearance of the eldest sister Luo Xixian appeared in Qiao Xun's mind.

Because Luo Xixian is the queen, and Luo Dengxian doesn't like to enter the imperial palace. Therefore, they rarely have the chance to meet each other, but Luo Xixian often writes family letters to Xu Guofu, and every time he writes a family letter to Luo Dengxian alone, with the idea of ​​"eldest sister teaches brothers books".

That is to say, she often writes letters to her only younger brother, educates him, and invites him to visit the imperial palace every time.

But Luo Dengxian was a pure-bred wine bag and rice bag, and felt that the imperial palace was too restrained and refused to go.

Qiao Xun could feel that Luo Xixian loved her brother very much.

"The eldest sister loves the younger brother" is a phenomenon that many families have.

Especially in the Luo family, where the biological mother died very early, it is more common.

Qiao Xun pondered,

Make good use of this back door.

Going through the back door is a "treasure" of human society, a "pearl" that cannot be abandoned in any era or any ethnic civilization.

Qiao Xun laughed,

"It's been a long time since I went to see my good sister."

Xu Lieshan sniffed and muttered,

"The Queen Mother will write letters from the family every three to five to ask you to visit her..."

"What, you taught me to be addicted?"

Xu Lieshan smiled shyly,

"No, no. Oh, by the way, according to the rules, Shizi, you must first write a letter to the Empress and ask for instructions. When the Empress agrees, it will be legitimate for you to enter the palace to ask for peace. Otherwise, you don't have any. Qualified to go to the harem."

"How long will it take?"

"About two days."

"Two days...a lot will happen."

Xu Lieshan said,

"Master Shi~www.readwn.com~ Chang'an City has a lot of happenings all the time. If you're worried about something happening at the New Moon Lady, send someone to visit every hour." He laughed Hehe said, "Anyway, that Fu Chengwen said that you are welcome to visit at any time, so let him be."

Qiao Xun's eyes lit up,

"Xu Lieshan, I didn't see it, you pig brain is very good."

"Master Shizi has won the prize."

"Just do as you said. Besides...in the past two days, check if there is anything similar to me in Chang'an City."

"Resurrection from the dead?"


"Okay, Lord Shizi, don't worry. I'm an expert in inquiring about news."

The carriage galloped down the road,

The red gold flag fluttered in the early morning sun and seemed to never fall.

Chang'an City is peaceful.

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