Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 54: On that day the world was polluted, and you were the source of pollution (seven thousan

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Li Yanxing walked into the ancient pagoda, into the "infinite world" in his heart.

However, the "infinite world" in his mind is just a larger finite world.

For him, this is the strongest blow to destroy all will.

When Qiao Xun in Chang'an City felt Li Yanxing's will collapse, he did not hesitate to ignite the fire of "jealousy".

The fire of "jealousy" burned for a long time this time.

Longer than anyone before that.

The ultimate sinful arrogance. Qiao Xun thoroughly felt that he didn't care about everything, only the world in his eyes, and only his own arrogance in the world.

When he met arrogant people before, he would always say something like:

"Pride is my power."

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the original sin characteristic "arrogance" was completely different from the arrogance and arrogance he understood.

"Arrogance" is not an emotional word, nor is it a derogatory modifier used to describe a character. "Pride" doesn't need to be covered and embellished with anything...

Arrogance is also not as distinct and prominent as other Original Sin traits.

"Pride" is an existence without boundaries and without restraints. Even, "existence" cannot be used to describe it.

"Pride" is everything.

What you feel, what you hear, what you see, what you touch...

The seven extreme desires of original sin have all been gathered and gathered in the sea of ​​consciousness of Qiao Xun.

They have been completely integrated into Qiao Xun's will and become an inseparable part of it.

His consciousness has been completely transformed.

In his eyes, everything in the fragmented world of Chang'an City has become like white paper, and he can easily understand it. The world, for him, no longer had any secrets.

If it is said, he used to live in a "false world" where everything was arranged.

At this moment, he came to the real world.

As he thought, gathering the ultimate desire for original sin means opening the door to "truth".


There still seems to be something missing.

Qiao Xun frowned. Looking at the ruins, looking at the increasingly unstable Chang'an City.

Indeed, there is one thing missing.

He can see and go to the "real world". But can't touch "real".

Can understand everything in the world, but only everything in the current world.

Qiao Xun stood there and fell into deep thought.

His figure became more and more blurred, as if it might disappear at any time.

"What's more..."

Chang'an City was trembling. After Li Yanxing was annihilated, the cloud of the umbilical cord collapsed, and the vulgar masters all over the city of Chang'an lost their support, and they all turned into bodies without souls, either falling to the ground or turning into walking dead according to the instinct of life.

The ancient pagoda had lost its concrete image and became an abstract being—a huge fissure.

At this time, a voice sounded,

"I know what you're missing."

The gradually blurred figure of Qiao Xun suddenly became incomparably clear. He turned to look.

Guan Yue stood not far from him and looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Govern the month."

Qiao Xun thought she would ask something.

But she has nothing.

"Coach, I know what you're missing."

Now, it was Qiao Xun's turn to wonder.

What he didn't understand was that he could understand the world, but he still couldn't manage the moon in front of things. She was still like an unreachable fog.

"Have you been looking at me?"

Guan Yue nodded,


"So, you actually know who I am."

Guan Yue shook her head,

"No. I didn't know who you were at first. You were just an instinctive yearning for me. I've been trying to understand this 'instinct'. As you get closer to 'reality', so do I. more and more sober."

"Now, are you fully awake?"

"Well. I know why I exist, and why I came from the Tang Dynasty a thousand years ago to the present. I also know why when I see you, I am full of yearning. You are the end of my destiny."

Qiao Xun frowned,

"I can not understand."

Guan Yue walked towards him,

"You know a man named Agnes. She helped you become a demigod, she made you realize your 'demon' identity for the first time."

Qiao Xun's brows trembled,

"You...why do you know?"

Guan Yue smiled and said,

"Would you believe me if I were to say that I was actually the same person as her?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I can't believe it."

"The only difference between me and her is that they exist at different times. The moment you opened the door to 'reality', I understood this truth."

"It's puzzling."

"It doesn't matter, the meaning of my existence is to make this matter unexplainable."

The fragmented world of Chang'an City is collapsing more and more.

On the Guanshi Tower side, the two-story dungeon collapsed first, and it was the collapse of the world level, not just the collapse of the building.

And those "things" imprisoned in the dungeon were completely released. Show them their true faces.

demon. Huge, strangely shaped monster.

They broke through the Guanshi Tower and galloped towards the ancient pagoda.

The original collapsed location has become a dark hole. Demons kept coming out of the big hole, and as soon as they came out, they rushed towards the ancient pagoda. At the other end of the ancient pagoda is the earth. They are going to go to the earth through the world channel here.

Chang'an City seems to have become a relay station.

It is not difficult to imagine what impact these demons will have on the weak ecosystem there when they go to Earth.

However, Qiao Xun just watched all this silently and did not stop it. He knew it would happen more and more. Block this dark hole today, and tomorrow, they will find a new passage to the earth. After all, the walls of the earth are already riddled with holes. Countless gods wanting to resurrect on Earth have confirmed this.

Right now, he only cares about Guan Yue in front of him.

Guan Yue said,

"Get out of here first."

Joe nodded. He stretched out his hand and a crack appeared in front of him. He walked in, and after a while, brought Xin Yu out. For him, who has already understood this fragmented world, this is an easy task.

Xin Yu was still confused. Don't understand what's going on.

"what happened!"

Joe Tour said,

"Don't ask. Get out of here."


"Fantasy Chang'an."

"Where's Xianyi! And Mother Bo."

"They're not here."

After Qiao Xun finished speaking, he took Guan Yue and Xin Yu to penetrate the world barriers of this fragmented world.

Go to the real Magic Chang'an.

The three broke away from their bodies in Chang'an City and became free consciousness bodies. Qiao Xun wrapped their consciousness with the power of demons, passing through the twisted barriers of the world layer by layer.

In Xin Yu's eyes, world barriers are completely incomprehensible abstract things.

Everything that was bizarre seemed to have nothing but color.

Xin Yu's consciousness gradually couldn't bear the overload of information. Qiao Xun immediately blocked her cognition.

Until Qiao Xun found Magic Changan.

After entering Magic Chang'an, they immediately saw one huge lacquered black hole after another.

They were all dead silent, like specks in the sky. But there is a hole that is slowly rotating. This means that the opening can lead to a world.

Outside that hole, there were a lot of... bodies floating. Can't tell if it's a corpse or a body.


Guan Yue said.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but take them close to the hole.

After getting closer, I can clearly see that among the many bodies, there are three that belong to the three of them.

Place their respective consciousness bodies into their respective bodies. After a brief spasm, they came back to life.

Qiao Xun looked at the other bodies. Some of them are the bodies of the fourteen people who have been resurrected from the dead in Chang'an City. Unfortunately, these bodies may never be able to welcome their owners.

He swept over these floating bodies, but did not find Zhu Biniang and Lu Xianyi among them.

Xin Yu asked,

"Is this big hole leading to the earth?"

Qiao Xun nodded,


"Then how could we... go to Chang'an City."

"Obviously, Niang Bo is hiding something from us."

Xin Yu frowned,

"She lied to us?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"No, she didn't lie to us. It's just that she didn't tell us some things. Don't forget, she said at the beginning that she entered Magic Chang'an to complete a certain mission. For her, to complete the mission It's the first priority."

Xin Yu was relieved,

"Yeah. After all, she's been an immortal from beginning to end. What do we do next? Go back to Earth, or... By the way, Xianyi! We have to find her."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"I don't quite understand why Xianyi didn't enter Chang'an City like us."

He looked down.

The real Magic Chang'an is too big to imagine. Towering buildings with different styles, spacious and straight streets... Everything shows how prosperous this once world hub is. But that's all in the past.

The current Magic Chang'an is a dead world.

Understanding Magic Chang'an is a little more complicated than understanding the fragmented world of Chang'an City.

It took Qiao Xun some time to complete the insight.

Magic Chang'an is not a place of spherical life like Earth. It is the kind of "round sky and earth" world imagined by ancient people.

If the physical laws of the world in which the earth is located are applied, then Magic Changan cannot exist.

However, the laws of physics here are clearly different. It has been deliberately transformed.

For Qiao Xun, this is a temporarily unimaginable thing.

Create a world... modify the laws of the world as you please.

However, Magic Changan can become the world hub of many mythical worlds, and it is also conceivable how powerful the person who created it is.

However, even such a person cannot avoid Huan Changan becoming a dead world.

The three landed.

Xin Yu shrank his neck,

"There is no breath of life... there are places of death on Earth, but it feels... completely different."

Guan Yue said,

"This world has withered." Then, she looked at Qiao Xun and said, "So obviously, I can't use the power of this world." She laughed, "I'm a mortal now!"

Joe Tour said,

"You still look happy."

"Well...you don't have to think about those things for a while."

"Is it painful for you? Knowing where you belong."

Guan Yue shook her head,

"No. I'm not in pain. Coach, you probably don't understand this feeling. For me, it's normal, as normal as drinking water, sleeping, and eating."

"Then why don't you think about those things, you'll be happy?"

"Because you can do whatever you want!"

Xin Yu was very confused.

"What are you talking about?"

Guan Yue smiled and said,

"It's nothing. It's a normal thing."

"All right."

Qiao Xun was silent for a while,

"I still don't understand, your relationship with Agnes."

"The Devil's Curse."

"She said that to me."

"Yeah. She's getting close to you and understands what a curse is, just like me. Desires haven't gone away over the long years, and that means demons haven't gone either. People hate demons because demons can pierce them so easily. The heart of a man can easily obtain everything, and can easily destroy everything. Such existence cannot be tolerated. Therefore, people united to fight against the devil, to completely destroy the devil."

These, Qiao Xun has already heard from Angele.

"A war of myths and demons..."

The war went on for a long time. Almost destroyed many mythical worlds, and almost destroyed the devil.

Guan Yue's eyes are far away,

"The world of mythology was torn apart. There was a time when all was silent and desire ceased to exist. The demons seemed to disappear with it. But at such a time, a pure, godless world quietly appeared - Earth. Until desire appeared on the earth. When desire existed, the devil existed. Then, the devil appeared again. Appeared on the earth and polluted it."

Guan Yue looked at Qiao Xun,

"You are the first devil born on earth, a completely different devil. You are the source of pollution of the earth. I have no way of understanding when you started to exist, maybe the birth of the first gene, maybe the first The emergence of a single-celled creature may be the first life with thinking ability, or the first civilization. However, because of your appearance, the earth has become impure, and it has established with other mythical worlds Connections. These connections continue to give birth to more prosperous civilizations, and prosperous civilizations breed greater desires.”

Xin Yu was stunned.

Qiao Xun was silent.

Guan Yue continued:

"A strong desire breeds a strong you. Until one day, you are completely sublimated and have self-awareness. If you want to become stronger, you need a stronger desire... So, you think of God. As long as you let It is enough for a **** to appear on the earth. You start to guide a worldwide activity called 'evolution', and you put all the totems from various mythical worlds all over the earth, giving birth to the emergence of source metals.

"One day three thousand years ago, in the western part of Yunnan in the current republic, which used to be called the 'Country of Hundred Pu's,' suddenly began to create 'miracles'. Someone privately built the drum of the God Crow Club, which made the witch tribe breed. There is a mountain named Called 'Kaichang', the Shamans fabricated beliefs, coaxed the local people to open mountains, and excavated a large amount of source metal. At first, these source metals were only used as carvings, until someone discovered the great power from them, cultivators and masters of internal power. It came into being. More than 2,000 years ago, the Da Yuezhi people passed the Hexi Corridor and inserted the footprints of 'evolution' into the Middle Earth. After that, the birth of religion quickly spread 'evolution' to Europe, until the footprints of human beings. Traveling all over the earth...a magnificent 'evolution' begins. Some places are called cultivation, some places are called magic, some places are called sorcery... but the same goal is reached.

"After you created 'evolution', you fell into a deep sleep. However, before you fell asleep, you cursed a person. The curse was not to torture her. It was to keep her in the evolution of the earth, forever. It will not disappear until it is returned to you again. That person is called Anan Nineteen, Guanyue, and Agnes Jean Hiboan."

Guan Yue stopped and looked at Qiao Xun.

"Now, do you understand?"

Qiao Xun's eyes were as dark as an abyss. This made Xin Yu feel terrible.

She was helpless and didn't know what was going on or how to help them.

"Nan Nineteen..." Qiao Xun murmured the name.

Before entering Chang'an City, he would say hello to Ah Nan Nineteen in the blood jade ring every day. To maintain her consciousness does not disappear. Just to uncover the secrets hidden in her. Now, the secret... unraveled.

Guan Yue said,

"After you created that vigorous mountain building movement, you cursed Anan 19, let her carry that secret and never die until she met you and gave everything back to you. More than five hundred years ago, you Wake up and curse Agnes, so she's immortal. She exists to make you realize that you're a demon."

"And you?"

Guan Yue smiled slightly,

"I'm here to let you know everything you've ever known."

"But you, why did you cross over?"

"You brought me to you." Guan Yue said, "I always thought that I had come over. In fact, I was just... closed by you until you started to evolve... You set foot on evolution for the first time. I only woke up on the day of the road. My cognition was frozen at the moment of being closed, so it seemed to me that I had crossed over."

The day of the first evolution...

Qiao Xun remembered that day. "Gluttony" was born.

"I started to evolve...started to wake up. So it woke you up..."

Guan Yue nodded, turned around and continued to walk forward. She seemed to be chatting, in a natural tone,

"My ability is also given by you."

"Why do you say you and Agnes are the same person?"

Guan Yue smiled and said,

"To you, we are the same person."

"Why should I curse you?"

"Because you realize your oneness. You want to be yourself. Not just a demon born of desire. You want to be yourself when you wake up. So, you give your identity to Agger. Nice to keep, leave your cognition to me to keep, and give your power to Anan Nineteen to keep."

Qiao Xun was silent for a long time.

He looked up,

"Guan Yue, will you die like Agnes?"

"I'll give you back your knowledge. It's over."

"I miss you alive."

Guan Yue looked at Qiao Xun in surprise,


"I still want Agnes to be alive. But I didn't prevent her from dying. Now, I want you to be alive."

"Don't you want to touch the 'real'?"

Joe Tour said:

"If I really did what I set out to do... wouldn't I have embarked on an old path and entered a new cycle."

"How come. You are unique."

"Is what you said now also what I wanted to say to me?"

Guan Yue shook her head,

"That's what I wanted to say. I've seen all of your experiences... I know how long you've been through those billions of years. You held a string of genes until it was passed on; you watched The endless proliferation of single-celled organisms; you have seen algae trying to prey; you have seen marine life set foot on the ground; you have seen vertebrates raise their heads; you have seen ancient apes explore the earth...you have seen Until the birth of Tinder, you have seen written records... You have experienced the entire process of life... I know this, I know what you are thinking, and I know that you are unique."

She held Qiao Xun's hand,

"Don't think of yourself as a demon in the 'war between gods and demons'... You are not born to be hated. I know what you have struggled with, what you have been afraid of... You are afraid that you will become a demon, you will lose friends, lose Everything about you as a human being. You regard being a demon as an inescapable fate... But, coach, the fact that you are a demon is not a prison, it will not bind you, and it will not force you to do anything. You can still Be who you want to be..."

She closed her eyes,

"So, don't be afraid."

"Guan Yue. Sorry... the curse."

"Don't say it like that. I also want to thank you...for letting me see all the amazing things, and letting me, a Tang Dynasty person, see the prosperity of the 21st century. Now, I want to give everything back to you. Coach, please Hold me tight. Set me free."

Qiao Xun looked at her motionless.

He heard the familiar word "liberation" from "Guan Yue" again.

Guan Yue smiled,

"Look, you can't bear me, doesn't that mean? You're... unique, you're different. You can be who you want to be. So, please stop worrying, don't be afraid. "

After she finished speaking, she stepped up, stood on tiptoe, and hugged Qiao Xun tightly.

Her body is soft and warm.

In the embrace, her consciousness merged with Qiao Xun. Give back everything you carry.

in the time of fusion of consciousness.

Qiao Xun's cognition has spanned hundreds of millions of years.

He saw the beginning of life, the desire of genes awakened him;

He saw the first reproduction of life, the duplication of a gene;

He saw the continuous evolution of cells;

He saw the hegemony of dragons and beasts;

He saw human beings explore the world for the first time and touch the earth;

He saw clumsy hands carefully taking out the fire from the fire;

He saw strange symbols carved on the stone by the branches, on the ground;

He saw the first civilized war;

He saw the birth of the first nation;

He saw the roar of the steam engine;

He saw sparks jumping on copper wires;

He saw "0" and "1" being recorded in the silicon...


He has spanned the long course of his life. With a limited body, carrying an infinite consciousness, the sublimation of the soul has been completely completed.

Recovering from "The Turn of the Worlds". Qiao Xun looked at his hands.

Guan Yue has disappeared, nothing is left, her temperature and smell have all disappeared.

Qiao Xun was taken aback.

Xin Yu was stunned for a long time before he said softly:

"I saw her laughing... turning into ashes in your arms."

Qiao Xun nodded,

"It is my cognition that supports her existence. After she returns it to me, she cannot continue to exist in this time and space."

Xin Yu asked,

"Will she return to her original time and space?"

Qiao Xun looked at the gray sky,

"She will go back to the moment before she was sealed away. She will live her life. She is just her, just a Tang Dynasty person named Guan Yue."

"So, for her, nothing has actually changed."

Joe nodded.

Xin Yu said,

"Qiao Xun, these things... are so far away for me. But, no matter what happened to you, I... I don't know if my promise is still valid. But, I always think you are Qiao Xun."

"For me, in that moment, a lot of things happened."

Xin Yu asked cautiously:

"Will you still be Qiao Xun?"

Qiao Xun looked at her with a very smiling face,

"Of course. I have always been Qiao Xun. Guan Yue spent so much effort to make me understand this truth, and of course I will always remember it."

When Xin Yu heard this, he suddenly became very excited.

"Do you know Qiao Xun, I don't know why, as your friend... I'm always so afraid, so afraid that you'll be alone... Seeing Guan Yue leave, I'm even more afraid, I'm afraid you will move forward in the future. On the road, no one will accompany you anymore. You have to do things that are incomprehensible to me... I can't accompany you. Xianyi is not by your side, and everyone around you seems to be unable to keep up with you. ...I will think, if you want to talk to someone, what should you do? Can you call us like a friend? If you are in trouble, is there someone to help you, when you are sad, is there anyone to comfort you, when you are happy? Is there anyone to share...I don't want to see you alone...But, I really can't keep up with your pace~www.readwn.com~ She folded her hands, as if praying,

"So, I hope that you can cherish every person you meet who cares about you in the future. When I'm not by your side, they will still care about you."

Qiao Xun said with a smile,

"As soon as I evolved, I met you. Now, I'm about to become a god, and you're still by my side... Xin Yu, Sister Yu, captain! Don't be so pessimistic... I'll come back when I want to talk to someone. Looking for you, I will definitely hoard happy things, and I will keep talking when I see you, as for sadness... As long as you are safe and sound, how can I be sad?"

Xin Yu chuckled. lol. Laugh all the time. Laughing backwards and forwards.

Qiao Xun waited for her to laugh enough before saying:

"Now, it's time for us to solve the final puzzle."

"What's the problem?"

"Resurrect this dead world."

"it is good!"

"You don't ask what it means, just say it."

"I don't understand! What else can I say other than 'good'?"

Qiao Xun smiled.

He turned the blood jade ring on the finger of his left hand.

In the ring, Anan Nineteen fell asleep.

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