Qiao Xun was greatly moved.

Xu Lieshan's sudden appearance was completely unexpected. He saw with his own eyes the injury he suffered before, and there was almost a big hole in his chest.

However, at this moment, Xu Lieshan stood in front of him alive and well.

It may not be difficult for an evolutionary with a talent for healing, but... in Qiao Xun's impression, Xu Guofu's healing level is far from reaching this effect.

However, Xu Lieshan is indeed alive and well. Even, the momentum is more full, the mental outlook is more positive.

Compared to before, he was completely new.

"Lust" felt Xu Lieshan's current state of mind. Like a seed that breaks the ground with all its strength. An extremely strong vitality lingered around him.

Either way, this is a positive situation.

But for some reason, Qiao Xun felt very strange. This weirdness is very similar to the previous Fu Chengwen.

After he killed Fu Chengwen, he received a kind of feedback. This kind of feedback did not give him a direct change, but made him feel the process of the formation and disintegration of extreme distorted desires.

At this moment, Xu Lieshan also gave Qiao Xun this feeling.

An extreme desire is gathering in him and is about to reach its peak.

Qiao Xun knew that if he crossed the apex at one point, he would jump off the cliff and hit the ground hard.

Formation and disintegration.

"Master Shi, Master Shi... you go, you go!" Xu Lieshan kept urging Qiao Xun when he was fighting with Qi Wuyin.

Qiao Xun stepped back, then turned around and strode into the cognitive interference barrier.

The moment he turned around, he realized,

Xu Lieshan is not alive and kicking, but... a shining light.

That extreme desire pushed him to the highest point in his life.

But... that kind of extreme desire, what is it?

I felt it in Fu Chengwen and Xu Lieshan successively.

The incentive that pushes Fu Chengwen to the extreme desire is "Miao Xinyue"'s aloof body and Guanyue's disdain from the soul;

What is the incentive that pushes Xu Lieshan to the extreme desire?

Qiao Xun strode forward, but thought deeply about this question in his heart. He thought, it should be heartfelt to Luo Dengxian, maybe there are others, but this should be the fundamental reason.

Qiao Xun was gasping for breath. He felt inexplicably depressed.

It was as if something was about to break open his chest and get out.

He looked towards the sky above the Qinghe Palace. There was a whimpering sound from the dark cloud of the umbilical cord, and it was impossible to tell whether it was crying or laughing.

The sword light and thunder were blooming, but they were still unable to break through the cover of the dark clouds.

"Luo Xixian!"

A shocking voice came from the dark clouds, like the cry of a giant.

What responded to this voice was the vertical and horizontal sword light.

Too chaotic. The Hall of Qinghe was almost cut in half, with gravel and tiles everywhere, and a dizzying scream would sound after every umbilical cord was cut.

This hellish scroll-like scene struck Qiao Xun's brain.

He gradually felt that each umbilical cord represented a desire. Desire of the Lord.

Every secular master has visualized his own desires and turned them into tangible powers, which are gathered here through the umbilical cord.

The relationship between believers and beliefs is not worship and blessing, but encroachment and digestion.

Under the pressure, Qiao Xun rushed through the dark cloud of the umbilical cord outside and rushed in.

What greeted him was a sword light.

When the sword light was about to fall on him, he stopped it.

Luo Xixian, whose hair was flying like a madman, was stunned for a moment, and then asked loudly:

"Why did you come here!"

Qiao Xun answered loudly,

"Sister, I'm worried about you!"

When Luo Xixian heard these words, he reprimanded like crazy.

"Get out, get out!"

After she finished speaking, she waved out a sword gang, and was about to fly Qiao Xun away.

But a black umbilical cord blocked the sword gang.

The Emperor Ming's figure is very tall. It is not his real figure, but the huge phantom of will expressed by the cloud of the umbilical cord.

Ming Shi Huang looked at Qiao Xun,

"Xixian, you love your brother the most, why are you willing to attack him?"

Luo Xixian's eyes were red,

"Li Yanxing, you've gone crazy!"

"Xixian, you are crazy."

Luo Xixian slashed the umbilical cord attacking her with a sword and shouted loudly:

"Nine lives cat, take Luo Dengxian out, take out!"

Accompanied by a not loud, but very penetrating cat meow, an elegant figure came out of the cloud.

Its dark green eyes looked at Qiao Xun with no emotion.

Immediately, Qiao Xun felt that someone was hitting his head with a heavy hammer. to destroy his consciousness.

Qiao Xun immediately resisted the counterattack and quickly recovered Qingming.

Seeing that Qiao Xun was unaffected, Jiu Ming Mao's eyes showed a humanized look of doubt.

It then tried again.

Qiao Xun shook his head and said,

"Don't try, you come with me. I have something to ask you."

After speaking, he walked out of the dark cloud of the umbilical cord and left the battlefield between Emperor Ming Shihuang and Luo Xixian.

Nine Lives Cat became more puzzled. It thought for a while, looked back at Luo Xixian, and then walked out with Qiao Xun.

Outside the dark cloud cover of the umbilical cord, Qiao Xun stood still, looked at Nine Lives Cat and asked:

"Who are you?"

Although Nine Lives Cat is puzzled, it is graceful and calm. It tried to use Qiao Xun's body to answer.

But then he discovered that he couldn't interfere with Qiao Xun's consciousness and control his body.

Nine Lives Cat looked at Qiao Xun, her green eyes were full of doubts.

Qiao Xun frowned,

"Can't speak?"

Faced with this question, Nine Lives Cat is speechless, how can a cat speak! It also wants to ask Qiao Xun why your body is not under my control.

However, Nine Lives Cat did not bother about this matter. It transformed and quickly grew from a cat to a human body.

A naked brunette.

However, it is probably very clear about the shame of human beings, and a few fog-like things are blocking the key places.

Long black hair and green eyes.

Qiao Xun took two steps back and distanced himself from her. This woman made him feel particularly dangerous, and the breath on her body was like a bomb that would explode at some point.

Nine Lives Cat walked towards Qiao Xun step by step barefoot,

"You are the first person out of my control."


"Control, mastery, is everything to me. You are also the first person to see my person."

"Sorry. But you don't have to care. In my eyes, there is no difference between whether you are a cat or a human."

Nine Lives Cat's green pupils reveal a ghostly color,

"Your sister often tells me that her brother is a very energetic person. To put it bluntly, he is just a waste of thinking with his lower body. But you are not."

"I don't have any desire to discuss this with you. I just want to know what happened."

Nine Lives Cat raised his arm and subconsciously wanted to lick it, but immediately realized that he was a human now, so he stopped.

"It's very simple and very childish. Your greedy sister is not satisfied with the carefree life of the queen. She wants to get her freedom back from the emperor who imprisoned her."

"What happened to the emperor?"

Nine Lives Cat showed a dangerous smile,

"As husband and wife, they are amazingly alike. They are both selfish and restless people who want to break out of their boring lives."

"What's the meaning?"

"Idiot." Nine Lives Cat held up his arms and raised his chin, "I understand it myself."

Qiao Xun's eyes narrowed,

"Then what happened to you?"

"I'm a cat. Demon cat."


Nine Lives Cat narrowed the distance with Qiao Xun, teasing in a low voice,

"Yes, the demon... a demon who strayed into the fragmented world!"

She moved her nose slightly, then narrowed her eyes,

"You also smell like a demon. I smell it well..." She closed her eyes, "There is communication between demons... Only demons can recognize demons... Oh, I see, a red guy."

The red guy?

The figure of Yihong appeared in Qiao Xun's mind.

"What is a demon?"

Nine Lives Cat turned around,

"You don't have to ask or think too much. No demon will explain to you what a demon is."

"what are you doing then?"

Nine Lives Cat raised an eyebrow,

"Can't you see? I'm helping your sister."

"How did you meet her?"

"She saved me, it's that simple." Nine Lives Cat smiled charmingly, "The cat's repayment, understand?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"This isn't repayment. You're pushing her into the abyss."

Nine Lives Cat smiled disdainfully,

"Boy, do you think she wouldn't be where she is today without me? I think you don't understand your sister's attachment at all. If it sounds good, it's attachment, but if it sounds bad, it's a demon. The meaning of her life seems to be for today. . At this moment today, she came with a switch. Even so, do you still want to stop her?"

Qiao Xun remembered that Luo Xixian had just been crazy and told him to get out. He sighed.

He admitted that what Nine Lives Cat said was right.

Gu Xun "What are these things like umbilical cords?"

Nine Lives Cat said,

"The umbilical cord of believers and beliefs. Like mothers and babies."

Joe asked,

"Like a mother cat and a kitten?"

Nine Lives Cat's skin smiles and flesh does not smile.

Qiao Xun continued:

"But the umbilical cord between the mother cat and the kitten is the mother cat's transmission of life to the kitten, and these umbilical cords...I feel that the believers transmit some kind of...power to the faith."

Nine Lives Cat gritted his teeth and said,

"Mother and baby!"

"the same."

"I don't mind your vulgar statement."

"Is it a vulgar thing to conceive a life? Haven't you ever been in a mother cat's belly, a kitten that was just born wet and covered in amniotic fluid, and didn't scream for cat milk? "

Nine Lives Cat's eyes are full of killing intent. She stared at Qiao Xun,

"Are you deliberately angering me?"

Qiao Xun spread out his hands and answered casually,

"The listener is only interested."

The killing intent in the eyes of Jiu Ming Mao gradually disappeared, and he sneered,

"A sharp-toothed idiot."

Qiao Xun looked at her indifferently,

"Cats with bad manners and bad temperaments should go out to stray."

Nine Lives Cat narrowed his eyes. It can't see what this man is doing, so what's the point of provoking it without a bottom line? Is it really stupid, or is it intentional? But no matter what, it didn't want to continue to communicate with him, snorted coldly, and turned around with its chin up:


Qiao Xun didn't tell her much,

"I still have to go in."

"No, I promised your sister not to let you in."

Qiao Xun said:

"Then try to stop me if you can."

After he finished speaking, he went straight to the dark clouds of the umbilical cord.

A green light flickered in the eyes of Nine Lives Cat, and a sharp cat meow sounded out of nowhere. Then, a huge black cat phantom crashed down towards Qiao Xun.

However, it was burned by a black flame that suddenly appeared when it fell.

Nine Lives Cat was a little stunned. It doesn't know what's going on. He watched as Qiao Xun walked into the dark clouds of the umbilical cord again like a stroll in the courtyard.

Only then did it react, and it immediately turned into a cat and chased in.

However, after it entered, it could no longer find where Qiao Xun was.

It stared blankly at the chaotic sword light and umbilical cord, and a kind of sourness surged in its heart.


Why is it sour? It realized that something was wrong with its state of mind. It howled as if it had been stepped on its tail.

It remembered unhappy things, the most painful time in life.

Once, its owner, like that Luo Dengxian, ruthlessly refuted it, then abandoned it. It tried desperately to save it, but could never find its owner again.

All of Nine Lives Cat's hatred for the painful memories of the past was revealed at this moment.

"She abandoned me because I...I'm not obedient to that white cat, but you...why are you..."

It walked forward with heavy steps, with hatred in its eyes.

In fact, in order to get rid of the Nine Lives Cat and not affect Luo Xixian who was fighting, Qiao Xun changed his cognitive characteristics the first time he entered the cloudy layer of the umbilical cord for the second time.

He modified himself into rubble that can be seen everywhere.

From the perspective of others, he is just a small rubble floating in the bursting power.

He bypassed the center of the battle between Emperor Ming Shihuang and Luo Xixian, and sneaked into the fragmented Qinghe Palace behind.

The reason why he went there was because he felt a familiar breath.

As soon as he entered, he saw Luo Xinzhi sitting in the ruins, facing a chessboard in deep thought.

The sky was turned upside down outside, but Luo Xinzhi was still thinking about the chess game.

Qiao Xun frowned and leaned over.

He also no longer hides and modifies his cognitive characteristics. Stand opposite Luo Xinzhi.


Luo Xinzhi came back to his senses, raised his head, and when he saw Qiao Xun, he roared:

"what are you doing here!"

This reaction... is quite inexplicable.

Qiao Xun said,

"The emperor and sister fought outside, are you still playing chess here?"

Luo Xinzhi flipped the chessboard, and the pieces were scattered all over the place.

"Why are you here? Why are you here!" He said angrily, "Do you know how much trouble you will cause me here!"

Luo Xinzhi did not expect his son Luo Dengxian to appear in this place. This is not in any of his thinking.

Qiao Xun frowned,

"What did you do without telling me?"

Luo Xinzhi raised his hand and was about to slap Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun took a step back, dodging easily,

"Father, you didn't come here like this."

"Beasts, beasts! You are a waste all day long to cause trouble to the Red Dust Avenue, why do you come here to cause trouble!"

"So, what are you going to do? What's wrong with me here?"

Luo Xinzhi approached Qiao Xun, gritted his teeth and said bitterly,

"Do you know why Miao Xinyue appeared by your side, and why do you know why I repeatedly told you to stay in the mansion and not go anywhere?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I don't know why, but Qi Wuyin personally came to Xu Guofu to arrest me."

Luo Xinzhi was stunned for a moment.

"Why don't I know?"

"Did no one inform you?"

"I told Erniang that if there is any situation in the house, use the world-viewing mirror to inform me! Does she not?"

Qiao Patrolman,

"I do not know."

Luo Xinzhi lowered his head, his eyes trembled, and after thinking for a moment, he realized,

"Second mother... Mu Cai'er, Mu Cai'er! Mu Cai'er is a witch!" He whispered, "No wonder someone blatantly appeared in Xu Guofu to shoot cold arrows... No wonder what happened in Xu Guofu, every time Knowing by Your Majesty... No wonder, your movements are transparent in their eyes... Your Majesty, you are really a good chess player, good chess!"

"Second Mother is a witch..."

Qiao Xun did feel that Mu Cai'er was not very personable from the beginning, but he didn't think in this direction either. he frowned,

"My sister told me before that the witch was supported by His Majesty, don't you know?"

"I know, but where do I know it's Mu Cai'er!" Luo Xinzhi's thin face trembled.

"Sister is going to kill the king, you don't know?"

Luo Xinzhi shouted angrily,

"I knew it five years ago. I can see clearly what she is thinking and what she is going to do!"

"Then why don't you stop her?"

"If I really want to stop her, I won't let her become a queen."

Qiao Xun hissed and took a few steps back.

"Luo Xinzhi, you made your sister look like this with your own hands!"

Luo Xinzhi looked at Qiao Xun coldly,

"It's not false to say that you are a waste. Have you ever thought about why Xu Guofu is called Xu Guofu? The biggest traitorous official of the previous dynasty was named Xu! From the word 'Xu' given by His Majesty, it has already shown that he must be eradicated in the future. Me. Why, do you want me to wait to die? Luo Dengxian, as long as you read more books and go to the Red Dust Avenue less, you won't be so stupid!"

"But why, you want to..."

"Don't pretend to be a brother and sister here. If you really care about Xixian, you won't resist reading every time she writes a letter to you."

Qiao Xun could not deny it.

Luo Dengxian was indeed the "trash" in Luo Xinzhi's mouth. Knowing son Moruo father.

Luo Dengxian is such a person.

But...for Qiao Xun, it doesn't matter how much Luo Xinzhi scolds. Instead, he wanted him to continue scolding, because he could know more useful content.

Qiao Xun's fingers trembled,

"But she's your daughter!"

Luo Xinzhi looked gloomy~www.readwn.com~ Yes, daughter. The daughter should listen to the father. "

Qiao Xun took a few steps back, looking in disbelief. He swallowed,

"Then why are you staring at a game of chess here?"

"The barrier..." Luo Xinzhi suddenly became very tired, as if he was a few years older, "Your Majesty has planted a mental barrier for me... I must break it, otherwise, I will become his vulgar master."

"Is that the game of chess?"

"The chess field is like a battlefield... The chess field is like a battlefield... Obviously I said it, but Your Majesty used it one step ahead of me."

Luo Xinzhi muttered to himself.

"Lose one child... lose the whole situation..."

He walked out of the Qinghe Hall in a daze. From his belly button, a black umbilical cord slowly grew.

He grabbed the umbilical cord and pulled it sharply:

"I've been in the military all my life, never! Never! I've lost..."

He strode out.

Every step he took, his arrogance became arrogant.

From far away, Qiao Xun could feel that his almost became real...


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