Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 46: The last son, the sword light shines in the sky

The latest website: The head is very heavy, like it is filled with disgusting lead water.

The pungent smell of blood lingered in the room. The servant girl was using a hot towel to wipe the blood scab formed by the blood oozing from Xu Lieshan's chest.


At a certain moment, Xu Lieshan took a cold breath, then suddenly opened his eyes, sat up straight from the bed, and began to gasp for breath.

The bloodshot in his eyes quickly faded.

"Shan Gong, are you okay?"

Xu Lieshan felt pain in his chest, and squeezed his shoulders tightly with his palms. He was pale and weak.

"Where's the eldest son? Where is the eldest son!"

The maid quickly said,

"Take away by the Praetorian Guards."

As soon as Xu Lieshan heard this, he immediately stood up from the bed.

"Shan Gong, Erniang asked me to take care of you, you are seriously injured now, please rest well!" The maid reached out to help.

Xu Lieshan waved his hand and pushed the maid away, roaring,

"Master Shizi is suffering, I'd rather lie on the bed! What kind of heart do you have, what kind of heart do you have! How can I have a good rest if Shizi is not well!"

He put on his clothes, put on his shoes, and went out.

The wound on the chest was torn open due to the large-scale movement, and it quickly turned red and stained a piece of clothing.

The maid cried from behind and said,

"Shan Gong, you are seriously injured!"

Xu Lieshan turned a deaf ear, pushed open the door, and left quickly. There was only one thought in his head: Lord Shizi, don't be afraid, I'm here...

Sir, here I come...

Although he feels very tired, although he is hungry, the place where the prince is not is not a place where he can rest and eat with peace of mind.

After walking a short distance, the stinging pain in his chest made him sweat profusely.

Tired... Eyelids are heavy... I want to sleep... Hungry... Cold, so cold... Legs can't work... My eyes can't see the road...

Xu Lieshan spat out blood and squatted on the ground.

The voices of the maids next to my ears became more and more indistinct.

Xu Lieshan was shaking all over.

Tremblingly, he took out a blood-colored, crystal clear pill from his sleeve. The pill seems to contain an unformed baby.

He ate the pill in one bite, and then quickly tapped on the eyebrows, the back of the neck, the armpits, and several acupoints under the abdomen.

Another mouthful of blood spit out.

But after vomiting blood this time, not only did he not become weak, but he was in good spirits, and all the fatigue and pain disappeared. There was a constant flow of energy from the inside out. The blood pulses, and the heart beats faster.

Xu Lieshan has never been so refreshed and his stomach has never been so satisfied. It was as if a single pill could be compared to dozens of delicious meals.

His eyes became translucent, reflecting the scorching sun and blue sky.

He whispered softly:

"Master Shizi, I'm here... I'm here to save you..."

He strode forward. Now, no one can stop him.

On the high-rise building of Xu Guofu's Zhongtang Courtyard, the second mother, Mu Cai'er, looked at everything in front of her and said in a low voice:

"What a heartfelt slave."

A man in black fell behind her, lowered his head, and said in a deep voice:

"Wusi, there is already chaos in the imperial palace."

Mu Caier nodded,

"It's almost time, and there's still an hour left to wake up those heartworms. It's time for the vulgar masters in Chang'an City to open their eyes."

"Will Guanshilou be a factor of instability?"

Mu Caier smiled and said,

"The biggest threat to Guanshilou is not the Guanshilou itself, but the monsters imprisoned in the dungeon. It's enough to be optimistic about the dungeon. As for the others... not worth mentioning."

"Will Wu Sui continue to stay in Xu Guofu?"

"There is no need for that. After being the second mother for so many years, I am indeed losing my craftsmanship."


"Also, remember to call me Wu Xiang."



Xu Guofu, Falling Ming Lake.

Curie collapsed on the lake, and the snoring sounded together with the sound of insects and fish in the lake, as if they were playing some elegant tune together.

At a certain moment, the snoring stopped.

Daoist Meng Xun was startled and woke up.

Sit back and yawn.

Then, he stood up.

From the moment he came to Xu Guofu to lie down, until now, he stood up again.

With a wave of the whisk in his hand, the Chang'an City Painting Scroll was displayed in front of him.

On the picture scroll, dense light spots are flickering.

Dream-seekers remembered the question Qiao Xun had asked before, "Will you solve those vulgar masters?"

His answer was "by chance".

Fate, seems to be able to explain, or to deal with everything.

Whether it can be done or not, it can be covered by "predestined number".

He still feels that way now. Thinking too much, doing too much... is not as good as a "fate", it can also be said to be "random".

"I came to Chang'an City to find a clean place, but the common man disturbs the clean..."

He waved the whisk, and the painting scroll was put away again.

Then, he strode out and disappeared here in the blink of an eye.


Chang'an City, Chengdong Wetland, Moon Lake.

In the Huxin Pavilion, Guan Yue and Xin Yu sat opposite each other at a table again.

Although the body is Miao Xinyue and Li Jiaojiao.

Xin Yu has almost rested. But no matter how rested Li Jiaojiao's body was, it would still look weak. In Xin Yu's words, when she fell asleep, she didn't know how to exert herself if she wanted to.

"I thought about it a lot." Guan Yue said.


Guan Yue's fingers gently slid across the table,

"After I arrived on Earth, what bothered me the most was not how to get along with the Earth in a thousand years, but...why would I go to a thousand years later. I flipped through the materials and asked some ancient rune researchers...with I tried every way to find the answer to this question. Why did I go to a thousand years later... The moment I saw the coach, I felt that this question would have an answer. Sister... This feeling has made me excited, It scares me too. I don't understand why a person, someone I didn't communicate with before, would feel this way. But...I was very happy just seeing him, and I was looking forward to everything."

"This emotion..."

Guan Yue shook her head,

"I don't agree with what kind of affection this is. In your words, there is a bond that connects me and the coach... This bond is full of fate, and it can connect me with him even after thousands of years. In between, it's as if the souls have been connected, and the lives have been interconnected. For a few days in the dungeon, I have been thinking, thinking... The answer is about to be answered, and this feeling is getting more and more urgent. More and more..."

She stopped. Head down.

Xin Yu asked softly,

"What's wrong?"

Guanyue's lips trembled,

"I suddenly realized something."


"The coach... he's about to wake up. That's why I feel this way."

"What's the meaning?"

Guan Yue said,

"I have a relationship with the coach because of some kind of bond. I can feel his inner world to a certain extent, whether he can feel me, I don't know ... but I am sure, I can. When he is upset, I will I am uneasy, when he is happy, I am also happy...Since breaking up with Xianyi, he has been sinking, as if some vortex is going to swallow him up. After entering Chang'an City, this feeling became more and more intense...I It's always tempting to explore him, to feel him...it's like there's a blood vessel connecting us."

She looked at Xin Yu and said blankly,

"However, just now... my heart suddenly became extremely calm. I stopped thinking about him deliberately, and stopped trying to interpret his inner world..."

"This shows what?"

"It means that the coach has made a choice. He is no longer struggling."

Xin Yu was puzzled,

"Isn't that a good thing? Why do you look sad."

Guan Yue was stunned, then laughed,

"It's not sad."

"But your smile...it's hard."

"No, no!"

Guan Yue stood up and said aloud:

"I'm going to the coach. I'm going to ask him what the choice was."

As she spoke, her voice dropped...

"I want, most... let him rely on me again."

After speaking, she turned and walked out.

Xin Yu shouted from behind,

"Let me go too."

Guan Yue turned around and smiled:

"Sister doesn't need to go. You can just stay and take care of the aftermath."

Xin Yu said helplessly,

"Forget it, I look like this, and I'm going to cause trouble. But, what does the aftermath mean?"

"It's the aftermath!"

After speaking, Guan Yue disappeared at the end of the corridor.



The sound of chess pieces falling on the chessboard is clear and pleasant. The best chess pieces and chessboards in the world are here, as well as the best chess players in Chang'an.

Luo Xinzhi was the last to settle.

On one side of the gray hair on the temples, there is a deep gaze. He says:

"Your Majesty, you lost."

Sitting opposite Luo Xinzhi was the current emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Li Yanxing.

Ming Shihuang glanced at the chessboard, and the pieces in his hand did not fall for a long time, nor were they put back in the chess pocket. He laughed, the corners of his eyes wrinkled,

"Xinzhi, you have never won against me, are you finally going to win this time?"

Luo Xinzhi laughed,

"Just a fluke."

Ming Shi Huang shook his head and said,

"Everyone says Quan Chang'an you are the best at chess."

"Not as good as Your Majesty."

Ming Shi Huang smiled and said,

"If there are other people watching chess, I'm afraid they will say in my heart that you, Luo Xinzhi, are good at flattering, and I am a person who is only used to listening to sweet words."

"Wherever it is. The chessboard is like a battlefield, winning is winning, and losing is losing."

"The chessboard is like a battlefield... It's a good saying. You Luo Xinzhi are a good player in leading troops to fight."

"I'm just a reader."

"Scholar... Interesting." Ming Shihuang smiled, "I am not afraid of Wufu's sword and sword, but Wufu's pen and paper."

Luo Xinzhi shook his head,

"Just read it."

The Emperor Ming did not say much. He looked outside,

"It's really noisy outside. Inside the imperial palace, it hasn't been so lively for a long time. Xinzhi, do you know when I liked the imperial palace the most?"

"I don't know."

Unconsciously, Emperor Ming changed his name.

"My favorite is when you are my sword bearer before you ascend to the throne... We have been studying all day long, how to avoid the means of other princes, and how to deal with other princes... At that time, I frowned every day, so that There are wrinkles all over my face now. However, I am very happy and like that time. I can give everything and do my best for one thing, one goal... I spend all day planning how to win the throne. "

Luo Xinzhi looked at the chessboard and said nothing.

Ming Shi Huang continued,

"But later, I became the emperor. I don't have to be tired, I don't have to worry about anything... I sit upright on the dragon chair, and when I look out, I can see my country and my people. I don't need to worry about anything, just say something. Words, it can be realized. Gradually, I became less happy. This throne has also become boring. At this time, I realized that what I want is not a throne, but a... can keep urging My goal going forward, a goal that will never let me sit down and rest."

Luo Xinzhi said,

"Your Majesty, you are tired."

Ming Shi Huang smiled and said,

"Yeah, I'm tired. So, I'm going to do something fun."

After he finished speaking, the chess piece that he had been pinching between his **** suddenly landed somewhere on the chessboard. Then he stood up and said:

"Xinzhi, this time, you still lost to me."

Luo Xinzhi's eyelids twitched wildly. He stared at the chess piece with wide eyes.

It was a position he hadn't expected at all. One move of chess instantly turned the tide of the battle, turning defeat into victory.

Luo Xinzhi let out a long breath,

"Chess is like a battlefield... The situation changes rapidly."

Ming Shihuang shook his head, said nothing, put his hands behind his back, and strode away.

He walked out of the imperial study, walked to the front hall, and slammed open the door of the front hall.

From this location, you can have a panoramic view of Chang'an City.

But there were no eunuchs and palace maids waiting outside the gate. But his queen, Luo Xixian.

On Luo Xixian's shoulder, stood a black cat. The black cat is licking its paws.

Luo Xixian was not wearing the phoenix clothes she should be wearing, but a simple white clothes. Before becoming a queen, she always wore it like this, because she liked to be clean and not colorful. A little bit of other colors made her feel upset, like ink dripping into clear water.

There was no one outside except Luo Xixian. There is no one around.

Emperor Ming was not surprised. he said slowly,


Luo Xixian said,

"Your Majesty, the day has come."

"Does it make you feel wronged to be my queen?"

"You know, from the moment I entered the Wutong Palace... I'm not satisfied with being in the Wutong Palace anymore."

"Not satisfied... Everyone says that you are a pure-hearted queen. That being said, you are still very greedy."

"Greedy? Maybe. Any bad word can be used to describe me at this point."

"Never satisfied... the exact opposite of me, I have only one direction from beginning to end."

Luo Xixian did not answer his words. She stretched out her right hand, and a sword appeared in her palm. Densely packed, countless swords appeared behind her.

Emperor Ming said,

"You're a swordsman. I'm surprised."

"Chang'an has three treasures, sword, poetry and wine. I can't drink wine or write poetry, so I have to practice swords."

"Xixian, the chaos in the imperial palace is what you want?"

"That's what you want too, isn't it? You are more powerful than me, and you want to make a mess of Chang'an City."

Ming Shihuang's brows softened,

"Xixian, I love you deeply."

Luo Xixian said,

"Aside from your status as an emperor, you are also the best person in Chang'an. You have a handsome face, an extraordinary mind, and you are so dedicated to using Qing... But, I don't love you."

Ming Shi Huang took a long breath, his heart was like a needle,

"This is a huge failure for a man."

"Failure or not, there is no result yet." Luo Xixian crossed his sword, "Your Majesty, there are only the two of us here. No one else will bother you."

Ming Shi Huang looked around, there was an invisible rhythm, isolating everything,

"Did the cat on your shoulder do it?"

"It looks to me like a cat. Because it's too jealous. But now, it's a cat."

Ming Shi Huang smiled and said,

"I said, you've always hated cats. Sneeze when you see cat hair."

"His Majesty."

"Xixian, why are you so anxious. It won't change anything." Emperor Ming smiled slightly.

Luo Xixian said,

"I've had enough. I want to... get this over with."

She drew her sword up. The sword light shines in the Hall of Qinghe, overshadowing the scorching sun. The elegant white clothes are like exiles, and the long hair flutters, each of which shines on the sky.

The sword light is shining, cold, and decisive.

Luo Xixian used the determination of his life. There has never been a moment so full of determination.

She only saw the man in front of her. The man who was deeply in love with her.

Ming Shihuang's eyes are no longer gentle. He says,

"I played a game of chess with Luo Xinzhi just now. As a result, he lost and I won."

The words fall, the sword has arrived.

However, the sword light did not shine in the flesh and blood of Emperor Ming Shihuang, but was covered by black that appeared out of nowhere, or rather poured out.


No matter how noisy the imperial palace was, it couldn't make a noise among the ordinary people in the alley.

They still live their lives as usual.

Do some business, do some labor, and the streets are one after the other. Squeaks are everywhere.

Until a certain point, everything started to change.

For some reason, a small vendor who was hawking suddenly rolled his eyes and fell down on the stall in front of him, smashing the guys on top of it all over the place. Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth and began to twitch, and wisps of black smoke kept coming out of his mouth.

The people around were taken aback. Warm-hearted people hurried up to help,

"Hey, little brother, are you okay? Little brother, can you hear me!"

The vendor didn't respond, just kept twitching.

Black smoke is coming out of my mouth again~www.readwn.com~ Everyone is saying that they have fallen into evil.

But at this moment, a group of black, condensed, slightly sticky things grew from his navel, and then stretched out in the direction of the imperial palace at a fast speed.

It was too late for everyone to see what was going on. Because one after another on the street kept falling down, the same convulsions, the same black smoke coming out of their mouths, and the same black things growing out of their navels, flying towards the imperial palace.

Pieces of people fell to the ground.

Everyone has a black thing on their navel...

like the umbilical cord.

The dense umbilical cords gathered together and swept toward the imperial palace in the southeast, northwest, and middle of Chang'an City.

To be precise, outside the highest city in Chang'an, in front of the Emperor Ming.

One end of each umbilical cord is attached to the body of the laity, and the other end is attached to his body.

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