Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 45: the last whisper

The latest website: the entire Chang'an City...

Qiao Xun looked at Luo Xixian with wide eyes.

"But, why? Chang'an City is His Majesty's inch of land."

Luo Xixian frowned,

"Dengxian, never simplify the problem. Simplification is the most direct way to deal with the problem, but it is also the easiest to miss the details. To directly link the emperor to the country is to simplify."

"What's the meaning?"

"Your Majesty is the most honorable person in Chang'an, right?"


"The most powerful man, right?"


"Looking at it this way, Your Majesty seems to have reached the extreme. Dengxian, if it were you, what else would you want?"

Qiao Xun thought about it,

"It's not good to say, after all, I can't understand that feeling."

"But what if I say, Your Majesty still has something he wants but can't get?"

"What is it?"

Luo Xixian smiled slightly,

"This is probably a circle that most emperors can't get around. Everything in the world is possessed, and what is possessed can attract interest? Then, it is only to pursue what is not in the world."

"There is nothing in this world?" Qiao Xun frowned slightly, "Becoming an immortal? Longevity?"

Luo Xixian did not answer directly,

"Who knows." She took a light sip of tea, "Dengxian. Desire is the food for satiety, and it is also a deadly trap."

"I don't understand what my sister said."

"It's okay, you're still young. I'll teach you this lesson well."

Speaking of which, the female officer Fengyi shouted from outside,

"Niangniang, the Imperial Guard is here."

Qiao Xun's heart moved, but his expression did not change.

Luo Xixian asked,

"What are you doing?"


Luo Xixian looked at Qiao Xun and frowned slightly.

"Did you escape?"

Qiao Xun scratched his head,


"Hey you! Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"My sister didn't ask."

Luo Xixian held his breath, unable to refute. She did not ask, because she thought that Qiao Xun was brought back by Yin Jinyi.

She glared at Qiao Xun fiercely,

"Hide for me, don't make a sound!"

Qiao Xun nodded again and again,

"Good good!"

Luo Xixian went out with a wave of his robe.

Qiao Xun is not a good baby. As soon as Luo Xixian left, he changed his cognitive characteristics again and slipped out quietly.

Indus Palace front porch garden,

The Praetorian Guards had already disregarded the obstacles and rules and broke in.

The well-grown flowers and plants in the garden were ruined by the savage search of the Praetorian Guards.

The female official and the palace maid next to her saw it, and she was so anxious that she kept shouting, yo-yo, yo-yo. But the Praetorian guards turned a deaf ear, as arrogant as a wild boar feeding a cornfield.

After Luo Xixian came over, he immediately roared:


A cavalry officer bowed his hands,

"The Empress, the search is under an order."

"Who gave you the courage!"

The cavalry officer signaled the rest of the Guards to continue the search, and said to Luo Xixian on his own side,

"Niang Niang, it's not deliberately doing this, but the annoying person who absconds is a good hider, and you can't let go of any corner!"

Luo Xixian said in a deep voice with a frosty face,

"I ask again, who gave you the courage!"

The cavalryman replied,

"Lord Admiral."

"When did Qi Wuyin become taller than Wutong?"

"Niang Niang, now is an extraordinary time."

Luo Xixian raised his head,

"I want His Majesty's decree, and I only recognize His Majesty's decree. If you can't get it out, you are offending Wutong Palace."


Where is the decree. Now that His Majesty the Emperor is playing chess with Xu Guogong, how can he write the imperial decree?

The cavalryman said,

"I'm afraid it can't be as your mother intended."

Luo Xixian's face was cold,

"Forcibly break into the Wutong Palace without the imperial decree, be killed!"

The cavalry officer was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that something had slipped past his neck. It was very sharp... It was so sharp that it didn't hurt at all.

By the time he realized he was being attacked, his head had already rolled off his neck.

The headless corpse poured out a high column of blood, and then fell to the ground.

The blood is sprayed in the garden, and the safflower and green grass are watered more vividly.

The rest of the guards who were searching were stunned when they saw this.

However, what they didn't know was that the same thing happened to them, but it was only a breath of time between them and the cavalry officer.

Two breaths, seven janitors, and a cavalry officer fell in the same way of death in the garden on the front porch of the Wutong Palace.

The maids around them all bowed their heads, daring not to look at or to speak.

Female officer Fengyi was the first to react, and hurriedly called someone to clean up the mess.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't see how the empress did it, and they didn't even know if it was the empress.

All they knew was that from the beginning to the end, there was no blood on the empress.

Only Qiao Xun, who was hiding in the crowd, saw it. It was indeed Luo Xixian's hand.

However, it was too fast, and it was so close that there was only such an extreme moment.

Qiao Xun believes that if he does not have the characteristics of original sin, he may not be able to capture her moves.

Luo Xixian just moved his fingers, and the heads of those people were exaggerated. The ultimate move is between the fingers, and there are many more internal skills than the so-called kendo masters. At the very least, none of the kendo masters and internal skills that Qiao Xun had met in Chang'an City was comparable to Luo Xixian.

But... in Luo Dengxian's cognitive fragments, there has never been anything like "sister knows martial arts".

Hidden so deep?

Compared with the reality, Luo Dengxian's cognition of his sister is like a blank sheet of paper.

After killing people, Luo Xixian returned to his mother's appearance, and Wen Sheng said to everyone,

"You don't have to spend a lot of time, just bury it in the garden and use it as fertilizer. Flowers grown from eating human flesh and blood will definitely be more beautiful."

As she spoke, she picked off a flower and twisted her fingers lightly.

In an instant, the flowers turned to fly ash.

With a trace of pity in her eyes, she whispered,

"How delicate, how fragile..."

The maids found tools for digging soil and began to dig a hole.

After following the empress for a long time, they all knew that what the empress said could never be faked.

At this time, Qiao Xun silently returned to the main palace and stood honestly.

Just after watching Luo Xixian's killing methods, he felt that it would be good for him to be a good baby.

After returning to the main palace, Luo Xixian said with a smile,

"Okay, it's alright."

Qiao Xun looked ignorant.

"Sister, who is looking for you?"

"A group of young people have nothing to talk about."

"All right."

"Dengxian, you will stay with my sister for the past two days. You can go back when there is nothing to do."

"Is something going to happen?"

"When it comes to this point, there is no need to hide anything." Luo Xixian said quietly, "You have probably heard of 'Wu Xiang'."

"Well, Miao Xinyue told me about it."

"But, have you ever thought about one thing? Chang'an has always been extremely repulsive of the witch hands in the poisonous and miasma land in the southwest, and every year they send troops to clear them up. After so many years, the roots of the witch hands are almost completely broken. Under such circumstances, a 'witch' appeared, and a large number of witches were mixed in Chang'an City. What do you think, why?"

Qiao Xun frowned and thought for a while,

"Could it be that there are traitors in the city?"

"With Guanshilou, where will there be traitors."

"What the **** is Guanshilou?"

"The Imperial Palace has a high position and avoids the affairs of the city, but it is necessary to ask about the affairs of the city, so the Guanshi Tower must exist. In the final analysis, the Guanshi Tower is a means used by the Imperial Palace to manage Chang'an City."

"Sister, I'm curious, who is the owner of Guanshi Building?"

Luo Xixian smiled,

"There is no owner of Guanshilou."

"This! Why?"

"A non-existent landlord has greater deterrent power. Also... better control."

"How did my sister know?"

"Because I'm your older sister." Luo Xixian smiled so movingly that she couldn't tell that she was already thirty years old.


Luo Xixian went on to say,

"The key to my ability to control Guanshilou is that I know this secret. This secret was originally known only to His Majesty."

Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes,

"In other words, the owner of Guanshilou can be...anyone?"

"It's quite smart." Luo Xixian nodded with satisfaction, "If you can think of this level, I'll assume that you haven't messed around all these years."


"Hey you! Can you not be so stupid!"

Qiao Xun immediately shut up.

As an empress, being able to speak in such a tone also shows that Luo Xixian really cares about her younger brother.

"Sister, say it away, say it away! What you just said was about the witch."

Luo Xixian nodded,

"So, can you figure out why in the presence of Guanshilou, the witch and Gu hands can still enter Chang'an City in large numbers?"

Joe rolled his eyes,

"Could it be that Guanshilou poured water on the witch...?"

Luo Xixian shook his head,

"Actually... it was His Majesty who poured water on the witch Gu's hand. Even... the Wu Prime Minister himself was arranged by His Majesty."

Qiao Xun was really surprised. He really did not expect that the witches and witches who disturbed Chang'an City were actually created by the Chang'an Emperor.

"But why is that!"

"I told you before that Your Majesty wants to pursue something that is not found in the world. He is a high-ranking Mingjun, Renjun... How can he do such a thing, of course, someone has to run through the sewage first."

Qiao Xun did not speak.

He sorted out a huge amount of information in his mind.

The emperor of Ming Dynasty came up with the means of witches and witch hands... The witch hands planted a large number of heart-eye worms... Heart-eye worms can amplify the desires in people's hearts, breed heart demons, and make people become vulgar masters... Dream-seekers said, Secular Lords are fanatical believers who have lost themselves... Believers will have a unique connection with their beliefs, and this connection can give believers special strength...

It has been verified before, except for the last "belief".

What is this belief?

Luo Xixian's rosy lips were soaked in water, making them even more vivid and moving. She looked at the wrinkles between her brother's brows and said with a smile:

"Think slowly, don't worry."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"It's not difficult to straighten out the whole process, but, sister, you know so much and do so much... What is it for?"

Luo Xixian's eyes were soft, and he touched Qiao Xun's face with his palm, his eyes were full of love,

"Dengxian, do you still remember my sister's wish when she was a child?"

Qiao Xun thought about it, but he actually looked for it...

"Free, unfettered, do whatever you want, and do whatever you want."

Luo Xixian pinched Qiao Xun's nose,

"There is no last!"


"It's a lot worse. It's the idea of ​​a lazy person."

"But what does it have to do with your childhood wishes?"

Luo Xixian said with a smile,

"Every woman in the world wants to sit on the phoenix seat. But my sister doesn't want to, she just thinks that the phoenix seat is not a phoenix, but a caged sparrow. Everyone takes it for granted that the queen is the mother of the world, and the queen is The role model of all women, the queen should help the emperor with the internal affairs of the harem. The queen...after the emperor...everything I did, everything I had, was rightfully attributed to the emperor. It was like, I was born as an accessory. Do you think this sister is still the one you know?"

Qiao Xun shook his head.

Luo Xixian continued,

"I have been in the palace for more than ten years, and I have never had a son. The concubines in the harem all want to have a son soon, so as to run on me in the future. In fact, in their women's minds, they will never dare to think, I have handled every child I conceived with my own hands.”

Qiao Xun hissed and took a breath.

Luo Xixian asked with a smile,

"Do you think my sister is cruel?"

"Why did my sister do this?"

"I dare not bet that I will become a different person after having a child. I dare not use my weak human nature to fight against the motherhood given by nature. Maybe, having a child, I will... Really become the so-called so-called Queen."

"You paid such a big price... for what?"

Luo Xixian looked at Qiao Xun seriously,

"Sister's life must be decided by herself."

Thunder flashed in Qiao Xun's heart,

"Sister...you...you want..." He swallowed.


Qiao Xun quickly calmed down. He put his hand on his head and said softly,

"Does my sister really think this is the right thing to do?"

"You've never asked this kind of question before."

"But... there is never true freedom. Sister, you also said that desire is a fatal trap... Everyone wants to do whatever they want, but everyone can only be in their own position. And..." Qiao Xun's voice was slightly Trembling, "There is no dual law at all."

Luo Xixian didn't know what happened to his brother suddenly. She comforted softly,

"Dengxian, elder sister knows... the desire to not be satisfied with the status quo always has to pay a price. But, elder sister wants to change."

Joe looked around.

He suddenly didn't understand whether he was Qiao Xun or Luo Dengxian... Or, whether he really regarded Luo Xixian as his sister.

Luo Xixian shines very brightly in his eyes... This woman who truly has the temperament of a queen always exerts influence on others invisibly. Empathy influence.

"Change and...the cost..."

Luo Xixian was as meticulous as a needle, and she realized that her younger brother might have something to worry about. She smiled comfortingly,

"Dengxian, there is one thing that is unquestionable, that is, if I do nothing, be a good queen, give birth to children well, and help your majesty well... My life will be smooth sailing until it is written into the history books and later generations. She is known as a good queen who is virtuous and virtuous... But then, I will probably shed desolate tears at the moment of death. I can't tell you this feeling well, I can't say it well... My sister just wants to be a witch who brings disaster to the country and the people. Woolen cloth."

Joe looked around.

His heart gradually moved in a gentle voice.

He couldn't help thinking...Will I shed desolate tears at the moment of my death?

Luo Xixian looked at Qiao Xun's tired face, gently hugged him in his arms, stroked his cheek and forehead,

"Good boy, we are always crushed by reality, we are always choosing, we are always paying the price for our choices... No matter what, I hope that you won't regret it, no matter what you do... Sister to you My love is selfish...I never expected you to be the person Daddy thinks of you, I just hope that no matter what you do, you won't regret it."

"Sister, is there anything destined in the world?"

"Yes..." Luo Xixian smiled, "Like, you and I are destined to be siblings. You and I are destined to meet in the Wutong Palace. You are destined to lie in my arms and listen to me."

Qiao Xun closed his eyes~www.readwn.com~ He felt very tired and sleepy.

Luo Xixian gently put him down,

"Go to sleep, wake up...everything is different."

She glanced at him for a long time, sighed, and turned to leave.

After she left, Qiao Xun opened his eyes and sat up.

Luo Xixian is a good elder sister, even at this time, she still hopes that her younger brother will get a good night's sleep, and she does not hesitate to use special means.

Qiao Xun smelled the unique fragrance on his body and muttered in his heart,

"But, I'm Qiao Xun."

elder sister……

Qiao Xun stood up and walked out, thinking as he walked, if only it were my sister.

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