Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 50: The final "jealousy"

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It's that feeling again:

extreme desire.

Qiao Xun watched Luo Xinzhi's thin back swell little by little with the pace. Behind him, there is a tall, extremely twisted monster hanging vaguely. The monster was howling, making high-pitched hysterical noises.

Although Luo Xinzhi tore off the umbilical cord as soon as it emerged from his abdomen, he did not completely sever the demonic barrier planted by the Emperor Ming in his heart.

There is no break in the chess game, and it is only a matter of time before the magic barrier swallows him.

But Luo Xinzhi seemed to have an unwillingness to admit defeat. He could vaguely see him leading his troops to fight on the battlefield. With his roar, thousands of troops and horses were dispatched.

Luo Xinzhi said as he walked,

"Luo Dengxian, son! My only son! I don't blame you, I have to admit, I can't crack the game of chess left by His Majesty... But you understand, Dad, I have never lost, and I definitely don't want to lose like this. Drop. Daddy wants to win cleanly and lose gracefully!"

Qiao Xun silently watched his back from behind.

The thin back of the father.

He didn't respond.

Luo Xinzhi's footsteps became heavier and heavier, as if he was passing through a swamp. He finally reached the door, stretched out his finger and shook it a little, a beautiful and perfect red gold flower bloomed in the dark clouds of the umbilical cord in the distance. The red-golden light penetrated the dark clouds and fell on Ming Shihuang.

Every ray of light becomes a soldier, a horse, a spear, a sharp arrow...

They all fell on Ming Shihuang.

Ming Shihuang Li Yanxing's tone was still the same, arrogant and dismissive.

"Luo Xinzhi, I can beat you on the chessboard, and I can beat you on the battlefield."

"Your Majesty, do you know why I chose you in the first place? It's safer not to choose the crown prince and the third prince who are more hopeful to ascend the throne."


"Because I often see contempt and persistence in your eyes. Contempt for the enemy, persistence for the goal. I felt that you were a person who will do anything for an end. I think that's how winners should be... The truth is just like me. As you thought, you won. But I should have known earlier that such a majesty will never live in a corner of Chang'an... For others, being an emperor is the highest point of life. But for you, it's just the scenery along the way, you The road is endless...Even if you succeed this time, you will immediately look for the next goal to work for. You will never stop... You are dismissive of everything around you."

The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty hangs high in the sky, connected to the umbilical cord of the complete lord, absorbing a steady stream of desire.

He is the supreme faith that rules all things.

Ming Shihuang looked at Luo Xinzhi on the ground,

"Even if you know, is this still the case? Xinzhi, you are my greatest hero. You could have been the first person under me until you died."

Luo Xinzhi shook his head,

"No, Your Majesty, you won't. I'm destined to be an obstacle in your way."

"Xinzhi, you make me so sad to say that. You are my hero."

Luo Xinzhi looked at the umbilical cord growing again on his belly button,

"poor guy……"

I don't know if I'm talking to myself, or I'm talking to Emperor Ming.

The wisps of red gold light from the red gold flowers on the horizon penetrated the tall shadow behind the transparent emperor, leaving large holes. But soon, these big holes were filled with the power of desire sent from the dark cloud of the umbilical cord.

Luo Xinzhi took a deep breath and continued forward.

The light of red gold fell on him, quickly weaving a thick armor. On the hand is a magnificent red-gold halberd, and there is a flash of blood on it.

Immediately afterwards, a warhorse made of rays of light appeared beside him. He patted the warhorse on the neck, turned on his back, and clenched his legs.


At this moment, Luo Xinzhi once again became the commander-in-chief on the battlefield.

"Come on, come and help me!" The Emperor Ming's voice was like a bell.

Qiao Xun was in the Hall of Qinghe, watching all this silently.

He stood in the shadows. No light fell on him.

Behind it are chess pieces scattered all over the place.

He has already felt it. Indeed, as Luo Xinzhi said, the Emperor Ming put a mental block in this game. Heart block, the trap of desire... The more Luo Xinzhi wanted to break the chess game, the deeper he fell. He could only get out of the game if he didn't care at all, but Luo Xinzhi couldn't do it, he was a man who wouldn't admit defeat. In every previous game, he was willing to let go of water, but only this time, he would not.

The Emperor Ming Dynasty understood this, so he could have such a simple trap and let Luo Xinzhi fall into the trap.

Change to any other, probably will not be planted with a heart block.

Qiao Xun had never spoken to the Emperor Ming, and just what he heard from Luo Xixian and Luo Xinzhi made him understand... How much pressure the Emperor Ming Li Yanxing had put on them.

Perhaps, Li Yanxing was the biggest pusher in forcing Luo Xixian and Luo Xinzhi to where they are today.

For Luo Xixian and Luo Xinzhi, it was an inevitable death situation.

From the very beginning, they could not fight against Li Yanxing at the same level.

Qiao Xun took a deep breath.

This battle, you don't need to watch it, you already know the result.

Luo Xixian and Luo Xinzhi had no chance of winning.

He looked at the dark clouds of the umbilical cord formed by desire...

"Desire is the best nourishment..."

Qiao Xun realized this more clearly.

He looked at Luo Xixian and Luo Xinzhi again. The state of the two of them at this time is almost the same, exactly the same as the previous Fu Chengwen and Xu Lieshan. The ultimate desire has completely pushed them into the abyss, until this desire ends, otherwise there is absolutely no way to turn back.

The conjecture that Qiao Xun didn't even want to think about, which had been hidden in his heart, was confirmed at this moment.

This city of Chang'an is a captive farm of desires.

It's like raising a gu... In the end, he raised the gu king Ming Shihuang -- the ultimate desire.

When Qiao Xun thought of this, he didn't stop there.

He strode forward...

For a long time, he has been like an investigator of an investigation team, just constantly collecting information, integrating information, and then, according to the information he has, depicting the appearance of the real Chang'an City, and thinking about what will happen in this Chang'an City? what is happening.

For now, that's enough.

I should understand, I understand.

His biggest receipt is to understand a very important thing:

No matter what is going on in Chang'an City, what kind of world is being drawn by the people here... This "fragmented world" in the mouth of the Nine-Life Cat is a world of the essence of desire.

And he is the root of desire, the devil king who gathered the desires of the seven original sins.

During the few days in Chang'an City, he has been making choices. In fact, not only Chang'an City, but when Yihong said those words to him on the sea train, he began to choose.

In the end, it is to hide forever, to be a demon in the shadows, until death will rot this secret in my heart;

Still, be a real demon.

In the past, he had the essence of a demon, but was clothed in human skin. This kind of feeling was like being tortured by a hypocrite, and he had been hammering his spirit all the time... He could understand it clearly, maybe agreeing to Lu Xianyi's confession, that is A rebellious resistance, childlike resistance. He resisted his true self, hoping to prove that he was a normal person through his interactions with Lu Xianyi.

But it wasn't until the moment of the breakup that he understood...you can never prove the wrong result with the right formula.

"Don't try to prove that you are a normal person...no normal person needs to be proven..."

He understands that there are too many shackles in his heart... To continue, he will only watch one after another hurt by himself.

Qiao Xun strode forward.

As if he had entered a land of no one, he walked out in a clear and fair manner. Not modifying one's own cognitive properties with "laziness".

Under the gaze of the three, he walked out.

No matter what attack was going to land on him, it would be swallowed up by flames of various colors just before approaching him.

No one could hurt him in the slightest.

The Nine Lives Cat, who was frantically looking for him, saw him the first time, ran over quickly, and then grew into a human form,

"Why are you! Why!"

Nine Lives Cat is like a cat in the rain, very embarrassed. She questioned Qiao Xun loudly with her own pain.

Qiao Xun looked at her calmly,

"Jealousy. You stink of jealousy."

Without saying anything, he used "numerology to follow the sky" to savagely rush into the consciousness of Nine Lives Cat. It doesn't matter if it will hurt her consciousness or not.

The nine cats immediately felt like a needle was piercing their head, and the sharp pain made her bit her lip dully.

She wanted to tear the man in front of her to pieces, but she couldn't control her body anyway.

She said angrily:

"Control is my power, my power!"

Qiao Xun said pitifully:

"You are now like a poor child who sees his beloved toy being taken away and can't do anything about it."

Nine Lives Cat gradually felt weak,

"You obviously don't know anything!"

"You're jealous of the white cat that robbed you of your master's love. Your pathetic desire for control has cost you everything. There's nothing you can do about it but jealousy."

Qiao Xun violently unearthed the past memories deep in her consciousness.

The first half of this demon cat's life was so simple that it was unbelievable. She was originally the pet of an ordinary old man, but the old man picked up a white stray cat from outside one day. It seemed that black and white were born opposites. She cast the greatest hostility towards the white cat almost instantly. Even transferred this hostility to the old man. After hurting the white cat and the old man again and again, the old man chose to send her away.

And this, in her eyes, was abandonment.

Nine Lives Cat's green eyes are full of hatred,

"You don't know anything!"

Qiao Xun said coldly:

"I only understand one thing, you are indeed not as likable as the white cat. It's me, and I also choose the white cat, not you."

Nine Lives Cat's pupils quickly shrank to a small dot, and then immediately enlarged again.

A tar-like black gushed out of the dark green.

The Nine Lives Cat was completely torn apart from the disguise. She screeched to break free from Joe's shackles.

Crawling on the ground, the figure began to grow. In just two breaths, she turned into a huge black cat. The dense green eyes filled the whole body.

"It's in its original shape."

Nine Lives Cat looked down at Qiao Xun, who was as small as an ant on the ground, and her every eye was fixed on Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun looked at her and said:

"On Earth, eyes are often regarded as surveillance. From an artistic point of view, the more eyes an image has, the more the author wants to show that the object is a person with a strong desire to control. At first I thought it was an unrestrained artistic imagination. Power. Now, seeing you, I understand that art comes from life.”

Nine Lives Cat's eyes blinked at the same time. She said resentfully:

"I saved you, why are you doing this to me!"

Become a prototype, even a cat can speak human words.

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"Sorry, you saved Luo Dengxian, not me."

All Nine Life Cat's eyes froze. she howled sharply,

"You devil!"

Qiao Xun said in a low voice,

"I hope the devil you are talking about is just a rhetorical device."

Nine Lives Cat raised its huge claws to smash Qiao Xun into 10,000 pieces.

However, a ray of fire in her eyes interrupted her.

It wasn't that she saw the flames. Instead, flames appeared in her eyes.


She screamed, hair all over her body.

Desperately claw at those burning eyes.

But no matter how she scratched her eyeballs, blood and water dripped all over the floor... and she couldn't catch the flames no matter what.

Instead, more and more flames appeared in her other eyes.

The flames keep getting bigger...

Until the faint green flames completely covered her.

She tumbled desperately on the ground, trying to put out the flames.

But to no avail.

Qiao Xun whispered softly:

"Finally... jealous."

He stepped over the flames that burned the Nine Lives Cat and walked outside the barrier.

The flame never stained a corner of his clothes.

After walking out of the barrier, outside, the battle between Qi Wuyin and Xu Lieshan was coming to an end.

Xu Lieshan, who has returned to the light, is not Qi Wuyin's opponent.

Nor can it be the opponent of a man with a steady stream of judges.

Just like in Xu Guofu, a long spear penetrated Xu Lieshan's body and nailed him to the ground.

But Xu Lieshan, who burned his life in exchange for strength, did not make Qi Wuyin any better.

His armor was almost shattered, there were scars all over his body, and his long, scattered hair was cut into uneven lengths.

Xu Lieshan held the spear that pierced through him, and blood bubbles kept coming out of his mouth and nose.

He tried his best to widen his eyes, looking at Qiao Xun who was walking towards him.

Gradually, he smiled.

Joe patrolled in front of him.

Xu Lieshan said softly,

"Master Shizi, Lieshan can only accompany you here. I...I ate a blood pill...I was very full. It was the first time in my life that I was full..."

Joe Tour said,

"It's hard work, take a good rest."

Xu Lieshan then became nervous again,

"Master Shizi, hurry up, hurry up! Qi Wuyin, not Qi Wuyin... He is very powerful, very powerful, and will kill you... He... you go away..."

When Xu Lieshan said this, he took a deep breath and stared dead.

Qiao Xun glanced at his eyes,

"Have a good rest."

After he finished speaking, a small flame emerged from Xu Lieshan's body.

The flames then expanded rapidly until they were completely engulfed.

Qiao Xun said in a low voice,

"The final... gluttony."

The ultimate gluttony was released on Xu Lieshan, and all fell into Qiao Xun's consciousness.

Just like the previous Fu Chengwen, the nine-life cat just now.

Qiao Xun's eyes became clearer. He pulled out the spear that had penetrated Xu Lieshan from the ground.

Then look at Qi Wuyin,

"Although I'm not the real Luo Dengxian, I have to thank those who died for me."

He walked towards Qi Wuyin step by step,

"So, please give your life to me. I will give it back to Xu Lieshan."

The battle between Qi Wuyin and Xu Lieshan had already made him very excited. He laughed wildly,

"You? It's just you? Hahahaha-"

Qi Wuyin said fiercely,

"The master and the servant are deeply in love, waiting for life and death... Come! Come!"

He shuddered violently, and his tattered armor completely shattered.

But the momentum did not decrease, but instead continued to rise,

"You think I'm hurt? You want to kill me while I'm sick? Ignorance, ridiculous, childish!"

Qiao Xun kept walking,

"If I can beat you the first time, I can beat you the second time."

Qi Wuyin's whole body burst out with aura that made his hair fly,

"When did you beat me?! In a dream!"

Qiao Xun didn't say a word, just threw the spear in his hand under his eyelids.

The spear is slow.

So slow that even snails can dodge.

Qi Wuyin burst out laughing,

"What are you doing? Are children playing the house!"

He took a deep breath,

"That's enough. I thought how much did you have... Let's end it. I'm tired."

Having said that, he will reach out and grab this long spear~www.readwn.com~ and kill Qiao Xun in the same way.

But when he wanted to do it, he found a few black smoke coming out of nowhere. The smoke transformed into palms, hugging him tightly, immobilizing him.

He struggled hard,


struggling hard,


"What's the matter, what have you done to me!"

The spear is getting closer. Qi Wuyin's eyes widened, he desperately roared and questioned.

But he could only watch helplessly as the spear approached him little by little.

In the end, the spear, which was so slow that a snail could dodge, pierced his brow.

Qi Wuyin couldn't believe it.

The spear took him and slammed into the ground, making a loud noise.

Joe patrolled in front of him and looked down at him.

"Last time, you deserved to die. It's a pity that someone saved you. This time, your king didn't save you."

Qi Wuyin's eyes widened, his eyes were about to split,

"It's you!"

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"Yes. It's me. Unfortunately, your protagonist dream was broken by me again."


Qi Wuyin took his last breath with a whimper.

until it came to an abrupt end.

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