Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 55: Zhenwu's mission

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The silent illusion Chang'an.

There is no breath of life, which makes everything here seem extremely lonely. The gray earth and abandoned buildings overlapped on the horizon, and the dark lacquer holes in the sky looked like dead, dull stars.

The highest city in the middle of the continent with terraced distribution.

Zhu Biniang and Lu Xianyi walked together, shuttling among the towering buildings with strange styles.

The buildings here still have the style of life, but there is no trace of life. Like an abandoned steel forest.

As the hub of the world, Magic Chang'an has become a hodgepodge of architectural styles in the countless years of mythology. The cultural totems of any mythical world can be seen here, along with the architectural styles they influenced.

At a certain moment, Zhu Biniang turned her head and looked at the distant sky. After a while she said:

"Everything in that fragmented world is over."

Lu Xianyi immediately asked,

"How are they?"


Lu Xianyi was full of guilt,

"I always felt betrayed them. I should have gone in with them."

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"That fragmented world is woven by desire. For Qiao Xun, it is the home field and a rare opportunity."

"Where's Guanyue? Where's Xin Yu? What's the difference between the two of them and me!"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"I don't know who Guanyue is. But I can vaguely feel that she has a close relationship with Qiao Xun."

"The relationship is very deep..." Lu Xianyi lowered her head.

"Yes, the relationship is very close." Zhu Biniang shook her head, "Xianyi, I'm not afraid to hurt your heart. In my opinion, the relationship between all of you and Qiao Xun combined is not as good as the relationship between him and Guan Yue. It's a deep bond. It's a love of the same origin and roots. It's hard for me to explain this relationship to you, but I have to tell you the truth."

Lu Xianyi shook her head,

"You don't have to. I can understand. But what is the difference between Sister Yu and me?"

Zhu Biniang frowned, looking very weak,

"I don't know either... I don't know what Qiao Xun will experience in that fragmented world, what he will gain, and what he will eventually become... I can only think in the worst direction."

"The worst..."

"Yes. I told you before that the earth is a special world that may breed the most powerful evil... I think you can know it now. The evil I'm talking about is 'devil'. You Maybe I don't know much about demons. But I... have deeply felt their power time and time again. The mythical world collapsed because of demons." Zhu Biniang looked at Lu Xianyi seriously, "Xianyi, Qiao Xun is the demon."

Lu Xianyi's heart skipped a beat. She remembered the previous sentence: "The world hates you!"

Zhu Bo Niang walked,

"I'm not a good communicator. But I'm good at observation. He has demonic abilities...but doesn't act like a demon. So, I think he's struggling too, not knowing how to proceed. I Think, this is also the key reason for the end of your relationship. He doesn't even know himself, so it's naturally difficult to give you a sense of security."

Lu Xianyi frowned,

"I know he cares about me. It is because he cares that he chooses to let go."

"He doesn't want to bring you more suffering." Zhu Biniang said, "Qiao Xun's identity is destined that he will get to know himself better in the fragmented world. I can't predict how he will choose in the end. Completely turned into a devil, or continue to be 'Qiao Xun'. I can't predict. So I took you away from him. Leaving Xin Yu... Because I think Xin Yu knows Qiao Xun better than you, and also Better at communicating with him.”

Lu Xianyi had a bitter face. She had to admit that what Zhu Biniang said was right.

Although she is Qiao Xun's girlfriend...ex-girlfriend. But she does know Qiao Xun better than Xin Yu. Xin Yu has always been able to communicate better with Qiao Xun.

Zhu Biniang looked apologetic,

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you my thoughts in advance."

"It's nothing. If this kind of thing is said in advance, it won't work."

Zhu Biniang sighed uncommonly,

"Hopefully everything goes the way I want it to be."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly stopped, her brows gradually wrinkled, her eyes were very puzzled.

Lu Xianyi asked,

"What's the matter, Madam Bo?"

Zhu Biniang looked at Lu Xianyi, then at the slowly rotating lacquer black hole in the sky, and said in a muffled voice:

"Guan Yue... seems to have disappeared."


"I don't know if it is. But, I can't feel her anymore. She's completely gone, there's no trace of her..."

"Did something go wrong?"

"But Qiao Xun and Xin Yu, I can feel them again."

Lu Xianyi bit her lip and thought about it,

"No, I have to go back and find them."

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"No, you can't go."


"Xianyi, don't forget our agreement at the beginning."

"But I just want to see them safe and sound!"

"Whether you look at them or not, their status is certain."


Zhu Biniang looked at Lu Xianyi seriously,

"Xianyi. You can say goodbye to Qiao Xun calmly, why can't you think calmly."

Lu Xianyi's face turned bitter.

"I...I just care about..."

"Are you sure you're concerned? Or you can't really let go. Xianyi, when everything you do is related to Qiao Xun, you will be farther and farther away from him."

Zhu Biniang's words pierced deeply into Lu Xianyi's heart.

Lu Xianyi took a deep breath and said:


"Don't apologize to me."

"Then let's continue."

Zhu Biniang nodded, then changed her state and said seriously,

"The root of the world of Magic Chang'an has been completely cut off. We originally expected that some of the roots of the world would remain, but the current situation is far worse than expected at the beginning. At present, the remaining The root of the world was taken to create the fragmented world. Now the fragmented world has completely become a world channel, with the earth at one end and the exile land at the other end."

"What is the place of exile?"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"Specially used to banish existences that are not tolerated in the mythical world. For example... monsters."


"We often talk about demons and demons together. But there is a significant difference between the two. Demons are born from desires, and when desires exist, demons exist, but they are strong and weak. Demons are another kind of special existence, and in the past mythological history , because the degree of destruction of demons is so powerful that demons have not been taken seriously for a long time. In fact, demons are truly unacceptable existences in the world. Every mythical world has inherent barriers to stabilize The existence of the world. The stronger the world, the harder the barriers will be to penetrate. And the demons... can ignore the barriers of the world."

When Zhu Biniang said this, she frowned:

"How the demons exist has always been unclear. Although they did not destroy the origin of the myth like the demons, their ignoring the barriers of the world is still intolerable in the major mythical worlds. Therefore, they were exiled to no barriers. , but far away from the banished land of Chaos."

"What's the banished land like?"

"A world cluster area composed of a large number of fragmented worlds. Chaos and instability. It is like a dilapidated house in disrepair, which may collapse at any time. After the collapse, the existence inside will be directly annihilated."

"Sounds very hot."

Zhu Bo Niang looked up at the sky,

"It's true that demons haven't done anything bad... But for the mythical world, they just exist, which is a bad thing."

Lu Xianyi said,

"In this way, someone created a fragmented world with the remaining world roots of Magic Chang'an. Then, through some means, this fragmented world was turned into a passage, connecting the exiled land and the earth."

"Yes. Maybe this person realizes that the earth, a pure place without native gods, is very suitable for the existence of demons."

"How will this affect the planet?"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"The demons are powerful, at least for the creatures on Earth. It's hard for me to predict what they will do when they arrive on Earth. But the creatures on Earth will definitely see them as invaders. When the gods appear, conflict is inevitable."

"What's more important is the idea of ​​the person who manipulated all this."

"Well. I don't know if that person has ever considered the creatures on earth."

Zhu Biniang came to a certain place and stopped,

"This is it. Xianyi, take the place where I stand as the center, with a radius of three thousand zhang, and dig down one hundred thousand zhang."

"Nine kilometers radius, thirty kilometers deep."


"It's a big project, but it's okay, look at me!"

Lu Xianyi rolled up her sleeves. Palm on the ground. Creativity poured out from her palm, like hundreds of millions of roots, covering the range described by Zhu Biniang.

The whole process lasted an hour.

When fully covered, she whispered:


Subsequently, a huge cylinder with a radius of nine kilometers and a depth of thirty kilometers was cut out, and then continuously collapsed toward the geometric center point.

Until it collapsed into a huge sphere with a radius of about 100 meters.

Lu Xianyi struggled to move the ball away.

The mass of this huge sphere is comparable to that of an asteroid. It can only be moved in this way in places where the laws of physics, such as Magic Chang'an, are different from those of the earth.

"What's under this?"

Zhu Bo Niang said:

"The core of the world of Magic Chang'an."

"what is that?"

"Magic Chang'an is a man-made world. Every man-made world must first have core support. It is used to build the basic framework of the world, and then it is decorated by the roots of the world."

"Load bearing walls and foundations?"

Zhu Biniang thought for a while,

"more or less."

Lu Xianyi spread her hands,

"So, Mother Bo, what are we going to do?"

Zhu Biniang was silent for a while,

"You know, I came to Magic Chang'an with a fundamental purpose."

"But I don't know what the purpose is?"

"I have thought carefully about whether I can tell you. At first, I couldn't fully trust you, and I was worried that when you found out, others would know about it. But at this point, it is almost a foregone conclusion. The end of God's calendar After that, the mission of the immortals in the immortal world also ended, and it should have ended together. However, some immortals did not choose to end, but tried their best to find a way to recovery. They still hope to rebuild the original history of the gods. Zhenwu, chose recovery Among the thirty-six generals, some of them choose to continue to follow him, and I am one of them. Zhenwu's idea is to break away from the fairyland, transform the fantasy city of Chang'an into a real mythical world, create a new mythological origin, and completely Disconnect from the fairy world."

"So, are you going to complete this mission?"

Zhu Bo Niang nodded,

"I, Marshal Yin Jiao and my sister...we were born again for this mission."

"Then why don't you go with them?"

Zhu Bo Niang said,

"During my time on Earth, I spent a long time getting to know Earth, this pure new world, a world that had nothing to do with mythology. I saw a very different face, and more possibilities...  ...In the past mythology, almost all gods and immortals believed that the true infinity could only be reached through mythology, but—"

Lu Xianyi patted her head,

"Wait wait! 'Infinite'... what is it?"

Zhu Biniang also frowned,

"'Infinite' is a very obscure thing. My rank is not high, and it is difficult to understand, but I only know the simple meaning. The world we live in is a finite world. As long as you are willing and have enough ability, you can Knowing all the things in this world in a limited time. Almost every mythical world seems to be the first to reach the 'infinity'. Whether it is the 'question for longevity' in the fairy world, or the 'eternal life' in heaven, or the often mentioned 'Reincarnation'... is actually an exploration of 'infinite'. They all believe that only through myths can we break through the boundaries of finiteness and reach 'infinity'. Everyone believes that only by reaching 'infinity' can we completely get rid of desire and demons."

Lu Xianyi widened her eyes,

"I didn't understand it, but I was blown away."

Zhu Bo Niang chuckled softly,

"I don't know either. These are all superficial things."

"So, what does this have to do with your choice to part ways with Marshal Yin Jiao?"

"Marshal Yin Jiao is going to complete Zhenwu's mission. Although Zhenwu has left the immortal world and wants to create a new mythical world. But in the final analysis, it is still the same way. He still intends to reach 'infinity' through mythology. But... A mythic experience has proven... no. Creating a myth is doomed to repeat the same mistakes and only make our world go through another ordeal."

"Do you think there are 'infinite' possibilities on Earth?"

"I can't say...I just saw something completely new on Earth. 'Civilization' is a very interesting thing...I'm thinking ~www.readwn.com~ If there is no interference from the mythical world, let 'civilization' 'Evolve yourself, what will it become?"

Zhu Bo Niang smiled apologetically,

"I'm sorry, Xianyi, my selfishness has drawn you into this unrealistic thing. I don't actually have any great plans... I just don't want to go on the wrong path before, and want to try something different ."

Lu Xianyi said,

"Although I don't understand what you're talking about. But! I, Lu Xianyi, am not an old-fashioned person, I like to try new things. And... If the reshaping of the mythical world is at the expense of the earth, I am an earthling and do it. Why don't you resist, why don't you do what I think is right!"

Zhu Biniang bit her lip, not knowing what to say.

Lu Xianyi patted Zhu Biniang on the shoulder, showing a big encouraging smile,

"I support you!"

"Thank you... thank you."

"We are good sisters!"

good sister...

After Lu Xianyi finished speaking, she shrank her head again and whispered:

"Being a sister to an immortal, will I climb high..."

Zhu Bo Niang chuckled softly,

"it's my honour."

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