Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 43: charcoal in the snow

Luo Dengxian was successfully captured, and the Imperial Guard was withdrawn.

When she saw her grandson tied to the restraint chain, the old lady Yang Yunxiu was in a hurry and fell down with a whimper.

The servants hurriedly helped her in.

At the gate of Xu Guofu, there were only some government soldiers, Erniang Mu Caier, and Xu Lieshan, who was nailed to the plaque.

Xu Lieshan's chest was bleeding profusely, and it fell on the threshold of the steps below.

The threshold is red, no matter what era it is, it is a serious bad thing.

Mu Caier commanded the government soldiers to rescue Xu Lieshan.

Xu Lieshan, who had lost too much blood, was already pale, but his eyes were as red as they were soaked with cinnabar. He widened his eyes, held his breath, and said to Mu Cai'er with a low whimper,

"Second Mother, hurry... hurry up and inform Lord Guo Gong! Hurry up..."

Mu Cai'er touched his face,

"Son, you should rest well."

"Master Shi, Master Shi..." Xu Lieshan became weaker and weaker.

Mu Caier ignored him, stood up and said to the servant next to him,

"Bring Leshan in, make sure his life is safe."


A few servants were about to carry Xu Lieshan in.

Xu Lieshan was a little anxious, grabbing Mu Caier's ankle tightly,

"Second Mother, Erniang! First inform the Lord of the country, first to inform the Lord of the country!"

Mu Caier nodded and said,

"Don't worry, I will."

"Also, there is the Empress!"

Mu Cai'er raised her foot slightly and pulled Xu Lieshan's hand away,

"Leshan, just take a good rest. When you wake up, it will be over."

Xu Lieshan's hands were full of blood, and there were several **** paw prints on Mu Cai'er's ankle.

The servants brought in the weak Xu Lieshan.

Mu Cai'er looked at the street that was full of people before and was now empty, and said to the government soldiers:

"Clean up these bloodstains, then guard the gate, and don't allow anyone to leave."

The commander-in-chief of the government asked,

"Ma'am, don't you inform the Duke of your country?"

"I've already sent someone."

The commander of the army was stunned. Have you sent someone? so fast. He was speechless and nodded:

"Yes, ma'am!"

Mu Cai'er looked at the distant sky where the light was beginning to appear, turned and walked into the door.


The moon is low, and it is almost dawn.

After the Imperial Guard team was withdrawn from Xu Guofu, they went straight to the Imperial Palace.

The streets along the way have already entered a curfew state and are unobstructed. For Chang'an City, a city that never sleeps, the last curfew was the month after the death of the previous emperor, nine years ago.

Everyone guessed that it was because of a serious fire in Zijin Alley.

The people who live in Zijin Alley are all important officials of the court. If two officials die, the court will be in turmoil, so it is reasonable to enter a curfew state. After all, if such a serious fire occurs for no reason, it must be checked clearly.

The sound of the hoofs of the janitorial guards was like a torrential rain at night.

Qi Wuyin, the Admiral of Tiance Mansion, was at the forefront of the team, and beside him was a carriage with the bound Qiao Xun inside.

Qi Wuyin smiled slightly,

"Second Prince, if you came out earlier, there might be no bloodshed."

"At least I know your attitude and determination."

"Tsk, to test our attitude with the lives of loyal followers, the second son is really willing."

"That's it." Qiao Xun said casually.

"As expected of the prince. It is better to accompany you than to accompany you."

"Admiral said that, it is simply courageous."

Qi Wuyin smiled slightly,

"Your Majesty is not as ruthless as you. That Xu Lieshan is a man, very loyal, but also very stupid. He is obviously a talent, but he is loyal to you. In the end, he ended up like this."

"That's what I said, and that's it. Come to think of it, the Admiral won't pay too much attention to some of the guards behind you."

"That's not necessarily true. At least, anyone who dares to bully any member of the Praetorian Guard will have their heads cut off and thrown into the river. Second Prince, what are you going to do for your entourage?"

"Why do you have to do something?"

"Oh, yes, after all, you are Luo Dengxian."

Qiao Xun said dissatisfiedly,

"This carriage is too hard, it hurts to sit on, get a cushion."

"You should thank me. It's a carriage, not a prisoner's carriage. Luo Dengxian, if you think your second son's status is very useful, then maybe you will suffer."

"When my father comes, you won't say that."

"Luo Xinzhi, I'm probably playing chess with His Majesty at this time. Do you know that your father is the best chess player in Chang'an?"


Qi Wuyin said,

"His Majesty's chess is average, but he always wins against Luo Xinzhi. Do you know why?"

Qiao Xun did not speak.

Qi Wuyin's words were very useful to him. More or less able to understand some of the current situation.

At this time, a janissary guard came on horseback from another road. He went straight to Qi Wuyin and said:

"Admiral, I still haven't been able to find Li Jiaojiao."

Qi Wuyin asked,

"Is it only her and Miao Xinyue?"


"Keep looking."

"As ordered!"

Qi Wuyin glanced at Qiao Xun in the carriage,

"Second Prince, you left Xu Guofu with Miao Xinyue before, right?"

"So what?"

"Maybe, you should say, what are you doing out there?"


Qi Wuyin smiled and said,

"Not really. Could it be that you are looking for Li Jiaojiao? Of course, this is just a conjecture, you don't have to take it seriously."

"Who is Li Jiaojiao?"

"You know."

"Then do you know Zhang San?"

"Zhang San?"

"You don't know Zhang San, how could I know Li Jiaojiao?"

Qi Wuyin was stunned for a while, then frowned,

"What a sharp-toothed guy. Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not, after all, it's enough to have you."

"What's the meaning?"

Qi Wuyin laughed,

"It seems that our son-in-law is still kept in the dark. I thought they valued you so much because you already knew everything. I thought too much."

Qiao Xun frowned, it seemed that he did have some secrets that he didn't know.

Qi Wuyin didn't say anything more, but looking at his expression, he was very relaxed.

Qiao Xun realizes that he may be a key person they need.

The Janissaries were unimpeded, all the way to the imperial palace.

After entering the imperial palace, Qiao Xun was immediately taken into the prison and detained.

The prison where he was imprisoned was very special. From the outside, it looked like an ordinary small palace, and it was newly built. Although the inside is not strictly the specifications of the royal palace, it is much more luxurious than the mansion of ordinary wealthy families.

Apart from being airtight, there are no downsides.

"Second son, just stay inside for a while. When you can come out, everything will be almost over."

After Qi Wuyin said these words, he drove his horse away.

He is the only one who can ride freely in the imperial palace.

After the Guards left, Qiao Xun checked the place where he was imprisoned for the first time.

Tight and tight.

He tried to hit the door and window with a heavy object, but the feedback was very strange, like hitting water with a hammer, unable to focus.

This seems to show that the way this small palace was built is not an ordinary building at all.

He wandered around in it, collecting environmental information, and found a startling fact.

The entire small palace is not piled up with bricks, tiles and wood, but... rune passages.

The dense rune passages gathered together to form this palace.

If you zoom in on everything on the walls, the floor, and even the furniture inside, you can clearly see the rune passages, and the power of runes is constantly passing through these passages. These rune passages together form the palace.

Qiao Xun calmed down. He knew that it was impossible to get out of here by ordinary means.

Individual rune passages may be fragile, but together they become exceptionally tough. Just like a thread can be easily torn, and a thread can hardly be torn.

He was almost certain that this Qi Wuyin was the young Taoist priest related to the "underworld" he had seen before.

Although I don't know his name yet. But his characteristics, Qiao Xun completely remembered in his consciousness.

Original sin characteristics allow him to easily paint a person.

That is to say, special existences like Guan Yue are not good for portraits.

If Qi Wuyin used talisman paper magical powers to objectively corroborate his identity as a "human judge", then seeing his eyes, feeling his tone and mood swings made Qiao Xun determine Qi Wuyin from the level of will identity of. It was the young priest.

This led to another conjecture of Qiao Xun.

After the young Taoist priests entered Chang'an City, they were completely different from those who had come back from the dead. He seemed to know a lot from the start.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but wonder if the current chaotic situation in Chang'an City was caused by "human judgment".

After all, long before Magic Changan appeared, Xijing City had already gathered a large number of human judgments. Their goal is obviously Magic Chang'an.

With clear goals at the outset, it's hard to make people think they don't know something.

Moreover, young Taoist priests can freely use the means of judging the world in Chang'an City. This probably also shows that the "Shangfang Yama" of "Underworld" is also here.

Now that he knows the identity of the young Taoist priest, in turn, does the young Taoist priest know his identity?

Qiao Xun thought about it carefully and thought that he should not know. According to the attitude of the young Taoist priest towards him, if he knew his identity, he should not act so ordinary.

Guessing is guessing, Qiao Xun still understands that the most urgent task now is to figure out what happened.

He had previously thought that he might be locked up with other people who had come back from the dead, but now it seems that he has been treated specially.

People are most afraid of being treated special.

Special treatment in a situation for unknown reasons can only make people uncomfortable.

Getting out of here is crucial.

Qiao Xun walked to a wall, shook his head, and muttered in his heart,

"If you lock me up in an iron-clad room, I really can't open it with my strength, but... you used the rune channel."

The prison cell built by the rune passage is indeed an indestructible wall for ordinary people. Even the masters of internal skills in Chang'an City cannot use brute force to destroy it, because the rune passage will absorb their internal skills.

But it was Qiao Xun who was detained...

The last thing he's afraid of is anything that builds up with any kind of energy.

Because, any potency force is the nutrient of "jealousy".

At this moment, for him, the palace is a gas station, a supply center.

When he came to Chang'an City, what troubled him the most was that there were too few masters of internal power here, and he couldn't quickly recover his strength through the original sin feature.

Now, this huge rune channel has solved this trouble.

This is simply giving charcoal in the snow!

Qiao Xun put his palm on the wall and said softly:

"Then, I'm welcome."

After he finished speaking, he tilted his head.

This sentence seems to have been said anywhere.

"Gluttony" devours, "jealousy" burns and transforms.

The combination of the two characteristics is perfect, one disintegrates the rune channel, and the other burns the rune into the power of the devil.

In order to avoid being directly discovered by the outside world, he began to disintegrate layer by layer from the inside.

From the outside, the palace is intact, but the inside has been hollowed out.

When only the outermost layer of rune passages remained in the palace, Qiao Xun stopped.

The fire of "jealousy" burned a hole behind only one person, and he walked out with his hands behind his back, without looking back, as if he was just here for a walk.

Although the demon power in his body is still far inferior to that of the demigod himself, Chang'an City, which has not broken through the concrete and abstract boundaries at the level of force, is almost sufficient.

After leaving the palace, he modified his cognitive characteristics with "lazy", then mixed into a line of eunuchs and left here.


In the morning, the sky is bright.

Although there are many strict controls in the imperial palace, three meals a day cannot be missed. At this time, all the pantries were almost busy, and it was time to deliver meals.

Of course, the second son who was imprisoned would not be left out in the cold.

Locking him up is not to punish him, to starve him, but to make him do something.

Of course three meals a day are not too cold.

But it wasn't some **** maid who delivered the meal, but the Janissaries.

It was also a cavalry officer of the Imperial Guard who brought a team to deliver the meal in person.

After arriving at the palace where Qiao Xun was being held, the two guards who were detaining him immediately bowed down to greet him, and then moved out of the way.

The cavalry officer placed a piece of talisman paper on the door according to the method specified by the admiral Qi Wuyin.

However, the door did not open inward as he expected. Instead, he just fell to the ground.

The Cavalry Officer was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized that something was wrong, and hurried in.

When he saw what was inside, he was stunned.

What kind of palace is this, it is clearly just a layer of paper.

It was empty inside, like some kind of robber.

No, not right! No thief would rip off the walls, lift the floors, and demolish the beams before leaving!

There is only one skin left in the palace now~www.readwn.com~ The cavalry officer was furious and roared:

"What are you two guarding, people, people!"

The two guards guarding outside the palace hurried in to take a look, and they were also shocked.

They saw Qiao Xun being locked in with their own eyes, and they also saw with their own eyes what it looked like inside.

But I didn't expect that when I was killed, I guarded and guarded, and the person who wanted to guard disappeared. Not only were people gone, but even the house was cleaned up.

The rune passage palace, which was structurally unbalanced, collapsed under the shock of the roar of the cavalry officer.

It was like a paper house in the rain, collapsed, and then rotted into a puddle on the ground.

The cavalry officer and a few janitors stood in the pile of twisting rune passages, and their hearts were bleak.

People fled, and even the house was stolen.

What a shocking thief.

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