Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 47: Believers and Faith, Ancient Towers and Hell

Lost, fell, twitched, and then a black sticky umbilical cord grew from the navel to the imperial palace.

The same thing is constantly happening in Chang'an City.

In a short period of time, the whole city of Chang'an changed from lively and peaceful to panic and terror. With the birth of more and more vulgar masters, it quickly turned into depression and silence.

Not everyone has become like this, but they are very evenly distributed in every area and every street in Chang'an City. And once there is a vulgar master in any street, other people in the whole street will panic in a depressing and treacherous atmosphere.

The vulgar master has absolutely no will of his own. A long black umbilical cord surrounds them.

They wandered the streets and alleys like wandering spirits.

No one dared to approach them. Because they seem to have a great desire for the breath of strangers.

Of course, some people will try to rescue their relatives and friends after they have become vulgar masters, although they don't know how to do it, they just approach and shout. However, the Lord gave them back: wrap them tightly with the black umbilical cord on their navels, and then pour a black, sticky breath into their mouths.

Faith contagion.

Ordinary people who are infused with black and sticky aura will quickly become vulgar masters, much faster than the parasitic heartworm.

Then, no one dared to approach the vulgar master.

They continued to wander the streets. Ordinary people are cautiously hiding in the house, even breathing can only take a sip, a sip...

In the end what happened?

No one knew, and no one dared to go out to inquire and investigate. Some people tried to attack the vulgar master, but what made them desperate was that even if the vulgar lord's head was chopped off, the black sticky breath that came out of the umbilical cord could quickly make the vulgar lord grow another head.

However, the newly grown head is very deformed and ugly, like a clay handicraft made by a child.

Slashed with swords, burned with fire, flooded with water, used all kinds of poison...

However, no matter what method is used, every time, every time the secular master can be resurrected again. It seems that if the umbilical cord on their belly button keeps falling off, they won't die.

The city of Chang'an, which was prosperous and stable just a moment ago, has become a dead and quiet place in less than two hours.

There are no living people in the streets and alleys, only vulgar masters who have no will.

The living people hiding in the house did not dare to make a big noise. That will attract the vulgar to enter. They know that once they are entangled by these vulgar masters, they are finished.

This is the case for ordinary people. Can only hide.

Warriors, swordsmen, internal practitioners... Only these people can barely do simple activities in Chang'an City, which is full of secular masters. But even if they are surrounded by a large number of vulgar masters, there is only one dead end.

The events in Chang'an City were quickly learned by the people in the imperial palace. The dignitaries in the imperial palace were extremely shocked and had no idea what was going on. They desperately wanted to find your Majesty soon, and inform His Majesty that Chang'an City was in chaos, but since the Guardsmen raided, no one has seen His Majesty again.

However, it is astonishing. There are tens of thousands of people in the entire imperial palace, but no vulgar master has been born. All secular masters are outside the imperial palace.

Some smarter people have gradually realized that the strict control that may have started some time ago was just to investigate this situation.

There was a dead silence outside the imperial palace, and everywhere was dilapidated and withered, secular masters and desires.

Inside the imperial palace, the imperial guards were under high-pressure control and ran rampantly.


When Xu Lieshan left Xu Guofu and was about to enter the imperial palace, a large-scale outbreak of vulgar masters broke out in the city.

When the black umbilical cords poured from outside the imperial palace into the imperial palace, and almost condensed into dark clouds in mid-air, he felt his scalp tingle. Just looking at the condensed umbilical cords gives the feeling of being **** and left to a vicious dog.

What are those things?

Xu Lieshan didn't know. But he felt as if those things were calling to him, like a mother calling to a swaddled baby.

He was startled and shivered all over.

Now is not the time to understand these things. You have to find Shizi first. The city of Chang'an is in chaos, and the imperial palace is also in chaos.

Xu Lieshan swallowed.

Master Shizi must, there must be nothing wrong!

Looking at the closed gate of the imperial palace, he brazenly slammed it open with his flesh. The flesh collided with the iron-wood gate, the dust roared and the momentum shook. The Guards guarding inside were directly hit by the internal strength and were thrown away.

Xu Lieshan broke into the imperial palace, looked at the wide and long profound way, and let out a heavy sigh.

The cavalry officer in charge of guarding the gate shouted angrily:

"Those who break into the imperial palace privately, kill!"

The Guards quickly filled the entire Xuan Dao and surrounded Xu Lieshan.

Xu Lieshan put his hand on the hilt of the soft sword at his waist and said in a deep voice:

"Let me... go in."

The cavalry officer shouted loudly:


The Imperial Guard armed with halberds formed a formation and began to attack Xu Lieshan.

Xu Lieshan closed his eyes slightly, and his face became a little rosy.

Sword out!

The soft sword was broken by Qi Wuyin. Now it's just a broken sword.

But under the control of Xu Lieshan at this time, the broken sword can also shine.

The sword light shone in the profound way, reflecting on the red walls and blue tiles on both sides. Where it shines, deep sword marks must be left.

Blood light and sword light were mixed, under the dark cloud formed by the black umbilical cord.

Xu Lieshan has only one goal, to find and rescue Luo Dengxian. These Janissaries also had only one goal, blocking and killing Xu Lieshan.

This is your life and death.


Guanyue rushes in the shadows, like a fish swimming in the water.

The streets and alleys of Chang'an City are full of vulgar masters. Although she inherited Miao Xinyue's memory, there was no secular master in these memories. It was the first time she saw her.

This strange way of existence made her feel gloomy.

Passing by every vulgar master, she could feel a very strong... desire.

She suddenly understood, what is a vulgar master...

It is the desire to expand infinitely, to the extreme, to the point that mortals can't bear it. Then man becomes the body, and desire becomes the master...the mundane master.

However, these secular masters have a common belief... they are all believers.

The other end of the umbilical cord may be where their beliefs lie.

Guan Yue looked to the other end. There is the imperial palace.

Getting closer... getting closer to the coach. The urgency in my heart is like a wanderer Siqie on the way home. It seems that when you go there, everything will be very beautiful.

Guan Yue was unable to evaluate her own mood and thoughts. She only knew that this fateful feeling was about to end.

She finally passed through the streets with countless vulgar masters and came to the gate of the imperial palace.

The gate of the imperial palace is open.

She stopped a little and walked inside.

Before entering, he smelled a very strong **** smell.

She stepped in.

The **** and cruel scene that caught her eye made her frown wildly.

The entire hallway was dyed black and red with blood, and the walls on both sides were full of mottled sword marks. There are stumps and pieces of meat, broken armor and broken halberds everywhere...

No body is complete, the scattered body parts are almost impossible to get together, piled up one after another.

In this scene, Guan Yue reluctantly captured a trace of Xu Lieshan's breath. She was amazed, did Xu Lieshan do all of this? Is he that strong?

And, so cruel...

Guan Yue swallowed her saliva, her figure flashed, and she walked through the hallway.

She followed the traces of Xu Lieshan's breath all the way. Every other section of the road is the body of some janissaries. It is conceivable that he held a sword and broke through one block after another.

The scene of each battle field is very unsightly, these minced meat and stumps are as cheap as pigs, sheep and cattle. But these are real people.

Through these **** and cruel battlefields, Guan Yue could imagine Xu Lieshan's insane fighting style.

What is he for?

In Guan Yue's impression, Xu Lieshan is a person who likes to play tricks, but is very sincere to Luo Dengxian.

Such a person is crazy to such an extent.

Guan Yue doesn't think it's a strong sincerity that can cause it. This reminded her of the Fu Chengwen she saw in the Guanshilou dungeon before... Fu Chengwen was also crazy, completely twisted, and became a slave of desire.

Gu Yu Guan Yue frowned. Xu Lieshan would not have become a slave of desire.

She looked at the dense dark cloud of the umbilical cord in the sky, and the feeling in her heart became stronger. She just wants to find Qiao Xun quickly now.


After Luo Xixian left Wutong Palace, Qiao Xun also left Wutong Palace immediately.

But he did not follow Luo Xixian.

He intends to find other dead and resurrected people captured by the Praetorian Guards. He wanted to know if there were Lu Xianyi and Zhu Boniang among those people.

There was chaos in the imperial palace, and the order almost collapsed. Therefore, even if Qiao Xun did not deliberately disguise and hide, no one came up to question him.

He quickly found a cavalry officer, and through "gluttony", he extracted part of his memory about the places where the rest of the dead and resurrected were imprisoned.

It was an ancient tower in the imperial palace.

It is said that the ancient pagoda existed before the imperial palace was built. A more exaggerated statement is that this ancient pagoda existed before Chang'an City was built. Qiao Xun was actually skeptical of this statement, because he knew that this Chang'an City was originally the Chang'an City of the Immortal Realm.

The ancient pagoda is in the northeast direction of the imperial palace. Without any hesitation, Qiao Xun hurried towards the ancient pagoda.

In the northeast direction, with the ancient pagoda as the center, a large number of temples and Taoist temples have been repaired. Among them, monks and Taoists who prayed for blessings and chanted scriptures for the imperial palace were dedicated to offering sacrifices. There are also ancestral temples here.

Therefore, there are very few people here. Compared with other messy places, it can be described as clean. Although there are also a series of guards searching here, but their actions are not as arrogant as in other places.

The ancient pagoda is very tall and can be seen from a distance.

The exterior wall is full of mottled sense of history, and the architectural style that is incompatible with the surrounding seems to confirm the previous statement.

Qiao Xun bypassed the Janissaries and approached the ancient pagoda.

Although the imperial palace is in chaos now, the monks and priests here have not stopped chanting and praying for blessings.

The sound of chanting chanted around him, and he felt like he was in a hall full of speakers.

There are no redundant buildings around the ancient pagoda, and the view is very wide. Many praetorian guards surrounded this place on three floors.

However, this is not difficult for Qiao Xun to deal with. Compared with many people, he is afraid of few people. Fewer people are more exposed.

Playing as a cavalry officer, Qiao Xun successfully passed through the layers of guards and arrived at the bottom of the ancient pagoda.

The ancient pagoda is built with very large long stone blocks. This reminds Joe of the pyramids in Egypt. While the shapes are vastly different, the layup is somewhat similar. Each stone is very large, which also makes the ancient pagoda even more majestic than it looks from a distance.

He raised his head upwards, subconsciously counting the layers.

This number immediately moved his heart slightly.

Because the ancient pagoda has a total of eighteen floors.

This number is very close to the number of those who have come back from the dead. Fifteen, plus him and Guan Yue, that's seventeen.

Of course, the coincidence of the numbers is not very strong evidence.

Until he walked in...

There is a stone pillar in the middle of the first floor, and the stone pillar seems to extend to a higher place.

On the stone pillar, a person is bound by the rotating ancient runes, which are tightly attached to the stone pillar.

Every time the ancient rune passed through this person's body, he showed a very painful expression.

Qiao Xun walked over and called:

"How are you?"

The man didn't respond, the ancient rune passed by him again, and his facial expressions were convulsed in pain.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Still no response.

Qiao Xun frowned, wrapping part of his consciousness with "numerology following the sky" and entering this person's sea of ​​consciousness.

The tone in the sea of ​​consciousness was very drowsy, and the depressed atmosphere made Qiao Xun feel uncomfortable.

Then, he heard a very miserable cry, very hoarse, but very miserable. It sounded to the point of almost collapsing.

He followed the sound, and after a while, he passed through a fog.

After the fog, there were four all-black, armored... ghosts, and a man. This man looks different from the people outside. But Qiao Xun is convinced that he is the master of the sea of ​​consciousness, that is, a person from the earth.

Four ghosts, one pressed his leg, one grabbed his arm, one opened his mouth, and one held his tongue with pliers and pulled it out.

Pull it little by little, keep pulling it out.

Qiao Xun was shocked when he saw it.

This scene reminded him of a word, "tongue-pulling hell". The first layer of the eighteen layers of **** in the legend.

And the ancient pagoda is also eighteen floors... Could it be... Qiao Xun's eyelids jumped wildly, this ancient pagoda represents the eighteenth floor of hell?

He tried to stop the four ghosts from pulling away from the man, however, he found that he couldn't get close to them no matter what, no matter how he moved forward, he always kept a fixed distance from them.

Then he realized that this wasn't actually happening, it was just a reflection of the abstract will.

Thinking of this, Qiao Xun didn't stay much, he immediately exited, and then quickly climbed to the second floor of the ancient pagoda.

The second floor is exactly the same scene as the first floor. The same stone pillar, the same ancient rune bondage. The second layer is bound by a woman... He dived into his sea of ​​consciousness.

As guessed, the second layer of ancient pagoda corresponds to the second layer of **** - the scissors hell.

The punishment was to cut off ten fingers with scissors.

It was neither Lu Xianyi nor Zhu Boliang who was punished on the second floor.

The third floor... the iron tree hell, people are hung on the iron tree, and the branches pass through the back skin;

The fourth floor... The Mirror Hell...

The fifth floor...the steamer hell...

The sixth floor...the copper pillar hell...

The seventh floor... The Hell of Sword Mountain...

The eighth floor... the iceberg hell...

Oil pan hell...

Bull pit hell...

Stone crushing hell...


It didn't stop until the fourteenth **** of vain death. There was no one on the fifteenth floor.

Except for him and Guan Yue, Li Jiaojiao, who was in Xin Yu's body, was not caught, so there were 14 people...the numbers were not wrong, they corresponded.

Qiao Xun was shocked.

This ancient pagoda actually symbolizes the eighteen layers of hell.

Did Qi Wuyin arrest these people to make them punished?

Qiao Xun felt that this was not the only reason. Because the young Taoist priest lives in Qi Wuyin's body, and the person behind the young Taoist priest is...the mysterious "Yan above" and the underworld~www.readwn.com~ Yama...underworld...the eighteenth hell... …

are closely related to each other.

This shows more and more that Magic Chang'an, for the so-called underworld, is a place to accomplish a certain purpose. Otherwise, it would not have been opened yet, and there would have been so many human judgments gathered in Xijing City.

Qiao Xun tried to rescue them, but to no avail.

He can destroy those ancient runes, but he cannot bring their consciousness out of those hells.

Because, in his perception, those hells are not in this world. Just mapped here.

Right now, he can't use his abilities across the world.

Fortunately, Lu Xianyi and Zhu Biniang were not among the fourteen people.

Although it is cruel to say that to the other fourteen people, it is the truth.

Qiao Xun will not continue to stay here. Staying a little longer is all about increasing the risk.

He quickly left the ancient tower.

As soon as he walked out of the ancient pagoda, he felt that the sky was much gloomier. Look up to the sky, because the dark clouds condensed from the umbilical cord have completely obscured the imperial palace.

As soon as Qiao Xun saw the dense umbilical cord, there was something...

When I got home, I felt that the table at home was full of food.

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