Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 1: mutual encouragement

The latest website: Xijing City, emergency treatment center, a quarantine area.

Lu Xianyi's behavior trajectory ushered in the lifting of the ban today. The investigation into her has basically come to an end.

She and Xin Yu, as the only people who returned safely from Magic Chang'an, were protected as soon as they returned to Xijing City. During the period, many investigators from different institutions launched investigations on them, including but not limited to identity verification, behavioral trajectory verification, physical function monitoring, abnormal physical energy monitoring...

In short, after a series of troublesome investigations and verifications, they were lifted today.

Of course, this is also related to their special status compared to ordinary people. After all, one is the daughter of the head of the Equipment Development Department of the Gongjin R&D Committee, and the other is a famous "star evolutionary" in Yandu City.

"Miss Lu, you can move freely now."

The relevant personnel handed over a document to Lu Xianyi, nodded and left.

This document is considered a "certificate of non-threat".

The symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning, so Lu Xianyi simply swiped it and put it away.

She walked out of the door of the isolation room and learned about Xin Yu's situation for the first time. He was relieved to learn that the other party had also lifted the ban just like her.

The two soon met outside the quarantine zone.

"Sister Yu, are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine. How about you?"

"I'm fine. It's just... that Ace of Hearts from Black Leather came to me a few days ago."

Xin Yu asked in surprise,

"What did she do to you?"

"She seemed to be looking for Xun Qiao. I didn't say anything, but she seemed to find his place through my close relationship with Xun Qiao, and then... the whole person disappeared through her raised eye."

"Are you the only one who knows about this?"

"It should be. I didn't report it, and no one came to ask me. It seems that no one here noticed her coming."

"After all, she's a demigod...and one of the most mysterious demigods. No institution has been able to investigate her talent so far."

"You said, what did she do with Qiao Xun?"

"Didn't Qiao Xun say it before, he had some festivals with the Ace of Hearts. When he was in Yandu, he asked me about her."

Lu Xianyi was a little lost,

"Is that so...he didn't tell me."

Xin Yu shook his head and said,

"He didn't tell us a lot of things. Otherwise, he wouldn't know his true identity until the final parting. But don't worry. Qiao Xun has become a god... The Ace of Hearts should not be a threat to him."

"Becoming a god... It feels so far away, I'm only fifth-order now."

"During this period of isolation, I have carefully understood the current changes in the earth. It is said that the evolution of the whole people has almost achieved, and the earth has the conditions for the birth of native gods. All parties speculate that it will not be long before the original gods of the earth are really born, and it may be later. A few days, at most a month."

"I remember before that Bo Niang told us that once a native **** is born, a large number of ghosts will appear on the earth. In this situation, many people die every day. The number of ghosts will also increase rapidly. How are you going to deal with it?"

"Build an underworld?"

Lu Xianyi frowned,

"I have a vague feeling that the earth is different now than it was before."

"What's different."

"Maybe... the underworld already exists."

"Why do you feel this way?"

"Sister Yu, you know, my advanced power is creativity... I am more sensitive to the structure of the world. I have always felt that the structure of the earth has changed since I returned to the earth from Magic Chang'an, but where is the specific change... ...It may not be clear until I become a demigod."

"If you look at the situation of the ghosts in time, you will know. If the ghosts do not appear in large numbers, it can be confirmed that there are already existences similar to the underworld. If they are still scattered in the world of strangers, it may be other changes."

"Well, this might be a solution. Sister Yu, where are you going next?"

"I want to go back to Yan City. The documents have been delivered this morning, and I am urgently called back. It is estimated that the domestic situation is not very good. The sudden emergence of national evolution, no country can easily cope with it."

Lu Xianyi nodded,

"Thinking about it this way, our leaders are still very far-sighted. They started building new cities two years ago... The response to the impact should be much better than other countries."

"But the population of the Republic is already huge. What is the concept of more than one billion Evolvers? Although most of the Evolvers are still just getting started, they are quite powerful."

"I'm really worried that the current earth can not hold so many evolutionaries, as well as those monsters, and the gods who are about to recover on the earth."

"These questions have little contact with us for the time being. It's Xianyi, what are you going to do later? Do you want to meet Yancheng with me?"

Lu Xianyi thought for a while,

"I want to go back to the winter market first."

"What are you doing back there?"

"Well... Qiao Xun doesn't have a student somewhere, Wu Mao Sa Xuli." Lu Xianyi said softly, "I don't know when I will see Qiao Xun this time around... He also said that he can't go back to Earth. I think it's impossible to keep little girls in mind all the time."

"You care about her very much."

"It's not for this reason... Mainly, I don't want her to think that Qiao Xun is an irresponsible person."

Xin Yu smiled and said,

"You've broken up with someone, so you're afraid that his reputation will be damaged?"

Lu Xianyi looked up,

"He's not on Earth. I just want to do my best to take care of the people and things he's left on Earth. Later... I'll take care of everything in the future, and I won't have any burdens or worries on Earth... Probably, I'm going to Find a way to find him. Think of it as... a training session for yourself."

"Then there are probably a lot of people he's 'scourged'... You have to work hard for a while."

"I don't have much to do either... Just in time, take a look at the evolution of the world, and take a walk in his past. It's good to meet people who have been with him..."

"Xianyi, sister, I don't have much to say. Remember to contact me more... Don't keep silent as soon as you leave." Xin Yu sighed, "Sometimes, I'm quite lonely by myself."

"Don't act like a left-behind old man!"

Xin Yu laughed happily for a while, turned around, and left gracefully.



Xin Yu said that she would leave, and suddenly she could no longer see her back.

Lu Xianyi took a deep breath, opened the umbrella and walked out.

The rain is still falling. The flood problem in Xijing City is so serious that it needs to use evolutionary people to control it.

It's pretty much the same all over the world. Even those arid deserts continue to rain heavily.

The disaster caused by this extreme climate problem is causing huge loss of wealth, civilization and technology to human beings every moment. I don't know how many technology factories built deep in the mountains were completely abandoned because of this heavy rain. However, all these losses have been buried by the popularity of "evolution for all", and few people care about it.

Just after leaving the emergency treatment center, a shadow appeared not far from Lu Xianyi.

She knew that she belonged to her own family.

"What's the matter this time?" Lu Xianyi asked bluntly.

Shadows grow and become men,

"Miss Lu, it will be the old man's birthday in three days."

Lu Xianyi shook her head,

"I'm not going back."

After she finished speaking, she walked straight forward.

"But, you need a reason."

"Tell them what Miss Ben wants, they can't control me. If they want to use their so-called family power to give me shoes, it's a pity that they will lose a lovely family member forever."

Shadow paused,

"Miss Lu, do you really think so?"


The short answer showed Lu Xianyi's determination.

Shadow no longer intervenes, nodding,

"Miss Lu, please take care of yourself."

After speaking, he disappeared into the rain.

Lu Xianyi suddenly felt relieved. Finally... finally I can say this sentence. In the past 20 years, she has suffered a lot from the "family". Her broken family, her dark girlhood, all stemmed from a clan obsessed with power struggles.

She is fortunate that she is an evolutionary person, has the capital, and has the strength to act according to her own ideas. If not...it would be almost impossible to turn over, and she will always be immersed in the quagmire of the family, accepting the "family-style" fate.

So, everything has to be stronger.

After putting aside these miscellaneous thoughts, Lu Xianyi rushed to Zhidong City.

Traffic was basically stopped because of floods. She had to go on her own.

However, after all, he is a fifth-order evolutionary. Although he can't shrink into an inch, there is no problem with "flying with the sword".

Create a simple flying machine and fill it with enough runic power.

With the "big brick flying" method, Lu Xianyi returned from Xijing City to Zhidong City in only two hours despite the heavy rain.

After returning to Zhidong City, she contacted Zhou Sibai first. Briefly explain the situation of Qiao Xun. But it's just that Qiao Xun can't return to Earth for the time being, there is no safety risk, please don't worry.

Then she found Gomo Sayori on the coastline of Chito City.

Gomo Sayori is performing routine control tasks.

After seeing Lu Xianyi, she was very surprised,

"Miss Lu, hello, we meet again!"

Seeing this youthful girl, Lu Xianyi's gloomy mood suddenly improved a lot.

"How are you doing?"

"Well, it's pretty good. It's just normal missions, training, missions, training..." Saiori Gomo said seriously.

"It's hard work."

"It's very normal. Well, what is Miss Lu doing?" Wu Mao Sakura asked curiously, and then explained, "I'm not trying to explore Miss Lu's life! I'm just curious."

Lu Xianyi said with a smile,

"Don't be so restrained. Qiao Xun also said, you are always too polite."

"Mr. Joe... Does Miss Lu know Mr. Qiao?" Sayuri Wumao's eyes widened.

It was the first time she knew.

"Well... I'm quite familiar. When you went to visit Qiao Xun before, I just came down from his dormitory."

"Ah! Then Miss Lu also lied to me that you were homeless!" Wu Mao Sauri wrinkled her nose.

"No way, you look too much to make people tease you."

Gomo Saori held her face and whispered:

"No. But what is the relationship between Miss Lu and Mr. Qiao?"

Lu Xianyi did not hide it, and said with a light smile:

"I'm his girlfriend."

Sayuri Gomo was stunned.

Lu Xianyi went on to say,

"But don't worry, it's your ex-girlfriend."

Only then did Sayuri Gomo react.

"What is 'I'm relieved', I'm not worried about anything!" She tried her best to defend herself.

Lu Xianyi smiled and said nothing more,

"Saori, are you going to continue like this forever?"

"What's the meaning?"

"That is to say, doing this kind of thing in the Republic all the time."

"Where else can I go? The Republic nurtured me..."

"Have you ever thought about going home?"

"...I don't know, I don't know either. Probably I should go back to work for Japan. But...here, there are many things, and some people...I care a lot."

"Including Qiao Xun?"

Gomo Sayori blinked, lowered her head and said:


"Saori, I have something to tell you."

Sayuri Gomo is a sensitive person, so when she got in touch with the context, she couldn't help but get nervous.

"What is it?"

"Qiao Xun, I'm not on Earth now."

Gomo Sayori asked in confusion:

"In outer space? On a space mission?"

Lu Xianyi shook her head,

"He's not in this world."

"I don't understand..."

"A lot has happened, and it's really hard for you to understand now. But the straightforward result is that he is not on Earth, and he won't be able to return to Earth for the time being."

"For a while... how long?"

"I don't know. I don't know either. Sayori, I also care about him very much, and I'm also sad that he's not on Earth, and I don't know when I'll see you again. But, Sayori, the reason why I didn't hide it from you, But to tell you directly, I hope you can think more about your own affairs."

Gomo Saori lowered her head,

"But he just came back... Did he leave again?"

"Well, Qiao Xun is different from us. What he has to do is beyond our comprehension. He has a reason to leave."

Sayuri Gomo smiled slightly,

"I'm not too sad. Mr. Qiao just has something to do, but it's not completely gone. In fact, for me, it's not that I have to follow him, it's just... He's right and good for me, he helped me, I don't want anything to happen to him, I hope he's fine... As long as he's fine, that's enough."

"Qiao Xun was worried before, afraid that you would regard him as a longing target. He wants you to have your own way."

Sayuri Gomo looked at the gray sky,

"For an adolescent girl, longing for a good senior who treats herself well... I think it's normal. I don't deny my inner thoughts, and I won't escape this fact. Miss Lu will come over and tell me this in person, Comfort me, because I am worried that I will be devastated because of this."

Lu Xianyi didn't speak.

"Everyone says I'm a sensitive person, but I always hide my true self... Because of this character, I've already worried many people. I'm almost eighteen now, if it's still worrying , that's really too much." Wu Mao Sa Xuli smiled, "Miss Lu, thank you very much for your concern for me. Please rest assured, I will learn to be on my own."

Lu Xianyi said softly,

"It seems that my worries are really unnecessary."

"No. If I can't get in touch with Mr. Qiao, I'll probably be really sad... Thank you Miss Lu for telling me about it."

"What a sensible child. If I was half as sensible as you, I wouldn't have... Forget it, let's not mention it."

"Hey, Miss Lu is going too far. I won't talk about it to arouse people's curiosity."

Lu Xianyi smiled.

Sayuri Gomo asked:

"What is Miss Lu planning to do in the future?"

"Me... just walk around~www.readwn.com~ and get stronger a little bit!"

"I want to get stronger a little bit!"

"Come on, girl!"

"Miss Lu, too, come on. Hmm... Can I contact you often in the future?"

"Of course. This is my 'Tower' serial number."

"thank you very much."

Lu Xianyi and Wu Mao Sauli parted on the beach.

The two have the same future expectations, but the paths they are going to embark on are completely different.

However, in their hearts, they all have the same little wish.

What will happen in the future, no one can say. For them, they had to move forward one step at a time.

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