Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 52: The beginning of the world, the resurrection of hell

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"A little bit... a little bit..."

Ming Dynasty Emperor Li Yanxing felt the power of desire. In his eyes, those writhing umbilical cords are all images of the various desires of various people. He could easily see what the biggest desires in the hearts of every secular master connected with him were. These desires were drained by him, and there was nothing left, and they all flowed into his body.

After being drained of desire, the vulgar master is an empty shell without a soul.

Almost all the desires of the city converged on him.

But, still a little bit.

The phantom of Ming Shihuang's desire is so tall that it almost touches the sky. He looked up, wanting to see the limits of this world, to break through the limits... break through the shackles of the world.

But, still a little bit.

Ming Shi Huang struggled to think, what was wrong?

From the moment of my plan, I have carefully calculated every step... Luo Xinzhi's anger at failure, Luo Xixian's greed for freedom...everything has been calculated. What's wrong?

Luo Xixian's sword light and Luo Xinzhi's military formation kept attacking.

Various moves wantonly destroy the tall phantom of desire, and fragments of desire continue to explode, reflecting a large number of emotional auras of excitement, pessimism, or excitement... For Luo Xixian and Luo Xinzhi, these auras are drugs that interfere with the spirit. . Every time the fragments of desire exploded, they inevitably fell into a huge mental torture.

For them, the battle has become a battle to see who can hold on. Did they completely collapse in the mental torture first, or did the phantom of the Emperor Ming's desire be completely disintegrated by the attack.

The Emperor Ming himself was hidden in the cocoon wrapped by the umbilical cord from beginning to end.

He pondered inside, what was wrong...

"Maybe... a window. A window outside the world, staring into the world."

The Emperor Ming gradually realized that he himself was born in this world, and breaking through the shackles of the world is tantamount to lifting himself up with his hands. Whatever he was doing was based on the world. He needs a unique perspective, able to separate from the world itself, and then look at the world.

Only in this way can a breakthrough be found.

"A perspective from outside the world..."

Ming Shihuang thought of this, and it became clear all of a sudden.

Isn't that the so-called resurrection from the dead? The dead and resurrected that Qi Wuyin was looking for.

For Qi Wuyin's control of the imperial palace, he acquiesced. Because he needs someone to help him do some unclean things, and Qi Wuyin is such a person.

Those who come back from the dead are people from outside the world. If they use their perspective, can they find a breakthrough?

Ming Shihuang thought of this and acted decisively.

He knew where Qi Wuyin imprisoned those who had come back from the dead, the ancient pagoda in the imperial palace that no one cares about on weekdays.

Pieces of cloudy umbilical cord quickly converged towards the ancient pagoda.

Under the leadership of the cloud of the umbilical cord, the huge phantom of desire of the Emperor Ming stepped out, ignoring the attacks of Luo Xixian and Luo Xinzhi, and kept approaching the ancient pagoda.

"Where to go!" Luo Xinzhi roared, and his power exploded again.

The red gold flowers on the horizon are even more round. This flower of murderous intent, which has condensed his **** battlefield for many years, quickly withered after blooming, and the fallen petals became a more powerful attack method, one after another fell on the body of the phantom of desire, smashing out Huge potholes, fragments of desire constantly fall out of the potholes, and the distorted emotional aura falls on every corner of the imperial palace and falls on ordinary people, instantly pulling them into the abyss of desire, suffering from extreme pain. mental torture.

The entire imperial palace was filled with grief, and it was as miserable as the Shura hell.

Immortals fight, mortals suffer.

Although these three are not immortals, the people in the imperial palace are solid mortals.

Luo Xixian and Luo Xinzhi could withstand the emotional torment of the burst of desire fragments, but mortals would quickly wither and turn into empty shells without souls.

Chang'an City has been devastated beyond recognition.

As Luo Xixian said, the price Li Yanxing paid was everything.

Although Luo Xixian and Luo Xinzhi attacked very quickly, causing huge damage to Li Yanxing's phantom of desire, they couldn't hold back thousands of vulgar masters who continued to contribute to him the power of desire.

Therefore, every time the phantom of desire is defeated, it can immediately stand up again, and then continue to rush to the ancient pagoda.

Luo Xinzhi and Luo Xixian had no idea what Li Yanxing was going to do at the moment. Their only goal is to kill him.


The phantom of desire finally touched the ancient tower.

The dense umbilical cords drilled in from every corner and covered the entire ancient pagoda in the blink of an eye.

The sound of chanting echoed around.

The black umbilical cord wraps around the fourteen resurrected ones who are being punished in hell.

Through the umbilical cord of desire, Ming Shi Huang is connected to their consciousness.

At the moment of connection, Emperor Ming's consciousness almost collapsed. Because he suffered the punishment from fourteen **** illusions at the same time.

Tongue pulling, fire tree, knife mountain, fire sea...

The fourteen punishments of the fourteen hells erupted in his consciousness at the same time.

The Emperor Ming in the umbilical cord cocoon fell into a death-like shock for a moment. But it was only for a moment, and the next moment it recovered.

He was covered in painful cold sweat.

The pupils of both eyes trembled, and the beating of the heart almost burst open the chest.

The lungs also seemed to be filled with water, unable to breathe, unable to breathe out, and even the throat could only make a whimpering sound.

Pain... Pain that broke through the limits of the physical body... His mental will was instantly defeated. Beat and reunite, reunite and beat...

During this period, he almost lost contact with the phantom of desire and the umbilical cord of desire.

Luo Xixian and Luo Xinzhi sensed the anomaly, took advantage of the situation, showed no mercy, and attacked the phantom of desire. Huge potholes kept appearing on the phantom. The blasted Desire Fragments expanded from the Imperial Palace to the entire Chang'an City.

For Chang'an City, a rain of emotions started to fall.

Raindrops falling on the body is a huge mental torture.

Chang'an City is no longer Chang'an City, but a **** on earth.

The city of poetry, song and wine has fallen into the abyss.

Finally, the phantom of the Emperor Ming's desire was completely annihilated. The umbilical cord cocoon is exposed.

Luo Xixian's eyes were red. She didn't think about other things at all, she just wanted to break the cocoon and kill the Emperor Ming inside.

It seems that, for her, killing Emperor Ming is the end of everything. She can achieve her life goal of "freedom and unfettered".

Luo Xixian was in a state of embarrassment, his white clothes had already been dyed black and red, and his beautiful long hair seemed to have been scorched by fire.

There was blood all over her face.

Falling to the ground, the hand holding the sword trembled. The veins on the back of his hands almost burst open. Holding the sword, she walked step by step towards the lifeless umbilical cord cocoon.

Freedom is at hand... an uncontrolled life is at hand...

Luo Xinzhi's slender figure was now withered. His every attack was squeezing his own life. Seeing her daughter walking towards Li Yanxing, about to complete her ultimate goal in life, Luo Xinzhi trembled and was speechless.

This thin tiger will probably only show a moment's true feelings at this moment.

An emperor, a queen, and a prince.

The three most honorable people in Chang'an, fighting so far, are as embarrassed as children who have played around in the mud.

The road to Li Yanxing seemed to be very long and distant in Luo Xixian's eyes.

She hung her breath, and the sword she was dragging rubbed sparks on the ground.

She came to the callus of the umbilical cord, raised her sword, and split it open.

Fragments of desire erupted, granting her a pain to face.

She snorted, her expression unchanged, and she stubbornly hung on the breath that could not be dissipated.

Li Yanxing lay in the torn umbilical cord cocoon, his eyes were dull, as if he had died. But the rising and falling of his chest proved that he was still alive.

Luo Xixian looked at the face that had smiled at him countless times, but there was not a hint of emotion in his eyes...

She raised her sword and dropped it.

The sword fell into the air, but in the blink of an eye it turned into fragments and disappeared with the wind.

Li Yanxing's eyes regained clarity, looking at the embarrassed Luo Xixian and said:

"Xixian, it's over."

Li Yanxing stood up intact.

His whole person seemed to have completed some kind of transformation and became completely different. The ethereal temperament, the deep and mysterious eyes... He seems to be close to his eyes, far away in the sky.

Luo Xixian looked at him blankly. She has no extra energy to make any expressions.

Li Yanxing said,

"Do you know what I saw just now? A spectacular, gorgeous world... Brilliant technology, flourishing civilization... Cars, the Internet, railways, high-rises, guns... All kinds of things we couldn't understand before, Something that cannot be felt. Our world is like a speck of dust compared to it. At that moment, I was sad, sad to live in a pigpen built by others; at that moment, I was also excited ...because I see limitless possibilities."

Luo Xixian didn't know what Li Yanxing was talking about. She doesn't care anymore.

Her only belief supported her last breath. "kill him", "get free"...

She raised her fist feebly and hit him in the face.

A weak punch...so much so that it looks like a coquette.

"Look at your sad face... Xixian, is it really worth doing all this?"

Luo Xixian looked down,

"Only you... only you have no right to say that to me."

Li Yanxing shook his head,

"It doesn't matter anymore. Xixian, it doesn't matter anymore. I'll give you freedom. From now on, you can do whatever you want."

When Luo Xixian heard it, she screamed,

"You can't deny what I've done! No!"

Li Yanxing's sympathetic remarks completely broke Luo Xixian. It seems that everything she does is just the naughty child's play.

Li Yanxing looked cold. He has broken through the mysteries of the world, and has broken through the shackles of the world... For him, this world no longer has anything worth remembering.

He looked at Luo Xinzhi,

"Xinzhi, you can choose another new person and support him to become the throne."

Luo Xinzhi lowered his eyelids,

"Where are you going?"

"An infinite world."

Luo Xinzhi didn't understand, so he could only ask along the way,

"Is our world limited?"

"Like a pigsty."

Luo Xinzhi sneered,

"You are the most powerful pig?"

Li Yanxing's expression didn't change, he didn't care anymore. In his eyes, he is already different from the people in this world.

He shook his head, turned around, and looked at the ancient pagoda.

He knew that the ancient pagoda was connected to the infinite world.

He wants to step into that infinite world.

But another footstep interrupted his thoughts.

Li Yanxing turned around and looked.

A familiar, yet not so familiar figure came into his eyes.

Luo Dengxian.

But not Luo Dengxian.

Qiao Xun walked over step by step, walked halfway, smiled and said to Li Yanxing:

"Your Majesty, your description is correct. This is a world that is no different from a pigsty. There are two possibilities for pigs to get out of the pigsty. One is that they are fat enough to be slaughtered, and the other is to break through the fence and escape. Do you think you are Which one?"

Li Yanxing did not answer this question. He says,

"You are not Luo Dengxian."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"Of course I am not."

Luo Xinzhi and Luo Xixian looked at him.

Qiao Xun looked at Luo Xinzhi and said,

"I'm sorry. Your real son is dead."

Luo Xinzhi didn't seem surprised. He just sank deeper.

But Luo Xixian was almost completely sluggish.

Qiao Xun said to her,

"Sister. Although I am not Luo Dengxian, I am still willing to call you sister. Thank you very much for giving me the key motivation to make my final choice."

Luo Xixian asked lightly, absentmindedly,

"So, in the end...Is everything I do just a pleading for the poor?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I never felt that way. In your situation, in your knowledge, you made your only choice... You also said that for you, no matter the outcome, that's what you have to do. You told me that you hope that no matter what I do in the future, I will not regret what I have done. Sister, how about you?"

Luo Xixian looked at Qiao Xun quietly, and finally she asked:

"what's your name?"

"Joe tour."

Luo Xixian said with a smile,

"I have two younger brothers..."

In the smile, she went to the highest point of life.

Then the fire of "jealousy" engulfed her.

The son is dead, the daughter is dead...the family is gone, the country is gone...

Everything is over.

Luo Xinzhi smiled miserably.

He turned around, and limped away with a blaze of flames. The flames grew stronger and engulfed him.

Among the ruins, only Qiao Xun and Li Yanxing were left.

"Back to your question with me, Your Majesty, do you think you have escaped from the pigsty, or are you about to be slaughtered?"

Li Yanxing said quietly,

"Don't think about ruining my mood. I don't think about it. It doesn't make sense to me."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"You should think about it. Sometimes it's a good thing to be kept in the dark and live happily."

"So, will you do this?"



"I won't, because I have a choice. And you, don't have a choice."

Li Yanxing said loudly,

"I see that infinite world! I have infinite possibilities!"

"The infinite world... does it mean the earth?" Qiao Xun looked at Li Yanxing.


"Cars, tall buildings, technology... The infinite world you describe is called the Earth. That's where I came from. And the Earth... is just a drop in the ocean in the infinite world, just a place of life in thousands of worlds. Countless The mythical world of Chang'an stands in the vast and infinite world, angels, immortals, rulers, fallen angels... There are so many things you can't imagine. And this Chang'an city is just a place called fairyland, a It's just a replica of the city."

Li Yanxing frowned.

Qiao Xun continued,

"Everything you value is actually very humble. Have you ever thought about why you can draw the power of desire from the worldly Lord? Why when you need to understand the world the most, there are exactly fourteen resurrected from other worlds. What? And they happened to be caught and tied together. You have never thought about why the souls of the fourteen who have been resurrected from the dead are being punished and tortured."

Li Yanxing looked at Qiao Xun coldly,

"So, you know?"

Qiao Xun smiled,

"I didn't know it at first, but after watching the scene you starred in, everything became clear."

This city of Chang'an, woven by desire, is full of coincidences... and any coincidence is actually carefully designed.

Li Yanxing is a bond, a bond that connects the eighteen layers of **** and the earth.

"Hmph, full of nonsense." Li Yanxing was unmoved.

"It doesn't matter, Your Majesty, if you want to know whether you are a fat pig to be slaughtered or a free wild boar, just walk into the ancient pagoda. The ancient pagoda is right in front of you. If you walk in, you can go to another world, do you think? the infinite world."

Li Yanxing looked at Qiao Xun indifferently,

"The reason why I can get to where I am today is because I only believe in myself, and I always insist on myself."

"Yes, this is your greatest strength, but also your fatal flaw. You are the embodiment of arrogance... Only the ultimate arrogance can accomplish this task."

Qiao Xun was not at all afraid that his words would move Li Yanxing.

Extreme arrogance, but will not be moved by anything.

The same is true.

Li Yanxing turned around and stepped into the ancient pagoda in front of Qiao Xun.

Inside, there is a door to nothingness.

Li Yanxing's breathing gradually became a little short. Excited, excited... He is looking forward to getting out of this limited world completely and seeing the real infinite world.

The gates of nothingness seem to be cheering for him already.

Li Yanxing's eyes were firm, and he walked into the gate of nothingness - the world passage.

Carrying the connection with the eighteen layers of hell, he stepped into a place on earth called "Xijing City" through this fragmented world called "Chang'an City".


In the sky of Xijing City, the light pattern like a crack has been going on for a long time.

During this period, people continued to enter, but so far no one has come out. No matter who comes from all over the world, as long as you go in, no one can come out.

Institutions of various countries cannot obtain any internal information from the outside, and can only send teams to explore it again and again. However, never got a response.

As if entering that crack is an unquestionable dead end.

It's been a long time since the crack appeared, and there is little hope for it anymore.

However, today.

Everything is changed by the crack.

There was a roar from the crack. The people on the ground looked up and stared. In anticipation, a man in bright yellow clothes walked out of the crack.

Li Yanxing looked at the bustling Xijing City below, and his heart was surging.

Finally, finally came to this infinite world!

There are infinite possibilities waiting for him to challenge, and there are never-ending goals in life that keep him on the move... Everything is as imagined—

The next moment, his thoughts stopped abruptly.

A crack appeared between his eyebrows. No blood came out. An ethereal and huge breath gushed out from the crack.

The crack grew bigger and longer until it completely covered him.

Li Yanxing's body was torn in half by cracks~www.readwn.com~ The two separated eyes were full of astonishment.

He had no idea what was going on...

There is only one sentence in my head:

"Are you a fat pig to be slaughtered, or a free wild boar?"

A ray of black flames emerged on him, and quickly devoured him all.

And that crack is getting bigger and bigger, and the misty breath is pouring out of it. Wherever the breath is, life is full of vitality, and all things are prosperous... Everyone who feels this breath feels that they are many years younger... One evolutionary after another, under the stimulation of this breath, welcomes themselves evolution. Those who were unable to awaken naturally also began to wander in consciousness with the help of this breath. During the wandering, they saw one tall figure standing on the horizon. The figures call to them,

"Come on, come to believe in me, I will give you infinite power..."


But when people were obsessed with evolution, almost no one noticed that layers of **** had been established in this world.

It's just that it's on the "back side" of this world.

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