Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 53: "World" Adult

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Almost at the same time, the "Effective Energy Observatory" set up by various major countries in the world issued a rapid alarm sound.

This represents a large-scale "energy change" on Earth, and it is a change from low-efficiency rune energy to high-efficiency energy.

The research institutes of various countries followed the urgent instructions to quickly study what the high-efficiency energy that suddenly appeared was.

Soon, they focused on the new crack that appeared over the city of Xijing in the Republic.

The new crack has completely covered the original world passage leading to "Magic Chang'an". It's just that I don't know where this new crack leads. The high-efficiency energy that is constantly venting out prevents any means of observation from exploring what is inside.

Over Xijing City, the alarm of a "pollution incident" was sounded.

But the citizens of Xijing City, who were facing the tide of high-efficiency energy, have long been immersed in the mind wandering. Travelling beyond the sky, accepting the call of a tall figure of unknown origin, and heading towards a brand new evolutionary path.

Evolution, for most people, is still out of reach.

Now, the opportunity for evolution is before them, and they have no reason to refuse.

Xijing City quickly shut down in a short period of time.

Because many people have entered a state of mind wandering, urban traffic has fallen into chaos, and continuous car accidents are happening everywhere.

Until a certain moment, a towering tree grew from the central area of ​​Xijing. Below, the roots of the tree broke through the rock and spread to the surrounding area, until it covered the entire Xijing city. Subsequently, these roots grew seedlings one after another, broke through the obstacles on the ground, and grew into towering trees in a very short time.

The branches and vines of big trees are constantly branched out, covering all infrastructure such as buildings and vehicles.

Only then did the chaos in Xijing stop.

In the center of Xijing City, Wang Wencheng, who had used such means, was exhausted. Even a demigod of Sequence Ten of the Republic, applying his talent to the entire city, even in a big city like Xijing City, is a very hard task.

He slumped under the tree in the center, panting heavily. Fine cold sweat kept coming out of his forehead.

"Officer Wang, are you okay?" Ji Zhengzhi, who had been following Wang Wencheng all this time, asked with concern.

Wang Wencheng shook his head and stood up with support,

"I can only stabilize for a while. The follow-up arrangement depends on the support. Xijing City is a big city, and the emergency treatment center here cannot cope with it."

Ji Kaihe frowned,

"Extremely potent energy keeps pouring out of that crack."

Wang Wencheng swallowed his saliva and looked up at the sky with difficulty.

"It's new."

Ji Kaihe nodded,

"It covers the original crack."

Ji Zhengzhi said worriedly,

"Xin Yuqiao and the others have been in for half a month, and they don't know what's going on."

"This sudden change should have something to do with the internal situation. It's just... We can't get any news from the inside at the moment." Wang Wencheng said.

Ji Zhengzhi glanced at Ji Kaihe resentfully,

"I should have gone in with them."

Ji Kaihe glared at him,

"Go in to cause trouble for them? You kid, you don't have a clue! The worst of them are all fifth-order evolutionaries. What are you doing here as a rookie whose fighting ability has declined compared to before?"

"At least, I can see what's inside!"

"What if you saw it?"

"Seeing is enough!"

Ji Kaihe cursed angrily,


Wang Wencheng is used to the quarrel between the two of them. Almost every day. He says,

"Let's go help, don't be idle."


Yandu City, Huguang Research Institute.

monitoring center.

Wen Kaixuan looked at the huge display screen, the ever-rising Global Efficiency Concentration Index, and frowned deeply.

A data scientist said,

"Dean, it is expected to reach 50% in twelve hours, 80% in three days, and 99% in one week."

Wen Kaixuan's brows furrowed even deeper.

"99%...a week later. The calculation between us is that if the concentration is higher than 97.8%, we can achieve national evolution, right."

"Yes. Also, if the concentration reaches about 99.5%, the first **** of the earth will be born."

"What about 100%? Have we figured it out?"

The data officer shook his head,

"It can't be calculated. No matter how we calculate, we can only approach 100% indefinitely, and we can't reach the true 100%. And this is not pure mathematical calculation, and we cannot think with extreme thinking. 100% is a completely qualitative change and sublimation. That is to say, after reaching 100%, all our calculation methods will be invalid.”

Wen Kaixuan nodded,

"What is the result of the energy distribution analysis?"

"The progress is slow. However, we found that this efficacy energy has a certain similarity with the rune power under the totem of the Republic's original civilization. Perhaps it is the superior energy of the rune power of the Republic's original civilization totem."

"Is it not related to other mythical totems?"

"The correlation is very low, with little involvement in the main totem."

Wen Kaixuan thought for a while and said:

"List the people who are most likely to be promoted to the seventh rank that we considered before."

The dataman nodded and worked on the console for a while. Then, portraits of four people appeared on the display.

Wen Kaixuan looked at the portraits of these four people and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said:

"I immediately sorted out the monitoring report and submitted one to the Supreme Council, the Core Archives Bureau, the Gongjin R&D Committee, the 'Tower' Republic Branch Center, and the 'Tower' International Committee. Except for the Supreme Council and the Core Archives Bureau, the rest Organizations do not report information on these four individuals."


After explaining, Wen Kaixuan hurriedly left.


Pacific abiotic zone, 7400m below sea level.

An amniotic city is encased within the gigantic resting creature.

In the center of this large, but almost empty, Amniotic city is a tower that resembles the Tower of Babylon.

tower top.

There are two people waiting here. a moment.

A touch of red swept across the air, and then the red figure fell.

"It's all here," said the "Visitor" in a purple-black coat.

Yihong said. "Visitor" is actually Yu Xiaoshu. There is no difference between the two.

Yu Xiaoshu's eyes were deeper than before, and some purple-black swirl patterns gradually grew.

The other two are the K of Spades "The Diplomat" and Yihong.

The king of spades said,

"Hong, you are always late."

Yihong ignored his words, looked at Yu Xiaoshu and said,

"Just tell me your plan."

Yu Xiaoshu nodded and said,

"The time for the evolution of the whole people is coming, and after a while, the world level of the earth will break through the transcendent level. This means that the first native **** will be born. Except for the first, the others are not important to us. This It's what we have to fight for."

"How to fight?"

Yu Xiaoshu looked at Yihong and said:

"I'll say it straight. My idea is for you to compete for the first transcendence will."

"why me?"

"'Fateism' is the biggest advantage."

"I reject."

Yu Xiaoshu frowned,

"I need a reason."

Yihong leaned against the wall and said,

"I do not like."


"Lord Tourer, it's better to call me by my code name."

Yu Xiaoshu sighed,

"Last time you came back from the sea train, you were like a different person."

Yihong looked ahead and said nothing.

The king of spades said,

"You still have to think about it."

"I thought about it very clearly. You don't know me at all. I don't want to cause you more trouble. In this matter, anyone else has more hope than me."

"Why? Red, why exactly?"

Yihong shook her head,

"I'm probably going to do my own thing."

"What's the meaning?"

"I want to leave the Black Revolution."

The king of spades felt incredible,

"Why do you think like this?"

Yihong said,

"You don't know me. There are more important things to do for me. Don't ask me, I won't tell."

"It's hard to accept."

"Just treat me as irresponsible."

What Yu Xiaoshu guessed,

"Is it related to Qiao Xun?"

Yihong did not affirm or deny.

Spade K brows trembling,

"It's him again? He's always sabotaging our plans! I can't understand why it's always related to him."

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"What we do affects the world. What he does affects the world. The collision is obvious."

The king of spades kept pressing his eyebrows, feeling very impatient.

Yihong wrapped her arms around her chest,

"I will do my best to help you before I leave."

Yu Xiaoshu thought for a while and said,

"My identity is destined to be out of contention. Only the king of spades."

Spade K smiled bitterly,

"I don't feel good."

"Where did your confidence go? Did you get bruised to such a degree when you failed last time?" Yihong looked at him and said.

The king of spades said,

"The talent related to the will of time is like this. Once it is cracked, it will fall into a trough for a long time. Although, there may be something wrong with my mentality."

Yu Xiaoshu looked at the sky,

"No red, no diplomats... Further down, there's no—wait!"

She lowered her head, the swirl in her eyes spun rapidly. After a while, she said calmly:

"And maybe someone else can!"

"Who?" asked the king of spades.

Yu Xiaoshu said in a deep voice:


Hearing this code name, Yihong immediately became excited,

"Anyone can, but she can't!"

Yu Xiaoshu doesn't understand,

"Hong, why do you object again? I know that 'Butcher' is your former student, but she is indeed our only hope."

"No!" Yihong gritted her teeth.

"Please give me a reason."

"She is no longer a member of the Black Revolution, and she can't be rational or rational."

"I can recall her at any time."

Yihong said loudly,

"You can't do that!"

"Red, what are you worried about?"

Yihong's brows became a little weak,

"Lord Tourer, Her Majesty! You can choose anyone, please don't choose her."

Yu Xiaoshu looked at Yihong quietly. She said coldly:

"Reason, reason."

"Promise my willfulness, can't you?"

"No." Yu Xiaoshu was as cold as ice at the moment.

Yihong inhaled slightly, her voice trembling a little,

"Because, she... She has a grudge against Qiao Xun, don't let her face Qiao Xun... I had already kept her away from this kind of dispute, so don't bring her back."

"Why do you say that? Hong, what do you know?"

Yihong shook her head,

"Please don't ask."

Yu Xiaoshu went on to say,

"Hong, I know that you raised 'Butcher'. But, I never thought that you would have such a deep affection for her. I thought that your heart should not hold anyone."

Yihong lowered her head,

"I love her like a mother."

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"If that's your reason. Excuse me for not being able to promise you."

Yi Hong looked down. She didn't struggle anymore. She knew what a pilgrim was.

For the pilgrims, the interests of the black leather are above all else.

The pilgrims deny all selfish desires.

Yihong said nothing more.

The king of spades said,

"Red, you've become too sentimental. So pessimistic."

Yihong said,

"You don't know anything."

The Spade King held his breath, not knowing how to refute.

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"Hong, I don't know what you have faced or will face. If you plan to leave Heige, I will not stop it, but I hope you understand that the elimination of the mythical world is very cruel, don't be dragged down by your worries."

Yihong looked at Yu Xiaoshu,

"What about you? I know who you are, you are the ace of spades 'World'. For 'World', is your heart really clear?"

The king of spades was stunned.

The Tourer is the Ace of Spades "World"? That mysterious "world" that no one has ever seen! The information was so exciting that he felt like his brain was about to burn out.

Yu Xiaoshu frowned and looked at Yihong,

"how do you know?"

Yihong said,

"I'm not stupid."

Heart of spades... I'm a fool if I dare.

Yihong continued,

"I also know that you are not in this world. The pilgrims are just a projection of you in this world! Your methods are very clever! You are so clever that you use the most natural 'meat birth' method. You think that no one can Can you see through your true identity? I don't know if your real name is 'Yu Xiaoshu', or how many projections you have in other worlds, but I know very well that Yu Xiaoshu, the pilgrims, and the 'world' are the same Personal! The reason why you can't compete for the first ray of transcendence is precisely because the tourer is just a projection, not the real you! Lord World, do you dare to deny that Qiao Xun has not affected your heart at all?"

Yihong was aggressive, staring at Yu Xiaoshu's eyes.

The king of spades has been stunned. It was only at this moment that he realized that his cognitive level was completely different from that of Hong and Patrol.

The whirlpool in Yu Xiaoshu's eyes became faster and faster. After a while, she said:

"Hong, you know what, I wanted to kill you for a moment."

Yihong shook her head,

"You wouldn't do that."

"That's right. I did underestimate you, you are more amazing than I thought~www.readwn.com~ You, and Qiao Xun... I'm surprised that a small earth can exist both of you at the same time. indivual."

Yihong waved his hand,

"Don't say these words. It's meaningless. You might as well think about it, how to compete with others for the first ray of transcendence will."

"So you said yes. Recall the butcher."

Yihong's eyes were low,

"Can I refuse you?"



Yihong turned around and disappeared directly. Just a touch of red remains.

The king of spades looked at Yu Xiaoshu,

"Grand Tourer... No no no, Lord World... Us, what are we going to do next?"

"Just call me a pilgrim. On Earth, I'm just a pilgrim."

"Okay okay, Lord Patrol."

"Get the 'Butcher' back."

"Where's Hong? She doesn't seem... not very happy."

"She's a rational person."

"Rational?" The King of Spades doubted.

"She knows what she's doing all the time. That's her greatest strength. Don't worry about her, maybe .


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