Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 40: Fire burns through Zijin Lane

The latest website: "The first person is Zhang Jiuyuan, a fishmonger who lives in Xialong District in the south of the city, male, now 39 years old. He was fishing outside the city three days ago and accidentally fell into a fish pond. The death was confirmed, but the next day after the funeral was suspended, he came back to life. The rumor in the anecdotes was a misdiagnosis, but he did not actually die.”

Qiao Xun introduced the first person on the list.

Guan Yue is curious,

"Aren't men directly excluded?"

"We can't be sure if the real **** will be the same as the host's sex."

"Yes. It is also possible for a male body and a female soul."

With Guanyue's help, they are very fast.

Follow the shadow cast by the moonlight under the building, secretly and at the same time very quickly.

Less than half an hour after leaving Xu Guofu, they came to Xialong District.

This speed is much faster than any horse in Chang'an City.

After the two entered the Xialong District, they proceeded along the location indicated by Xu Lieshan. Soon, they arrived at Zhang Jiuyuan's residence.

"Guanyue, let's see if anyone is there. We try not to be positive."


Guan Yue put her palm on the alley wall. All connections are in the palm of her hand.

After a while, she frowned,

"There is no one named Zhang Jiuyuan here."


"I'm sure not, there is only one woman and one child in the house."

Qiao Xun frowned,

"Go in and ask."

Saying that, he knocked on the door.

"Who is it!" A woman's questioning voice came from the door.

Joe Tour said,

"The staff in the building are doing business."

Footsteps approached the door. Then, the door opened a small crack, and a haggard woman stuck her head out,

"You...are the staff of the building?"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Don't be nervous, we're just asking one thing."


"Zhang Jiuyuan, do you know him?"

The woman looked gloomy,

"My man."

"What about the others?"

"It was taken away in the morning."

"Who took it away?"

"I don't know either. But speaking, it should be someone from the organization."

Qiao Xun described the dress of Guanshilou office staff.

The woman shook her head,

"It's not like that. They wore purple-to-black clothes, and they all covered their faces with iron masks. Around their waists, there were iron tokens with patterns of dragons or snakes on them."

Qiao Xun carefully searched for people with this characteristic in his mind.

Soon he knew who it was. The current Chang'an Emperor, the Imperial Guard of the Ming Dynasty Emperor.

Qiao Xun then asked,

"Did they say anything?"

"Nothing was said."

"Okay, sorry to bother you, please rest early."

Later, Qiao Xun and Guan Yue left here.

Guan Yue asked,

"Do you know those people?"

"The Imperial Guard of the Emperor Ming Dynasty." Qiao Xun frowned, "I thought it would be someone from Guanshilou, but I didn't expect it to be someone from the Imperial Palace."

"Could it be that they have realized that people who come back from the dead are extraordinary?"

Joe Tour said,

"If you look at it this way, we might also be targeted."

"It's not good for us."

"Go see the others first. Speed ​​up."


With such a situation, going to find other people who have come back from the dead, their speed has been further improved. Also more cautious.

the second,

The third,

the fourth,

the fifth……

After arriving at the residences of the first eight people on the list, the results were the same.

All those who came back from the dead were taken away.

Guan Yue doesn't understand very much.

"People who can come to Huan Chang'an must be fifth-order evolutionaries. People who can evolve to fifth-order are so easy to be caught?"

"Don't forget, they can't bring in abilities. You're a special case."

"But, what about the brain? Do you just stay in place and wait for someone to catch you? I don't know how to hide."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I think your scope of consideration is a bit narrow. You have thrown away our identities. If I am not the second son of Xu Guofu, you are not Miao Xinyue under the hands of Wu Xiang. If we know ordinary people in Chang'an City, it is difficult to know. Chang'an City is full of storms and undercurrents. From the point of view of ordinary people, Chang'an City is brightly lit, prosperous and lively and peaceful. Among these eight people, the one with the highest status is only the clerk of a district office. Any chance of knowing these things?"

Guan Yue thought about it for a while and felt that it really made sense.

In an unknown environment, information is the most valuable.

The two of them have a special status. There are many channels to know that something is going to happen to Chang'an City, but ordinary people can hardly know.

Chang'an City has a population of several million, and there are only a handful of dignitaries, and this small group is qualified to know the situation in Chang'an City.

Moreover, the mortality rate of ordinary people is higher than that of nobles.

Of course, the outsiders who enter Chang'an City are most likely to be placed on ordinary people.

"Think so, we are Emperor Ou!" Guan Yue's eyes widened.

Qiao Xun is actually not a person who values ​​the element of luck very much. In his view, most coincidences are traceable.

It's just that he and Guan Yue's sustenance situation really doesn't have any footprints at present.

He flipped through the list, and among the remaining seven people, six were ordinary people, and only one was a noble class.

Li Jiaojiao, daughter of Li Pei, Minister of the Ministry of Heaven.

Li Jiaojiao was frail and sickly since childhood. She contracted a cold in the spring and summer of this year and was bedridden. She died of a serious illness three nights ago. But woke up the next morning.

Regarding Li Jiaojiao's resurrection from the dead, the last statement given by the doctor in Shangshu's house was that it might have been a misdiagnosis of fake death due to body cold.

After all, she is the daughter of Shang Shu, and the details are all in the house, so there are not so many rumors. Qiao Xun was also surprised that Xu Lieshan could get this news.

Qiao Xun decided to go to see Li Jiaojiao's situation first. Are they taken away directly like those ordinary people?

The Shangshu Mansion is located in the west of the city near the middle of the city.

That circle basically belongs to the residence of important officials of the court, and it is Zijin Alley, so the security control is very strict.

After Qiao Xun and Guan Yue sneaked in, they cheered up.

However, just when they were about to rely on the Shang Shufu, a sharp and urgent whistle pierced the quiet night here. Then came the sound of firecrackers exploding.

Qiao Xun and Guan Yue hid to observe the situation.

At the back door of the Shangshu Mansion, more than a dozen horses neighed and ran out, and a string of firecrackers were hung on their tails.

The sound of the firecrackers exploding made the horse terrified and ran wildly on the street.

Then, a fierce flame rose from the Shangshu mansion, and black smoke was rising. At a glance, you know that there is tung oil or sesame oil to help the combustion. With a gust of wind, the raging fire quickly spread in the Shangshu Mansion, and soon spread to other surrounding mansions because of the fluttering.

The entire Zijin Alley became a mess in a short span of a dozen breaths.

"This... must have been deliberately designed by someone!" Guan Yue said.

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Normal fires can't spread so fast. And you see, as soon as the fire burns, dense fluffy flakes emerge from nowhere, and carry the flames to other places. This is obviously going to make a big noise. "Those horses, if they don't have an accident, are supposed to disrupt the streets and prevent rescuers from rushing to the fire site too easily."

"Who would do such a thing."

"It's only possible for the insiders of the Shangshu Mansion to be able to do this kind of thing."

"Do you think it might be that Li Jiaojiao?"

"Isn't it, just take a look and you'll know."

Qiao Xun's eyes sharply pierced through the chaos and caught a door on one side wall of the Shangshu Mansion.

The door is relatively hidden, and from the traces, it should have only been opened in the past few days.

That might be... the way back.

"Guan Yue, get close to that door."

Qiao Xun pointed.


Guan Yue took Qiao Xun, quickly crossed the chaotic street, stepped to the side wall door and hid.

As soon as they came, the door opened.

A man dressed in black and wearing a black scarf came out, first looking around cautiously. After seeing no one, he left quickly, followed a path, entered a narrow notch, and disappeared.

The movements are fluent, and at first glance, the route is planned in advance.

"Physically, it's a woman," Guan Yue said.

"Nine times out of ten, it's Li Jiaojiao."

"She should also be aware of the danger, so she should have started planning to run away."

"should be."

The fire, coupled with the floating fragrant floating in the sky, spread very fast in Zijin Alley.

Soon, four or five mansions were on fire.

The scorching sound of the fire, exclamations, crying, footsteps... intertwined, making this place like hell.

Hearing the miserable cries, Guan Yue took a deep breath,

"This Li Jiaojiao is really cruel. How many people have to die tonight."

Qiao Xun didn't think that,

"The messier it is, the easier it is to get out. Fire is the best way to create chaos in a wood-framed place like this."


Soon, from the other side of the wall came the sound of dense and rapid footsteps, accompanied by the sound of orders,

"There is a door here, and there are footprints. She escaped from here! Hurry up and chase!"

One by one, people wearing purple-black soft armor and iron masks ran out from the side wall door. Each of them has a token tied around their waist with the pattern of a snake on it.

Some of them were able to identify the footprints, and after checking them, they quickly led people to chase along the escape route of the man in black.

Qiao Xun determined that these people were the Imperial Guards in the imperial palace.

There are only two people who can command these praetorian guards. One is the current emperor Ming Shihuang, and the other is the general of the Tiance Mansion who commanded the Imperial Guard.

After a group of janissaries left, someone else came out.

A tall man in heavy armor broke through the side wall and came out. Except for his eyes, he was covered in armor everywhere on his body.

He was holding a grizzled man in his left hand.

"Li Pei, you'd better hope for your daughter to be captured. Otherwise, I'm afraid no one will survive in this Shang Shufu."

The man he was carrying was pale,

"Lord Admiral, I really don't know what's going on here."

Lord Admiral... If you can be called that, it can only be Qi Wuyin, the Admiral of the Policy House today.

Qi Wuyin almost twisted Li Pei's neck off.

"Your daughter came back from the dead, why didn't you report it to the Tiance Mansion? Don't say you didn't know that the Tiance Mansion was investigating this matter."

Li Pei said in a panic,

"Xiaguan really doesn't know. The doctor in the house said that she died because of hypothermia. The little girl has been weak since she was a child, and this happened before, so I didn't think too much about it."

"Special time, special thing. Li Pei, it seems that your consciousness is not enough."

Li Pei's face flushed red, and he said with a sad face,

"Lord Admiral, the lower official is really wronged."

Qi Wuyin threw Li Pei on the wall. Li Peifan's fetal body was smashed like this, and he died directly, curled up on the ground and moaned in pain.

Qiao Xun and Guan Yue hid not far away and witnessed this scene.

Guan Yue asked,

"Coach, this man looks unusual."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Let's catch up and take a look first. That Li Jiaojiao seems to be a relatively powerful person. In terms of acting style, it might be Xin Yu."

"it is good."

Guan Yue said.

Qi Wuyin, who was not far away, turned his head abruptly.

"Who's where!"

At the same time as he shouted, his body moved. The right foot slammed on the ground, the slate on the ground cracked instantly, and the powerful force spread to the place where Qiao Xun and Guan Yue were hidden.

All of a sudden they penetrated their concealment.

Guan Yue's reaction was also very fast. At the moment of being penetrated and concealed, he grabbed Qiao Xun's hand, slammed into the wall across the street, and galloped away.

Qi Wuyin looked at the wall that had been knocked away, but did not pursue it, with a light of thought in his eyes.

After a while, he lit a talisman with his hand, and a horse burning with a faint blue flame appeared out of thin air.

He got on his horse and left in the other direction.

Guan Yue stopped after smashing through the street walls of three streets in a row. she exclaimed,

"How did he find us!"

Qiao Xun frowned,

"Do you think his power is... familiar?"

Guan Yue calmed down, recalling the scene just now, her feelings were relatively clear. Because what Qi Wuyin broke was her concealment method.


Qiao Xun realized that Guan Yue joined their team later. When she collided with the human judgment before, she hadn't come yet.

In fact, in his feelings, that kind of power is very similar to the power of human judgment.

The power of human judgment does not come from natural evolution or cultivation, but comes from the "Yao above" behind them, which is more special than the power of the evolutionary.

"I've felt this kind of power before. It's the human judgment, you know it. Before we entered Magic Chang'an, the young Taoist priest who met us was the human judgment."

Guan Yue asked,

"Could that admiral be him?"

"The possibility is relatively high. After all, Qi Wuyin's power should be said to be very strong. I am afraid that the general human judgment is not as good as him."

"The ability to see through my concealment methods is at least at my level. However, if I were in my prime, he would definitely not be able to see through." Guan Yue said with her arms crossed.

But why didn't Qi Wuyin lose his strength?

After Qiao Xun thought about it carefully, he had a guess. The power of human judgment comes from "Shangfang Yama" as long as the connection between them and "Shangfang Yama" is not cut off, there should be a steady stream of power.

This shows that... the above Yama is also in Chang'an City, maybe it is not like they are pinning on the dead.

More conjectures scattered in Qiao Xun's mind.

A little messy for a while.

He shook his head, not thinking about it too much~www.readwn.com~ Let's find that Li Jiaojiao first. "


Immediately, Guan Yue took Qiao Xun along a breath trail.

Li Jiaojiao's breath trajectory.

"She is very smart, and the route she chooses is a place with many people. It is estimated that it is to avoid being tracked too easily." Guan Yue said.

"But she was frail and sick from a young age and shouldn't be able to escape for long. We have to hurry up."

"no problem!"

Guan Yue accelerated again.

The fire in Zijin Alley could not be stopped, and even after leaving several streets there, the blaze could still be clearly seen.

The situation in Chang'an City began to turn sharply from tonight.

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