Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 56: Are you going to "Infinite World"?

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Looking at the 30-kilometer-deep abyss in front of her, Zhu Biniang was a little nervous.

She knew that she was going to do something that went against Zhenwu's will.

As a subordinate of Zhenwu, against Zhenwu's will... Just thinking about it, I feel a sense of rebellious guilt, let alone actually do it.

"So, Mother Bo, what are we going to do?" Lu Xianyi asked.

Zhu Bo Niang said:

"Magic Chang'an is a dead world. The core of the world has no origin, and the roots of the world have all disappeared. To revive such a world, we must first re-inject the origin into the core of the world... and then shape the roots of the world. Yin At this moment, Marshal Jiao and the others... just want to inject the origin into the core of the world here."

"Are we going to stop them?"

"That's not what I want to stop. Sorry, Xianyi. Although my plans are different from theirs, but... I still have to complete the mission of reviving Zhenwu. It's just that I won't help build the root of the world."

"So, what we want to prevent is to build the root of the world?"

Zhu Bo Niang nodded,

"Yes. I told you before that the root of the world can be used to create some small worlds, fragmented worlds. In the same way, small worlds can also be fabricated into the root of the world. Earth... is a very good root of the world. "

Lu Xianyi opened her mouth wide,

"Use the entire earth as the root of the world?"


"Then that...isn't it going to destroy the earth?"

"It's not the same. To destroy a world is beyond our ability, not even a low-level god. What's more, there are traces of the recovery of other gods everywhere on the earth. They will also To a certain extent, the earth will not be destroyed until it recovers itself."

"Listen to you, Earth is now like a... buffer zone?"

"Well, there will be many gods playing games here. Just like the person before, who regards the earth as the habitat of demons."

"Then, what will Marshal Yin Jiao and the others do?"

"Inject the source of Zhenwu into the core of the world of Magic Chang'an. Then, Zhenwu will complete the recovery in Magic Chang'an. With the ability of Zhenwu... it is not difficult to integrate the earth, which has not yet born the original god, with Magic Chang'an. After the fusion... Magic Chang'an will become the upper world of the earth, and the earth will become the foundation and load-bearing wall of Magic Chang'an."

After Zhu Biniang finished speaking, she frowned,

"I won't stop Zhenwu from recovering, and I can't do it either... What I want to do is... cut off the connection between Earth and Magic Chang'an. Make Zhenwu not so easy to merge the two worlds."

"How to cut off?"

"The only connection between Magic Chang'an and the earth is that world channel. Just... cut off the channel."

"But that doesn't sound easy."

"As long as I become a fairy again, I can do it."

Lu Xianyi thought about it,

"I remember you said before, because you are a subordinate of Zhenwu, and you are awarded the qualifications of Zhenwu. Before Zhenwu recovers, you can't become a **** again, unless you cut off the connection with Zhenwu. What are you going to do?"

"I need to cut off contact with him before Zhenwu recovers. Otherwise, he will know what I am going to do."

"Sounds difficult...but, I'll try my best to help you."

Zhu Bo Niang shook her head,

"Xianyi, you've helped me enough."

"It's too much to help friends. Haha. Then again, what's the use of letting me dig this big hole?"

"Get to the core of the world before Marshal Yin Jiao and Sister A."

After Zhu Biniang finished speaking, she hugged Lu Xianyi and jumped into the hole.

The sudden behavior shocked Lu Xianyi. She adjusted quickly and said loudly:

"You make me mentally prepared!"

Zhu Biniang laughed heartily,

"Isn't it exciting?"

"Exciting! Too exciting!"

Jumping into the 30,000-meter-deep hole, the strong feeling of falling hit every nerve of Lu Xianyi.

Let her adrenaline secrete frantically, and the sea of ​​consciousness surges.

Keep falling!

Zhu Bo Niang said:

"I have calculated carefully that according to the abilities of Marshal Yin Jiao and Sister, they will find the position of the core of the world half an hour before us, but, without your creativity, they cannot reach the core of the world, and can only follow the core of the world. The separated leylines. The leylines twist and turn around, and there are collapses in many places. There must be no jumping down as fast as us."

"Ah, can't you reach the core of the world?"

"Of course. They are not real gods now. They can't understand the world, and they can't act in the gaps of the world. So Xianyi, thank you! Without you, I don't know how to reach the core of the world before them."

"Hey...hehe, it's nothing, it just happens to be useful. It's just that it doesn't hold you back."

"Don't belittle yourself. The lower limit of creativity is very low, but the upper limit is very high. Talented people can use their creativity to create the world out of thin air! I believe that they can reach that point in the future."

"Yeah, it's too exaggerated, creating the world is too exaggerated!"

Zhu Biniang chuckled lightly and said nothing.

After falling for about half an hour, the two finally reached the core of the world of Magic Chang'an.

It was pitch black here, and the opening of the cave had long been invisible.

Zhu Biniang swiped her finger, and a flash of electric light flickered on her fingertips, reflecting the light.

The surrounding scene comes into realization.

Cold, deadly... Long desolate and heavy.

"It's so quiet."

"The world core in the normal world is usually not like this. It's hot, bright, and very noisy because of the geological movement. The world core here is completely dead and has become a complete still life."

"So, where is the core of the world? Why didn't I see it." Lu Xianyi looked around.

Zhu Biniang smiled and said,

"Do you think it will be something small that you can take down with a slap? The core of the world is very big. We are in the core of the world now."

"It's also Karma, the core of the earth is very large."

"The laws that a spherical planet like Earth follows are very different from those of Magic Chang'an. But... the core of the world won't be very small."

"What are we going to do?"

Zhu Bo Niang said:

"I want to cut off my relationship with Zhenwu. If I cut off this relationship and become a **** in a short time, I can only use the power of the world."

"The power of the world?"

"It's like..." Zhu Biniang thought about it and said, "Actually, Guanyue's ability should be the power of the world. In short, it is the synthesis of all the forces that make up a world."

"Guan Yue...I don't know what happened to her."

Zhu Biniang looked at Lu Xianyi's expression and did not continue to talk about Guan Yue.

In her opinion, Guan Yue's situation will not be very optimistic, after all, she can't feel existence at all. She didn't want Lu Xianyi to worry more.

She took a few steps forward and said to Lu Xianyi:

"Xianyi, I probably can't be with you anymore."

Lu Xianyi was in a daze when she suddenly heard this and asked in astonishment:

"What's wrong?

"It's not that easy and it's not safe. Especially for you. Xianyi, you're not strong right now, it's hard to face what's going to happen next. So, I hope you get out of here. ."

Lu Xianyi felt a little bored. She really wanted to fight side by side with Zhu Biniang to the end.

But she is not a simple-minded person. She is very clear that her fifth-order evolutionary strength is really not enough, and it is not bad to be able to help to this point. Whether it's Marshal Yin Jiao, Zhu Peiniang, or that mysterious Zhenwu, she can't handle it.

"But, do you want to be alone?"

"There's nothing wrong with this. If you're alone, you'll think less, you won't have to worry about anything, and you can do it with confidence."

"I'm sorry... if I were stronger."

"No, Xianyi. You should understand that I can only do this. I don't want any of you to get involved. You are all people in the new era, and you have unlimited possibilities. Compared with me, Marshal Yin Jiao, A Sister, even Zhenwu, there is a greater possibility. We are all remnants of the old era, relying on some disgraceful and embarrassing methods to recover in this era... This is not a great thing in itself. Let us old-timers deal with the issues of the old times."

"Why do you have to separate the old and the new so clearly?"

"It needs to be clear. It has to be clear."

Lu Xianyi lowered her head.

She didn't know how to refute Zhu Biniang.

She was silent, neither leaving nor staying.

Until Zhu Bo Niang flashed purple electric light.

"This is?"

Electric light is getting brighter. Zhu Bo Niang said:

"The majesty of thunder, the will of true martial arts."

Majesty and will... stripped inch by inch from Zhu Boliang's body.

Zhu Biniang said in a low voice:

"Xianyi... There is one more thing. When the world passage is cut off, you will not be able to return to Earth. So, I will help you find Qiao Xun and them, and then... please take them away with you. Earth is yours. home."

After she finished speaking, she pointed her finger at Lu Xianyi.

Afterwards, Lu Xianyi immediately felt numb all over. Lightning flashed on her body, binding her tightly.

Lu Xianyi said loudly,

"Wait, I have something to say!"

Zhu Peiniang's brows revealed unbearable.

Lu Xianyi took a breath and said:

"Bo Niang, one day, one day, I will go back to your world and take a good look at the place you once lived!"

Zhu Biniang's shoulders trembled, and she didn't say a word.

With a flick of a finger, the electric light flickered. Lu Xianyi instantly disappeared here.

In the core of the dead and cold world, Zhu Biniang was alone.

Zhenwu's will also left her... Now, she is truly alone.

No sound, no lights.

The loneliness that came from all around devoured her completely.

In the sinking silence, she gradually merged with the core of the world, and then waited quietly.


The thunder and lightning wrapped Lu Xianyi, quickly left the core of the world, and rushed out of the ground.

And then flickering in the desolate highest city. It seems to be looking for something.

At a certain moment, the electric light determined the position and went at an extremely fast speed.

In the eyes of Qiao Xun and Xin Yu, a flashing electric ball suddenly appeared in the distant sky, approaching them at a very fast speed, like a very fast ball lightning.


Xin Yu's fighting instinct was immediately ignited, and he immediately made a defensive stance to resist.

After looking at it, Qiao Xun shook his head and said:

"Don't worry, that's not an attack."

Only then did Xin Yu lift his vigilance.

After the electric ball approached, Xin Yu said blankly:

"Is there anyone in there?"

Qiao Xun smiled,

"It's Xianyi."


Before the surprise was over, the electric ball wrapped around Lu Xianyi flashed in front of them.

Upon arrival, the electric ball instantly disintegrated and disappeared, and Lu Xianyi inside landed smoothly.

Because of the electricity, Lu Xianyi's hair all floated up, and he could still see the electric light flickering faintly. With a huge frizzy head, she stared at Qiao Xun and Xin Yu with wide eyes,

"Found you."

Lu Xianyi sniffed, rushed up in three or two steps, and gave Xin Yu a big hug,

"Sister Yu! I miss you!"

Although he didn't know what happened, Xin Yu patted her shoulder,

"It's alright, everything is fine. Uh...Xianyi, you're trying too hard, I can't breathe."

Only then did Lu Xianyi let go of Xin Yu. She looked at Qiao Xun next to her and opened her arms, but immediately realized that something was wrong, withdrew one hand, and took a handshake gesture.

Qiao Xun was stunned and shook hands with her,

"Well, you'll be fine."

Lu Xianyi smiled,

"I'm okay. Instead, you are okay in that fragmented world."

"you know?"

"Well...actually, both I and Bo Niang know..." Lu Xianyi told the two of them exactly what Bo Niang told her before.

After listening, Xin Yu let out a sigh,

"I didn't expect Bo Niang to think so much." She turned to look at Qiao Xun, "So, Bo Niang actually guessed your identity very early."

Joe Tour said,

"Probably. She is a fairy after all. She has fought against demons before. It is understandable to find similarities in me."

Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun deeply.

Joe asked:

"What's wrong?"

Lu Xianyi made up his mind,



She said nothing, but she turned her head and looked straight at Qiao Xun again.

Qiao Xun blinked,

"Did you want to say something to me?"

Lu Xianyi frowned, a little embarrassed, and after a while she asked,

"Are you... a devil?"


"Is there any difference?"

Qiao Xunwang started to think about it,

"It's no different."



"Um..." She thought for a while, then said forcefully, "Um!"


Xin Yu couldn't stand it any longer and interrupted them:

"You guys don't play stream of consciousness here. Just say it!"

Lu Xianyi turned around,

"I have nothing to say."

Qiao Xun looked at Xin Yu, then looked at Lu Xianyi's back and said:

"Do you want to..."

Lu Xianyi turned around and said vigilantly:

"Don't try to parse what's in my heart, no matter what you say, I won't admit it!"

"This..." Qiao Xun said helplessly, "Okay."

After realizing it, Lu Xianyi screamed,

"Ah, where is Guanyue! Where is Guanyue! Mother Bo said she was gone, is she really gone?"

Qiao Xun lowered his eyes.

Xin Yu said,

"It's complicated... I'm also very confused, but now is not the time to talk about it."

"Then... can you tell me the result?" Lu Xianyi begged for mercy.

Xin Yu said reluctantly:

"Guan Yue... has indeed left us. Back, her own time and space have gone. It was the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty."

Lu Xianyi looked at the two with wide eyes. After a while, she sniffled and whispered:

"She didn't even say goodbye to me."

Qiao Xun paused,

"Yes. Actually there is."

Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun in astonishment. She didn't remember Guan Yue saying goodbye.

Qiao Xun took a breath and said to Lu Xianyi:

"She asked me to tell you. She likes you very much and is very happy to be your friend. I hope you will share her happiness with you."

Lu Xianyi lowered her head,

"It does sound like something she would say."

She pursed her lips and said nothing.

Xin Yu glanced at Qiao Xun. Qiao Xun shook his head slightly.

Xin Yu probably understood that these words were not what Guan Yue said to Lu Xianyi, but what he said to Lu Xianyi.

Lu Xianyi was clear about the severity and did not continue to be hurt, and carefully stated Zhu Biniang's plan and Zhenwu's mission completely and completely.

After Xin Yu heard this, he frowned.

"Bo Niang intends to cut off the world passage between Earth and Magic Chang'an? It's to prevent Earth from merging with Magic Chang'an."

"Yeah. After the world passage is cut off, we won't be able to return to Earth. Mother Bo asked us to go back while we can go back now."

Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun,

"What do you think?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I can't go back to Earth."

When Lu Xianyi heard this, she couldn't help it, and asked loudly:

"Why not!"

"I am a demon. Going back to Earth can only bring disaster to Earth. It will definitely affect you."

Lu Xianyi approached Qiao Xun,

"But we're not saying good things, we're going to congratulate grandpa on his birthday!"

Qiao Xun was stunned,

"We... have broken up."

Lu Xianyi's shoulders trembled. A sour feeling came up in my heart. The sadness of breaking up... It seems to be late, and it broke out at this time.

She held back her eyes from getting hot,

"Is it really impossible to return to Earth?"

"Sorry. I can't go back until everything is resolved."

"But I..." Lu Xianyi choked and said, "What should I do if I miss you."

"I will stare at you from beyond Earth."

"No. I don't want that. I want to see you when I miss you."

Xin Yu held Lu Xianyi,

"Xianyi, don't do this. Qiao Xun has something to do."

Lu Xianyi came back to her senses, and repeatedly bent down to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I caused you trouble."


"I'm just... just... Guan Yue left, and Niang Bo left too. Now, you have to leave too. I..." She panicked and looked at Xin Yu, "Sister Yu, you won't want to do it too. leave me."

Xin Yu shook his head,

"how come."

Lu Xianyi was incoherent,

"But...I...but, you..."

Qiao Xun pressed her shoulders,

"Xianyi, look at me."

Lu Xianyi gradually calmed down and looked into Qiao Xun's eyes seriously.

Deep, deep eyes.

Qiao Xun said to her,

"Devils are not tolerated by the world. But... I'm Qiao Xun. You know, I'm a very arrogant person, the world can't tolerate me, I won't change myself according to the world's ideas, but to change The world. So... don't worry, see me next time. I'm still me and nothing will change."

Lu Xianyi asked softly,

"Are you going to the 'Infinite World'?"

Qiao Xun smiled,

"'Unlimited'...Is it what Mother Bo told you."


"In a limited world~www.readwn.com~ with limited possibilities... the end of the devil is to go to destruction. Therefore, I must reach 'infinity', and I must write my own ending."

"It's going to be a long time..."

"In the long years, there is time for you and me."

Lu Xianyi lowered her head. After a while she gritted her teeth and said:

"I'll find you, no matter where you are!"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"I am waiting for you."

Lu Xianyi turned around and gradually moved away from him,

"Don't wait for me. You just move on, and I'll catch up with you! I'll keep you, I'll... love you again. Until the end of my life."

Xin Yu glanced at Qiao Xun,

"What I want to tell you, I've said it before. Anyway... Come on!"

"Thank you Captain."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

After Xin Yu laughed happily for a while, he bid farewell to Qiao Xun and caught up with Lu Xianyi.

After Qiao Xun watched them enter the world passage leading to Earth, he exhaled a long breath.

Then, turned around, looked at the highest city where the will of true martial arts was brewing, and whispered softly:

"I borrowed something from you... now I'll give it back to you."

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