Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 37: Thorns bloom, burn the fire of desire (8000 words 2 in 1)

Qiao Xun left the imperial palace without stopping.

The depressing and dreary atmosphere there, even in his opinion, was not a suitable place to stay for a long time. The people in the imperial palace are used to such a life of abiding by the rules and proportions, but he is not.

When crossing the gate of the imperial palace, a sound suddenly came from the ceiling of the carriage.

It's not loud, like the sound of something falling lightly on it.

Joe Patrol felt,

It was a black cat. I had seen it on the fence of Xu Guofu before. is the same one. The dark green vertical pupils are too iconic, cold, aloof, and even cruel to their prey.

He remembered a name accidentally mentioned by his sister Luo Xixian before,

"Nine Lives Cat".

Luo Xixian said that his death "was just a trick of the Nine Lives Cat."

Does the special black cat on the roof of the carriage have anything to do with the Nine Lives Cat? Or, it is the nine-life cat.

Thinking of this, Qiao Xun reached out and knocked on the ceiling, saying:


Xu Lieshan was taken aback,

"Is there anyone above? I heard a voice just now."

The black cat on the ceiling turned a blind eye and continued to lick his paws and wash his face.

Qiao Xun shook his head,


"I thought there were assassins."

"You are too worried."

"Don't worry about it, Lord Shizi. I always feel that someone will assassinate you in the future."

Qiao Xun shook his head, expressing that he didn't want to say anything more.

He was thinking, if his death was deliberately arranged by someone, what was the purpose of this person? Moreover, since he was suspended in suspended animation, since his sister Luo Xixian knew about it, it was hard for people to think that his father Luo Xinzhi didn't know.

Looking at it this way, is his father Luo Xinzhi also plotting something big?

out of the palace. Qiao Xun lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked out, the suspicion of Chang'an City became more and more serious.

What scares Qiao Xun the most, even a little scary, is that,

In Luo Xixian's view, it is normal for his younger brother to come back to life, because it is a suspended animation... But in fact, Luo Dengxian really died, and he Qiao Xun "occupied the dove's nest".

What happened to Luo Dengxian's "true death"?

After leaving the Imperial Palace, Qiao Xun did not return to Xu Guofu, but went directly to Guanshi Tower.

At this time, the Guanshi Building,

The elders' house on the third floor was hotly debated. Since a month ago, such debates have basically come back every other day. The turmoil in Chang'an City cannot be solved by the usual Silou and Wufang, and the Guanshilou naturally has to be busy.

What is being debated today is still about the doubts behind the "Death of the Second Prince".

As a direct person, Miao Xinyue was of course put on the table for discussion.

"It's been five days and I still haven't said a single useful word."

"When Luo Dengxian came over before, he was just flirting. Anyway, I really can't see what Miao Xinyue has to do with this matter. Although Luo Dengxian did die after leaving her room, after all, there was no There is direct evidence that she is the murderer."

"The main reason is that Luo Dengxian refused to cooperate with the investigation."

"Hmph, aren't all people in Xu Guofu like this? Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant."

"I advise you not to say these words. Guanshilou has nothing to do with Xu Guofu, so there is no need to forcefully provoke it."

"He Luo Dengxian came to Guanshilou to provoke him, and Guanshilou still thinks it doesn't matter unilaterally?"

"Otherwise, what do you want? Take someone to Xu Guofu for a thorough investigation? Arrest Luo Dengxian for interrogation?"

No one responded to these questions.

Everyone here, no one dares to take this responsibility. Whether you dare or not, whether you are qualified or not is a question.

After a moment of silence, someone spoke. It is Fu Chengwen.

The short body looks a little tall in this elder's house,

"If you want me to say, you can't specialize Miao Xinyue. As usual, she should be deeply tortured at this time."

"Elder Fu, why do you think we arranged such a good cell environment for her?"

Fu Chengwen smiled,

"I know, she has something to do with Luo Dengxian."

"It was originally planned to wait for Luo Dengxian to be buried, and Xu Guofu stopped, and then interrogated properly. However, Luo Dengxian just suspended his death."

"It's not fake death. It's resurrection from the dead. Elder Li, it's not that Guanshilou has not been investigated in the past two days. There are more than a dozen people who have been resurrected from the dead. It is related to sacrificial witchcraft. Isn't this sacrificial witchcraft what Wu Xiang is good at? This line is very clear. Among Luo Dengxian's sacrificial witchcraft, the most likely source of witchcraft is Miao Xinyue, no matter how you look at it. , it can be said that Miao Xinyue is related to the witch. Luo Dengxian is not easy for us to start, but Miao Xinyue, what else should we be worried about?"

"It's not that you didn't know about Luo Dengxian's threat that day."

"If Guanshilou has to be afraid of a so-called ignorant person in everything that Guanshilou does, can it still represent the Guanshi will of Chang'an City?"


A group of elders were discussing.

The whole old house was noisy. What Fu Chengwen said was from Guanshilou's standpoint, and there was obviously no problem. But everyone has a personal position of course. How to find a way to solve the relationship between Miao Xinyue and Wu Xiang without worrying about Luo Dengxian's troubles, is a difficult problem.

Without extraordinary means, it was almost impossible to get the slightest bit of useful information from Miao Xinyue.

But using extraordinary means, Luo Dengxian learned that it was certain to settle accounts. Then, who will take the trouble of Luo Dengxian?

If the status of Xu Guofu was a little lower, there would not be so many doubts. However, Xu Guofu's status in Chang'an was only higher than that of Guanshilou. And the old lady of Xu Guofu is famous for protecting her cubs, and Xu Guogong Luo Xinzhi is famous for her filial piety... All things considered, Luo Dengxian's status is not equal to that of the entire Guanshilou, nor is it theirs. The elders on the third floor of the group can easily provoke them.

Just like what Xu Lieshan threatened to say, "You can't stay in the Guanshi Tower forever, there is always a time to go out."

The people in Guanshilou are not dead men, who can not fear death?

When the dispute stalemate, Fu Chengwen stood up and broke the game. he said with a smile,

"If you have any opinions on this, then let me go. I will go and interrogate Miao Xinyue in depth."

Everyone looked at Fu Chengwen in unison.

"Elder Fu, are you serious?"

"There is always someone to try. It's hard to find clues about the witch, if it's so stiff, if the storm in Chang'an City does not disappear for a day, His Majesty's accountability will get closer and closer. Is it to be held accountable by His Majesty, or to avoid Luo Dengxian? Threats, I think, everyone has an answer in their hearts. This time the muddy water is not easy to flow, then let me open the way for everyone. If I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell?”

Fu Chengwen spoke with kindness and righteousness.

The mouths of some elders under the seat were dull and tasteless. In fact, what he was still thinking in his heart, everyone knows it, and it's just not to point it out to him.

"Who will go to **** if I don't go to hell?" In fact, it's nothing but ninety-nine in my head.

Although everyone thinks that Fu Chengwen is still thinking about this, it is a bit unclear, but since he is willing to take the initiative to open the way and try to break the game, that is just right. Anyway, it's not me who will take responsibility at that time... Even if something happens, Luo Dengxian comes after him, saying that it was Fu Chengwen who didn't listen to the arrangement and did what he did out of personal grievances.

Could it be that Luo Dengxian really dared to lift the top of the Guanshi Tower?

An elder said,

"Elder Fu, you are also very good at this kind of thing. If you want me to tell you, it's best if you don't cause trouble to Guanshilou."

Fu Chengwen said with a smile,

"Of course. Deep torture attacks the heart. Once the heart is attacked, there is nothing to worry about."

"so be it."

Fu Chengwen nodded,

"It's not too late, let's start now."

He knew that the longer it dragged on, the more likely it would go wrong. The matter of Miao Xinyue has been delayed for five days.

Fu Chengwen left immediately.

Others in the elder's house asked,

"Do you want to open the viewing mirror?"

One said,

"You don't know what Fu Chengwen is going to do? Is it possible that you still have the desire to voyeurize? Is it interesting to look at his wrinkled and dry body with a world-viewing mirror?"

"It is."

Everyone acquiesced, and this time the viewing mirror will not be opened.

The leading elder said:

"The observation mirror on our side can be closed, but the record must be recorded. There is really a problem at that time, and we will have evidence to prove that this matter was done by Fu Chengwen. It has nothing to do with us or Guanshilou."

"Elder Zhou has a long-term plan."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone knocked on the door and said:

"Elders, Luo Dengxian brought Xu Lieshan here and is already outside the Guanshi Building."

When everyone listens,


Elder Zhou, who was headed by him, frowned slightly.

"It happened at this time."

"Elder Zhou, what should I do? Or stop Fu Chengwen."

Elder Zhou thought for a moment,

"This is a rare opportunity in itself. The last time Luo Dengxian and Miao Xinyue met, they said they would take her out. This time, if I came here, I would say...there is a means. If Miao Xinyue really left, enter Now that Xu Guofu is under the protection, the investigation on the sorcerer will definitely have no clue."

"But what about Luo Dengxian?"

"Contain it, and make sure that Fu Chengwen has enough time to figure out the secret."

"It's so tight, I'm afraid it's difficult for him to cover up the traces. Xu Lieshan next to Luo Dengxian is not an ordinary person, it's probably not difficult to see through the scribbled cover up."

Elder Zhou's eyes were heavy,

"Then sacrifice Fu Chengwen. Because of his extreme... character, it's easy to cause trouble."

The elders summed up in their hearts...

"I'm afraid that's the only way to go."


The first floor of Guanshi Building,

Qiao Xun and Xu Lieshan walked in without any hindrance.

Xu Lieshan was a qualified attendant. As soon as he came in, he took a deep breath and shouted,

"Hurry up and welcome someone!"

It sounded like a bell.

There were several people who quickly walked down from the third floor, all of them elders.

Zhou Changge, the elder of the elder's house, came over and said with a smile:

"Second Prince is driving the Guanshi Tower, what's your purpose?"

Joe Tour said,



"Don't play this trick of knowingly asking."

With that said, he walked towards the underground ring road.

Zhou Changge said loudly,

"Second Prince, there are still some rules in Guanshi Tower."

"Rules? Do you mean to put people in dungeons for five days for no reason? You don't even follow your own rules, and then come to teach me a lesson?"

Zhou Changge said,

"Miao Xinyue is related to a dangerous person we are tracking?"

"Where's the evidence?"

"This has nothing to do with the second son."

"It doesn't matter? You locked my people, tell me it doesn't matter." Qiao Xun waved his hands impatiently, "I'm too lazy to argue with you. I have to take them away today."

After Qiao Xun finished speaking, speed up.

The last time Fu Chengwen took him through this ring road, he remembered the route very clearly.

However, as soon as he stepped onto the ring road, he found that... the route was messed up.

Qiao Xun frowned slightly. He was sure that he remembered correctly.

Then, if you go wrong, there is only one possibility that someone has tampered with the route.

He looked back at Zhou Changge. Zhou Changge had a tasteless expression on his face.

Then look at the other elders. Some people have some "play" in their eyes.

He knew that this group of people did it on purpose.

Qiao Xun took a breath and said,

"This is my last patience, please open the way to the dungeon."

Zhou Changge nodded,

"Of course, but according to the rules, you need to register first, Second Prince, and then we have to check whether you are carrying any equipment that may pose a threat to the dungeon. After all, there are a lot of dangerous things held in the dungeon. What's the problem, the whole city of Chang'an will suffer."

Listening to what he said, this tone...

And there was no registration and inspection last time, but this time it came out... Qiao Xun knew right away that this was delaying time.

Qiao Xun said coldly to Xu Lieshan,

"Smash, smash the road out."

Xu Lieshan's eyes were restless and excited,

"Good lord!"

After speaking, he didn't care about the expressions of these elders at all, he stood on his feet, took a deep breath, and instantly formed a cyclone that revolved around him.

Then hit the ground with a fist.


The slate shattered into ashes, and the smoke and dust filled the entire first floor in an instant.

The movement was so fast that no one else could react.

They didn't expect that Luo Dengxian actually dared to do it in Guanshilou.

This is... how arrogant!

Xu Lieshan turned into a humanoid siege machine, punching punch after punch, literally smashing through the floor of the first floor.

Then, Qiao Xun jumped down without saying a word.

"Stop them!" Zhou Changge shouted.

At this time the rest of the people mobilized.

Xu Lieshan roared, an image of a giant beast appeared behind him,

"If you want to live from now on, ask your grandfather and me first!"

The momentum was monstrous, and some people who were unprepared were directly blown away.

Having made such a battle, it is meaningless to be concerned about the identities of Luo Dengxian and Xu Lieshan. This is simply torn.

These elders were not conservative and attacked Xu Lieshan one after another.

For a while, swords, lights, swords, fists and feet met on the first floor of Guanshi Building.

But he Xu Lieshan, which is exactly like his name, listed a mountain here, so that no one can pass from here.


The second basement of Guanshi Building,

For Guan Yue, life in the dungeon was simply too boring, and it reminded her of the boring days when she participated in the gene melting pot project in Yan City.

Participating in the gene melting pot in Yan City at the beginning was to make a fool of yourself and gain a reasonable identity by the way... For her, an ancient person who has traveled through thousands of years, it is a good choice.

Therefore, she could endure the dull days in Yandu City.

But what is this dull day in the dungeon? I finally came to Magic Chang'an, but I didn't see the bustling city at night, so I was locked in a closed dungeon, and I couldn't go anywhere. More importantly, her strength is gone, and now she is just like a mortal, still a weak woman who doesn't exercise very much, with thin skin and white skin.

boring, boring...

boring boring……

The thought of someone watching her all the time made her even more annoyed. She is not someone who gets excited by being peeped, and just wants to gouge out the eyes of those who peep at her.

had to wait,

"Coach... Coach... Come and save me..."

Guan Yue muttered in detail, her head dozing little by little.

It wasn't until the door of the dungeon engraved with the ancient runes trembled that he suddenly woke up.

Is the coach picking me up?

Guanyue is full of expectations.

This expectation quickly emptied and turned into disgust and annoyance when she saw a little old man with a burning face.

"I said, I don't know anything!" Guan Yue frowned.

Fu Chengwen smiled,

"It's tough now, it'll be soft later."

Guan Yue frowned. She hates this person.

She disliked very much the kind of man who put an aggressive look on his face naked. She always felt that it was normal for a person to have all kinds of desires in his heart, but if he couldn't manage these desires, he would be a waste, and the person she didn't want to deal with the most.

Fu Chengwen said,

"But you still have a chance. I'll give you this chance. Say it naturally and normally. Where is the witch?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything!"

Fu Chengwen closed his eyes slightly, then opened them,

"Human emotions and six desires are an instinct. I don't know, Miss Miao's instinct is strong or not. Don't worry, Guanshilou never uses torture to extract confessions. Physical torture is really inhumane. Besides, A good body has been tortured to such an extent that no one will feel distressed when they see it."

Guan Yue said coldly,

"Every word you say will become a knife on you."

"He's a man with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. But it doesn't matter, I understand how you feel. No matter how chaste and strong a woman is, her chest is still soft, and her heart is also made of flesh."

Guan Yue sneered,

"Why, do you, a toad with a short stature, want to rub against a swan too?"

"You are as arrogant and rude as your little gentleman." Fu Chengwen said with narrowed eyes.

"So, who is it that looks like a dog with its tail between its tails? Who is it that thinks that he is in control of others? Who is it that only dares to speak harshly to a weak woman who is powerless? These Do you dare to say it in front of Luo Dengxian?" Guan Yuezhen became arrogant and rude as he said, "I look down on you for a while, and I look down on you for the rest of my life. You look humiliated, it's not It's your fault, but your disgusting posture, tone and expression are like bedbugs in the mud. You're not as good as Luo Dengxian's leg hair. If you want me to say, it's already for you that he humiliates you recklessly Pity. If it were me, I would feel disgusted even looking at you and saying something to you."

Guan Yue did not leave any room, and used words to humiliate Fu Chengwen.

Fu Chengwen said gloomily,

"Luo Dengxian? You're just a bitch."

Guan Yue didn't care about Fu Chengwen's counterattack. Because she didn't care about Luo Dengxian or Miao Xinyue at all. She is Guan Yue, and the person she is looking forward to is Qiao Xun.

She said casually, rubbing her nails,

"Whatever you want. It doesn't matter how badly you think of me, if you feel a little comfort in your heart."

Fu Chengwen's nostrils enlarged involuntarily.

He hated the attitude, the attitude of indifference.

Luo Dengxian is like this, Xu Lieshan is like this, and even her Miao Xinyue is like this?

Fu Chengwen has an advantage, that is, patience.

However, the more adept at perseverance, the more extreme and distorted they will be after the outbreak.

He hated those who bullied him so little, so he tried his best to steal the secret skills. After learning, he sawed the legs of those who bullied him one by one, sawing them to be shorter than him, and finally cut them off Adult sticks, soaked in wine jars;

He hated those women who had laughed at him, so he vented frantically, trampled on their aloofness, smashed their proud faces and bodies, and destroyed all their dignity as women;

He hated those officials who were bossing him, so he looked for various ways, and finally joined the Guanshilou, endured everything, survived a group of people, and finally became an elder with the right to speak. He was not polite. Using all kinds of hats, they stuffed those officials into the cells and destroyed their arrogance...

Fu Chengwen recalled everything in the past...

He knew, very clearly, that his life was woven out of this "desire for revenge".

The more he knows this, the more he won't change it.

Because, once this desire is gone... he will only fall into the endless hostility and negative pressure, and then sink.

Therefore, when Luo Dengxian and Xu Lieshan humiliated him from the top, he knew that he could not go back...

If he doesn't come back with revenge, he will eventually become the legendary vulgar master who was parasitized by inner demons.

But... how could Luo Dengxian and Xu Lieshan take revenge so easily.

For this, he had no choice.

Only Miao Xinyue... If Luo Dengxian can feel the slightest pain and regret, he will feel that he has been rescued.

As soon as he thought of that aloof woman whom Luo Dengxian valued at the top, under him... slutty like a beast in estrus... He had an unparalleled sense of satisfaction and a desire to harvest.

excited, restless...

The extremely distorted burning heat in Fu Chengwen's eyes gradually made Guan Yue feel uneasy.

She thought he was just a womanizer, but... this kind of look is definitely not something a normal person can show.

He seemed to amplify his desire to the limit and became a complete slave of desire.

Guan Yue was suddenly startled.

What she faced was not Fu Chengwen at all, but a distorted desire.

If it's just a womanizer, she has many ways to deal with it.

However, this is a slave whose body is occupied by distorted desires.

"I advise you to be rational."

Fu Chengwen exhaled turbid air, and his voice became dry and hoarse.

"Afraid? Afraid? Why, don't you humiliate me?"

"You're not worth my words."

"Hehe, why are you backing away?"

Fu Chengwen approached Guan Yue little by little. He liked the feeling of a little bit of undermining the dignity of others. It got him excited.

Guan Yue frowned,

"This dungeon is under surveillance, so you must be aware of it."

"Hehe. They think I'm a disgusting person and won't read it."

"You are very self-aware."

"This is the root of my life. But... self-knowledge is just a nice description of suffering."

Guan Yue's heart beat faster.

This twisted desire made her more and more uneasy. It seemed to devour her sanity and consciousness.

"Don't forget what Luo Dengxian said to you!"

Fu Chengwen smiled deeply,

"That doesn't matter anymore."

After he finished speaking, he clapped his hands and stomped his feet, and his internal force drove the objects in the dungeon, trapping Guan Yue, unable to move left or right.

The bed curtain was torn off by him, made into a rope, and tied Guan Yue in an extremely ambiguous manner.

"Look, what a wonderful body this is... your face, your neck, your chest, your arms, your cock, your thighs... your beautiful feet... Luo Dengxian like this The swingers are also addicted to you... Miao Xinyue, you are the flint that ignites the fire of desire, your body is full of sin and lust..."

Guan Yue suddenly became very cold, cold like a piece of ice,

"Enough said?"

"How can it be enough? A thousand times, ten thousand times are not enough!"

Fu Chengwen stretched out his trembling hand.

He's not nervous, he's not afraid... he's just excited to become an immortal. It seems that just touching "Miao Xinyue" can realize the consummation of his life.

"Desire is a thorn flower. Often people can only see colorful flowers, but not the thorns on the rhizomes."

It was neither Fu Chengwen nor "Miao Xinyue" who spoke.

In an instant, Guan Yue's indifferent face became radiant, like the spring after the ice and snow melted.



What a nice view--

Fu Chengwen was stunned by this beauty.

But then, he suddenly realized that this beauty was not for him.

All of a sudden, he was in the mood to climb to the top and fell to the bottom of the abyss.

Fu Chengwen's neck stiffened. He turned his head and looked at Qiao Xun who was standing at the door.

"Why...why can you come in?"

He clearly closed the door of the dungeon, why can Luo Dengxian come in?

Qiao Xun said lightly,

"Everything you are proud of is worthless in my eyes."

Fu Chengwen's heart felt like it was being torn apart. The pain was unbearable!

What is sanity?

It's just food for desire!

Fu Chengwen's torn throat,

"You are nothing but a mortal body! No matter how high you are, here, you are just a lump of flesh!"

After the desire devoured Fu Chengwen's reason, it burned out the inner strength in his body.

The dungeon heated up rapidly and began to tremble.

Fu Chengwen clapped his hands.

This palm is everything to him.


The flames suddenly started to burn from his palm and quickly spread to his body.

The flame of "jealousy" has no temperature, but it burns anything faster than any flame.

When Fu Chengwen came to Qiao Xun with his "everything",

He has nothing left.

Fu Chengwen looked at Qiao Xun helplessly,

"Why? Aren't you... a mortal..."

Qiao Xun is like a wooden man with no expression,

"I said that everything you are proud of is worthless in my eyes."

Fu Chengwen froze in place.

Qiao Xun bypassed him and walked towards Guan Yue.

After walking a few steps, Qiao Xun turned his head and said with a smile,

"Maybe it's worth a penny."

"Worth a penny" is sometimes far more powerful than "worthless". If the latter is the disdain of the arrogant, then the former is the pity of the arrogant.

A person who takes "desire and revenge" as his life creed is most afraid of... the mercy of his enemies.


Fu Chengwen failed to say a complete sentence, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground, lifeless.

Unlike him, Guan Yue was angry all over at this time.

Guanyue is a person who is very good at comforting herself, and will never feel wronged. She swept away the previous anxiety and anxiety, and said with a happy smile:

"I knew you would definitely come to pick me up!"

Qiao Xun looked at her bound appearance, and sighed in his heart, this can really fascinate ordinary people.

Guan Yue saw Qiao Xun froze for a while, and asked curiously:

"What are you thinking? Quickly help me untie it."

After a while, she reacted and said with a blushing annoyance,

"All men are like this, right?"

Fu Chengwen showed lewd eyes, she didn't feel anything, but Qiao Xun just looked at her instinctively, and she felt embarrassed.

Isn't this a double standard...

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows,

"Bah! I won't even look at you once you're naked."

Guan Yue fiercely retorted,

"Sophistry, sophistry, sophistry!"

"I'm too lazy to tell you."

Qiao Xun shoved her down.

Guan Yue was in pain and snorted softly, now she became aggrieved,

"Take it easy, I'm just a weak woman now, without strength. Also... I'm someone else's body now, coach you, don't stare at other people's bodies like this. Xianyi will be unhappy. ."


Qiao Xun waved his hand, didn't say anything else, and left.

Guan Yue shouted from behind,

"Don't do it like a game mission!"

Qiao Xun ignored her.

Guan Yue pitifully rubbed the place where she had been strangled before, and chased after him.

After catching up, she said apologetically:

"I didn't mean to get mad at you... Who made this Miao Xinyue's body? It's an outsider..."

"Are you worried about this?"

"Otherwise~www.readwn.com~ You think I'm here to save Miao Xinyue, not you, right?"

"That's not what it means. I know the coach is a very principled person, but...it's inevitable that he will think too much...I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

Guan Yue was the quickest to admit his mistake among the people Qiao Xun knew.

Sometimes he admits he's wrong before he can get angry.

"Forget it. I'll treat you as if you were locked up for a few days, your brain is broken."

Guan Yue shouted happily:

"Coach, I want to follow you for the rest of my life!"

"Save your energy."

"My feet hurt and my shoulders hurt too."

"Be patient."


Qiao Xun led Guan Yue out of here.

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