Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 41: You can rest assured and boldly rely on me

The fire lingered in Zijin Alley. With the help of flammable materials, it burned through half of the street. The talents around to fight the fire continued to carry buckets, pull water trucks and mud trucks to put out the fire.

At the same time, in a night market on the branch road of Xuanniao Avenue next to Zijin Alley, the guards wearing purple-black soft armor and iron masks shouted,

"Avoid, avoid!"

One side slams into any person or thing that gets in the way.

Passers-by dare not speak out. In this outfit, at first glance, it is clear that he is a member of the official family, so how dare he say more.

Ahead, a Praetorian guard said,

"Lord Sensi, the breath is too mixed, and the footprints on the street are completely covered!"

The Praetorian Guard, whose mask was white and gold, said,

"I don't care what reason you have, you must find her! The Admiral can't listen to your words! If you fail, get ready to be buried with the Heavenly Official Shangshu."

The Praetorian guards looking for footprints nodded solemnly,


"That Li Jiaojiao has been frail and sick since childhood, and can't run very far. I don't ask you to be 100% accurate, but you mustn't lose it!"


This janitor was crouching on the ground, and his eyes seemed to reveal some faint rays of light.

He made an effort to compare the numerous footprints on the ground with the previous ones.

The marching speed of the Janissaries was a lot slower due to too much interference, but it would never be thrown away by a frail and sickly woman.

"Lord Sensi, Li Jiaojiao is very smart. Her footprints are basically covered by a large number of other footprints, and the water vapor can blur her footprints faster when it is close to the side of the drain. I don't understand, she should be the kind of footsteps. Miss everyone who is not at home, why are you so good at escaping? Will there be someone else to help her?"

The cavalry trooper said,

"Don't ask more than you shouldn't ask."


After a comprehensive investigation in this night market, the Janissaries finally found the direction of Li Jiaojiao's escape.

"That's the civilian area on the southwest side!"

The cavalry trooper asked,

"How far have you gone?"

"There should be a mile."

"Notify the people in the southern district and stop her in the middle."

"Yes, Lord Sensi!"

Then, a firework caused the arrow to rise from the ground, and after rising to mid-air, it exploded violently, leaving a special pattern in the night sky. This pattern lasted for more than ten breaths.

At the same time, the Guards stationed in the Southern District quickly set off in formation and began to set up barriers in the middle of the Southern District and the Southwest District.


The fireworks arrows are clearly marked and can be seen by anyone, including Li Jiaojiao who is absconding.

On a street near the Southwest.

Li Jiaojiao had already changed out of her black attire and put on the gauze and linen clothes that commoner women often wear.

There are obvious traces of makeup on her face, which are very thick and almost cover her original appearance.

When the fireworks caused the arrow to explode, she stopped a little and looked up, looking at the pattern that lasted for a certain period of time.

Then she walked into a narrow alley and stopped at the corner.


After taking a long breath, she began to gasp. The bags under the eyes are swollen and bloodshot. His shoulders and calves were shaking uncontrollably.

She pinched her thigh, and the pain made her frown and groan.

She knew that the endurance and physical strength of this body had reached its limit.

can run so far. It's all about perseverance. Of course, the name of this tenacious will is not "Li Jiaojiao".

You can't run away. She is clear now. The city is full of people from the other side, and sooner or later they will be discovered wherever they go.

What about hiding?

She didn't think she could hide either. The other party obviously has a certain tracking ability.


She sighed.

The main thing is that this body is too weak. Not to mention a lady who stayed at home, she was frail and sickly since childhood.

Can't run away, can't hide.

There was only one result in front of her... being caught.

She thought that since the other party came to arrest her with such a big fanfare, the purpose was to arrest her alive.

"If it is caught alive... there is still some room for maneuvering."

Thinking of this, she decided to give up struggling.

Continuing to escape in this state is no less difficult than changing one's life against the sky.


With her back against the wall, she slumped on the ground.

As soon as she stopped, the weakness of her body quickly made her feel dizzy.

"It's... a symptom of hypoglycemia."

The palms on the ground began to go numb, as if 10,000 ants were biting.

The drowsiness after exhaustion strikes.

She tried her best to open her eyes, thinking, no matter what, she can't fall asleep here.

In a blur, she heard dense footsteps coming from outside, accompanied by the voices of some people.

"This is the alley! She should be in it."

"A few of you circle around and surround yourself from the other direction. The rest come in from the front with me, be careful, and be careful of ambush."

"As ordered!"

Listening to these voices, she thought, do you have to be so careful to catch a weak woman... I'll catch it without my hands...

After a while, she saw a group of people wearing the same clothes walking in the dim vision.

Armed with weapons, they approached cautiously.

The head of the cadet cavalry officer said,

"Miss Li, give up your resistance."

She didn't speak... If I could resist, I wouldn't give you a chance to speak.

Taking a deep breath, she stretched out her hand and said,

"bring it on."

The cavalry officer beckoned, and the two janitors walked towards her with chains.

The chains jingled.


A loud noise awakened her almost sinking consciousness. She opened her eyes wide, looked forward, and was surprised to find that a part of the wall on the right side of the alley was regularly cut off, and the cut part was pressing against the wall on the opposite left side at the moment.

In the middle of the two walls are the two guards holding chains.

But at this moment, they were no longer the Praetorian Guards, but two beaches of crushed meat dregs. It's like jam between two loaves of bread.

Before she could react, five voices sounded in succession.

In the same way, the five regular walls slammed into the remaining Janissaries and slammed into the wall on the other side.

In a short time, six "sandwiches" were completed.

Looking at the wall with rules like cutting with a knife, she realized that this is definitely not realized by some internal function, it must be a more abstract ability.

All the Janissaries, without any resistance, turned into meat sauce.

For a moment, the narrow and remote cold alley was silent.

until the sound of footsteps. The sound of feet stepping on gravel.

She saw that two people, a man and a woman, came out of one of the six regular square wall holes.

Headed by a man she knew. In fact, it should be said that Li Jiaojiao knew,

Li Jiaojiao had seen him before at a banquet in Xu Guofu. It is the second son of Xu Guofu, Luo Dengxian.

Li Jiaojiao had a very bad impression of Luo Dengxian. I was teased when we first met.

Therefore, after seeing Luo Dengxian, she did not feel that she was saved, and looked at them vigilantly.

under the moonlight,

Qiao Xun looked at her and asked,

"Li Jiaojiao?"

"Yes. You are Luo Dengxian."

Qiao Xun smiled and said to Guan Yue,

"Check to see who she really is."

"Take orders, Your Highness!"

an examination?

Don't they know that I'm not Li Jiaojiao?

Her heart beat faster and she became more nervous.

Guan Yue walked up to her, squatted down, and said with a smile,

"Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you, it's just... a test."

"What check?"

"Hmm... Interesting inspection." Guan Yue laughed.

Then, her finger lightly tapped "Li Jiaojiao" between the eyebrows.

"Li Jiaojiao" didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, the tiredness of the body seems to have eased a lot because of this touch.

After a while, Guan Yue stood up and looked at Qiao Xun and said with a smile,

"Coach, it seems we guessed right from the start."


This title..."Li Jiaojiao" was suddenly startled, and her pupils trembled uncontrollably. she asked tentatively,

"Qiao Xun, and, Guanyue?"

"Bingo!" Guan Yue snapped her fingers, pulled her up, and said with a laugh, "Sister Yu, you must be frightened."

Li Jiaojiao has long since died, and the one in her body is called Xin Yu.

Xin Yu's shoulders trembled, she bit her lip,

"I really thought I had nowhere to go."

Joe Tour said,

"Chang'an City, we almost had nowhere to go."

Guan Yue nodded,

"Yes, yes. Sister doesn't even know how dangerous I was before, and I was almost spoiled by an ugly, short and old wretched person!"

"Is it so dangerous?"

"Yeah, if it wasn't for the coaching hero to appear, I would be finished!" Guan Yue said, covering her face, "Although this is not my body, it is the first time for me! The spiritual chastity of others has protected me for almost twenty years. year."

"You talk too much." Qiao Xun groaned.

Guan Yue ignored Qiao Xun and continued to happily share with Xin Yu. She raised two fingers,

"The coach saved me twice, twice! One of them saved me instinctively! Sister, do you know what it means!"

Xin Yu was a little confused. She didn't understand what Qiao Xun and Guan Yue had gone through.


"It means that the coach is actually a duplicitous arrogant! He said no, but his body is very honest!"

Xin Yu took a breath.

"You guys... have a really colorful experience. I haven't been out of the house except today."

Qiao Xun patted his forehead and said,

"Don't listen to her nonsense. What she said above was made up by her brain. Then, let's get out of here first. There will definitely be people who will come later."


Then, Guan Yue took them out of here quickly.

Instead of returning to Xu Guofu, he went to a relatively secret place.

There was a mansion bought by Luo Dengxian in the past to raise "canaries". Later, when he got tired of playing, he put the "canaries" away and never went there again.

Soon after they left, another group of people came here.

Also the Guard.

They removed several walls that were tightly fitted together, and after seeing the puddles of meat mud in the middle, they all took a breath.

This kind of method is completely unimaginable for the natives of Chang'an City.

"Withdraw, withdraw! Go back and report to the Admiral!"


Chang'an City, Chengdong Wetland, Moon Lake.

Except for the remote location, this summer resort without any shortcomings was bought by Luo Dengxian before.

Because the owner is Luo Dengxian, and there is a red gold flag outside the door, even if no one lives there, even if it is abandoned, no one dares to come in casually.

Remote, quiet, deserted.

In Lake Heart Pavilion.

Guan Yue relieved Xin Yu from physical strain and fatigue.

Xin Yu recounted his experiences in the past few days. Just like what Qiao Xun and Guan Yue thought in advance. Since she woke up, she has been in a state of being grounded, and she can hardly go anywhere except her own small yard, but she still relies on her extraordinary wisdom and insight into the environmental situation. After chatting for a while, and inquiring about the situation outside the city from the servants, I realized that there is a problem in Chang'an City now, and it is very unsafe to continue to stay.

Therefore, with the help of the servants, without revealing his intentions at all, he created the disaster in Zijin Alley tonight and escaped.

At the end, Xin Yu gave a wry smile,

"But I still overestimate my own abilities. If it weren't for you, I would have been caught."

Joe Tour said,

"It's amazing to be able to use Li Jiaojiao's body to do this. We thought we were going to the Shangshu Mansion to **** you away."

"Why are those people arresting me?"

"Not just you, but all those who come back to life."

"A man who came back from the dead?"

"Well, I and Guan Yue are the same. They exist here by pinning on dead people. In my preliminary investigation alone, there are fifteen people who have come back to life except me and Guan Yue. The rest were basically taken away by those janitorial guards."

"Why is this?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"The specific reason is not known. But if it is so targeted, the worst may be that we are known and come from other worlds. The good thing is that it is an ominous omen among us."

Xin Yu thought about it and said,

"I didn't expect it to look like this in Magic Chang'an."

"This is not the real Magic Chang'an. It should be just the original Magic Chang'an, which is the reflection of the Chang'an City in the Immortal Realm."

Xin Yu understood a little bit,

"I remember that Bo Niang said this."

"The original Magic Chang'an should have been like this when it was first built. It's impossible that it hasn't changed for so many years, and there is one more thing..." Qiao Xun explained the situation that they couldn't go outside Chang'an City, "So, In my guess, someone may have designed it like this on purpose."

"NPCs and players... a very common saying." Xin Yu thought for a while, "We can't be sure whether this Chang'an City is the real world, right?"

"It's not clear if it's real, but it must be incomplete."

Guan Yue affirmed, and she also agreed with this statement.

"It's hard to understand..." Xin Yu said.

"I also thought about it for a long time. There are too few useful clues. To put it simply, there is a struggle between various forces in Chang'an City. On the one hand, there are disputes between the internal forces of Chang'an City, and on the other hand, it is the disputes between us outsiders and Chang'an City. Of course, there are still disputes between outsiders. There may be a common connection between several disputes, but we don't know yet."

"There's a missing piece of information that ties all of these disputes together."

"Yes. Fortunately, we are not restricted yet."

Xin Yu nodded,

"Compared to those who were directly taken away, we must be lucky. By the way, Xianyi, and Bo Niang, have you found them?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"Only you were found. The two of them have no clue at all."

"Could it have been captured?"

"It's not good to say."

Xin Yu said worriedly,

"What I'm worried about now is if we die here, will we really die. Where is our real body?"

Guan Yue poked his chin,

"If nothing else, if you die here, you will really die. I have a feeling, it's very clear."

Joe Tour said,

"Nine times out of ten, your ability comes from the world itself. The more stable and powerful the world is, the stronger you will be. Of course, this is just my guess."

"Is that so?" Guan Yue said with a smile, "Then are you the world? I always think you are very kind. It's like... parents and children."

Guan Yue's seemingly unintentional joking remarks, after finishing speaking, he burst out laughing.

"Probably." Qiao Xun responded casually.

he stood up,

"Guan Yue, you stay here to take care of Xin Yu. I want to go back."

"Xu Guofu?"

"Well." Qiao Xun said after a slight hesitation, "I'm going to ask something."

"I'll take you there, you're very dangerous alone."

"No. Xin Yu's current state is even more dangerous."

Xin Yu sniffed, "Sorry."

"It's okay. My fighting ability is not direct now, but there is no problem with protecting myself."

"Okay." Guan Yue said, "stretch out your hand for me."

Qiao Xun stretched out his right hand,

"What's wrong?"

Guan Yue held his right hand and carved a mark on it. The mark disappeared after a flash.

"This sign can call me directly. If the coach is in danger, he will sink his consciousness into it. Then, I will appear in a flash!" Guan Yue raised his head and smiled happily.

Qiao Xun paused and said nothing.

Lu Xianyi had done the same thing before.

After breaking up, he didn't often mention her, but he always remembered.

On the left hand of his body, the rune concentric ring has not been erased.

"Coach, don't be brave! You can rely on me now, don't feel embarrassed." Guan Yue said.

"Hmph, I try my best not to rely on you."

"Well, rely on me more! It's not a shameful thing. We are partners fighting side by side, partners!"

Qiao Xun took a serious look at Guan Yue.

Guan Yue's eyes are always so innocent, without any intentions, and always speak out the words in her heart without reservation.

Whether it's good or bad, say it together.

So, sometimes she's nasty, and sometimes, she's... cute.

But... Guanyue, why on earth are you by my side? Qiao Xun asked silently in his heart.

He took a breath,

"Okay, then I'll rely on you more!"

"Mmmm! I'm very reliable!"

This kind of affirmation is like a child saying to an adult, "I'm amazing!"

It's fun, and it's warm.

Guan Yue often said this. But this time, for some unknown reason, Qiao Xun felt that what she said had a lot of weight.

He thought that he probably didn't have any abilities other than his characteristics.

Incompetence and lack of sense of security were supplemented by Guan Yue.

Qiao Xun left ~www.readwn.com~ In the Huxin Pavilion, Guan Yue's eyes were soft,

"I mean, the coach is actually changing. During his relationship with Xianyi, it wasn't that Xianyi wasn't good enough and couldn't make him change, but that sometimes, just because he was afraid of change, he would instinctively go to guard. "

"You know him well." Xin Yu said.

Guan Yue touched his chest and whispered,

"I have a feeling. Maybe...I've met the coach before. I'm not kidding, as soon as I saw him, I was like, 'Ah, it's the end'. I don't understand why, so I've been All of them are carefully observing, thinking and summarizing. I silently record every word and deed of the coach. So, I know what kind of person he is..."

She stretched her legs, put her palms behind her, looked up, looked at the moon outside the window,

"I don't know what the coach is confused, entangled or afraid of, but I... want to help him. Sister Yu, you know, maybe, this is the... reason why I came to him across thousands of years."

Xin Yu looked at her quietly and did not speak.

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