Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 36: Fengqi Wutong finally beard dance

In the brightly lit imperial palace, the Imperial Guards lined up on every road to check the people coming and going.

I don't know what they are checking, and they basically have a scroll in their hands.

During the interrogation, the scroll is spread out, facing the person or thing, and after a firefly-like light flashes, the interrogation is over.

In the Qinghe Hall of the Imperial Palace, after the door was opened, the door opened, and under the misty halo, it was impossible to see what was inside.

Luo Xinzhi walked out of the Qinghe Palace, and then an **** trotted over,

"My lord, my lord."

"Eunuch Wen, what's the matter?"

"The second son has entered the palace."

Luo Xinzhi raised his eyebrows, almost when he heard the name, there was some irritability on his face,

"What is he doing?"

"The carriage of the Wutong Palace personally went to Xu Guofu to pick up the second son. In comparison, the second son is already on the Queen's side."

"Luo Dengxian didn't go to Wutong Palace once for three years and five years, so he went at such a restless time."

"Master Guogong, our family only knows this. If you want to know more, you might as well ask the female official Fengyi of Wutong Palace."

Luo Xinzhi waved his hand,

"Forget it, I don't want to know what Luo Dengxian is going to do. Anyway, most of the time he caused trouble, and he wanted his sister to help him clean his ass."

Generally speaking, even if Luo Xinzhi is Luo Xixian's biological father, on such occasions, he should be honorably called "Queen Empress", and he only refers to "his sister". It's not just a manifestation of fatherhood.

"Then our family won't bother Mr. Guo Gong anymore."

Luo Xinzhi nodded and walked away.

After descending the long steps of Qinghe Palace, he galloped away in a red-gold flag carriage like the imperial palace.

Inside the Hall of Qinghe.

In the imperial study room where the emperor met his ministers, a landscape painting screen was placed where the officials stood and where the emperor sat.

There was a slight coughing sound from behind the screen, and then the **** in attendance greeted him on one side,

"Your Majesty, it's time to rest."

"Unclean heart." A soft and tasteless voice sounded.

"It's good to take care of yourself. Your Majesty is working too hard."

"It doesn't matter."

The servant **** said nothing.

After a while, he spoke,

"The slave heard that the second son of Xu Guofu is here to visit the Empress."

From behind the screen came the sound of books being placed,

"Luo Dengxian?"


"Xixian often complains to me. When she enters Wutong Palace, she is like a bird that has left its nest and can't go back. She is homesick after all."

"The Imperial Palace is the home of the Queen's Empress."

"These words don't need to be said in front of me. I know very well where Xixian's home is. Where there is her father and her brother is home."

The attendant **** did not dare to speak.

This topic is too dangerous.

the emperor said,

"It's good, she can't go home, so home comes to her."

the **** asked,

"Do you want to ask about the situation of Wutong Palace?"

"It makes me look like I'm a small-bellied person. The siblings have only seen each other in a few years, so Xixian should be happy."

"Your Majesty's heart is wider than the sky."

The emperor asked casually:

"What's going on in the city lately?"

"Some things in the city are not very peaceful, and the witch and gu things from the poisonous miasma land in the southwest have mixed in again."

"For thousands of years in the southwest, unclean roots have been growing, and the poison has not been safe. Chang'an City, the name of Chang'an City, is ridiculous."

"Guanshilou is dealing with this matter."

"Well, it's very annoying. Who else is coming to see me today."

"Famous Secretary of Nine South, Inspector of Guangnan..."


After taking a bath and changing clothes, female officer Feng Yi led Qiao Xun through a garden corridor.

All kinds of small and exquisite lanterns embellished on both sides, so that people can't see it.

Female official Fengyi talked about the rules in Wutong Palace as she walked.

She said, Qiao Xun just listened and didn't ask anything.

In the end, she added:

"However, the rules are the rules. How you come depends on what the Empress thinks. The second son doesn't need to be cautious."


Fengyi's female official was slightly taken aback.

She didn't expect the second son to have such a good attitude. The last time I came back, I was reluctant, disliked this and that, and used all kinds of petty tempers and bad temperaments.

The queen usually met outsiders in the main palace, but for Luo Dengxian, the younger brother, Luo Xixian rarely waited for him in a more private place like the living room.

Qiao Xun walked into the living room.

The layout inside has the feeling of a sister in Luo Dengxian's impression.

Simple and clear.

In Luo Dengxian's impression, my sister has always disliked too many messy decorations. In her opinion, gorgeousness is a burden. Therefore, she has always lived very...clean, so to speak.

Therefore, for such a sister, to enter the gorgeous imperial palace and become the most gorgeous woman in Chang'an... Luo Dengxian has left out some dissatisfaction since he was a child.

However, Luo Dengxian, who is not good at thinking, only saw that his sister had changed, but could not see why her sister had to change.

Qiao Xun sniffed a faint fragrance and looked at the place where the fragrance came from.

The Queen of Jing'an, Luo Xixian, stood there, very "normal" and graceful, very "queen" full of aura. But Qiao Xun can see more. Seeing the rare clearness between her eyebrows. In the gorgeous field, there is still a clear state.

Qiao Xun felt that maybe the superficial phenomenon in Luo Dengxian's understanding that "the sister has changed" is actually a mistake.

"Dengxian has seen the Empress."

Luo Xixian smiled slightly,

"Are you and I so divided?"

Different from the strong thoughts and expectations in the family letter, Luo Xixian was very natural and normal after seeing his brother who was thinking about it day and night.

Qiao Xun sank his shoulders, showing a "Luo Dengxian" smile,

"Just now, the female official told me a lot of the rules in Wutong Palace. I don't think I have to abide by the rules."

Luo Xixian smiled, folded and sat down,

"Sit down."

Joe patrols.

"My sister, I haven't seen you for many years. Now I have to take a good look."

"There's something to look at, but it's just a little taller and thinner, and a little older."

"What are you talking about!"

Luo Xixian looked up and down, touched his face, pinched his ears, and frowned after some manipulations.

"Why, your body is even worse than it was a few years ago."

"No way!"

"You're still stubborn! What did you do in the city, when I don't know? I've wanted to teach you a lesson in person for a long time, but I haven't had a chance. Today, I have to tell you about it."

"Don't, sister, why did I come here after such a hard time? This is it."

"It's hard to come here? Co-author, what kind of big man are you, right? I have to invite you several times? Luo Dengxian, I said, you are not like a younger brother. When you are a son, you will lose face to the family. A man has no responsibility at all!"

"You are too exaggerated!"


Luo Xixian immediately took out a booklet from a drawer on the side, opened it and said,

"What bad things you've done over the years, I've written them down one stroke at a time. Why do I have to read them to you? Shame you once, and then I'll be ashamed for not being a good sister?"

Qiao Xun hurriedly closed the booklet,

"Don't read it, don't read it, good sister, I know I'm wrong, I know it! I'm fine no matter what you say!"

Then there is the part where the elder sister teaches the younger brother.

Qiao Xun's whole process is "hmm", "yes", "sister is right", "I was wrong"...

Not a word to refute.

After falling behind for a long time, Luo Xixian had probably finished his sister's addiction, heaved a sigh of relief, his face softened, and said:

"Luo Dengxian, tell me, what are you going to ask me to do when you come to me?"

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"I can't come to see you."

"Forget it. I don't usually see you thinking about you, but I don't feel good when I see you."

"I'm so annoying..."

"You don't know anything about your charm."

Qiao Xun was annoyed,

"Sister, I do have something to ask you."

"Ask." Luo Xixian played with Yu Ruyi in his hand with a calm expression.

"Guanshilou, do you understand?"

Luo Xixian stopped and glanced at him,

"Why are you asking this?"


"Don't give me sloppy eyes. I don't know how much you weigh?"

"I had a conflict with Guanshilou."

"How much conflict?"

"I have a friend who was caught by them."

Hearing this sentence, Luo Xixian chuckled lightly,

"Miao Xinyue, isn't it? Tsk tsk, Luo Dengxian, thank you for being able to say the word 'friend'. Originally, I had some expectations for you, but now it seems that I really want me to wipe my ass."

"You know what?"

"What about you, what else I don't know?"

"Then I... died before, you know?"

"Death? A joke, it's just a trick of the Nine Lives Cat."


"Don't ask so much. You just need to know that you're not dead at all."

"Ah? Then why, give me a funeral..."

"The whole story is written, and the whole drama is played. You should understand this truth."

Qiao Xun was shocked,

"My death was intentional?"

"How to understand different opinions."

Seeing that her sister refused to say it clearly, Qiao Xun did not ask any further questions. He knew that Luo Xixian always acted in a measured manner, and she would definitely say what she could say.

According to her, Luo Dengxian was not dead at all...

If he didn't die, how did he support him? Qiao Xun was puzzled by this. I didn't feel another consciousness in my body.

Luo Xixian said,

"I just didn't expect you to wake up so early."

"Then when am I supposed to wake up?"

"Counting from today, it will be two days later."

"Just seven days?"

"Yes." Luo Xixian shook his head, "Let's not talk about it. It's better not to let you idiot understand too much."


"Do you really want to save Miao Xinyue?"


"Reason. Although she's just a tool, she buried witchcraft for you by herself."

Joe Tour said,

"But I know she didn't want to."

"Whether she likes it or not doesn't matter."

"What if I care about her?"

Luo Xixian looked at Qiao Xun seriously,



"Then do you understand that your concern for her may have been carefully crafted by her?"

"It's different. Sister, I'm very sensitive to this kind of thing. I think, it's different."

"So, are you pretending to be her?"

"It's hard for me to understand. But I don't think I'll ever see any other woman but her."

Luo Xixian laughed angrily,

"What do you know?!"

"Sister. Lie Shan told me before that Chang'an City is becoming more and more restless now, and Xu Guofu has reached its peak. It will decline when it is prosperous. He sincerely hopes that I can... become different, become more like It's... a prince. I've been playing for ten or twenty years, and it's hard to find anything to make me feel at ease... Miao Xinyue counts as one."

Qiao Xun spoke very sincerely, full of emotions, and his tone was heavy.

With "lust", he manages his demeanor and emotions perfectly.

This perfection covered the identification of Luo Xixian's discerning eyes.

Luo Xixian was an older sister, and she was also a "Voldemort" older sister. When she heard the truth from her naive and ignorant younger brother who had been naive for more than ten years, she couldn't bear it, and her heart was moved.

"Do you really think so?"

"Otherwise I wouldn't come to you."

"Co-authored, this is using me as a tool."

"I have absolutely no intention of that."

"Hehe, Luo Dengxian... your mouth is stronger than before."

"Look at my sister's letter."

Luo Xixian gave a good laugh. After gradually calming down, frost on her face,

"But you understand, Miao Xinyue is not a pure person. She hurt you before, this time you gave her a chance to be born again, if there is another time, I will personally end her, Dengxian, I will not do this. Whether you like it or not."

"She won't."

"I hope your eyes can see a woman clearly."


"Also, I hope you really feel at ease. Next time, let me hear what you are doing outside, and I will ask Your Majesty to let you study in the palace for a few years."

"Promise not."

Luo Xixian nodded, pinched the belly of his fingers, and took a mirror from one side.

She seemed to be checking her makeup and said,

"Guanshilou does things for His Majesty, of course, it must keep His Majesty's righteousness and justice, and everything is clear. This person, guilt and innocence, must be well defined. He can't take the salary of the imperial palace, but he does not act like the imperial palace. thing."

After she finished speaking, she threw it away, and the bronze mirror fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

When Qiao Xun looked again, the surface of the bronze mirror was no longer smooth, and no figure could be seen.

Later, Luo Xixian said with a smile,

"Okay~www.readwn.com~ That's it? Guanshilou is not His Majesty... I thought you were going to ask His Majesty."

Luo Xixian smiled,

"Your Majesty is concerned with state affairs, and family affairs are very detailed. Your Majesty is also very kind to me."

Qiao Xun suddenly felt very cold.

This... No, Luo Dengxian's elder sister is indeed a little scary.

In a few simple words, very wisdom is reflected.

He has reason to believe that aside from the identity of "sister", Luo Xixian is not as "knowledgeable" and "harmless to humans and animals" as Luo Dengxian thought.

However, Luo Xixian obviously also intends not to put too much pressure on his younger brother, and his attitude is friendly from beginning to end.

After that, there was a short period of parenting.

After staying in Wutong Palace for lunch, Luo Xixian said a lot of instructing words, and he would not let him go until he heard Qiao Xun making promises.

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