Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 42: You have to choose the avenue to the sky, or the red dust as a companion

On the way back to Xu Guofu, there was no assassination.

In fact, in Qiao Xun's conjecture, the mysterious "Wizard" side may not really want him to die. Otherwise, they wouldn't choose to use the heartworm and design fake death.

Although his suspended animation is a set.

As soon as he returned to Xu Guofu, Xu Lieshan ran out and asked, crying and shouting,

"Hey, Shizi, where have you been?"

Qiao Xun said indifferently,

"Go for a ride."

"Master Shizi, at this moment, just listen to what the old lady has to say, and take it with you in the house."

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows,

"You're teaching me to do things."

"No, of course I don't think so. Just look, Lord Shizi, those who plan to plot against you have not been eliminated, and there are threats and risks everywhere. Your life is better than those assassins who are not afraid of death. It's more expensive."

"Come on, I don't need to say more. I have my own plans."

"Master Shizi... ah, take me with you before you go out next time. My body is used to protect Shizi from disaster."

Qiao Xun didn't tell him much, and strode towards the Chuming Lake in the west courtyard.

Xu Lieshan followed closely,

"Master Shizi, where's New Moon Lady? Did she go out with you too?"

"Hidden outside."

"How can Xu Guofu be safe outside?"

Qiao Xun glanced at him,

"So, do you think Xu Guofu is safe?"

"Apart from the Imperial Palace, where is Chang'an City safe here?"

"What happened to the assassin before?" Qiao Xun looked at Xu Lieshan, "A black-clothed assassin with a bow and arrow not only sneaked into the mansion, but even stood on the highest building with the best sight in the mansion to shoot arrows. Xu Lieshan, you Do you really think Xu Guofu like this is safe?"

Xu Lieshan was dumbfounded,


"Xu Lieshan, safety and danger are relative. If you really want to compare, even the imperial palace... is not necessarily safe."

"Master Shi, don't say these things."

"If you don't explain it to you, you will have to pretend to be confused. Xu Lieshan, you always look silly, but I know you are very smart and can figure out some things."

Xu Lieshan chuckled and said,

"I don't understand what the prince is talking about. I'm not stupid usually..."

"Enough!" Qiao Xun looked at Xu Lieshan.

Xu Lieshan kept his mouth shut.

Qiao Xun continued to move forward, saying as he walked,

"Xu Lieshan, don't follow me for the time being."

"But Lord Shizi, I have to protect you!"

"No, I have other plans."

"Master Shi! Did Lie Shan do something wrong?"

"You're a smart person pretending to be confused. It's not scary to be smart, just be afraid to pretend to be confused."

Xu Lieshan froze in place, his fat shoulders constantly heaving.

He didn't understand, he didn't understand very much, why Shi Ziye changed so much in just one day today.

Also, Lord Shizi...Why, why do you say that about me... What the **** is he thinking, is he hearing some false rumors, is he suspecting that he has ulterior motives?

Xu Lieshan felt a pain in his heart.

He had an inexplicable feeling that he had been abandoned. Obviously nothing was wrong, obviously just as usual... but he was treated very well.

Distrust is a harbinger of the breakdown of the master-servant relationship.


Xu Guofu, Falling Ming Lake.

Xu Guogong Luo Xinzhi is still not here, and the dream-seeker is still here.

He didn't seem to have changed his posture from beginning to end. The last time he came, he was lying on his side like this, like a sleeping Buddha. This time, he is still like this.

The door was open, and Qiao Xun knocked on the door and walked in.

"Xianjia, are you awake?"

Dream-seeking Daoist closed his eyes and smiled slightly,

"I'm always awake, and I'm always asleep."

"Xianjia is talking about some philosophical truths again."


Qiao Xun thought about it, although in the traditional history of China, there have always been many philosophical thoughts. But not given the word "philosophy".

he shook his head,

"It's not an important matter. Xianjia, I have something to ask here."

"But it doesn't matter."

"Lord, what is it?"

"I heard that, have you met someone or something related?"

"Not yet."

"For the time being, that's what happens."

"you can say it this way."

The dream-seeker turned over. It looked like he was turning over for the first time.

"The vulgar... Generally speaking, they are mortals who are limited by their emotions and desires, and whose ears are not clean. But, this is probably not what you want to ask."


"The secular master you want to ask may be replaced by another word, 'believers'. Although there are still some differences between the two, they are essentially the same."


"Buddha believers, immortal believers, demon believers... vulgar masters are a kind of believers, but they are not the kind of believers who light an incense stick, kowtow and say they believe in so-and-so. The permission and approval of a certain believer who can give him the ability. However, such believers are not really willing to believe in such and such. I told you earlier that there are many demons in Chang'an city that will not go away, and the demons will eventually The outbreak will eventually make people believers and secular masters."

Qiao Xun was silent for a while,

"Chang'an City, there are many vulgar masters. Xianjia, you can understand those vulgar masters. Have you ever thought about letting them free?"

The dream-seeker smiled slightly,

"I asked the immortals to ask, not to slay demons and demons. If there is a fate, I will help, if I don't..."

"Xianjia's true temperament."

"You don't have to say that. Everyone who asks the immortals wants to find a way to the sky, but in the end, in all likelihood, they will think, why not seek a wrong way and be chaotic all day long. The vulgar master, What about you? Do you want to take the avenue to the sky, or fight in the red dust."

"I should have answered this question before."

The dream-seeker shook his head,

"People's minds change. You didn't answer me directly, maybe it changed."

"I can't be as free and easy as Xianjia."

"What are you worried about, worried about, or afraid of?"

Qiao Xun paused. He didn't expect that this time, he would talk to this point. He originally just wanted to come over and ask how to identify the vulgar master and how to deal with the vulgar master. But, why are you talking to this point?

"I'm choosing. But choosing means losing."

"The method of double perfection is rare."

"Xianjia, this is not the point," Qiao Xun wanted to turn the subject back, "I actually want to ask you, how should the vulgar master identify and how to deal with it."

The dream-seeker smiled and said,

"The vulgar master can never see through the vulgar master. After all, no one can see themselves clearly."

Qiao Xun thought that the first "vulgar lord" should refer to the vulgar lord in the general sense, and the second "vulgar lord" refers to what he wanted to ask.

The dreamer said,

"After being out of the ordinary, you will naturally be able to identify the vulgar master."

"Is there no other way?"

"Yes. Wait for the secular master to become a believer completely."

"Is this the only way?"


Qiao Xun took a breath and asked,

"How to deal with it?"

"Cut off believers from their faith."

"How to cut?"

The dreamer said with a smile,


Qiao Xun was silent.

It's like saying nothing.

The dream-seeker laughed louder,

"Little vulgar master, why don't you set foot on an avenue to the sky? When you step on the avenue to the sky, you will naturally become extraordinary. If you want to do it, it is very simple. For other people, being out of the ordinary is a suffering comparable to changing skins and bones. but for you, it's probably just a choice."

"Why did Xianjia say that?"

"Because, you are a rare and transparent person."

"A transparent person?"

"People who practice martial arts often say that they can open up the two veins of Ren and Du, and those who seek immortality will find a transparent one. You are born transparent. Maybe the mirror will be covered with mud, but the mirror is still transparent. Mirror."

Joe Tour said,

"Thank you Xianjia for your guidance."

"So, what is your choice?"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"Then let me be a vulgar master who spends all day in the mortal world."

The dream-seeker nodded with a smile,

"No matter what, it's your choice."

He was very casual, and he didn't have any regrets or regrets because of Qiao Xun's choice.

"Little vulgar master, there is no solution to the world, but you still have a choice."

After he finished speaking, his breathing gradually stabilized.

fell asleep again.

Qiao Xun got up and walked away lightly.

He looked at the night sky in the west, the flames of the fire made half of the sky stained with orange, and the billowing smoke was like a terrifying devil grinning evilly.

The rhythm of Chang'an City is like being smashed by someone with a sledgehammer, and everything seems to be burnt cleanly in this fire.

At a certain moment, Xu Guofu suddenly became restless up and down, and the people whispered and talked a lot, with surprise and worry on their brows.

The sound of hoofs rushing in unison came like heavy rain, and suddenly, it sounded in front and back of Xu Guofu.

A neat roar.

Xu Lieshan shouted loudly and ran from a distance,

"Master Shizi, Master Shizi, it's not good!"

Qiao Xun probably guessed something and was not surprised.

"What's wrong?"

"Many guards surrounded Xu Guofu, and the four avenues on the front, back, left, and right were all filled with guards. They were all equipped with armor and weapons. It looked like they were going to fight the enemy!"

"Where's father?"

"After Lord Guogong left before, he never came back."

Joe took a deep breath.

"It's a matter of coming early and late."

Xu Lieshan's face was ugly,

"How dare they do such a thing and surround Xu Guofu, this is something that this emperor has never done since he ascended the throne, and it should not happen!"

"Xu Lieshan, you also know very well that the peak of Xu Guofu has passed."

Xu Lieshan smiled bitterly,

"Even if decline is inevitable, it shouldn't be this way! This is undoubtedly a humiliation, a great humiliation!"

"Okay, let's figure out what they're going to do first."

Xu Lieshan lowered his head and thought for a while, then quickly shook his head,

"I can't do it, Shizi, I feel very strange. I specially chose it when the king is not there... Up and down the house, only you, only you can make them so popular. If you can't do it, you can't go, you can't go. You can't go. Hide first, and wait for Lord Guogong to come back, and you will come out after everything is done properly. I went to negotiate with them, and said that you are playing outside, Shizi, and I don’t know when you will be back.”

Joe Tour said,

"There's no hiding. They've got everyone else who's come back from the dead."

When Xu Lieshan heard this, he became anxious.

"You are the prince! How can you be like everyone else?"

"Look at the fire, it started from the Heavenly Official Shangshu Mansion. Just now, the Imperial Guard was still arresting Shangshu Li Pei's daughter."

"Master Shizi, did you leave the mansion for this reason?"

"you can say it this way."

Xu Lieshan was incredible. Now he doesn't understand at all how much he doesn't know about Lord Shizi.

"Master Shizi, how can Li Pei's daughter compare to you? If not, how could they take you away. That is a trampling on the dignity of Xu Guofu. There has always been no intention to take people from Xu Guofu without passing through the king. Reason!" Xu Lieshan insisted on this.

Xu Lieshan gritted his teeth,

"Master Shizi, I usually listen to you. But this time, just listen to me. Never let them take you away, never! I'll talk about everything when the king comes back. If something happens to you What kind of sadness should the old lady be?"

After he finished speaking, disregarding Qiao Xun's wishes, he strode towards the front door,

"Master Shizi, I'll negotiate with them first!"

Qiao Xun sighed and followed.

In fact, when he saw that the Guards were desperate to arrest "Li Jiaojiao", he knew that even if he was the son of Luo Xinzhi, he would not be spared.

He had thought about avoiding the limelight.

But combined with the various encounters these days. He still chose to come back. Because, in his opinion, hiding can never be a game-breaker.

He must know what he is facing.


The entire street was filled with the Guards lined up in a row, and there was a lot of darkness, making people wonder if the Guards in the Imperial Palace were all here.

Nearly 100 meters long and 10 meters wide, the avenue is full of guards on horses.

At the forefront, on the back of the black horse, is a tall man in armor with only a pair of eyes showing. Anyone with knowledge can clearly see the dragon pattern on the chest of his armor, which is a dragon pattern that only emperors can have. Of course he is not an emperor, but this seems to show that this is the dragon pattern bestowed by the emperor.

It means that he is the person on the side of the king.

The Imperial Guard, the person on your side. Two titles marked his identity... Qi Wuyin, the commander of the Imperial Guard, the Admiral of the Tiance Mansion.

When the door of Xu Guofu was opened, Xu Lieshan came out and saw the dragon pattern on Qi Wuyin's chest. He froze immediately.

He recognized Qi Wuyin and knew the identity of this person.

The Admiral of Tiance Mansion came to arrest people in person... Thinking of this, Xu Lieshan immediately felt like he was falling into the abyss.

He immediately understood what the "can't escape" meant by the eldest son.

The arrogance that had been brewing was extinguished by half after seeing Qi Wuyin. But Xu Lieshan still insisted on asking,

"You know what this place is, and it came here with soldiers and horses! Xu Guofu is a place where the soldiers were banned when His Majesty ascended the throne. Except for the soldiers of the government, no one is allowed to bring weapons near Xu Guofu within a radius of 100 meters!"

Qi Wuyin looked at Xu Lieshan with calm eyes.

The cavalry officer next to him said,

"Otherwise, why do you think there is a 'forbidden' in the name of the Praetorian Guards?"

Of course Xu Lieshan knew why. The actions of the Praetorian Guards represent the emperor's will, and it must be higher than the order of "forbidden soldiers".

"What about the decree?"

The cavalry officer said coldly,

"Prince Guards do business, first behead and then play, no imperial decree is needed."

Xu Lieshan's momentum skyrocketed,

"Xu Guofu only obeys His Majesty's orders!"

"The will of the Praetorian Guards is the will of His Majesty."

"Absurd! Are you doing what the Guards want to do!"

The cavalry officer snorted coldly,

"There's no need to be quick. Today we broke through the gate of Xu Guofu, and we can't bear the slightest responsibility. If you don't want to see the blood, please let Luo Dengxian come out earlier."

The voice of the old lady suddenly sounded from behind,

"I see who dares to touch a hair on my grandson today!"

Everyone looked around.

The old lady walked out with the help of a tiger-headed cane.

She came to the door, and with a shove,

"Are you going to overturn the sky!"

Only then did Qi Wuyin speak. His voice was neither salty nor dull,

"Old lady, Luo Dengxian must be taken away today."

"What did my grandson do? You can't tell. Don't blame me for taking this as a talk when I talk and laugh with the queen mother."

"Old lady, there is no need to threaten you in the name of the Empress." Qi Wuyin picked his words very clearly, "This matter must be done."

"How unreasonable! Xu Guofu has kept a low profile in recent years, do you really think tigers are starting to lose their teeth!" The old lady shouted angrily.

Qi Wuyin did not wake up and said coldly:

"Chen Feng, enter the door and arrest someone!"

Seeing him completely ignoring his own words, the old lady turned pale with anger and kept sticking with her cane.

The soldiers of Xu Guofu responded with weapons one after another.

For a while, the swords were drawn.

Xu Lieshan stood at the front and roared,

"Who dares to surpass!"

Cavalry officer Chen Feng waved his halberd and kicked the horse forward.

Xu Lieshan pulled out the soft sword from his waist, and with a stab, the sword light instantly cut off the head of the horse under Chen Feng's crotch. Blood splattered on the spot, and he was angry.

"Who dares!"

Xu Lieshan's aura is like a rainbow, and he has the meaning of being unmatched.

Qi Wuyin stared at him indifferently, and said after a while:

"Shut up!"

As he spoke, he beckoned to get a long spear and threw it violently at Xu Lieshan.

The spear broke through the sky, causing the wind to howl, rolling up the slate on the ground, and stabbing at Xu Lieshan with a huge force.

Xu Lieshan frowned, and before he had time to be surprised, he rolled up the soft sword to resist.

The spear pierces a soft sword as fine needles pierce sheepskin.

Instantly defeated.

After destroying the soft sword, the long spear pierced into Xu Lieshan's body, and it didn't stop.

He hangs on the plaque, blood dripping ~www.readwn.com~ low to the ground.

Qi Wuyin kept moving, and took out a long spear to shoot Xu Lieshan on the spot.

The spear burst out.

At this moment, a man stood in front of him brazenly.

After the long spear came in front of him, it stopped and hit the ground.

Qi Wuyin saw the visitor,

"Luo Dengxian."

Qiao Xun was expressionless and said softly:

"Blood has a price."

"Since you are here, he will naturally be spared from death."

"I'll go with you."

Xu Lieshan was nailed to the plaque, grief-stricken.

Qi Wuyin turned the horse around,

"Close the team!"

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