Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 48: The final "gluttony"

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Imperial Palace, Qinghe Palace.

As the main palace of Emperor Ming Shihuang, even if the imperial palace is in chaos, no one will disturb it here.

At this moment, almost everyone who walks here will be affected by a subconscious mind. This influence makes them avoid here, stay away from here, as if by instinct.

To be precise, there is an invisible enchantment that blocks the cognition of other people here.

In the enchantment, it is a completely different scene, and it has nothing to do with purity and peace.

Inside, a lot of black umbilical cords make the air very sticky. Dull, depressing, dim. Only the sword light that flashed by chance conveyed a realization that there are still people here.

There are indeed people.

Luo Xixian's originally combed hair was now messy and flying in the gust of wind.

The slender sword glowing in her hand stirred the wind and clouds, leaving deep traces every time she touched it, and in the traces, there was still a cold sword light.

Her target, Emperor Ming Shi Huang was completely wrapped in a black umbilical cord at this moment.

It looked like a silkworm chrysalis connected with countless silk threads.

No matter how Luo Xixian attacked, he couldn't hurt that "silkworm chrysalis" in the slightest. All her sword moves were blocked by the black umbilical cord, or... eaten. Every time she attacked, it seemed that it would become a nutrient that fueled the "silkworm chrysalis" to become stronger.

A voice came from "Silkworm Chrysalis":

"Xixian, Xixian... Put down your sword, you are still my queen."

Luo Xixian's flying hair dazzled his face,

"You are insulting me."

"Xixian, why do you have to do this? Although you have done so much...but until the moment you drew your sword, I thought you would give up."

"Then you never knew me."

"You're beautiful, you're smart, you're a perfect woman... For a long time in the past, you were the goal I worked hard for. But now, why is it like this?"

Luo Xixian cross sword,

"You should think about why I will be your queen."

Ming Shi Huang was silent for a while, then smiled lightly,

"Are you also willing to be a victim of politics?"

Luo Xixian answered this question in a simple sentence:

"I love my family."

"Then maybe, I never got you."

Luo Xixian said,

"To this point, from the moment I became the queen, it was doomed. Your Majesty, you understand."

Ming Shi Huang knew very well that Luo Xixian could get the freedom she wanted as long as he said a single sentence, a very, very simple sentence. He only needs to say that the Queen of Jing'an, Luo Xixiande, is not worthy of the position, and another queen... everything has been resolved, and today's events will not happen.

But the simpler it is, the more difficult it is for the emperor to achieve.

He couldn't do it, he couldn't take the initiative to admit to Luo Xixian that he couldn't get her sincerity.

He is the emperor, the Son of Heaven, and above all ten thousand people... It is impossible, and impossible, to bow down for a woman.

Ming Shi Huang sighed,

"Xixian, it's really sad."

"Your Majesty, maybe we are all the way. I can draw a sword to you regardless of everything, and you will continue your endless pursuit and pace regardless of everything. But even so, I consider myself nobler than you."


"Because, everything I do, the price is myself. No matter how I succeed or fail, what I get is everything I own, and what I lose is only myself. And you, regardless of success or failure, sacrifice many Human cost."

Ming Shi Huang smiled and said,

"The price is inevitable."

"But, you sacrificed others. If you succeed, those ordinary people won't get the slightest favor, and if you fail, they will die completely, not even peacefully. Your Majesty, you are very selfish."

"Xixian, you don't have to be so euphemistic. You can call me a cruel and indifferent devil."

Luo Xixian frowned.

Ming Shi Huang continued,

"In this way, you never knew me. If you knew me, then you wouldn't say these words. Because other people's life and death have nothing to do with me, I don't care."

Luo Xixian grinned,

"Is this the Renjun of Chang'an City?"

"What title depends on what you do. Before that, what I did, I could indeed be called a gentleman. Xixian, you should also understand that I never care about other people's evaluations, let alone people I despise. evaluation of."

"Then there will be no one you can look up to in Quanchang'an."

Ming Shi Huang smiled slightly,


"It's useless to talk too much."

Only the sword is the best word.

A red vertical line gradually appeared between Luo Xixian's eyebrows. After the vertical stripes appeared, her speed became faster, her attacks became more violent, and all kinds of sword moves gathered.


Since a prince insisted on meeting with the Holy High, he clashed with the Guards and was executed on the spot by the Guards, the imperial palace was in an uproar.

The uproar was followed by a deadly silence.

They did not expect that the Praetorian Guards actually dared to kill.

In the entire imperial palace, apart from the Imperial Guard, there is no other army, and weapons, etc. are all controlled. Compared to the well-armored Praetorian Guards, the rest are as weak as babies. No one wants to collide with the halberd with their own flesh and blood.

The Praetorian Guards completely controlled the imperial palace.

After Qiao Xun left the ancient pagoda, he was not affected by the chilling atmosphere of the imperial palace, and went straight to the center of the umbilical storm - the Hall of Qinghe.

He felt the breath of his sister Luo Xixian. There she was, right in the middle of the storm.

In any case, he wanted to see what his "sister" was going to do, and whether she succeeded or not, he wanted to witness it with his own eyes.

Approaching the rear of the Qinghe Palace, he almost subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But the shock of consciousness made him quickly reverse this instinct and stop outside.

After carefully feeling it with "numerology following the sky", he realized that this was a cognitive interference barrier.

If it wasn't for his strong willpower, he would have been disturbed.

The enchantment itself only interferes with cognition, not a barrier. So Qiao Xun saw through the barrier and regained his self-awareness, and the scene inside clearly appeared in front of him.

Clouds flooded the earth, and the sword light flickered in it.

It looked like a stormy cloud with thunder and lightning.

Qiao Xun took a step forward and was about to walk in when suddenly a voice from behind stopped him.

"Yo, found you."

He turned his head, and Qi Wuyin in armor was looking at him.

Only a pair of deep eyes showed.

Qi Wuyin said:

"It's very powerful. I have to say that you are very powerful compared to other people who have been resurrected from the dead. It's no wonder that the king gave you special attention."


Qi Wuyin smiled,

"It doesn't matter to you who the king is. You just need to know that such a person exists."

"Then, what is special care?"

Qi Wuyin clicked his tongue twice,

"It's hard for me to imagine that in the face of a mortal who just ran away, I would stand here and explain the reason to him with peace of mind." He then smiled again, "But, who made me want to? Who made me... yes What about the protagonist of this magnificent curtain of Chang'an City?"

main character……

Ever since Qiao Xun met this person, he had been constantly chanting the word "protagonist".

Qi Wuyin said,

"You should be the biggest vulgar master, but unfortunately, there seems to be something wrong. But this does not affect the final result, as long as you are still in Chang'an City, it is enough."

Qiao Xun smiled,

"You said so much, and you said it so secretly, I thought it was something extraordinary, but now it seems that it is just a general statement of stone chips. In the stories I have read, there is no protagonist like you. You don't know anything at all."

Qi Wuyin shook his head,

"Don't try to tease my emotions. And don't try to get something out of me with just words."

"You don't even know who I am." Qiao Xun narrowed his eyes.

"That doesn't matter. I really don't care who you are. Look at the dozen or so who have come back from the dead, do I care about who is who? It doesn't matter what your status on Earth is, whether it's a demigod or a god. Whether it is an evolutionary person, or even the head of a country, here, it is just fertilizer and cornerstone."

Qiao Xun smiled and said,

"But what if I knew who you were?"

Qi Wuyin frowned. He looked at Qiao Xun's half-smiling expression and said:

"I understand, you're the one who pretends to be mysterious."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I'm very pragmatic. I don't want to touch the unnecessary vainness. Falsehoods will eventually turn people into vain people. You say yes, you will pass the sentence."

Qi Wuyin frowned wildly. But they were all hidden under the helmet.

But Qiao Xun can still easily capture this emotion.

Qi Wuyin was puzzled and confused... He really didn't know what kind of soul lived in Luo Dengxian's body. He thought that in this city of Chang'an, those who were resurrected from the dead who lacked the power of evolutionaries would not have the ability to know the true identities of other resurrected ones.

Moreover, in this false world, knowing the true identities of other people does not make any sense.

But Qi Wuyin suddenly had a strong idea. He wants to know who is this "Luo Dengxian" in front of him?

He raised his right hand, and the armor sounded nice.

With a flick of the fingertips, a talisman paper appeared between the two fingers.

Then it exploded quickly. A strong binding force poured out from the talisman, stirring the surrounding space like a vortex, sucking Qiao Xun into it.

This kind of power is simply a dimensionality reduction blow for ordinary people. On the earth, it is almost irresistible to the evolutionary. The power that erupted from the talisman was very effective and unique. In Qiao Xun's opinion, it was like a variant of immortal art, not as pure as immortal art, but the immortal art was more chaotic and uncertain.

But all power can't borrow the fire of "jealousy".

Qiao Xun urged "jealousy" without any delay. The binding force of the rune paper burst into flames, pushing the surrounding space into a sea of ​​golden fire.

Seeing that the fire of "jealousy" was golden, Qiao Xun was even more sure that the power in the talisman was a variant of immortality.

The power in the talisman comes from Yama above. Could it be that above Yama is a person from the Immortal Realm?

The time from the outbreak of the talisman to the appearance of the golden sea of ​​fire was very short, and Qi Wuyin fell into a brief moment of shock.

And after he reacted, he was completely unaware of what had happened.

Why did the power that burst out of the talisman disappear instantly?

Why did a sea of ​​golden flames suddenly appear?

The surrounding golden flames have no attack power or even temperature, just like very real electronic special effects.

Qi Wuyin couldn't understand this kind of thing, he couldn't combine the appearance of the golden sea of ​​fire with the disappearance of the power of the talisman paper explosion.

He couldn't find a correlation between the two things.

Qi Wuyin didn't believe in evil, so he called out several talismans to attack.

However, they were all swallowed up by a golden flame.

And the front "Luo Dengxian" didn't even move his footsteps.

Qiao Xun laughed,

"Aren't you confused?"

Qi Wuyin looked at him sternly.

Joe Tour said,

"Now, do you still think you are the protagonist?"

Suddenly, Qi Wuyin felt a great sense of familiarity with this sentence. He gritted his teeth,

"I don't care who you are, if you completely anger me, you should pay the price."

"This is completely irritating? Lord Judge, there seems to be something wrong with your mentality. I don't think such a mentality can be a great person."

"You can't deny that I just know more than you."

"However, how much do you know without the people behind you? Can you also be called the protagonist by relying on the information gap opened by the people behind you? Do I admit that you are the so-called protagonist?"

Sometimes language can be very powerful. Especially those who are sensitive to the heart.

There is no doubt that Qi Wuyin, a guy with a strong sense of self, is a sensitive person.

Qi Wuyin's armor was shaking. He looked closely at Qiao Xun,

"You'll be smashed into a pile of rotten meat!"


"Don't be afraid of runes... Then try pure power!"

Qi Wuyin clenched his hands into fists, slammed together, and exploded with a loud noise, even forming a shock wave, squeezing the air.

"I can use an ordinary spear to nail Xu Lieshan to the gate of Xu Guofu, and I can use a halberd to poke you into the dragon chair of Qinghe Palace!"

He stomped his foot suddenly, and a long halberd flew from a distance, landed on his hand precisely, and then quickly exerted force.

The long halberd waved the long rainbow, breaking the hard stone slab of the imperial palace, and splitting a huge ravine. The gully forced Qiao Xun to go.

Qiao Xun dodged in time.

But Qi Wuyin's next attack followed.

Qi Wuyin's speed is very fast and his strength is very strong. This is not the kind of internal power master's internal power method and swordsman's sword qi and sword light, which can be burned with "jealousy" because they are all subordinate branches of effective power. But Qi Wuyin's method is not.

This is a very simple and pure physical power, a non-effective power at the level of life.

It cannot be ignited with the fire of "jealousy".

Either dodge or fight.

But Qiao Xun's analysis of the situation was very fast and accurate. He knew very well that without the power of a demigod, he could neither avoid nor fight against this pure physical power. The speed is unmatched, and the strength is also unmatched. If he is a complete Qiao Xun, it will be easy to deal with this method, but the key is that he is "Luo Dengxian".

Unless... use demonic power.

The almighty demon power can easily defuse Qi Wuyin's attack.

But... is it time to use demonic power?

During the short interval between Qi Wuyin's second round of attacks, Qiao Xun's consciousness was very active, and he thought a lot.

"The power of the devil..."

The halberd's attack was imminent.

But the next moment, it was very far away.

It's not that Qiao Xun used the power of the devil, but... a broken soft sword bounced off Qi Wuyin~www.readwn.com~ Xu Lieshan, like his name, displayed like a mountain, descending from the sky, listed in the Joe patrols in front of him.

The momentum is as majestic as a rainbow and dense as rain.

Xu Lieshan let out a sullen breath,

"Master Shizi, I'm here!"

Qiao Xun's eyelids jumped.

He seemed to see an invisible flame lingering around Xu Lieshan... This flame was invisible but scorching, like a lustful desire, brimming with vitality.

"Master Shi...I know you have something to do, I know...you can't trust Lieshan...I know that you are no longer the Shiye I know. But, I am Xu Lieshan from beginning to end. Next time, you believe me once."

Xu Lieshan's momentum rose steadily.

His hair fluttered and he said with a smile:

"I'm probably going to use up all the strength I've gotten from the meals I've eaten."


"Master Shizi, do what you should do. Here, it's up to Lie Shan."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and held a broken soft sword in front of Qi Wuyin. Then he shouted angrily,

"The thief, die!"

Qi Wuyin was frustrated one after another, and his anger attacked his heart.

"Xu! Column! Mountain!"

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